Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 115 Liaodong Army

Chapter 115 Liaodong Army

The Liaodong Army was once the pride of the Ming Dynasty.

During Wanli's two aids to Korea, the tens of thousands of Liaodong troops were the main force of the Ming army. Dongying Guanbai Fengchen Hideyoshi had more than [-] troops. However, in front of the tens of thousands of Liaodong troops, they couldn't win at all.

Not to mention the great victories in Pyongyang and Jishan, nor the naval battles of Mingliang and Luyang, but just for the battle of Bichiguan. The war will make the Japanese pirates terrified!

It can be said that it was the Liaodong Army that destroyed Toyotomi Hideyoshi's dream of dominating the entire Far East.

This is not all, there is also the pacification of the Ningxia Yibai Rebellion, the defeat of the Tatars and the Taining Ministry, and the suppression of the Jianzhou Jurchen and the Haixi Jurchen. The feats established by the Liaodong Army during the Wanli Dynasty alone There are too many to list.

It's a pity that in the battle of Sarhu, the main force of the Liaodong Army and the main force of the Daming Frontier Army were all buried in Jiannu's hands by Yang Gao.

Since then, the Liaodong Army has been in a slump, defeated again and again, until Sun Chengzong came to Liaodong, promoted Man Gui, Zu Dashou, Zhao Liaojiao, He Kegang, Sun Zushou and other generals of the Liaodong Army, and reorganized the Guanning Iron Cavalry. The Liaodong Army gradually recovered. The glory of the past.

Of course, there is no Guanning Iron Cavalry at this moment, and the Liaodong Army is also in a critical period of rebirth.

It was at this time that Man Gui met the main force of slavery led by Nurhachi.

To be honest, Amin, Li Yongfang, and Nurhachi never expected that the Liaodong Army, which was beaten to the ground by them less than a year ago, would suddenly be reborn and become extremely tough.

Amin has already suffered a lot from Mangui's hands, and Li Yongfang is now being held by Mangui on the west bank of the Daling River. It seems that the pontoon bridge across the Daling River cannot be built at all. What should I do? ?

Nurhachi sat in the handsome tent, frowned and pondered for a while, and then ordered decisively: "Liu Aita, Tong Yangxing, you immediately take your men and horses to the south about five miles to build a temporary dock, and then take a boat to cross the river. Remember, don't Acting rashly, we set up camp about ten miles south of the Ming army, formed a corner with Li Yongfang, and stood by for orders."

What does this mean?

I was in a hurry to build a pontoon yesterday, and today I am standing by again!

Both Liu Aita and Tong Yangxing were confused and didn't understand what Nurhachi wanted to do.

However, they still left without hesitation, and took their hands to the south to build a temporary pier.

At this moment, Man Gui did not dare to act rashly, because there were obviously more than ten thousand Jiannu gathered in the south, and there might be more troops on the opposite side at any time. If he led sword and shield soldiers and pikemen to attack to destroy the camp in the south of Jiannu, The remaining [-] archers were likely to be eaten by the Jiannu who crossed the river later, and he might even be beaten to death by the Jiannu who crossed the river later.

He could only order his subordinates to build camps on the spot, dig more trenches around the camps, set up more refusal forks, and prepare to defend to the death.

This is the difference between a fierce general and a counselor. A warrior only thinks about fighting, while a counselor only thinks about escape.

Therefore, during the battle between Shenyang and Liaoyang, the total strength of Jiannu was less than 2, but more than [-] Ming troops fled. For the nearly [-] slaves, he never thought of escaping.

If another counselor came over, he might have run away long ago.

Man Gui never thought of fleeing. His idea was very simple and down-to-earth. Anyway, if Jiannu didn't build a pontoon bridge, the cavalry, food, grass, and supplies would not be able to cross the river.

If it took time, he would naturally wish for it, because it only took about ten days, and the foundation of the Dalinghe Fort's wall was almost completed. By then, even if all the Jiannu crossed the river, they would not be able to capture the Dalinghe Fort.

As for whether he would be beaten to death after all Jiannu crossed the river, he was not afraid at all.

Everyone has to die, a man who dies for the country deserves to die, what a fart!

He just lay on the back of the embankment, staring at the empty pier, waiting to see what Jiannu would do next.

At this moment, Jiannu's more than one hundred warships did not know where they went. Could it be that Jiannu wanted to change the place of crossing the river?


The west bank is full of scouts. Once Jiannu builds pontoon bridges elsewhere, it is impossible not to be discovered!
While he was in doubt, a horse galloped towards him from the south, and the scout immediately flew off his horse, knelt behind him on one knee, and hurriedly said: "Report, general, Jiannu is building a pier about five miles to the south. Warships are also gathering there!"

Jiannu built a temporary pier about five miles to the south!

Is this trying to divert the tiger away from the mountain?

He knew very well that it was not suitable to build a pontoon bridge over there, because the river embankment was too steep, and horses and vehicles transporting food, grass, and supplies could not get off the opposite river embankment, nor could they go up the river embankment here, only infantry could. Climb up and down.

He just thought about it for a while, then ordered decisively: "Explore again."

Jiannu wants to divert the tiger away from the mountain, but there is no door. Anyway, as long as Jiannu does not build a pontoon bridge elsewhere, he will not move!

As a result, Jiannu didn't build a pontoon bridge. After another pier was built, Jiannu's infantry began to cross the river again, and the stream continued, as if there was no end.

Knowing that there are more and more Jian slaves in the south, and the number is more than [-], Man Gui finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He is not afraid of death, but it doesn't mean he will wait for death foolishly!

Of course, it is impossible to escape, he just sent a quick ride to ask for help from the supervisor Sun Chengzong and the general soldier Ma Shilong in Jinzhou.

There is no way, the defenders of Guangning can no longer be transferred. If he withdraws all the defenders of Guangning, Nurhachi turns to Guangning and occupies the important town of Guangning, then the Dalinghe Fort will be built. They also lost this time.

Guangning is more important than Dalinghe Fort. He can't make the mistakes of He Shixian and You Shigong, the commander-in-chief, let all the defenders of Guangning die outside the city, and give Guangning to Jiannu for nothing. Zhao led the teaching to send more troops to help.

When Sun Chengzong received the news, he immediately realized that Nurhachi might want to play another trick outside Shenyang City to draw out all the defenders of Guangning and Jinzhou, encircle and annihilate them outside the city, and then take Guangning and Jinzhou in one fell swoop. , and then besieged the newly built Dalinghe Fort.

In this way, Dalinghe Fort will be destroyed sooner or later without reinforcements or food supplies.

Nurhachi must have greatly increased his appetite at this moment, and wants to defeat the Liaodong defenders in one fell swoop again!
Otherwise, it is impossible for Nurhachi to slowly transport infantry to the west bank of the Daling River with more than a hundred warships. After all, there are many ways for infantry to cross the river. , sheepskin rafts, cowhide rafts, iron locks, etc., can be used to cross the river.

As for building a pontoon bridge, it is mainly to allow cavalry and food and supplies to cross the river. If it is just infantry crossing the river, no pontoon bridge is required.

In other words, Nurhachi could have quickly sent the infantry across the river in various ways, annihilating the 2 horses in Mangui's hands in one fell swoop, but this guy just let the warships slowly transfer and continue to increase troops.

This intention is already obvious, Nurhachi wants them to keep increasing their troops!

Of course, Sun Chengzong would not be fooled by this, he just ordered He Kegang to lead [-] Jinzhou defenders to rush to help Mangui, no matter how many there are, there will be nothing.

He asked He Kegang to bring the death order, no matter what, the 4 horses must guard the west bank of the Daling River for ten days.

If ten days are not up, even if all 4 horses are exhausted, they must not take half a step back!

Of course, as long as Jianu didn't build the pontoon bridge within ten days, they could disperse and retreat.

This time, Nurhachi was clever but was misunderstood by cleverness, and in turn suffered a dull loss.

On the first day, he added nearly [-] troops to the opposite bank, and on the second day, he attracted nearly [-] Ming troops.

He thought that the Ming army had been fooled, and ordered Qierhalang to lead [-] Eight Banners infantry across the river the next day. As a result, on the third day, the Ming army did not provide reinforcements.

In desperation, on the third day, he ordered Amin to lead [-] soldiers of the Eight Banners across the river. As a result, on the fourth day, the Ming army still had no reinforcements.

He finally understood that Sun Chengzong was not a reckless man like He Shixian and You Shigong, who could be fooled by a little trick, but he was fooled by others himself!
He had no choice but to order Amin and Qierharang to lead nearly [-] Manchu infantry to launch a fierce attack on the [-] Ming army, because if this drags on, Dalinghe Fort will be repaired!

In the early morning of the fifth day, nearly [-] Jiannu infantry rushed out and launched the first round of fierce attack on the Mangui Camp.

At this time, they realized that the invincible Liaodong Army seemed to be back again!
Facing the overwhelming number of slave-building infantry, Man Gui took it easy. On the one hand, he ordered the swordsmen and spearmen to stick to the line of defense formed by trenches and horse forks, and on the other hand ordered the archers to shoot arrows wildly behind him. Amin accidentally He was beaten up again.

On this day, they were driven back without even rushing through the ditch outside the Ming army camp!
(End of this chapter)

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