The three countries are very nuclear

Chapter 482 A Story about Love and Hate

Chapter 482 A Story About Love and Hate
The plan to win the Taishan family to rebel against Xuzhou with him failed after all, but Yang Qin was not discouraged.The hatred in his heart had already dazzled his mind, even though he knew that the road ahead might be a deep abyss, he still moved forward resolutely and refused to turn back.

This is exactly what Lin Chao valued most about him, because a child from a family like Yang Qin who had a smooth life since childhood, although full of poems and books, full of benevolence and righteousness, will easily become blackened without setbacks.

The inheritance of family education he received since he was a child made him look like a clean and honest gentleman, but this protective layer that he only learned from books but has not been polished by worldly events will eventually be broken with a single poke.

But often such people are more persistent after being blackened, and are more likely to be dominated by anger and resentment.

As soon as Yang Yu recalls his wife's voice and smile, she will unconsciously clenched her fists, her eyes will turn red, and her obsession with revenge on Lin Chao will become even stronger in her heart.

Under his strong request, Xi Zhicai, the instigator, finally stepped into the boundary of Mount Tai again.

Forty or fifty miles to the north of Nancheng County is a county called Nanwuyang, which is at the junction of Taishan County and Yuzhou Lu County.

It is also the place where Xizhicai asked Yangqin to meet today.

After the princes challenged Dong, although Yuan Shu took over the entire Yuzhou, but the terrain of Lu County was a bit strange.

Lu County is located in the center of Yanzhou, adjacent to Taishan County to the east, backed by Shanyang, Rencheng and other counties to the west, and Jibei County to the north, all of which are counties under the jurisdiction of Yanzhou.

Only a winding and rugged mountain road in the south can reach the hinterland of Yuzhou.

In this way, the entire Lu County seemed to be inserted straight into the hinterland of Yanzhou. Looking around, they were all Yanzhou counties and counties, and there were no people of their own.

Coincidentally, the shape of the entire land of Lu County is like an indescribable stick-shaped object, thick at the front and thin at the back. Although it failed to penetrate Yanzhou, it was almost inserted to the bottom...

But the conversion of attack and receiving is sometimes only in an instant.

Lu Jun's strong penetration was useless.

Although Yuan Shu worked very hard to manage Yuzhou, he still failed to transform Lu County into his own shape, and was dyed the color of Yanzhou instead.

Cao Cao, who had just settled in Yanzhou, had almost begun to infiltrate Lu County, and it was quite fruitful... If Bian Rang hadn't gathered a group of nobles and disgusted himself every day.

Recently, Cao Cao's life is also very uneasy, although with the help of Chen Gong and Cheng Yu, he temporarily controlled Yanzhou.But grassroots governance is always a game of chess. In such a short period of time, Cao Cao's rule naturally cannot penetrate the hearts of the people of Yanzhou.

Although he formed an alliance with Yuan Shao, he was always worried about the attack from Xuzhou.

Lin Chao prided himself on being magnanimous and benevolent, but Cao Cao didn't think so.The fact that he took control of Yanzhou itself meant that he did not do it properly, and he expected Lin Chao to fight back, but he had no idea how to deal with it.

Even if Lin Zichu didn't personally attack him, those arrogant soldiers under Liu Xuande's command alone would make Cao Cao deeply afraid, not to mention the number of wise counselors.

Guan Yunchang, Zhao Zilong, Zhang Wenyuan, and even Lin Zichu's younger brother Lin Zixu, none of them are easy to get along with.

Even Guo Fengxiao and Xun Gongda, who were often by Liu Xuande's side, and Jia Wenhe, who was by Lin Zichu's side, if these three were to fight hard, it would be enough for someone like Cao to drink a pot.

Looking at my own side, except for the brothers of the Xiahou clan of the Cao family, as well as Chen Gong and Cheng Yu who had just joined, there was almost no one available.

Although actively raising troops and horses, it has had little effect.Today, Cao Cao has only 3 troops under his command, and this is the result of in-depth cooperation with the Yanzhou family.

But the Yanzhou family doesn't all recognize him, for example, Bian Rang and Bian Wenli who are named after Kong Rong, this guy doesn't know what's going on, obviously he has no enmity with him, but he slanders himself every day, Even spread it everywhere.

Fortunately, the appearance of Xi Zhicai and the news that Zhao Yun led the army to attack the Bohai Sea finally let Cao Cao breathe a sigh of relief.

Xi Zhicai is quite ambitious, more resourceful, and has unique insights in military strategy, so Chen Gong, who is slower than ideas, is more likable to Cao Cao.

After the two chatted, Xi Zhicai was immediately worshiped by Cao Cao as a military adviser, and he was in charge of military affairs together.

And Liu Bei chose to fight Yuan Shao first, which also gave Cao Cao a chance to breathe.

Just when Cao Cao wanted to devote himself to developing his strength, Xi Zhicai pointed out sharply that Liu Bei is now powerful, and he should plan his plans while his food and grass are not abundant.

To put it simply, it is not only to fight, but also to fight quickly!

Otherwise, after Liu Bei has saved a certain amount of money and food, and his soldiers have finished recharging their energy, even if Cao Yuan cooperates with him, he will definitely not be his opponent.

For this, Chen Gong and Cheng Yu also expressed affirmation, which is why Xi Zhicai went to Nancheng County alone to instigate Yang Qin's move.

I thought that if the blow failed, it could only disturb Taishan's hearts and make preparations for the war in the near future.But who would have thought that after just over ten days, Yang Qi would send a message on her own initiative, asking her to meet and discuss the matter of planning Mount Tai.

Can't go, it's definitely a trap!
This was Xi Zhicai's first reaction.

Who is Lin Zichu? Wherever he goes, geese pluck their feathers, and the sky is three feet high.It is only heard that he schemes against others, but no one has ever taken advantage of him!

Xi Zhicai knew very well that no matter whether Yang Fen really surrendered or not, he would not be able to seize Mount Tai under Lin Chao's nose.

But immediately after, Yang Qi gave him two reasons that he couldn't refuse.

First, Lin Zichu had left Mount Tai a few days ago and returned to Tan County.

Second, Cao Cao's father, younger brother, and Yuan Shao's eldest son Yuan Tan are all in Nancheng County Prison.

From Xi Zhicai's point of view, it looked more like a trap.

The confidant enemy left, but did not send any prisoners to take him away. No matter how you look at it, it looks like a well-designed trap.

However, the safety of Cao Song and Cao De cannot be ignored. Yuan Tan is also the son of Yuan Shao, an ally. If he can be rescued, it will be of great benefit to the Cao Yuan alliance.

Originally, Xi Zhicai didn't plan to enter Mount Tai again, but these two baits were too sweet, so he couldn't help but want to try it.

In his opinion, whether it is a trap or not is not the most important thing, the key is whether Lin Chao has really returned to Tan County, which is the most important point.

After many inquiries and careful verification, Xi Zhi came to a conclusion——Lin Zichu had really left.

Well, let's take another trip to Mount Tai.

He exchanged several letters with Yang Qi, and finally the two agreed to meet in Nanwuyang, and the two sides were only allowed to bring fifty guards at most.

It is prudent to do so, Nanwuyang is on the edge of Lu County, if the situation is not good, Xi Zhicai can retreat completely.

Cao Cao disapproved of Xi Zhicai going to meet Yang Qin alone, but his father and younger brother were both in prison. Under the constraints of filial piety, Cao Cao had no reason to stop him.

On the day agreed by both parties, Xi Zhicai did not show up first, but sent Xu Chu to the agreed place to investigate first.As for himself, he waited twenty miles away to confirm that there was no danger before proceeding.

This operation is very similar to the scene where Jia Xu met Zhang Ji last year.

Today's Xi Zhicai is still wearing a blue robe.

In the spring breeze, he stood in the vast wilderness with his hands behind his back, his eyes calmly looking into the distance, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Later, Cao Ren came over, with a worried look in his eyes, and said, "Sir, I still feel something is wrong."

"What does the general think is wrong?"

Xi Zhicai asked back, his eyes seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"It's not right, but it's actually a bit weird." Cao Ren frowned, "We have sent people to inquire about what happened in Nancheng County these days. Therefore, a rebellious heart was born, and it is somewhat unjustifiable. Even if it can be said, Uncle Cao, a certain younger brother, and Mr. Yuan's son suddenly appeared in Nancheng County Prison, there must be something strange about it."

Hearing this, Xi Zhicai sighed softly, but remained silent.

Even Cao Ren, who was usually impulsive and reckless, noticed something was wrong, how could he not see it.

It's just that such a great opportunity is even more related to the life of the lord's father. Even though he knows that there may be fraud, Xi Zhicai still wants to try, at worst, he will act more safely when the time comes.

Otherwise, can Cao Cao's father and younger brother be left alone?

After waiting for a while, Xu Chu, who went to explore the way, finally came back.

Xu Chu was fat and had a tight schedule, so when he got off his horse and returned to Xi Zhicai, the horse was already exhausted and panting heavily.

"Zhongkang, how are you?"

Xi Zhicai asked.

Xu Chu clasped his fists and replied: "Sir, everything is as usual. Yangqin only brought less than ten people with him on this trip, all of them are his servants and guests, and they are all used as guards. Besides, there is no one within ten miles around."

"it is good!"

In the vast wilderness, as long as there is no problem with Xu Chu's eyes, his judgment will not be wrong.

Come to think of it, this trip should be safe.

Xi Zhicai immediately ordered to go forward to meet Yang Qin.

The journey of twenty miles was neither too far nor too short, and finally when the sun rose to its highest point, Yang Qi, who was full of hatred, finally saw Xi Zhicai again.

"Meet Mr. Drama!"

Yang Yu took the lead in bowing his hands and expressing his attitude.

"Meet the owner of the sheep!"

Xi Zhicai returned the salute, and behaved very politely.

While talking, Yang Qi ordered the accompanying servants to spread the carpet, and the two sat facing each other.

After just exchanging a few simple greetings, the two of them no longer wanted to be polite.The situation that needs to be said has been said in the letter. The purpose of both sides of this trip is very clear, and there is no need to continue talking nonsense.

Xi Zhicai stared at Yang Qin, and asked his own doubts: "Patriarch Yang, how did you know that Cao Gong's father and younger brother are all in the county jail?"

"Someone saw it with his own eyes in prison!"

Yang Qian was categorical, her eyes met Xi Zhicai's, but she didn't have the slightest fear.

This made Xi Zhicai a little surprised, because at this time Yang Fen was completely different from the last time they met, and even his demeanor was a bit colder.

Now Xi Zhicai somewhat believes that Yang Qi has truly surrendered.

A person's speech and behavior can be faked, but temperament is something that comes from the inside out and cannot be faked at all.

Such a change has occurred in such a short period of time, one can imagine what Yangqi has experienced during this time.

Of course, you have to be sure in the end.

Xi Zhicai said slowly: "Patriarch Yang, with all due respect, before Lin Zichu left, he reduced [-]% of this year's land rent for Taishan County, and gained countless hearts. A rich family like you has countless land properties. It's time to make a profit, but why turn around at this time?

I don't mean anything else, it's just that this matter is not a trivial matter, it's better to ask it clearly, what does the Patriarch think? "

Hearing this, Yang Qi's complexion changed uncontrollably, anger welled up in his eyes, and he frowned at the same time, feeling a little hesitant in his heart.

He knew that whether he could win the trust of the person in front of him was the key to revenge.

Telling the truth is tantamount to tearing open the scars that have not healed for others to see, and it is difficult for Yang Qi to speak.

But if you are not honest, it will be difficult for the people in front of you to believe that you are sincerely surrendering, and then there is no hope of revenge.

For a while, Yang Qi fell into a battle between heaven and man, and cold sweat slowly broke out on his forehead.

Fortunately, Xi Zhicai saw that Yang Qin was in trouble, so he didn't urge him, but if Yang Qin couldn't explain why, he would never believe it.

After a long while, the sweat on Yang Qi's forehead became more and more profuse, and his lips were already dry, but he still wanted to stubbornly retain his dignity.

When Xi Zhicai saw this, he couldn't help smiling, and said softly, "Master Yang, we have a big plan this time, so don't blame me for being careless. If I don't know the inside story, I really wouldn't dare to act rashly. He is not a talkative person, if Patriarch Yang is in trouble, he can push back the people around him, and the Patriarch only needs to tell a certain person."

I have considered so thoroughly for you, if you still refuse to tell the truth, then there is nothing I can do.

"No need."

Just when Xi Zhicai was about to retreat from the crowd, Yang Qin suddenly spoke.

The bandit Lin did such an unconscionable thing, and he didn't feel ashamed, so why should he be timid?

Even if he dies this time, he will eventually seek justice!
Yang Qin swore secretly in her heart, and her eyes began to move up, ready to tell Xi Zhicai about Lin Chao's evil deeds.

The moment he raised his head, Xi Zhicai realized that Yang Jin's eyes were bloodshot, which showed that he was suffering just now.

Xi Zhicai waved his hand and said with a smile, "Let's screen back."

After all, if he succeeds this time, he will have to work with Yang Qi and always consider his face.

Following Xi Zhicai's wave of his hand, Cao Ren and Xu Chu, who were accompanying him, retreated more than ten steps, and they should not be able to hear their voices.And the domestic servants brought by Yangqin were also very winking, and before Yangqin gave an order, they also retreated.

"Thank you sir for saving some face for me." Yang Qin cupped her hands and said.

Xi Zhicai said with a smile: "Patriarch Yang, you don't have to be polite. Now that there is no one around, the Patriarch can speak freely."

Yang Qin nodded, and began to talk about the reason why she was imprisoned, and the vicious behavior of that prostitute Lin Chao...

Speaking of the emotional part, Yang Qi still couldn't help clenching her fists.

He's holding it tight, tight...

But Xi Zhicai on the opposite side was stunned by the shock after listening to Yang Qin's narration, and there was only one thought in his mind...

Lin Zichu, you are very good at playing!
Is it really a pleasure to occupy a wife?

(End of this chapter)

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