Chapter 105

In Huizhou Prefecture, on the official road from Shexian County to Xinan, there are countless caravans carrying goods back and forth. The horse-drawn carts, donkey carts, and rickshaws are almost side by side, like endless dragons.

At this time, the merchants in Huizhou are really prosperous. Not only did the emperor promulgate a new policy to encourage business, but he also made the daughter of Wu Yangchun from the Wu family in the south of Xinan the imperial concubine. Know how many people look to them for business.

No way, they are blessed by nature, Mr. Wu is the father-in-law of the country, he can listen to the heavens!

Officials in Nanzhili, who dares to provoke them?
Whoever dares to provoke them, they really want to go to the father-in-law to sue.

What is this merchant most afraid of?
A merchant is afraid of being exploited everywhere!

If no one exploits them, then they still make a lot of money!
Now Xinan has become the business center of the entire Huizhou Prefecture. Whether you go to Xinan for business or come back from Xinan, you are all proud and happy, just like you have been to the country. The hometown of the master, with the glory of the father-in-law, his own status is also different.

Just when their faces were full of spring breeze, there was a sudden sound of horseshoes in the distance, rumbling, like thunder, at least dozens of horsemen were galloping wildly.

Who doesn't have eyes, dares to go to the south of the stream to act wild!

Bandits and horse thieves should be impossible. Sun Chuanting, the new secretary of the Ministry of War in Nanjing, is very powerful. As long as there are bandits and horse thieves showing up, they will be wiped out immediately. Therefore, the ground in Nanzhili is safe now, and there is no one there. robbery.

Question, who are these people?
Before the merchants could figure out what was going on, there was already a scream amidst the sound of horseshoes: "Get out of the way, get out of the way, the imperial envoy is here to drive, anyone who collides will die!"

Holy crap, it turns out that the imperial envoy is here!

When a group of traders heard this, they quickly ordered people to push all the trucks to the side roads, even in the semi-dry rice fields. No one dared to collide with the big driver of the imperial envoy, even with the support of the father-in-law!

Fortunately, the rice in the field has been harvested at this moment, and the land is almost dry, otherwise, the truck will not be able to push out if it gets stuck.

In a short while, more than fifty riders flew by, and the rows of command flags on the backs of the riders on both sides proved that he was really an imperial envoy. At least, the merchants on the road could not tell whether he was a fake or not.

Naturally, Wang Cheng'en was not a fake imperial envoy, in fact, he didn't want to run wildly like this. However, the emperor is in a hurry!

Liaodong is about to go to war, and the emperor is in a hurry to mobilize money and food.

During the period when he presided over the land sale in Nanzhili, the business was quite good, because there were many local tyrants, gentry and official families here, and the weather here was smooth and there was no disaster at all.

In terms of silver, not many people may be able to shell out thousands or even tens of thousands of taels, but in terms of food, it is simply not too much.

Because too many people exchanged grain for land, he was busy looking for a place to store it in Jinling for transshipment, so he was delayed for some time.

Who would have imagined that the emperor would suddenly urge him to return to Beijing with money and food.

He has stockpiled millions of shi for food, which should be enough. The problem is that there is too little silver, only a little over a hundred thousand taels.

Besides, the emperor told him that he must come to Huizhou, so he rushed over in a hurry.

He rushed here with his men and horses, but he surprised the Jin Yiwei who was staying at Wu's house in Xinan.

These Jinyiwei dare not be careless, because the father-in-law's family is too rich, especially after the emperor married the imperial concubine, the Wu family in Xinan has so much money, it is frightening to death.

Not to mention those treasures, antiques, calligraphy and paintings, there are millions of taels of silver in the Wu family's treasury alone!

Of course, not all of the money belonged to the Wu family, and there were also many merchants with good relations with the Wu family who kept it here.

Because it is safe here!
Just kidding, the masters of Jinyiwei appointed by the emperor are guarding here, whoever dares to come here to grab money, no one dares to steal it!
These people's actions really made Jiangliu Baihu, who was in charge of guarding the twelfth floor of Wu's house, both happy and worried.

The emperor told him to guard the Wu family, so he would not dare to let the Wu family do anything wrong.

Problem, people always send money here, attracting thieves to worry about it!
The cartloads of silver were brought over, and everyone knew that the twelfth floor of Wu's house had a frightening amount of silver. If some desperate gangsters got caught up in it, it would be a big trouble.

There is nothing he can do about it.

The father-in-law agreed, what else could he say?

Fortunately, Master Guo is really kind to them. Not only does he offer big fish and meat every day, but he also gets extra rewards. There are also rewards of hundreds of taels a month.

Alas, it's an errand.

We are not here to make money, okay?

Just as he was sitting in the value room specially repaired by the father-in-law and sighing happily, there was a thunderous sound of horseshoes outside.

what's the situation?
He was one of the secret agents of Jinyiwei who followed Luo Sigong in the vassal country of North Korea. He is not too familiar with the sound of horseshoes.

As soon as the sound of hooves came to his ears, he instantly recognized that there were at least fifty horsemen galloping here, and the target was probably the Wu family in the south of the river.

There are more than [-] of us here, and there are also more than [-] people on the other side, so no one really wants to come to Wu's house to rob!

Thinking of this, he stood up suddenly, ran outside and shouted: "Quick, everyone, gather, follow me to the gate."

"Wow", more than 20 Jinyiwei who were changing defenses and taking a break immediately jumped out of the surrounding buildings.

Jiang Liu didn't talk too much, and directly led them towards the gate.

They had just arrived at the gate, and they could already faintly see the group of people galloping on the street on horseback.

Jiang Liu quickly raised his hand and said, "Spread out and be careful not to be hit."

After speaking, he directly pulled out his saber and stood on the steps in front of the gate.

"Clang clang clang", the other Jinyi guards also pulled out their sabers one after another, leaning their backs against the wall and spreading them out.

It is also impossible for the cavalry to hit the wall with their horses, so as long as they are not too far away from the wall, they should not be hit with their horses.

Sure enough, the group of galloping horses started to slow down after a long distance, and when they came to the gate, everyone strangled the horses under their crotches.

Jiang Liu glanced at the densely packed order flags on those people's backs, and couldn't help being taken aback.

An imperial envoy sent by the emperor!
real or fake?

Others may not think that someone dared to pretend to be an imperial envoy, but he didn't think so, because it was obviously not an official order issued by the Ministry of War and the cabinet.

He can also get a lot of blank flags like this, and it doesn't matter what to write on them. When they perform tasks, they often write nonsense according to their identities.

He was stunned for a moment, then raised his knife and shouted loudly: "Who dares to trespass into the mansion of the father-in-law."

Uh, I was in a hurry, and I didn't send someone to notify me in advance.

Wang Chengen is so embarrassed.

Seeing this, Chen Huo at the side immediately reprimanded: "Presumptuous, the prince is the seal of the inner palace supervisor, the imperial envoy appointed by the emperor, what is your attitude?"

What is my attitude?

If you say imperial envoys are imperial envoys, what if they are not?
Jiang Liu said coldly: "Imperial envoy? What about the imperial decree?"

Wang Chengen had no choice but to dismount from the horse, unfastened the Shangfang sword from his waist, handed it over carefully, and then explained: "The emperor didn't give an imperial edict, this is the imperial bestowed Shangfang sword, you should know it."

Shangfang Sword?

This is really a bit like it!
He has been guarding the emperor for a long time, so he has seen the emperor's sword.

Jiang Liu slowly put away his saber, took the sword carefully, pulled out half of it for a look, then quickly stuffed it back, knelt down on one knee, raised the sword above his head with both hands, and said respectfully: "I don't know if the imperial envoy is here, what an offense, I still look forward to Haihan."

This is a real imperial envoy, that's right, this sword is the one that the emperor often wears!
(End of this chapter)

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