Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 135 What is Deviance

Chapter 135 What is Deviance
Xu Guangqi and others understand the benefits of encouraging business. As long as they understand, it will be almost the same, because in the future it will be these cronies who will help him govern the country, not the eunuchs and Donglin.

Next is the imperial examination questions.

How did this imperial examination question come out?

To be honest, there is really no sentence in the "Four Books and Five Classics" that encourages business. If there were such words in the "Four Books and Five Classics", all dynasties would not have been emphasizing agriculture over business for thousands of years.

Taichang thought for a while, and asked directly: "Since you have already understood the benefits of encouraging business, let's not talk about this, just talk about how to make this imperial examination question meet my requirements."

Xu Guangqi thought for a while, then suddenly asked: "Your Majesty, have you ever read "Four Books Chapters and Sentences Collection"?"

I don't take the imperial examination, why read that stuff?

You know, there are more than 20 copies of the "Four Books and Five Classics", and it is not easy to learn something famous. There are more "Four Books Chapters and Sentences" than "Four Books and Five Classics".

Although Taichang has never studied it, he knows that "Four Books Chapters and Sentences" is still very important to scholars, because "Four Books Chapters and Sentences" is the standard answer or standard answer routine of the imperial examination.

That is to say, even if you don’t have a thorough understanding of the Four Books and Five Classics, if you see a question and don’t know how to answer it, just follow the instructions in the "Four Books Chapters and Sentences Collection" and play a little bit, and change it as if you wrote it yourself. Definitely not a problem.

Of course, if you copy the "Four Books Chapters Collection Notes", it is still a bit difficult to test Juren and Jinshi. After all, Xiucai is only the most elementary fame, which is useless. Juren and Jinshi are different. Then you can become an official. If you memorize it by heart, you will definitely not pass the exam.

At this time, it depends on one's understanding of the "Four Books and Five Classics", or one's understanding of the issues raised by the rulers.

However, this understanding should not be misinterpreted. It must be understood according to the standard model of "Four Books Chapters and Sentences".

In short, "Four Books Zhangju Jizhu" has been valued by the rulers since the Yuan Dynasty. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it became a standard course in various schools and academies. If a scholar wants to test his fame, he must learn it.

Taichang didn't need to take a test of merit, so he didn't learn much. He was quite embarrassed and said: "Why, there are words in the "Four Books Chapters and Sentences" that encourage business or encourage people to delve into strange Yin skills?"

This, of course, does not exist.

Xu Guangqi couldn't help sighing: "Your Majesty, please forgive me for offending you. To be honest, your thoughts are a bit deviant. No matter whether it is "Four Books and Five Classics" or "Four Books Chapters and Sentences", it is impossible to have such deviant words!"

What is deviant?

Taichang thought for a while, and then said bluntly: "Zi first, you have to figure out that my responsibility is to lead the Ming Dynasty to a peaceful and prosperous age, and your responsibility is to contribute to the country and the people, and help me manage this country well. Dao, we are not rotten scholars in the bag of books, why do we care about those? Don’t be bound by any apostasy. When those rotten scholars say that others are apostates, they actually think in their hearts to maintain their own power. What is deviant? They just want to borrow This fight for power!"

Uh, okay.

The emperor is right, we have to find a way to support it!
Xu Guangqi thought for a while, and then said decisively: "Your Majesty, there are no such things in the "Four Books Chapters and Sentences Collection", but I have studied the examination questions of previous dynasties and found a trick. Maybe we can use this trick to formulate the questions. "

What's the trick?
You say it!

Taichang couldn't help urging: "Zixian, why are you acting like a fool, what is the trick, tell me quickly!"

Alas, if those rotten scholars know that it is my bad idea, they will scold me to death!

Xu Guangqi sighed secretly again, then gritted his teeth and said: "I found that since the opening of the imperial examination, candidates were not only required to answer the questions according to the "Four Books Chapters and Sentences" standard, but also gradually included some "Four Books Chapters and Sentences" in the exam questions. "The smell."

The taste of "Four Books Chapters and Sentences Collection"?

What is the taste?
I haven't read "Four Books Chapters and Sentences"!

Taichang couldn't help but said embarrassingly, "Give me an example."

Xu Guangqi thought about it for a while, and then gave an example: "For example, if you are prepared for danger in times of peace, you will be prepared when you think about it. This is from "Spring and Autumn. Taking this as the topic, the key to solving the problem lies in a word of preparation. If the topic is formulated according to the taste of "Four Books Chapters and Sentences", the topic can be "Be prepared for danger in times of peace, and be prepared when you think about it. What is prepared for? What is the key point of solving the problem?" It’s still a preparation, but there are many things that can be discussed.”

Taichang remembered this sentence, he nodded slightly and said: "Well, if the question is formulated in this way, the meaning of the word preparation is indeed much wider. What do you mean, we can add the content we want like this?"

Alas, I'm really going to be scolded to death by those rotten scholars!

Xu Guangqi gritted his teeth and nodded: "Yes, Your Majesty, we can change it to be prepared for danger in times of peace, and to be prepared when you think about it. What are you prepared for? Money, food, soldiers, weapons? Then, what about money and food? What about weapons?" prepared?"

I have to say that sometimes scholars just have a lot of crooked ideas, and they can also make crooked ones straight.

Hearing this, Taichang couldn't help giving a thumbs up and praised: "Okay, Zixian, let's go out like this!"

When Bi Maokang and Wang Zheng heard the words, they couldn't help but gasped.

If this exam question is asked like this, no one will be scolded to death!

Seeing the two of them like this, Taichang couldn't help asking: "Why, can't the exam questions be made like this?"

This one.

Bi Maokang and Wang Zheng look at me, I look at you, and finally Bi Maokang cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, it is not impossible to make a question like this, but if those nerds who study hard books fail to pass the exam, they will probably make use of it. After all, so The title has deviated from the original meaning of the "Four Books and Five Classics."

Hmph, what good do I want those nerds who can only read dead books?

If you can’t answer it, then it proves to be trash!

What else can these wastes do besides bickering in court?
Taichang said with some disdain: "Excuse me? It's just a bunch of trash, what do they want to do? What can they do!"

This is not good.

Bi Maokang carefully reminded: "Your Majesty, do you remember the North and South List Case of the late Emperor Hongwu?"

Uh, this.

Hearing this, Taichang couldn't help frowning.

This gang of scholars is really annoying, even the ancestor Hongwu Emperor had to choose to coax rather than suppress.

He thought about it carefully, and then asked: "It seems that the test will be divided into three sessions. What are the specific questions in each session?"

Xu Guangqi said without hesitation: "Yes, Your Majesty, the test will be divided into three sessions. In the first three days, the "Four Books" have three righteousness and the Five Classics have four righteousness. Five."

So many questions are easy to handle.

Taichang said without hesitation: "Then let's make fewer questions with added materials like this. In the first three days, the sutras and meanings will be published as normal, and in the middle three days, some judgments will be stuffed in with added materials. We need to add one or two extra questions about current affairs policy. Anyway, we know what kind of talents we want to select, and two or three extra questions are enough to judge whether they are the people we need.”

This is much better.

After all, over the years, every imperial examination has not had a question with added material. Xu Guangqi, Bi Maokang and Wang Zheng have all encountered this kind of question with added material.

However, people added ingredients according to the original meaning of the "Four Books and Five Classics", unlike the emperor, who added things that were not in the "Four Books and Five Classics".

The three pondered for a while, then nodded helplessly.

If the emperor wants to add it, then add it!
Their nods made this year's candidates miserable, because no one had encountered such random questions before, and many people didn't know how to answer them!
This year's exam questions were also regarded as the most difficult in history. Many people almost vomited blood on the spot when they saw the exam questions with added material.

Of course, these are things for later, so I will skip them for the time being.

Seeing that the three of them nodded, Taichang said immediately, "Zixian, Menghou, you will come up with the test questions, and you two will be the assistant examiners."

Well, the wicked will be taken to the end, and the Buddha will be sent to the west, and all the exam questions will be made by them!
However, this assistant examiner is a good job.

After all, the examiner is the emperor, and these examinees are the disciples of the emperor in name, so it is impossible to worship the emperor as their teacher.

If these candidates want to learn from teachers, they can only learn from them.

(End of this chapter)

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