Chapter 117
Man Gui had successfully completed the blocking mission, and took his men back to recuperate from their wounds. Hundreds of thousands of Liaodong soldiers and civilians worked hard day and night. How is the construction of Dalinghe Fort?
Zu Dashou stood on the high wall foundation, holding on to the waist-high stone bar, and looked at the densely packed army of founding slaves outside the city, showing no panic on his resolute face.

Because the foundation of the wall more than ten feet high had already been built, he even ordered people to lift all the remaining stones onto the foundation of the wall, and piled up a waist-high stone wall at the front of the foundation.

At this moment, Dalinghe Fort looks a bit strange, it is a circle of wall bases more than ten feet high, and then a circle of waist-high stone walls on the wall bases, and then nothing.

There are no auxiliary buildings such as arrow stacks and city gate towers on the base of the wall. The entire city wall looks like a bald man, bare, and even the city gate is not even installed in the city gate at the moment, it is made of stone. blocked.

Still, that's enough!
There are [-] soldiers and civilians in the city at this moment, and Jiannu doesn't seem to have as many people as them.

Although there are only [-] soldiers on their side who are actually defending the city, the enemy can attack the city with at most [-] infantry. It is impossible for Jiannu to mobilize precious cavalry to attack the city, right?
In other words, the ratio of offense and defense between the two sides is about one to one, and they are still standing on a wall foundation more than ten feet high, protected by a stone wall. Build slaves.

In this case, it would be a ghost if Jiannu could still attack!
Therefore, Zu Dashou didn't panic at all.

At this moment, Nurhachi's face was gloomy and his eyes were full of coldness.

Dalinghe Fort has been built like this, how could they be able to attack it?

Such a high city wall, even if there are only [-] defenders in the city, they can't attack it!

What's more, according to the report of the spies he sent here risking their lives, there are [-] Ming soldiers and [-] young men in Dalinghe Fort.

If the city wall was less than one foot high, he would directly order the cavalry to rush over and hack and kill.

At this moment, the cavalry rushed over to seek death!
He stared at Dalinghe Fort coldly for a while, and then ordered: "Five miles back, set up camp, Daishan, you lead [-] fine horses to camp in the south, Amin, you lead [-] fine horses to camp in the south." To the east, Manggurtai, you lead [-] fine cavalry to the west, and the rest of the troops follow me to the north. Tong Yangxing, you are in charge of building the ladder, and Li Yongfang, you are in charge of building the siege engine. Within three days A thousand ladders and a hundred siege engines must be built!"

The generals listened to the order, and the nearly [-] troops quickly spread out like octopuses, set up camps in the southeast, northwest, and surrounded the Dalinghe Fort tightly.

Nurhachi didn't intend to attack the city, because they were not good at attacking the city. Shenyang and Liaoyang were taken down by cooperation from inside and outside, and the Ming army at that time had no fighting spirit at all, and they would collapse at the touch of a touch. .

At this time, facing the [-] defenders in the city, without the cooperation of the spies, he had nothing to do.

He was just preparing to besiege the city, encircle the points to send reinforcements, try to consume the strength of the Ming army as much as possible, and at the same time consume all the food in the Dalinghe Fort.

In this way, not only could he take Dalinghe Fort, but he might also take Jinzhou or Guangning while the Ming army was empty.

The same is true in history, both he and Huang Taiji have played siege and aid, and played more than once.

Zu Dashou was played miserably by them, because in history Zu Dashou was besieged by Huang Taiji twice in Dalinghe Fort and Jinzhou City.

Historically, at the same Dalinghe Fort, Zu Dashou was besieged by Huang Taiji for three months, and at that time the food in the city was not enough for ten days.

As a result, they eat war horses after eating food, and eat war horses after eating war horses.

The tragedy can hardly be described in words.

In the end, Zu Dashou had nothing to eat, so he killed He Kegang who would rather die than surrender, borrowed He Kegang's head to leave the city to pretend to surrender, and then found an opportunity to escape back to Daming.

Zu Dashou was besieged for the second time in Jinzhou. That time, he was besieged by Huang Taiji for more than a year!

The tragedy was even worse than that of Dalinghe Fort.

In the end, he really had no choice but to surrender. At that time, the Liaodong frontier army was wiped out by Jiannu, the Guan Ningjin defense line was also breached, and Ming Dynasty was about to perish. He didn't know where to go if he wanted to escape. Where did you escape!

His country was destroyed and his family was destroyed, his soul had no place to return to. In desperation, he had no choice but to surrender to Jiannu.

It can be said that he is the least traitor in history, and the most tragic general of Ming Dynasty.

Historically, he defended both Dalinghe Fort and Jinzhou, Jiannu couldn't break through at all, and Huang Taiji couldn't do anything against him, but the soldiers in the city were starving to death, there was really nothing he could do!

Of course, he doesn't have to worry about being hungry right now, because Sun Chengzong gave him a full 30 shi of grain, [-] soldiers and civilians, so he can save some food, and it won't be a problem to eat for half a year.

When Zu Dashou saw Jiannu besieged from all sides, he couldn't help showing a hint of disdain on his face.

Hmph, if you have the guts, come and attack the city, as long as you dare to attack the city, as many as you come, as many as you die!
He snorted coldly to himself, and then ordered: "Dale, Cunren, each of you will lead 2 horses, and take turns to defend the city. One man will take half a day, and I will lead 1 horses as backup."

The deputy generals Zu Dale and Zhang Cunren heard the words and hurriedly cupped their hands and said: "The last general obeys orders."

Zu Dashou inspected the surroundings carefully, then went down the city wall and came to the place where bricks and tiles were fired in the middle.

At this moment, Yuan Chonghuan and Jin Qizhen have already led the young and strong in the city to start firing bricks and tiles to build the battlements and gate towers. That guy, the city is full of smog, and there are high-rise brick kilns everywhere. Walking in it, Very hot.

He took his personal guards to inspect it, and then asked Yuan Chonghuan and Jin Qiyi to learn about the situation of the young and strong in the city. After making sure that there were no spies making trouble, he went back to the big tent to rest.

Unexpectedly, this break lasted for several days.

Jiannu besieged the city for three days, but did not make any moves at all. It was not until the early morning of the fourth day that Nurhachi gathered [-] infantry and set up a formation on the north side of Dalinghe Fort, making an appearance of attacking the city.

Zu Dashou took 1 men under his command and ran to the north wall to have a look. Good guy, the battle of Jiannu is indeed a bit scary.

The [-] infantry lined up more than forty square formations, with no end in sight at a glance. The ladders and the siege vehicles were even more neatly lined up in front of the formation, as if they were about to attack the city.

Zu Dashou didn't dare to be negligent, and he ordered people to boil boiling water and hot oil, and prepared a lot of rockets, rolling stones, and wood.

What makes people laugh and cry is that Jiannu also lined up and kept shouting "Kill", "Kill", "Kill" in unison for a long time, but they didn't move.

He finally understood that Jiannu was yelling at the scouts of the reinforcements outside, and he didn't want to attack the city at all.

Sure enough, Jiannu got up early in the morning every day, spread out his posture, howled there, and went back to rest after howling for a long time, without rushing towards the city wall at all.

In the first two days, Zu Dashou took his 1 men to take precautions in a serious manner, but when he got to the back, he simply asked his 1 men to wait under the city wall to avoid the trouble of climbing up and down.

Anyway, he is not in a hurry, even if Jiannu really attacked the city, he would not be afraid.

Zu Dashou was not in a hurry at all, but Sun Chengzong was in a hurry and wanted to curse.

Because the reinforcements from Sichuan Capital Division and Huguang Xingdu Division have already arrived near Shanhaiguan, but there is still no news about the reinforcements from Shaanxi Xingdu Division and Sichuan Xingdu Division.

He has sent Zu Dashou and other [-] soldiers and civilians out, and the Daling River Fort has been repaired to the point where it can be defended. The question is, if the reinforcements from the Shaanxi Xingdu Division and the Sichuan Xingdu Division are not available, how will he repel the Daling River? The army of slaves outside the castle!
Could it be that he really led 10 people to fight against an army of nearly [-] slaves?
The Jiannu cavalry is not a joke. Even though only [-] came, it is no problem to carry his [-] infantry. If the remaining Jiannu infantry swarmed up, what should he do?
It is impossible for him to do this kind of thing that clearly leads his men to die!
In desperation, he could only continue to play memorials, one after another kept sending to the capital, asking the Ministry of War, the cabinet, and the emperor to hurry up and urge the reinforcements over.

(End of this chapter)

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