The three countries are very nuclear

Chapter 464 Rise and fall are all... surname bitterness

Chapter 464 Rise and fall are all...the common people suffer

After Zhang Liao surrounded the city of Chonghe, for more than ten days in a row, he didn't intend to take the initiative to attack, not even a symbolic attack, which made Han Meng in the city very puzzled.

But what he was more puzzled about was why there was no reinforcement from Nanpi.

What the hell is the eldest son doing?
In fact, not only Han Meng was puzzled, but even Zhao Yun and others felt very strange.

It stands to reason that I let you Han Meng go out of the city to ask for help. It has been more than ten days, why haven't the reinforcements arrived yet?

As Yuan Tan's eldest son, even if he was young and unruly, he wouldn't die without saving him.Furthermore, the coincidence is the gateway to the Bohai Sea, if it is lost, his guilt will not be small.

For a while, everyone talked about it, but they couldn't guess the real reason.

But the real reason is actually very simple, even magical—Yuan Tan is scared!

Yuan Tan, now 23 years old, was appointed by Yuan Shao to defend the Bohai Sea, but he had never been in battle, and when he heard that the enemy was coming, he felt a little panicked.

The first thing he thought of was to ask his father Yuan Shao for help.

This is also human nature. After all, Yuan Tan has no experience in commanding battles, and secondly, without Yuan Shao's order, if he sends troops without authorization, it will be fine if he wins, but he will not be able to deal with him if he loses.

But Nanpi was eight or nine hundred miles away from Yecheng, no matter how fast the soldiers sent by Yuan Tan moved, it would take nearly seven or eight days to go back and forth.

During these times, Yuan Tan began to repair the city defense.

That's right, instead of preparing the army to rescue Han Meng, he was worried that Han Meng would lose the enemy. After the fall of the city, the enemy would go straight to Nanpi, so he built a turtle shell in advance.

It is not difficult to understand the doubts of Zhao Yun and others.

Xun You's strategy was originally excellent, but he had no choice but to meet an opponent whose rank was lower than the lower limit, which made it impossible to take effect for a while...

It can be seen from this that sometimes the opponent can't stretch his hips too much, otherwise he won't even have a chance to fall into your trap.

Ten days later, Yuan Shao's reply finally arrived.Not surprisingly, Yuan Tan led his troops out of the city to rescue Chonghe County.

Yuan Shao made it clear in the letter that he would also send a large army to reinforce him, but it would take a certain amount of time for the army to be recruited, so Yuan Tan had to hold on first, even if he couldn't defeat the Xuzhou army, at least he had to keep Bohai Sea.

Within a month, reinforcements will arrive!

Now Yuan Tan no longer had a reason to back down, so he could only lead his army into battle.He garrisoned Nanpi with 2000 men, and he personally led [-] main forces to Chonghe to rescue Han Meng.

However, this scene was all in Zhao Yun's expectation.

Just as Yuan Tan's army was halfway along, Zhao Yun came to Bowei to send reinforcements.

In this ambush, the unsuspecting Yuan Tan was defeated and returned. Less than a thousand people from the [-] troops fled back to Nanpi. Even Yuan Tan was seriously injured by Zhang Fei. , if the subordinates hadn't tried their best to rescue him, they might have died tragically on the spot.

So far, the defense force of Bohai County has been repeatedly defeated by Zhao Yun, and it has been weakened to the point.

As for the Xuzhou Army, a real siege began.

Before Zhao Yun was unwilling to lead troops to fight a tough battle, one reason was that he only had 2 people in this expedition, and he was worried about excessive losses.Secondly, Nanpi City has high walls and thick walls, so it doesn't take two or three months to fail.

By then Yuan Shao had already figured it out, and when he returned to the east, under the attack from inside and outside, he might not be able to get anything good.

But after a wave of luring the enemy and a wave of siege and reinforcements, these problems no longer exist.

Yuan Tan, who had returned from a major defeat, had very few troops left in his hands, and had been beaten to the point where he lost all vigor. Naturally, he no longer had the courage to go out of the city to fight, so he could only defend the city and wait for his father Yuan Shao's reinforcements.

Zhao Yun immediately decided to hit Han Meng first.

In the second year of Chuping, at the end of March, Zhang Liao formally led his army to attack Chonghe County.

This battle was extremely short, because Zhao Yun had sent Sun Kang and [-] soldiers to sneak into the city as an internal response, so on the second day after the battle, Sun Kang secretly summoned Han Meng to take advantage of Han Meng's focus on the outside of the city. The troops rushed to the city gate in one fell swoop.

Although the defenders of the city gate fought hard, Sun Kang successfully seized control of the city gate after all.

With the sound of 'creaking', the overlapping city gate was slowly opened.

Seeing that the long-awaited opportunity had finally come, Zhang Liao ordered to attack the city with all his strength and beat the drums himself.

Zhang Fei took the lead and rushed to the front, not avoiding the rain of arrows, not afraid of life and death.

In the bloody battle until sunset, Chonghe County was completely captured by the Xuzhou Army.

And Han Meng, the guard who wanted to replace Wen Chou, fought with Zhang Fei for [-] or [-] rounds in a narrow street fight. After all, he was exhausted and was stabbed in the chest by Zhang Fei, and then was shown to the public.

Winning the coincidence county is tantamount to opening the door to Bohai County.

After the army entered the city, Zhao Yun ordered the whole army to rest and was not in a hurry to attack Nanpi.

Everything was just as Xun You expected, and the second spring rain began to fall one after another.

Spring rain is as expensive as oil, and it rains down the streets.

Although one spring rain and one warm, it is not a good thing for Yuan Tan who is guarding Nanpi.Although the terrain of Nanpi City was not low, the continuous spring rains made the soldiers unable to defend the city with peace of mind. Some soldiers even had their weapons rusted and their armor soaked due to being soaked in the rain for too long.

Compared with Yuan Tanjun who was always in a state of tension in Nanpi City and could not defend the city with peace of mind, the troops under Zhao Yun were either resting in the coincident city or camped in the high terrain outside Nanpi City.

It was not until more than ten days later that the weather gradually cleared up.After the sun had been scorching for a few days, the ground under his feet became scorched and no longer muddy.

After days of cloudy and rainy days, Yuan Tan's mood was extremely bad. At this time, after only a few days of sunshine, his mood also improved.Zhao Yun did not attack for more than ten days in a row, and the one-month deadline Yuan Shao promised was approaching, Yuan Tan finally saw a glimmer of hope.

But at this moment, Zhang Xi, who was building a dam far beside the Zhang River, finally heard the news.

When the weather turned fine, Zhangshui was surging. Although it hadn't reached its peak, it was enough to flood Nanpi City.

After receiving Zhang Yun's message, everyone in the army was very excited.As long as the dam is dug at this time, Nanpi can be flooded with water, achieving the effect of taking Nanpi without bloodshed as Xun You said.

However, Zhao Yun, as the coach, did not immediately order an attack at this time. Instead, he sat silently in his seat with a look of hesitation on his face.

"Zilong, give the order!"

Seeing this, Zhang Fei shouted anxiously.

But Zhao Yun shook his head and sighed: "It's common for people in the army to kill the enemy and die in battle. It's nothing unusual. It's just that the people in Nanpi City are innocent. Now that the dam is dug, the city may die." Corpses are scattered all over the field, and people follow the water."

"This..." Zhang Fei was puzzled, "Zilong, you are too kind of a woman. Now that the war is in the air, how can you be so scruples. This flood can help us get Nanpi, and it is nothing to kill and injure some people. What, besides, these are not the people under our Xuzhou rule."

Zhang Fei's words were in line with the values ​​of this era, and everyone immediately nodded their heads.

How can Zhao Yun, who has been on the battlefield many times, not understand the truth that kindness does not control soldiers, but he just couldn't bear to affect the common people in his heart.

"The supervisory army once said that the ups and downs are the suffering of the people, so we have to treat the people more kindly." Zhao Yun said with unbearable eyes, "Now that Nanpi's defenders are less than [-], can we attack the city directly without dragging it down? people?"

While speaking, Zhao Yun kept looking at Xun You.After all, he was the one who came up with the strategy, and now I have to ask his opinion.

But Xun You, who was always paralyzed, shook his head very seriously at this time.

I saw Xun You stood up, first bowed his hands solemnly, and then expressed his attitude: "General Zilong, you say that the people are innocent, but what is the crime of our soldiers?

Obviously, it is possible to destroy the city without injuring the lives of soldiers, why not?

With 3000 enemy troops, if they defend the city to the death, it will take at least a month to take down the city defense in the south.At that time, Yuan Benchu's reinforcements had already arrived, and if our army wanted to take Bohai Sea again, it would cost the lives of many soldiers.

Could it be that the life of the people in Nanpi is life, but the life of our soldiers is not life?
I dare not agree with the general's words! "

Xun You's meaning is very clear, there is nothing wrong with you taking care of the people, but you can't chill the hearts of the soldiers under your command just because you want to treat the enemy people kindly.Not to mention pity for the common people, and delay the opportunity of war.

What Zhao Yun insisted on was Lin Chao's consistent thought that war should be limited to the battlefield.

But Xun You only looked at the pros and cons of the results.Wars are always cruel, and in his eyes there is no difference between the lives of soldiers and the lives of ordinary people.

How to achieve the greatest result with the least loss is what he should consider as a military adviser.

When sending troops to Mount Tai last year, facing the Taishan thief Wu Dun, Xun You once proposed the plan of flooding, but Liu Bei rejected it on the spot.

For this reason, Liu Bei also uttered the famous saying through the ages-those who contribute to great affairs must first put people first!

Afterwards, Xun You also seriously reflected on his own behavior style, and finally came to a conclusion.

The lord is concerned about the people, and benevolence and righteousness are the foundation, which is naturally correct.

It is also true that you plan faithfully and do your duty as a minister.

Wrong, it is this troubled world!

As Lin Zichu said, only by ending the troubled times as soon as possible can the people have a place to stand and a place to live.

After hearing Xun You's words, Zhao Yun was at a loss for words for a while, and fell into a dilemma again.

Seeing that Zhao Yun was still hesitating, Zhang Fei felt very anxious, and said loudly, "Zilong, just listen to the military advisor and give the order!"

Jushou, Shenpei and others also got up and cupped their hands: "General, please order to flood Nanpi!"

Everyone's advice made Zhao Yun unable to refuse, even though he couldn't bear it in his heart, there was nothing he could do.


After a sigh, Zhao Yun finally ordered Zhang Yun to dig the dam.But he still tried his best to leave the last way of life for the people of Nanpi.

"General Zhang, please release as much water as possible when digging the dam, leaving only enough water to break through the city. In this way, the people in the city may have a way to survive..."

Whether it is water attack or fire attack, it is a desperate plan.

Once it is successfully used, the enemy will have no way to survive. This is exactly the reason Xun You said that soldiers are bloodless.

But this time Zhao Yun made a modification, only using the flood to break the city, not even the guards and the people drowned together.Zhao Yun was the only one who used Shui Gong for this purpose.

"As ordered!"

Seeing that Zhao Yun agreed to flood Nanpi, everyone was overjoyed and responded quickly.

Looking at Zhang Fei again, he had already strode out of the tent, and was about to notify Zhang Yun himself.

But Zhao Yun, who had given the order, sat down slowly again, and when he looked up, his eyes were full of confusion and impatience.

Supervisor, if you were here, facing this situation, how would you make a decision?
It was night, Zhang He, who was ordered, led his army to dig the dam, and the torrential flood rolled down, heading straight to Nanpi City.

Since it was night and the flood came suddenly, Yuan Tan was still asleep, and some soldiers came to report that the city was flooded.

Hearing this, Yuan Tan jumped up from the bed like a carp, and exclaimed: "The spring rain is over, where is the flood coming from!"

The soldier knelt down on one knee, and shouted anxiously: "I don't know, but the water is very strong. When the villain came in to report, the water had almost overflowed the city wall. Please hurry up!"

"Go, go quickly!"

Yuan Tan panicked and ran outside before he even had time to put on his armor.

But as soon as he walked out of the mansion, he heard the cries and the sound of running water all over the city.

The night was pitch black, and these two voices came and went continuously, more like playing a tragic movement, which made Yuan Tan despair.

Looking at the feet again, there was already water overflowing, it had already passed Yuan Tan's feet in an instant, and it was still rising.

Surrounded by floods, where can I go!

By daybreak, the flood had broken through the gate of Nanpi City. Zhang Fei and Zhang Liao led the long-prepared elite soldiers to charge away. They entered Nanpi City without encountering any resistance and began to harvest Yuan Tan's remaining troops. .

During the battle, Nanpi's defenders were destroyed, and Yuan Shao's eldest son, Yuan Tan, was captured alive by Zhang Fei.

The collapse of Nanpi City is almost equivalent to the fall of the Bohai Sea.

So far, a large part of Zhao Yun's Northern Expedition has been completed.

As for the civilian casualties that Zhao Yun was thinking about...

Even though under his strict order, Zhang Yun only kept half of the water he had accumulated these days, but he still drowned five or six thousand people in Nanpi City.

Countless people's houses were destroyed, and their belongings and food were washed away by the flood.If the beards are not stroked, these people will die of famine sooner or later.

Therefore, after entering the city, Zhao Yun directly took out the army rations to help the affected people.

Fortunately, more than half of the grain in Nanpi's treasury is still intact, so there is no situation where the grain is unsustainable.

As for the Supervisor Lin, whom Zhao Yun had been thinking about before the war, he had just arrived at the southern city of Mount Tai.

Looking at the not-so-high but extremely strong city wall in Nancheng County, Lin Chao showed a smile on his face.

The second stop, finally arrived.

It was the turn of these locals to clean up Liu Bei's Yuan Cong's old department before.

 Thank you Sancha, you have to take Chenghua Avenue to get to Erxian Bridge, Ye Yu 0506 and other book friends have given you a reward, and I will count the amount owed later.

(End of this chapter)

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