The three countries are very nuclear

Chapter 499 The bravery of Duke Xuande is well known to the world

Chapter 499 The bravery of Duke Xuande is well known to the world
After being teased and attacked by Cai Yan, Lin Chao lost face under the eyes of everyone, and he no longer wanted to interrogate Cao Ren and other prisoners, but returned home angrily.

As for Cai Yan, although Lin Chao was angry, he did not deal with her.So she was escorted back to the post station by Sister Diaochan, and they were called foot restraints, but in fact they were not punished at all.

As soon as he stepped into the house, Uncle Fu greeted him.

"Patriarch, Taiwei Liu is here, and this old slave is going to look for you!"

Hearing this, Lin Chao was a little surprised and said: "Mr. Xuande is here, hurry up and take someone to see him!"

At this time, Liu Bei's hearty laughter came from the hall behind: "Zi Chu, where are you happy, let a certain meal wait."

Lin Chao cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Mr. Xuande forgives the crime. Brother Ji Gui came back with the prisoners from the Battle of Mount Tai. He went forward to greet him at the gate of the city, so he was late."

Hearing this, the smile on Liu Bei's face disappeared, and his expression became sad for a while.

Liu Bei already knew about Cui Yan's return and the trio of captives.But thinking of Cao Cao, Liu Bei still couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

Seeing this, Lin Chao cupped his hands to persuade him: "Mr. Xuande, since ancient times, the road has been obstructed and long. However, a person with lofty ideals will never change his original intention. Since Mr. Xuande has determined to help the Han Dynasty and rebuild the universe, how can he do it?" Aren't you going to be the enemy of the rebellious ministers and thieves of this time?"

No matter benevolent or domineering, as long as you want to change the status quo of this world, you will become the enemy of most people.

Therefore, it is inevitable!

Liu Bei waved his hands and said with a smile: "I don't know what Zichu said, but I feel sad after all, thinking that Cao Mengde was also... Well, let's not mention this matter for now."

Being human has its limitations.

In Liu Bei's view, he was Kuang Fu Han, and Cao Cao colluded with Yuan Shao. This is treason, so he felt sorry for Cao Cao.

But in Cao Cao's view, Liu Bei's series of actions through the Lin Dynasty were not an act of arrogance.Cao Mengde considers himself a loyal minister of the Han Dynasty, but he is not necessarily a loyal minister of your Liu Xuande.

Different positions under the buttocks, this is an irreconcilable contradiction, and it is also the real reason for the final battle between the two sides.

Since there will be a battle in the end, it is not so important who is right and who is wrong in this kind of argument without a result, it is better to let the result prove it!

After Lin Chao entered, he discovered that besides Liu Bei, there were two other people in the main room, namely Guan Yu and Lu Qian.

Liu Bei was not polite, and sat down on the main seat.Guan Yu nodded to Lin Chao, while Lu Qian hurriedly saluted with fists together.

"Zichu, tell me how to fight this battle."

In fact, Liu Bei's visit today was actually invited by Lin Chao.Originally, Lin Chao planned to go to Liu Bei's mansion to discuss the matter, but unexpectedly, Liu Bei was even more decisive, and directly brought Guan Yu and Lu Qian to the house for dinner.

Lin Chao walked to the middle, picked up the charcoal pencil that had been prepared, pointed to the map on the bluestone board and said: "Xuande Gong Mingjian, Cao Yuan will call friends and friends in this battle, and contact all the princes to send troops together. As far as Xuzhou is concerned, I am at an absolute disadvantage. If you want to win this battle, you must use some means."

"The plan will be released?" Liu Bei said with a smile.

"It depends on the purpose of this battle." Lin Chao also smiled, "Once the war starts, it will cost people and money, and it will cost a lot. If there is no benefit, it is better not to fight. Wen Ruo is right, if I defend Xuzhou City, Waiting for Cao Yuan's food to retreat is the so-called best strategy. It just doesn't satisfy the purpose of this battle."

Although Lin Chao's remarks were blatant, they also pointed out the true nature of war - to gain benefits, whether it is land, population, or prestige.

In a word, a war without benefits is a loss-making business, which cannot be done.

Hearing this, a flash of understanding flashed in Liu Bei's eyes, and he continued to ask: "Zi Chu's words are the most penetrating. There are no outsiders here, so Zi Chu might as well speak bluntly."

Lin Chao nodded, lifted the map on the bluestone board, and began to write on it.

Well, the words are still as ugly as ever.

After a while, Lin Chao finished writing, put down the charcoal pen, pointed to the bluestone slab and said, "Mr. Xuande, please take a look. These are the three key points of this battle that Chao summed up."

When Liu Bei looked up, he saw three words on it-wealth, prestige, and vitality.

Well, this involves Liu Bei's knowledge blind spot.

When I turned to look at Guan Yu and Lu Qian, I found that the two of them also looked confused, not much better than myself.

Now Liu Bei was relieved, so he said with a smile: "Zichu, don't play tricks on me, just say it directly."

"Okay, let's talk about it one by one."

Lin Chaoxian pointed at the word wealth and said with a smile: "Mr. Xuande, Chao thought that since ancient times there has been no righteous war in this world. No matter what the original intention of war is, wars always involve bloodshed. Since wars are for better long-term peace and stability, then You can't use troops aimlessly. Like the previous battle of Mount Tai, although we smashed Cao Mengde's conspiracy, there is no benefit in the expansion and decline of the territory. If Cao Mengde hadn't harbored evil intentions first, this battle would absolutely not be fought.

Therefore, the dynasty believes that the result of the war must be beneficial to Xuzhou, or to the world.The wealth referred to by the court is population, land, and cities.If you can't get any of these three things, you don't need to fight this battle. "

Although this statement was a bit blatant, but the people present were all sensible, and naturally they would not accuse Lin Chao of being unkind, so they all nodded immediately.

"As for prestige, it's easier to understand." Lin Chao continued to explain, "Reputation can be seen as the desire of the people, and it can also be seen as the fear of the people. Just like this time Zixu took the lead in attacking Mount Tai, although he couldn't get Substantial benefits, but if it is a big victory, it will be enough to make the princes under Cao Yuan's command fearful, which will virtually weaken the difficulty of this battle."

"As for the third point of vitality, it is the most important thing." When Lin Chao said this, his eyes were full of solemnity, "Many things in this world take time. It takes time for food to mature, and it takes time for population growth. , These are the so-called vital forces and the foundation of the world.

The court believed that if the land is lost and people are lost, all people and land are lost; if people are saved and land is lost, all people and land will survive.Therefore, there is no need to care about the gains and losses of a city or a place, not to mention the fact that the enemy army is strong now, we should act accordingly and show the enemy weakness when necessary.It only needs to win a game at a key point, and the previous losses can be made up for. "

Speaking of this, Liu Bei is not a person who doesn't know how to fight, so he nodded immediately and said: "Zi Chu, what you mean is that we don't need to care about short-term success or failure in this battle, even if we lose a few more cities. You need to survive the strength, just win the last battle?"

"That's right, Gao Zu was defeated by Xiang Ji in several battles in the past, but he succeeded in the next battle of Gai, the overlord Wujiang killed himself, and Gao Zu ruled the world!"

Lin Chao clenched his palms into fists, and said solemnly, "Mr. Xuande might as well learn from history this time. If so, this battle can be won!"

The principle of this battle is very simple. While showing the enemy's weakness, preserve one's own wealth to stabilize strength, and eliminate the enemy's vital forces as a means, and finally win in one battle.

As for the loss of some prestige and prestige in the process, it is inevitable. Anyway, these things will come back after winning in the end.

After listening to Lin Chao's plan and deployment, Liu Bei thought for a while, and finally stood up, slapped the table and said:

"Okay, just act according to what Zichu said!"

Hearing this, Lin Chao, Guan Yu and Lu Qian all stood up, clasped their hands together and said in unison: "I would like to obey the Lord Jun's order!"

Now that the general direction has been set, there is nothing to hesitate.

On the second day, Liu Bei summoned all the core members of the inner government and Xuzhou, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, he took out the yellow axe bestowed by the emperor and handed it to Lin Chao to show that he would delegate his military power, and handed over all the commanding power of this battle to Lin Chao hands.

In fact, Liu Beijun's order and Lin Chao's prestige in Xuzhou alone are enough to dispatch the army.

It's just that everything in Xuzhou is on the right track now, even if Liu Bei is the lord, he can't act as casually as before, otherwise he will ignore the law and not benefit from the rule.

Seeing that Lin Chao took over Huang Yue, Liu Bei said loudly to the officials: "Last year Dong thief rebelled, and I launched a righteous army to attack him. , To punish the responsibility of disobedience.

Now Cao Cao and Yuan Shao are gangsters, intending to rebel. When the emperor heard about it, he immediately ordered me to launch an army to attack him.Since I live on the royal salary, I should give up my life to repay it. Now I am raising [-] troops to fight against the rebels and restore the country.

The emperor's decree is here, all of you should fight the enemy bravely and make contributions in order to seal your wife and son!

There is Lin Zichu, a senior official in my house, who is amazingly talented, although Zhang Liang and Xiao He can't match it.I want to entrust you with the important task of beating thieves, so I temporarily borrow the yellow axe bestowed by the emperor.

During all wars, you should follow the orders of Chang Shi, and seeing Huang Yue is like seeing me.Anyone who does not comply will be punished severely! "

After speaking, Liu Bei bowed his hands to Lin Chao in accordance with the old practice of worshiping generals.

Lin Chao bowed back and held Huang Yue in his arms, finally completing a set of etiquette procedures.

Seeing this, the ministers all bowed and saluted: "I would like to obey the order of the lord!"

This meeting can be called the swearing-in meeting in the late Han Dynasty. Although Lin Chao had already made arrangements, he did not announce on the spot what to do next.

After the group of officials dispersed, Liu Bei suddenly pulled Lin Chao back, and said with an embarrassed smile: "Zichu, I have already said that I want to fight myself in this battle, and I will have a showdown with Yuan Benchu. And you already have Huang The ax is in hand, so... can you return the sword of a certain person first, and fight on the battlefield in the future, you must have this thing."

Lin Chao: "..."

Liu Daer, calm down.

With your current status, you still want to go to battle to kill the enemy yourself, which is a bit too much!

Lin Chao smiled and said, "Of course it should be, but Duke Xuande's sword is not in Chao's hands at the moment."

"Er..." Liu Bei was a little surprised, "It's not in your hands?"

Zichu, you are too much, you can still give away my saber!
Lin Chao explained: "Mr. Xuande said, when Chao left Mount Tai this time, there was no order from Duke Xuande. He wanted Zixu to lead his troops to station in Taishan County, so he had to leave his sword with him. Mr. Xuande I also know that Zixu's character is like this, even if he is the eldest brother, he can't use private orders to order him."

Thinking of Lin Xi's behavior style, Liu Bei couldn't help but nodded and said, "That's true."

However, it is precisely because of this that Liu Bei favors him so much, causing him to be in charge of the army alone when he was less than twenty years old.

Seeing that Liu Bei agreed with his statement, Lin Chao immediately smiled and began to confuse: "The first battle of this battle will inevitably take place between Taishan County and Yanzhou. If Duke Xuande wants to go to the battlefield in person, he might as well lead his army westward in the next few days. , join forces with Zixu, and personally command the first battle."

Hearing this, Liu Bei was overjoyed!
"Hahahaha, okay, what Zichu said really wins my heart!"

Liu Bei patted Lin Chao's shoulder vigorously to express his joy, and then asked:
"Zichu, how many soldiers and horses can a certain person bring with him on this trip?"

After all, Tian Feng, the iron cock, said that the amount of troops sent this time is only [-], and the troops are divided into battles, so Liu Bei still wants to ask clearly.

Lin Chao smiled and stretched out a hand slowly.

Liu Bei frowned suddenly and said, "No, no, if someone takes all 5 people away, how will you do it on other battlefields?"

Hearing this, Lin Chao couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

What do you think.

"Mr. Xuande, it's not fifty thousand, it's five thousand."

Liu Bei: "..."

"Zichu, will 5000 people be a little less?"

"Mr. Xuande's bravery is well known to the world, and 5000 people are enough!"

With such encouragement, Liu Bei gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, five thousand is five thousand. Anyway, Zixu still has 1 people under his command, which should be more than enough to deal with him. Cao Mengde should be more than enough. He will set off in two days. It's up to the court to decide."

"As ordered!"

Lin Chao cupped his hands.

(End of this chapter)

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