Chapter 101

Before Yinshi arrived and the sky was still pitch black, long queues had already formed outside the imperial city on East Chang'an Avenue and West Chang'an Avenue.

These are officials who participated in the early court, and they had to wear the special dental badges for the early court and sent them to the palace guards for inspection before they could enter the imperial city.

Moreover, during Yinshi, all the officials had to line up outside the Meridian Gate and prepare to enter the palace. Therefore, the officials who participated in the early court generally got up around Choushi, which was around one o'clock in the morning according to the time of later generations.

Ye Xianggao couldn't get up because he didn't sleep last night, and when he arrived at West Chang'an Avenue, it was less than a quarter of an hour before Yinshi.

If you don't hurry up at this time, you will be late. When the sedan chair is put down, the accompanying cronies hurried forward to help open the car curtain, stretched out their hands, and wanted to help the old chief assistant out, but in the end, the old chief assistant was crooked. Sitting there with his head bent, he had no intention of getting up.

Ye Xianggao was tormented by the sound of the gong all night, and he was already drowsy, so he fell asleep shortly after getting on the sedan chair.

If you haven't slept all night, and you still have things to do early the next morning, it's better not to sleep, even if you have some time, don't sleep, even if you are active, it's better than squatting for a while.

Waking up after squinting for a while is the most uncomfortable.

Ye Xianggao accidentally fell asleep, and the accompanying cronies whispered anxiously for a long time before he opened his eyes in a daze.

At this moment, he is really uncomfortable to death, he just wants to lie down and sleep, but he still has to attend the morning court!

Moreover, time is running out. If he doesn't enter the imperial city, he will be late. He has been an official for decades, and he has never been late!

In desperation, he could only force himself to get up and get out of the sedan chair, and with the support of his personal entourage, he staggered towards the West Chang'an Gate.

He had just reached the gate of the city, and as soon as his followers let go, he almost staggered and fell to the ground.

No way, he was confused.

Seeing this, several Donglin officials nearby rushed over to support him, and asked with concern, "Master Shoufu, what's wrong with you?"

Alas, I fell into the trick of Wei Zhongxian, a local rascal!

Ye Xianggao sighed helplessly: "It's nothing, it's just that I didn't sleep well last night."

Several officials who lived not far from his mansion heard the words, but they looked at him strangely, as if hesitant to speak.

You haven't slept well yet?

You made us sleepless!
With the support of several Donglin officials, Ye Xianggao entered the imperial city in a daze, and staggered to the outside of the Meridian Gate. As soon as he reached the front of the Baiguan, his eyelids started to fight again.

He could barely keep his eyes open, and he could even fall asleep standing up if he could.

However, he didn't dare to sleep anymore.

Right now he is at the top of the civil and military officials, if he falls asleep, he will be ashamed.

He resisted the urge to fall asleep, stood there and waited for an indeterminate amount of time, and finally there was the sound of bells and drums from the Meridian Gate, and the left and right doors opened, and he led the officials inside like sleepwalking.

Fortunately, he has been walking this road for decades, and he can't go wrong with his eyes closed, otherwise, he would have to make a fool of himself.

After finally coming to the square outside the Huangji Hall, when he arrived at the emperor's seat, he quickly lay down and took the opportunity to take a rest.

Right now he was so uncomfortable standing up, he just wanted to lie down.

It's a pity that after the civil and military officials shouted long live, he still had to climb up with difficulty.

The next thing is to play it right, today he doesn't plan to speak, let others play it, even if it's eunuchs talking nonsense, he doesn't bother to care about it.

He just wanted to hurry up and go to the duty room to lie down for a while.

Who knows, this performance has just begun, Yao Zongwen coughed, walked out of the train quickly, and said loudly on the imperial road: "Your Majesty, my minister impeached the first assistant Ye Xianggao to cover up the imperial official Lin Ruzhu, secretly hide criminals, disturb the imperial court, lawless."

Wei Zhongxian, do I press all the scans, you bastard!

Ye Xianggao was so angry that he even cursed out his hometown dialect in his mind.

It was obvious that Wei Zhongxian was trying to punish him on purpose. Even though he knew he didn't sleep last night, he was impeached in the early morning, which is too fucking bad.

Hearing this, Taichang immediately looked at Ye Xianggao with a serious face, and motioned for the chief assistant to come out and play the right game.

He didn't know that Ye Xianggao didn't sleep last night.

However, he has figured it out, this is Wei Zhongxian's trick.

Wei Zhongxian sent people to deliberately make trouble and beat him up while Censor Lin Ruzhu was patrolling the city, and then came up with a subterfuge to replace a living person with a dead one.

In other words, Censor Lin Ruzhu didn't miss the kill at all.

Wei Zhongxian thought he had deceived others, but he didn't know that most of the fans in Dongchang were undercover agents sent by him.

Of course, this is not the point.

Regardless of whether the censor Lin Ruzhu accidentally killed someone or not, he had to help Wei Zhongxian kill Ye Xianggao, and he had to do it justifiably.

If he used the imperial power to withdraw Ye Xianggao, Donglin would definitely be excited. He didn't want to fight with these guys at this juncture.

Therefore, he had to pretend to be fair and secretly help Wei Zhongxian to kill Ye Xianggao, so that Donglin would have nothing to say, and even if he had something to say, he would only discuss it with Wei Zhongxian, not him.

How did Ye Xianggao know that the emperor was also playing tricks on him, he was so dazed that he couldn't keep his eyes open.

No way, he still has to deal with the impeachment of others.

He staggered to the royal road, lay down and said in a daze, "Your Majesty, I didn't hide Lin Ruzhu privately, let alone shield him. I really don't know where he went."

Taichang pretended to look at Yao Zongwen again, signaling him to continue.

Yao Zongwen immediately sternly said: "You are talking nonsense. Someone saw Lin Ruzhu hiding in your house, but you stopped him from going in to search. Are you hiding Lin Ruzhu privately to protect your nephew?"

Did I hide you!

Ye Xianggao staggered angrily and said, "Full of nonsense, why did I hide Lin Ruzhu privately? He just killed an outlaw by accident while patrolling the city, and he didn't commit murder on purpose. What a big deal! Such rumors and troubles seem to have become a big deal."

However, Yao Zongwen caught the flaw in his words and said mockingly: "Okay, Mr. Shoufu, your nephew killed someone, and you said it was a trivial matter. Don't you want to cover him up, don't you want to exonerate him?"

What are you talking about?

Ye Xianggao trembled angrily, "You're taking it out of context, what's your intention?"

Yao Zongwen ignored him and said, "Do you think you can be lawless when you become the chief assistant? Do you think your nephew can kill people indiscriminately?"

Is there someone as dirty as you?

Ye Xianggao only felt that his eyes went black for a while.

The problem is, he still has to deal with people slandering him so much.

He could only force himself to respond: "What did Lin Ruzhu commit, and how should he be punished? Shuntian Mansion, Criminal Ministry, and even the Metropolitan Procuratorate will investigate and deal with it. What is your intention of pouring dirty water on me?"

You're asking a good question, you've got the point, and I'm just waiting for your words.

Yao Zongwen sneered coldly: "Shuntian Mansion, Ministry of Criminal Justice, and Metropolitan Procuratorate are not the ones who have the final say, what do you mean, you have already said hello, right, your nephew will be fine if he kills someone, right? The world is clear, the sun and the moon are shining, you are so selfish and perverting the law, pity that Lin Yishui, poor orphan and widow, who knows who the murderer is but can't do anything, you, are you still human?"

You shameless person, you call me inhuman!
Ye Xianggao was so angry that his eyes darkened, and he fell headfirst.

Fortunately, there is a red carpet in the middle of the royal road, otherwise he would have to come out with a big bag on his head.

Seeing that Ye Xianggao had fallen, Yao Zongwen couldn't help lying on the ground with a sinister smile, then pretended to be panicked and said, "Your Majesty, Mr. Shoufu seems to have fainted."

Hehe, I didn't expect that this old guy would be so careless that he would be fucked in two or three strokes!
Seeing this, Taichang couldn't help sighing secretly.

Wei Zhongxian's scoundrel's tricks are really powerful, the capital and assistant of the current court will be put down by him
This is so fucking down, everyone fainted!

Oh, forget it, let them do it.

He secretly sighed, and then pretended to be eager to say: "Quick, pass on to the imperial doctor."

Ye Xianggao was really lying on the ground, and he just lay on the bed and couldn't get up after falling down.

The problem is, Fu Guoxing still brought people to make trouble outside, howling outside his house, howling during the day, howling at night, and howling endlessly, which made him unable to sleep at all, let alone recover from his illness.

Wei Zhongxian, do I press all the scans? You are killing me!
Alas, there's no other way. He really can't live if people make such a fuss.

Even a normal person can't bear it if he doesn't sleep for a few days, not to mention he is so angry that he can't get up in bed, being howled and scared like this every day, who can bear it!
In desperation, he had no choice but to submit his resignation while still able to write.

Otherwise, he would really be killed by that scoundrel Wei Zhongxian!
(End of this chapter)

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