Chapter 124
Nurhachi really didn't expect that this battle would end like this.

At this moment, he was a little dazed, as if he was outside Ningyuan City in history.

He didn't expect the firearms of Qi's army to be so powerful, he also didn't expect that the Ming army would suddenly become capable of fighting as if reborn, and he didn't expect that the Ming army's infantry would fight to the death without retreating!

During the Battle of Saerhu, the elite of the Ming army were only that powerful, and the infantry of the Ming army in the Battle of Shenyang and the Battle of Liaoyang were almost destroyed at the touch of a finger!

Just a few years ago, their thousands of cavalrymen could chase tens of thousands of Ming army horses and flee. Why is the Ming army so fearless of death now?

The answer to this question is actually very simple, because all the generals of the Ming army have changed, and there are too many brave generals in the Ming army at this moment!

Not to mention Man Gui, He Kegang, Sun Zushou, Hei Yunlong and Hu Dawei, the pontoon bridge blocking battle has already proved their bravery.

Needless to say Qin Banghan, Qin Bangping, Qin Minping, Ma Xianglin, and Qin Yiming, these are all fierce generals who would rather die in battle than retreat half a step in history.

In fact, these few were not the most fierce in the Ming army, but Zu Dabi who had just been promoted by Taichang and Sun Chengzong.

This Zu Dabi is Zu Dashou's cousin, but it is not due to Zu Dashou's relationship that he can become the deputy general of the Youxie.

Because even Zu Dashou is no match for Zu Dabi, no one in Ningyuan's Zu family can beat Zu Dabi!
How high is his kung fu?
He killed the first Batulu Muktan who built slaves in history, and the first Batulu who built slaves, that is, Obai, the nephew of fierce general Fei Yingdong, was also beaten and fled by him!
In other words, even the number one master of Jiannu can't beat him, and no one among Jiannu can beat him.

Of course, it’s useless just to have high kung fu. If you’re not brave enough, and you run away when you see Jiannu’s tens of thousands of cavalry, no matter how high your kung fu is, it’s fake.

The most frightening thing about Zu Dabi is not his skill, but his bravery.

His bravery was extremely fierce.

How fierce is it to the extreme?
His nickname is Zuer Lengzi.

What is the meaning of two fools?
The second fool just doesn't know how to write the word "death" at all. When he goes to the battlefield, he will fight hard and never return to the city without dying!

He really can't die and never return to the city, as long as he goes to the battlefield and the enemy doesn't die or escape, he won't come back!

He was literally born to fight, a natural fighter.

This guy is so fierce, with two big axes flying, it is like a black whirlwind, rushing there, the slave cavalry there will be blown into the sky, even the armored cavalry is no exception.

The Jiannu cavalry were all scared by him, they ran away when they saw him, and the Jiannu generals were also frightened by his bravery, they ran away when they saw him!
Holding up the binoculars, Taichang watched the black iron tower-like Zu Dabi chasing the Jiannu cavalry running around on the battlefield, with a hint of relief on his face.

This guy, yes, with such a strong general, how can Jiannu be undefeated!

Nurhachi didn't know that he was going to be defeated at the moment. He was rushing left and right in the Ming army's infantry formation with tens of thousands of cavalry.

He didn't know how many Ming army infantry were cut down, but they didn't show any signs of defeat, and instead they became more courageous as they fought.

He could even see the fanaticism in the eyes of these pawns. Even if you hacked someone to death with a knife, there was no trace of panic on their faces. On the contrary, these people still had a look of pride on their faces.

They died for their country and deservedly died, they are very proud!

Can you still defeat such a pawn who is not afraid of death?

What's even more frightening is that Qi's army has already surrounded him from the side!

Their muskets are terrible, they can beat the light cavalry from a long distance, and it is useless for the heavy cavalry to rush up. They are blocked by chariots, and there are long spears, wolf whisks, and boring palladium. The next time he poked the person over.

Moreover, someone behind the Qi family army has come to support them. The colorfully dressed Tusi white-armed soldiers are also very powerful, and the heavy cavalry can also stab them!
Is there any hope for this battle?

Nurhachi looked around at the densely packed Ming army infantry that seemed to have no boundaries, and then at the Qi family army and chieftain white soldiers who were approaching, and felt inexplicably flustered in his heart!
Is he really going to lose?

At this time, Taichang on the well fence was very excited.

Because he has a telescope in his hand, he can see farther than Nurhachi, and he can take the overall situation.

Jiannu's infantry have been routed by the Shenwu Camp, and they are heading north to disperse!
Jiannu's cavalry was almost surrounded by frontier troops and garrison guards, and the Shenji Battalion, Baigan soldiers, and Jingying elite had already posted up to fight with them.

Jiannu is about to lose!

It has to be said that the Qi family army and the white pole soldiers are really invincible troops, even Jiannu's armored cavalry are not enough to stand in front of them.

They cooperated so well. As soon as the Jiannu cavalry rushed up, they were blocked by the chariot. Immediately afterwards, densely packed long weapons pierced up, and the Jiannu cavalry was stabbed to death in two or three hits.

This battle is won!
The defeated infantry of Jiannu will not be a problem, these cavalry are the foundation of Jiannu!

Thinking of this, Taichang decisively ordered: "Hurry up, send someone to order Cao Wenzhao and Cao Bianjiao not to chase those defeated Jiannu infantry, turn around immediately, and surround the Jiannu cavalry!"

Unfortunately, it's too late!
At this time, Nurhachi was surrounded by several generals in the melee.

Huang Taiji swept away a few spears with a knife, and then said anxiously: "Father Khan, the infantry of the Man Banners and the Han Banners have been defeated, and they are running towards the pontoon bridge. If we don't leave, we can't leave!"

Nurhachi really didn't want to admit defeat in his heart, because he hadn't lost a single defeat since Yijia started his army.

He is the undefeated God of War, how could he be defeated?
Therefore, despite the unfavorable situation, he still didn't want to retreat, and he still stubbornly believed that he would not be defeated.

However, what Huang Taiji said suddenly woke him up.

The infantry of the Man Banners and the Han Eight Banners were defeated, and the Ming army behind them was also there!
If they don't run away, it will be too late!

The Ming army has nearly 20 soldiers, and there are elites like the Qi family army and the Baigan soldiers. They have less than [-] cavalry left. If they are surrounded by others, it will be over!
Thinking of this, he decisively waved his hand and said, "Quick, withdraw, withdraw towards the pontoon bridge!"

The handsome flag behind him pointed in the direction of the pontoon bridge, and all the Jiannu cavalry immediately turned their horses and headed northwest.

This direction is the weakest link of the infantry of the Ming army, because they are already in the southeast direction, and they can withstand the impact of the Jiannu cavalry, and there are not many who can reach the northwest direction.

Soon, the Jiannu cavalry broke through the encirclement and rushed towards the pontoon bridge.

"Boom, boom," a thunderous sound of horseshoes soon drowned out the roars on the battlefield.

Seeing this, Taichang couldn't help but slapped the handrail of Jinglan, and let out a long sigh.

Alas, what a pity.

The Shenwu Battalion had already turned around, and if the Jiannu cavalry were entangled for another quarter of an hour, they would be surrounded by groups.

He could only order helplessly: "Send the order, order the Shenwuying to stop chasing him."

There is no way, there are still nearly [-] Jiannu cavalry at the moment, and most of them are armored cavalry. The [-] armored cavalry in Shenji Battalion have just been formed, and they are definitely not their opponents.

As for the remaining [-] infantry who were not equipped with horses, they simply couldn't catch up with the galloping slave cavalry.

He wanted to destroy the Jiannu cavalry, but he couldn't let the Jingqi of the newly formed Shenwu Battalion go to death!
It would be fine if this death was worthwhile. The problem is that the slave cavalry insisted on fleeing. Except for the [-] fine cavalry from the Shenwu Camp, no one else could catch up!
The Shenwu camp received the order from the fast horse and did not catch up with the Jiannu cavalry. Nurhachi also led the elite cavalry of the Eight Banners and rushed all the way to the floating bridge. There was no intention of turning back, and the battle was over.

Taichang watched the Jiannu cavalry rushing away, and gave an order with some regret: "The order, the Shenji Battalion and the Shenwu Battalion are on guard, the white pole soldiers and the Jingying elite clean up the battlefield, and the frontier army and the infantry of the guards have a good rest." , and count the battle damage."

They did win this battle, and it was a big victory. The only regret was that the Jiannu cavalry ran away.

This is also a matter of no choice. If the Shenwu Battalion has [-] iron cavalry, it is not impossible to wipe out the [-] slave cavalry in one fell swoop.

It's a pity that the Shenwu Camp only has [-] cavalry at the moment.

As for the pursuit, forget it, the poor should not chase, the Jingqi of the Shenwu Battalion will probably be wiped out if they catch up, and the other infantry will not be able to catch up at all, unless all the artillery of the Shenji Battalion are equipped with artillery carts at this time, it will be useful to catch up , unfortunately, there is no cannon cart at the moment.

In short, although there are some regrets, this battle is still won, which is already very good.

You know, the opponent is the Jiannu who defeated them thousands of miles away!
Yu Jia personally conquered and won the first battle, Taichang's face could not help but be full of spirits.

Soon, bursts of cheers came from the battlefield, and the happiest ones turned out to be the frontier soldiers and infantry who had suffered the most losses!
Perhaps, they have been holding back for too long, especially the original Liaodong Army, they were beaten to the bum by Jiannu, they fled all the way, and ran for more than a thousand miles.

This time, they were able to defeat Jiannu and escape, how could they not be happy?

After defeating the enemy in one battle, feel proud.

The invincible Liaodong Army is back!

(End of this chapter)

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