Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 133 All Things Are Not Going Well

Chapter 133 All Things Are Not Going Well
Gu Bingqian, the shameless chief minister of the cabinet, was scared away, but Taichang still sat there frowning, thinking.

He snatched the chief examiner here. Question, how did the imperial examination questions come out?

If this imperial examination question is difficult, it is not difficult.

The imperial examination questions are actually one sentence, and these words are all extracted from the "Four Books and Five Classics".

In other words, you can randomly pick a book from the "Four Books and Five Classics", flip through it, and find a sentence at random, and it can be used as a test question.

For example, playing with things loses one's ambition, and playing with people loses one's morality.

For another example, rotten wood cannot be carved, and a wall of dung cannot be polluted.

For another example, when Heaven is about to send a great mission to man, he must first suffer from his will, exhaust his muscles and bones, starve his body and skin, empty his body, and disturb his behavior.

Wait, these can be used as exam questions.

This imperial examination question is not difficult, but it is quite difficult.

Because the imperial examination questions often represent the criteria for the rulers to select talents.

That is to say, no matter what kind of talents the ruler needs, he will issue relevant examination questions to test the school candidates to see if their answers meet his wishes.

For example, in the prosperous age, there are usually some topics that are biased towards literary talents and governance of the world, such as "Jade can't be polished, it can't be used; people don't learn, they don't know."

In troubled times, there will be some topics that are biased towards martial arts strategy, such as "Heaven moves forward, and a gentleman strives for self-improvement."

But at this moment, Taichang came up with some questions that were more about strange skills, and even more about how to invigorate the economy.

This type of topic is really hard to find, at least, in his impression, there is no similar sentence in "Four Books and Five Classics".

How to do it?

He was staring at the long stack of "Four Books and Five Classics" on the bookshelf in a daze, when the little eunuch outside suddenly said softly: "Your Majesty, Xu Guangqi, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, asks to see you."

Xu Guangqi?
This is the mold of the sealing ring is ready!
Sure enough, Xu Guangqi came in and respectfully performed the ceremony of being a monarch and minister, and then excitedly said: "Your Majesty, the molds are all ready."

Taichang got up immediately and said, "Okay, let's go and have a look."

It's still the side hall of Ciqing Palace, but the people gathered in it at this moment are not only those from yesterday, Bi Maokang, Wang Zheng and Sun Yuanhua have already heard the news, and even Song Yingxing, who builds cars in Nanzhili, has come back, and the prince , Xin Wang and Xu Ji, etc., there are a lot of research talents under him.

As soon as Taichang saw Song Yingxing, he couldn't help asking: "Chang Geng, when did you come back? Has the mine cart been built yet?"

Song Yingxing hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Weichen also happened to arrive in the capital last night, because it was too late, so it's not easy to disturb the emperor, Weichen has already built the mine cart, Sheng Huaixuan and the others are using it, and the effect is very good."

good results!

The steam engine has not been made yet, and the mine cart still needs manpower or animal power to pull it. Will the effect be good?

Taichang was quite curious: "What do they use to pull the cart? It works very well!"

Song Yingxing said quite complacently: "Your Majesty, isn't there a lot of cattle on the farmland in the south of the Yangtze River? Anyway, there is nothing to do during the slack season, and they will lose weight when they are idle there. Therefore, I asked them to try it with oxen, and the effect was not bad. Not bad."

Uh, well, there are indeed a lot of cattle in Jiangnan, and the mine doesn't need too many cattle. Four or five cattle are enough for a mine.

That is to say, at most dozens of cattle are used for one ore.

Of course, such a small amount of cattle is not a problem in the affluent land in the south of the Yangtze River. Just spend some money and go around the villages next to the ore.

Moreover, cattle have many advantages, such as great strength, good endurance, docile, easy to control and so on.

As for the disadvantage, there is only one, and that is the slower speed.

The carts in this mine don’t need to be pulled too fast. After all, mining takes time. The ox pulls a cart of ore out of the mine, and walks back after unloading. The ore is probably not ready yet.

Taichang nodded in appreciation and said, "Well, the method of pulling mine carts by oxen is not bad."

Speaking of this cow, he thought of the cultivation of sweet potatoes and potatoes.

The baskets of sweet potatoes and potatoes are still here!
He walked over and took a closer look, and found that many sweet potatoes and potatoes had grown small shoots, and they were ready to start cultivating seedlings.

Question, why didn't Xu Ji start cultivating seedlings?

He couldn't help asking curiously: "Qianli, have you learned how to grow sweet potatoes and potatoes?"

Xu Ji hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Wei Chen has already learned the general method from the farmers in Fujian."

You have learned it, so hurry up and do it!
Taichang nodded repeatedly and said: "Well, then you can go and tell Wang Chengen, let him arrange someone to help you transport the things to the nearby Huangzhuang. By the way, all the good land in Huangzhuang will be sold, and you can ask him to find a mountain area More Huangzhuang, the effect of planting these two things on the mountain is similar."

Xu Ji heard this, and was about to bow to leave, but Taichang suddenly beckoned and said: "By the way, have you thought about how to improve the seedlings? Look at these sweet potatoes, the small ones are only as thick as a finger, and these potatoes, the small ones don't even have eggs. Big, that’s not acceptable, at least it has to be the size of a fist.”

When Xu Ji heard this, he immediately introduced in an endless manner: "Don't worry, your majesty, this humble minister has already considered it. There are many ways to improve seedlings, such as suitable soil quality, types of fertilizers, appropriate fertilization and watering, selective breeding and so on. The minister will try one by one."

Well, Xu Guangqi is an expert in agronomy, and Xu Ji is more focused on this area. He must have a way.

Taichang nodded slightly and said: "Well, let's go, try to get good seeds next year, and record the farming methods in detail. The disaster victims in the northwest can rely on these two things to save their lives."

Xu Ji hastily cupped his hands and bowed to leave.

At this time, under the guidance of Xu Guangqi, Taichang came to several molds.

When he saw the appearance of several molds, he was a little dumbfounded.

Perhaps, it was the molds of the punching machine that misled Xu Guangqi, and these molds were actually made the same as two bricks put together!
He struggled to open a mold to take a look, and couldn't help but nodded slightly.

I have to say that the craftsmanship of the craftsman these days is really not so good, the inside of the mold is like a mirror, not only the position of the sealing ring is polished extremely smooth, even the position of the positioning pin holes around it is the same.

This mold is no problem, the next step is to process the sealing ring.

How to process the rubber block into a sealing ring?
This process is a bit similar to nail punching, which roughly means softening the rubber block by heating it, and then shaping it with a mold.

However, this rubber block cannot be thrown into the fire, because the rubber block will ignite and burn out.

Taichang has also roughly considered this issue. The rubber block should be softened by heating with steam.

As for how to heat it, he looked at the bucket-shaped boiler and got an idea.

He first ordered people to remove the lid on the beer barrel, cut out a few rubber strips as thick as chopsticks with a knife, and threw the rubber strips directly on the lid of the boiler, and then ordered people to start lighting the steam.

There is still no shortage of charcoal in the palace. Under the orange charcoal fire, half a bucket of water boiled in less than a quarter of an hour.

At this time, the temperature on the boiler cover should be about [-] degrees.

Taichang picked up the iron clamp and clamped the rubber strip, it was still a bit hard!
There is no other way but to continue burning.

As the steam in the boiler increases, the steam inside will continue to heat up due to the increase in pressure without the steam pipe connecting it.

From time to time, Taichang held the iron clips to test it. In less than a quarter of an hour, the rubber strip finally began to soften, and it became softer and softer. It was so soft that it almost turned into mud!
At this time, he suddenly realized a problem.

The steam engine also uses steam!

If the temperature of the steam in the steam engine rises to such a high level, wouldn't the sealing ring melt.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but frown.

Alas, everything went wrong after the Liaodong victory this time, and there are too many headaches.

(End of this chapter)

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