Chapter 68 I Need More Money (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival Everyone)

Lin Chao was not interested in this dead head at all, he just asked Zhao Yun: "Zilong, how many people are there in the raiding army, have you ever found out who did it?"

As early as when the sound of fighting came from outside the camp, Lin Chao felt that something was wrong.

The defenders in Anxi County only have a maximum of 1000 people, and the news that Hanchang City has been destroyed has long been passed on.
"There were more than a thousand bandits attacking the camp. Someone led someone to kill two or three hundred of them. The rest were all captured and awaiting the release of the supervising army." Zhao Yun replied.

There are more than 1000 people, which is quite a lot. If Zhao Yun hadn't marched cautiously, the enemy might have succeeded this time.

Lin Chao nodded and said, "Let's go and have a look."

With that said, Lin Chao strode out of the camp, Dian Wei and Zhao Yun followed behind.

At this time, Xia Houlan had already confiscated all the weapons of the enemy soldiers, and was ordering someone to tie them up. Seeing Lin Chao approaching, she immediately clasped her fists and saluted.

Lin Chao waved his hand, indicating that he needn't be too polite, and at the same time gave Dian Wei a look.

Dian Wei understood, strode up to the enemy soldiers, slipped out one of them casually, dragged them all the way, and finally threw them in front of Lin Chao.

"If you want to survive, you have to answer someone's question honestly."

Lin Chao stood with his hands behind his back, looked down at this person, and said expressionlessly.

This person is just a small soldier, who has never experienced such a battle, he nodded quickly and said: "Yes, yes, just ask the general, the villain will know everything."

"Someone came to ask you, who are you waiting for?"

The soldier didn't even think about it, and replied directly: "Back to the general, the villain is a soldier under Zhang Pingnan's command."

"Zhang Ping is difficult..."

Hearing these three words, Lin Chao was slightly taken aback, and then showed a puzzled expression.

The so-called Zhang Pingnan refers to Zhang Yan, the leader of the Yellow Turban Bandit in Montenegro.

Zhang Yan, from Changshan Zhending, and Zhao Yun are authentic fellow villagers.Originally surnamed Chu, because of his extraordinary agility, he has another nickname, Feiyan!
During the Yellow Turban Uprising, Zhang Yan took advantage of the chaos and led his people to fight in the mountains and forests. His reputation gradually increased, and his troops also increased.

Later, the Yellow Turban Army was wiped out, and a small group of remnants took advantage of the chaos to escape the siege of officers and soldiers and fled into the mountains. The leader of this army was Zhang Niujiao.

Seeing that the imperial court pacified the Yellow Turban, Zhang Yan felt that something was wrong, so he joined forces with Zhang Niujiao and elected him as the commander in chief.

But the good times didn't last long. In a war, Zhang Niujiao was shot by an arrow, and then died. Before he died, Zhang Yan was appointed as the commander-in-chief.

At this time, due to frequent natural disasters and increasing military disasters, Zhang Yan's power grew stronger and stronger, and the imperial court was only concerned with internal strife, unable to conquer at all.

So in the third year of Zhongping, that is, last year, Zhang Yan felt that it was not an option to continue like this, so this little clever ghost thought of an idea and sent someone to the capital to beg for surrender.

The imperial court was obviously unable to conquer, but you yourself caught up and surrendered.Emperor Ling was overjoyed when he saw this, so he worshiped Zhang Yan as a general in the middle of the disaster, responsible for managing the administration and military in some places in Hebei, and he could also recommend Xiaolian every year.

Ever since, Zhang Yan was very satisfied, because he got his wish, took off the hat of a rebel, and put on the coat of an official of the Han Dynasty.

The imperial court is also very satisfied. Zhang Yan, a reactionary force, was dealt with without bloodshed. Can you be dissatisfied?

As long as you, Zhang Yan, don't openly oppose the big Han, admit that you are an official of the big Han, and the emperor's face can be preserved, the court will not care what you do, after all, there is no power to conquer.

It was not surprising that the court did this. What puzzled Lin Chao was that Zhang Yan was already an official of the Han Dynasty in name, so why did he help the rebel Zhang Chun?
After all, Zhang Chun had clearly and blatantly raised the banner to openly oppose the imperial court. If Zhang Yan colluded with him, what good could happen?

No matter how weak the court is, it is impossible to tolerate Zhang Chun's blatant rebellion, because this is the bottom line!

Therefore, Lin Chao was very puzzled.

Seeing that Lin Chao was pensive and silent, Zhao Yun asked some questions again, but he was a small soldier after all and didn't know much.

Seeing this, Zhao Yun waved his hand and ordered someone to take him down.

"Supervisor, why did Zhang Pingnan help the traitor?"

Not only Lin Chao, but even Zhao Yun had the same question.

Lin Chao shook his head, expressing that he did not know either.Then he said: "Zilong, I'm afraid this campaign will not go so smoothly."

Zhang Yan is different from Zhang Chun. He has been in trouble for several years. He has tens of thousands of soldiers under his command, and they are all old soldiers. The combat power is not comparable to that of Zhang Chun's army.

If he is determined to stand with Zhang Chun, it will undoubtedly be difficult to calm down with Liu Bei's soldiers and horses alone.

"Supervisor, do you want to report this matter to the Lord?" Zhao Yun cupped his hands and asked.

"That should be the case, and Duke Xuande was on guard. Zhang Yan's attack must not only target our soldiers and horses. In addition, there is no need to lead the army across the river tomorrow. It is not too late to march after we find out the situation. Wait a few days."


Zhao Yun clasped his fists in response.


While Lin Chao was puzzled, Zhang Yan in Anxi City was also angry and puzzled.

"You mean to say that among the soldiers and horses who went to rob the camp, you were the only ones who escaped back!"

Looking at the soldiers kneeling on the ground, Zhang Yan roared loudly.

Although Zhao Yun wiped out all the people Zhang Yan sent to attack at night, it is not surprising that a few slipped through the net.After they fled back to Anxi, they reported the situation to Zhang Yan, which naturally made Zhang Yan furious.

"Where is Li Damu, after losing a battle, he will only hide? Hurry up and order him to come to see me, I want to ask him how this battle was fought!"


Several soldiers looked at each other, and finally only one said in a low voice: "Go back to the general, Commander Li...I'm afraid I won't be able to come back."

"I can't come back, what do you mean?" Zhang Yan asked puzzled.

"Commander Li...was beheaded by the enemy general."


Zhang Yan was furious, his eyes were full of disbelief!
I sent a thousand people to rob the camp at night, but the enemy camp only had three to four thousand people, and it still failed!
Even if it failed, it was still a disastrous defeat, the kind that wiped out the entire army.

Now, even Li Damu was beheaded by the enemy general!
Zhang Yan's first reaction was naturally not to believe it.

"This is what the villain saw with his own eyes. The enemy general stabbed Commander Li under his horse with one shot, and then cut off Commander Li's head..."

Recalling Zhao Yun's celestial posture when he beheaded Li Damu, this man was still frightened.


Zhang Yan said angrily.

Things have come to this point, he has to accept this fact.

"You go down."

Zhang Yan waved his hand, and the soldiers hurriedly turned and left as if they had been pardoned.

"Out of the 1000 people, only so few escaped back, and even Li Damu was cut off..." Zhang Yan muttered to himself, "This Liu Xuande is hard to deal with!"

Zhang Yan knew that Li Damu was not weak in martial arts, so even if he did it himself, it would be difficult to defeat him without fifty or sixty rounds.

But according to the soldier's description just now, it seems that Li Damu was defeated and died just after the fight.

It is conceivable how powerful the general in white robe and silver spear is!
Moreover, 1000 people just disappeared...

Thinking of this, Zhang Yan's heart ached.

"Hey, this deal is a big loss! I have to ask Mr. Zhang Chun to add more money and food."

(End of this chapter)

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