Chapter 478 Notorious
As the contemporary Patriarch of the Yang clan, Banyang Ling, Yang Qin can be regarded as a respectable figure in Taishan County.

After all, the Taishan Yang family has been a high-ranking official of the Erqianshi for nine generations, and has always claimed to be the family heir of farming and reading. It is not only the leader of the gentry in Taishan County, but also the moral benchmark of Taishan County.

But it is such a cheeky sheep, Lin Chao has no scruples about his face.

While everyone was celebrating with each other for reducing the land rent, Yang Qi was knocked to the ground by Tai Shici, and then dragged away like a dead dog and thrown into the prison.

Seeing this, Lin Jianjun showed a very happy smile, and even gave a thumbs up, expressing his affirmation of Tai Shici's actions.


In the early years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, most corporal punishments had been abolished, so most of the punishments in this era were relocation, corvee, and exile.

In short, in addition to the death penalty, they are generally sent to a certain place to do hard labor, which can be regarded as an alternative form of labor reform.

As a prison for detaining prisoners, it has long been established in this era, and it is generally used to detain officials who have angered their superiors or the emperor.And only when he is not clearly convicted, he will be thrown into prison.

Because there is very little time available, the scale of prisons in this era is generally very small, and the environment is naturally not much better.

After being severely beaten by Tai Shici, Yang Jin was imprisoned in a cold and damp prison.

Accompanying him is only anger, resentment, and incomprehension...

Of course, there are also snakes, insects, rats and ants in the dark corners of the prison.

Facing this unexpected visitor, these aborigines were obviously a little terrified, and immediately hid in a corner shivering, not daring to move.But what they don't know is that Yang Li, who has always been pampered and has read the poems and books of sages, has never seen such a battle.

Thinking of the possibility of being with these lovely neighbors all the time in the future, an inexplicable fear surged in his heart.

Yes, it is fear.

Yang Qi thinks he is not that afraid of death, but he is really afraid of staying in this dark place for the rest of his life.

And... why did Lin Zichu target himself?

Why should he target himself!
Thinking of this, Yang Yu was not only angry, but also aggrieved.



That's right, Lin Chao didn't return to the post station this time, but stayed in the most luxurious mansion in Nancheng County.

Well, it is indeed reasonable to arrest the head of the Yang family first, and then move into the Yang mansion to bully the orphans and widows.

In the courtyard, Lin Chao was still playing chess with Chen Deng.

Well, backgammon...

But this time, there were two spectators beside him, Xiao Liangzai and Tai Shici.

After playing for a while, Lin Chao saw that he was about to lose the game, so he repeated the same trick, swept all the pieces on the chessboard to the ground with his sleeves, and then looked at Chen Deng innocently.

Regarding this, Chen Deng didn't feel fluctuated in his heart, and he was used to it anyway.

"Chang Shi, I still don't understand why the Patriarch of the Yang family was arrested. This person did no great evil, nor did he commit any crimes." Chen Deng cupped his hands and asked, "On the contrary, this person last year helped General Lu garrison Banyang to block Hundreds of thousands of remnants of the Yellow Turbans in Qingzhou attacked. It is unreasonable to treat meritorious ministers like this."

Hearing what Chen Deng meant, he was also quite upset for Yang Shen.

Lin Chao also nodded, and said with a smile: "Yuanlong, although Yangqin is not a great talent, if he is a county governor, he is still capable of governing the state affairs. His achievements last year are enough for him to learn something." promotion."

Hearing this, Chen Deng was even more puzzled: "If that's the case, why did Chang Shi imprison this person..."

He didn't speak half, but was interrupted by Lin Chao waving his sleeve, and then he glanced at Tai Shici.

"Mr. Chen, according to the school affairs office's inquiries, a young man entered the Yang's mansion ten days ago and had a secret conversation with Patriarch Yang before leaving quietly."

Tai Shici said.

On the day Xi Zhicai came to persuade Yang Qi, Lin Chao did not know about it, and the school affairs office found out the news afterwards.

When Tai Shici arranged manpower to arrest Xi Zhicai, Xi Zhicai never showed up again.

He is so cautious and stable, but he has a bit of Lin Chao's demeanor.

So until now, Lin Chao still only knows that someone came to instigate Yang Fen, but he still doesn't know who it is.

But this is not important, since the enemy has shown up, the next step is the formal duel between the two sides, each can only rely on its own means.

Chen Deng was surprised and said, "Chang Shi, you mean that the young man is the one who initiated the rumor in Mount Tai County?"

"It shouldn't be wrong." Lin Chao nodded and said, "However, judging by Yang Qin's attitude, he probably didn't agree. Otherwise, A Liang summoned all the Taishan family yesterday, and he wouldn't have obediently arrested him."

Chen Deng said with a wry smile: "Since this is the case, why did Chang Shi criticize Patriarch Yang so harshly?"

If you do this, aren't you afraid of forcing him back!
Regarding this issue, Lin Chao is really not afraid.

"Yuanlong, Yangqin didn't agree to rebel, not because he was so loyal to Duke Xuande, but because I, Xuzhou, was very powerful at this time. Besides, he didn't report the knowledge, and he already had vacillating thoughts in his heart. A small punishment It’s a matter of course.”

Lin Chao explained: "Secondly, I don't really want to punish him severely, all of this is just for show. He doesn't suffer a bit, so how could he have objections, and how can I find out who is behind the scenes?

This is what a certain said last time... Push him. "


Chen Deng shook his head, still a little disapproving of Lin Chao's decision: "Since he intends to find out who is behind the scenes, why doesn't Chang Shi directly explain his plan to the magistrate of Yang County. With the cooperation of the owner of the Yang family, the success rate will be much higher. "

This question is on point.

Not only Chen Deng, but also Tai Shici and Zhuge Liang also had this doubt in their hearts.

Since Yang Qi has no objection, why didn't he tell him the plan.It's better for him to actively cooperate than not knowing anything.

But Lin Chao shook his head, and said with a smile, "If you know about it in advance, although Yang Qi will cooperate with all your strength, it will inevitably show your feet."

Acting is acting, how can it be real and realistic.

Moreover, the opponent Lin Chao is facing this time should not be weak, and any mistake in any one place may lead to failure.

Lin Chao didn't want to gamble, and there was no need to gamble.

Of course, there is another most important reason...

Lin Chao said: "Yuanlong, you say that a person who knows what he knows and doesn't report it, and his heart is vacillating, can you trust him?"

That's right, Lin Chao doesn't believe in Yang Fen!
Although Yang Qi was not able to instigate rebellion by Xi Zhicai, he did not report the matter to Lin Chao afterwards, which is disloyalty.It can be seen that this person's position is still on the side of the aristocratic family, and he has no awareness of being a subject of Liu Bei.

That is to say, from that moment on, his life and death were no longer in Lin Chao's consideration.

Since you are not mentally strong, don't blame me for using you as a pawn.

After hearing Lin Chao's words, Chen Deng was silent for a moment, but finally had nothing to say.

It is also a top family in Xiapi, Chen Deng can understand Yang Qin's mind - the survival and growth of the family is his top priority.

On top of this, you will consider your boss and the court.

This was the case with me in the past, and even most of the aristocratic families in this world are also like this.

But what Lin Chao wants is not only that.

If you want Lin Changshi to treat you as one of your own, you must give enough loyalty.

Seeing that Chen Deng was silent, Lin Chao said again: "Since you choose to push Yang Shen, please ask Yuan Long to go there in person to cut off the hope of Yang Shen..."

After hearing Lin Chao's plan, Chen Deng's complexion suddenly became very exciting, and there was even a trace of fear in his eyes.

Lin Zichu, your move is too ruthless.

"Chang Shi... Do you think there is another way to do it? This plan is too low-key. Not only does he have to sacrifice his Taishan Yang family, but if it gets out, it will also damage Chang Shi's reputation."

Lin Chao insisted on his own opinion, and even smiled happily: "It's just a name, I don't care, as long as it can achieve the goal."

"Okay, my officer obeys!"

Chen Deng hesitated for a while, but finally agreed to Lin Chao.

Just looking at Lin Changshi who had a hint of excitement in his eyes, Chen Deng became more and more puzzled.

Others are afraid to avoid the notoriety of a prostitute, but why does Chang Shi... seem to long for it.

(End of this chapter)

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