Chapter 85
Tian Feng is not only stubborn, but also has a bad temper. When encountering opinions that differ from his own, he must argue clearly with others, no matter who the other party is.

When encountering injustice, he is uncompromising. When Lin Chao saw him for the first time, he could see it clearly.

It is precisely because he is too upright that Liu Bei's subordinates, except Guan Yu, are not very willing to get along with him in private.After all, no one wants to get close to a rigid and uninteresting person.

Therefore, the atmosphere in the house was very tense at the moment, no matter how Lin Chao explained, but Tian Feng insisted on his own opinion and must send troops to attack the three counties.

In contrast, the atmosphere in the gazebo outside the house is much more harmonious.

Seeing that the debate in the room had not subsided for a long time, Liu Bei simply had a drink with Guan Yu, Zhao Yun, and Dian Wei.

On this bright autumn afternoon, the four of them were having a good time talking while drinking.

And because of the lack of Zhang Fei, who likes to make jokes, the four of them drank very peacefully, and there was no phenomenon of going crazy with alcohol.

After drinking for a while, the sound in the room gradually died down, and the four of them turned their heads to look, only to see Lin Chao walking out with a headache on his face.

When the four of them saw Lin Chao, Lin Chao also happened to see them.


I was tortured by Tian Feng in the house, but the four of you are here to enjoy yourself!

Forget it Liu Daer, after all he has a thick skin.

Guan Yu and Dian Wei also don't like the anxious atmosphere in the house, which is understandable.

The point is Zhao Yun, shouldn't you, a good old man, go in and try to persuade the fight? Why are you drinking here too...

Alas, after staying with Liu Bei for a few days, Zilong has failed in his studies!

Lin Chao looked at Zhao Yun with a sad face.

Zhao Yun was a little embarrassed to be looked at by Lin Chao, but luckily Liu Bei stood up the next moment.

"Zi Chu, let's have a drink together."

Holding the wine bowl, Liu Bei smiled at Lin Chao honestly and said.

"Now that Zhongshan has not been recovered, Duke Xuande is so peaceful, I admire him!"

Lin Chao walked into the gazebo, smiled and mocked, and Dian Wei poured a bowl full of wine and handed it over.

"Hehe." Liu Bei said indifferently, "It's not due to you and everyone else, Zichu. Without your advice and suggestions, all the soldiers were bloody and bloody, how could XX sit here. Come, XX has a toast."

Seeing that Liu Bei gave all the credit to himself and others, Zhao Yun and Dian Wei were very moved, and they hurriedly raised their wine bowls together and drank it down in one gulp.

Zhao Yunzhong's loyalty +1+1+1...

Dianwei loyalty +1+1+1...

As for Guan Yu, his loyalty is already full, so there is no need to add more.

After drinking a bowl of wine, the depression in Lin Chao's heart dissipated a lot, and he was about to open his mouth to explain his strategy to Liu Bei, but he saw Tian Feng also came out of the room.

At this time, Tian Feng was like a big rooster with high morale after defeating a powerful enemy, his eyes were almost higher than the top of his head.

Hmph, even if you, Lin Zichu, are eloquent and cunning, why didn't you escape in the hands of someone!
But before he had a good time, Liu Bei called him over and had a drink together.

During the meeting, the two explained their plans to Liu Bei.

Especially Tian Feng, not only clarified the benefits of his plan, but also attacked Lin Chao's strategy of attacking the mind.

It's a good strategy, but it's a pity that Lin Zichu doesn't know how to change things and can't adapt to local conditions, it's really a woman's kindness.

Lin Chao didn't bother arguing with him, and after explaining his plan, he drank quietly alone, waiting for Liu Bei to make a decision.

After thinking for a while, Liu Bei finally made a decision.

"Zichu's plan is very clever. It would be best to take down the three counties without bloodshed. But Yuan Hao's worries are justified, after all, time is not waiting for us." Liu Bei first praised the two, and then smiled, "I mean, first You Zichu launched a strategy of attacking the mind for a period of one month. At that time, no matter whether it succeeds or not, the army must keep up and prepare for a strong attack."

"Zilong, send an order to Yide and Mr. Xun, ordering them to march in one month and take Wangdu County. At that time, you and Yunchang will each lead troops to take Tang County and Puyin."

Seeing that Liu Bei had made a decision, everyone bowed their heads and obeyed.

In the following days, Lin Chao ordered the counties to start their own operations.

As a result, a spectacle appeared in all the counties under Liu Bei's jurisdiction.

Lin Chao ordered people to temporarily build a thatched shed next to the bulletin board in the city, and at the same time ordered the people of the city to come and watch.

It was the first time in the end of the Han Dynasty that the public opinion war to mobilize the common people appeared, so Lin Chao did not dare to pretend to others, and personally went to the field to implement this plan.

After the preparations were completed, all the people in the city gathered around, pointing to the notice in front of the thatched shed, but because most of them were illiterate, they could only make their own guesses and then exchange opinions with each other.

"Li Jia Dalang, what is written in the official notice?"

A farmer carrying a burden squeezed to the front, and after looking at it for a long time, he couldn't figure it out, so he couldn't help asking the people next to him.

The man who was called Li Jia Dalang was a man in his 20s with bare feet and a simple face.

"Uncle Liu, I'm illiterate, so I don't know what is written on it."

Hearing this, Uncle Liu showed contempt and said, "I thought you were a domestic servant in a wealthy family, so at least you knew some words, but who knows, you still don't know a single word."

Hearing these words, Li Jia Dalang was ashamed, feeling that he had insulted the noble status of a servant.

However, in this era, even in rich families, there are only a handful of literate people in the family, not to mention that it is normal for Li Jiadalang, a man who does rough work, to be illiterate.

"According to someone, this should be a conscription notice."

A stout fat man next to him spoke, his face was shiny, and the fat on his face kept shaking when he spoke.

"Wang Butcher, how do you know? Could it be that you can't read and write!"

A person next to him sarcastically sneered, and suddenly a kind of people burst into laughter, all laughing at Wang Butcher's nonsense.

"Hmph, a certain family doesn't argue with you ignorant people." Butcher Wang blushed and said, "Now that Liu Gongxuande is preparing to send troops to attack the rebellious Zhang Chun, it's time to employ people. This is not a conscription notice! "

The official term is called recruiting soldiers, but when it comes to the mouths of the people at the bottom, it becomes conscription.

The difference is only one word, but the meaning is quite different.

However, when Wang Butcher said this, everyone felt that it was highly credible, and their attitude towards Wang Butcher changed from ridicule to admiration.

Wang Tuhu enjoyed the gazes of the people around him very much, so he continued: "I want someone to say that it is an excellent job to be a soldier under the command of Xuande Gong. .”

When they heard about being a soldier and fighting, the common people resisted a little, so they were a little curious about Wang Butcher's attitude.

"Wang Butcher, if you let your son serve as a soldier, you won't be afraid that your old Wang family will die!"

"Hmph, do you think Duke Xuande is the same as that thief?" Butcher Wang sneered, "The monthly salary of the soldiers under Duke Xuande is twice that of other troops, which was promised by Duke Xuande himself in Hanchang County. And Lord Xuande loves soldiers like a son, uses them like a god, and is victorious in every battle, my boy is lucky enough to follow Duke Xuande, and his future will not be a problem."

It was said that although everyone felt that Wang Tuhu's words were a bit exaggerated, they were mostly in line with the truth. After all, Liu Bei's actions in the past few months were well-known.

There has been a consensus in everyone's minds, that is, the situation under Duke Xuande's rule is indeed much better than elsewhere.

Only by following Xuande Gong can we live a peaceful life.

"Hey, Wang Butcher, that son of yours is idle all day long. He only hooks up with young ladies and pretty widows from other families. I'm afraid his body will be disabled long ago. Whether he can pick up a weapon is a problem. He still wants to be a soldier!"

In the crowd, I don't know who said something.

Hearing this, Wang Butcher's anger immediately increased at a speed visible to the naked eye, pointing at the crowd and shouting: "Which little maid is farting, if you have the guts to stand up, I will fight with you!"

The crowd burst into laughter again, and the awe they had shown Wang Tuhu before was gone.

It was in this noisy environment that Lin Chao slowly walked out of the hut.

(End of this chapter)

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