Chapter 139
Wei Zhongxian, a mad dog, finally started to clean Donglin madly. He took the "Donglin Points and General Records" edited by his godson Wang Shaohui, and pointed them one by one.

All Dong Lin who are still serving in the court, one by one, all of them are fucked!
All court officials who didn't deal with him had to be Dong Lin if not Dong Lin, and he just took this opportunity to masturbate them all!

Who is the first to lick?

This is a good start, you have to do it beautifully, and you can't do it until people lie on the ground and can't move.

In the early morning of the next day, just as the duet had just begun, Yushi Wei Yingjia walked out of the train and said in a loud voice on the imperial road: "Your Majesty, I impeached Qiao Yunsheng, Minister of the Ministry of Punishment. He bent the law for personal gain and was lawless. Yushi Lin Ruzhu murdered people in the street. The iron evidence is as strong as a mountain. Everyone knows that he just doesn't do it for personal gain!"

Ugh, you guys are so disgusting!

Of course Taichang knew why Lin Ruzhu, the censor, didn't do anything. In fact, he didn't do anything wrong.

Originally, the chief assistant Ye Xianggao went down, so this matter is considered to be over. After all, the goal of the eunuch party is the cabinet chief assistant Ye Xianggao. Yushi Lin Ruzhu is just a tool to put it bluntly. Are the tools smashed?

Unexpectedly, at this moment Wei Zhongxian ordered someone to find out this matter again.

Alas, it's disgusting to be disgusting.

Taichang acted as if he didn't know, and looked at Qiao Yunsheng, Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice, with a serious face.

Qiao Yunsheng had no choice but to come out and lie on the imperial road to deal with it.

At this moment, he really can't argue with anything. He also thinks that the first assistant Ye Xianggao has stepped down, so the matter is considered to be over.

No one in the court knows that this is Wei Zhongxian's trick for Ye Xianggao!
Unexpectedly, this set was used up on him again.

He did not handle this case!
What can he say?
He lay there contemplating for a long time, and finally he could only say helplessly: "Your Majesty, this matter is indeed negligent by this humble minister."

There's no way, he can't bully the emperor in front of civil and military officials, if this matter can't be done, it can't be done, he can't explain it.

Unexpectedly, Wei Yingjia said relentlessly: "Lord Qiao, if you are negligent, you will be done. The Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment is like you, so the world will be in chaos that day? Anyway, if no one cares about killing people, then you can't just kill them indiscriminately!" "

Do you still want me to take the blame and resign for this matter?
You have gone too far, Mr. Shoufu Ye has been punished by you, and you are still going through this old account non-stop!
Qiao Yunsheng simply ignored him, directly cupped his hands at Taichang and said, "Your Majesty, I must deal with this case as soon as possible."

Uh, what can I say about this?
Taichang thought for a while, then waved his hands and said, "Okay, let's all go down."

He believed that the eunuch party would definitely not just let it go.

At this moment, Wei Zhongxian was full of children and grandchildren, and his children and grandchildren basically served in the court. As long as he gave an order, the impeachment memorial would fly over like snowflakes.

Sure enough, the memorial to impeach Qiao Yunsheng that morning almost filled up the imperial cases.

Qiao Yunsheng is so helpless, Lin Ruzhu has been transferred thousands of miles away to Guangdong and Guangxi in order to avoid revenge from the eunuch party, even if he rushes to send a letter [-] miles away, it will take months for him to return to the capital for trial!

Well now, there is one more thing to impeach him, let the criminal go on purpose!

Under the frenzied impeachment by the eunuch party, he was completely powerless to parry and refute. In the end, he had no choice but to resign.

Wei Zhongxian was so proud of himself, Qiao Yunsheng had just stepped down from the stage, and he put his baby boss Xu Dahua on top.

Next, Cui Jingrong, Minister of the Ministry of War.

You are still in charge of the soldiers and horses of the world. What did you do when Jiannu captured Liaodong? You also randomly mobilized the chieftain soldiers and caused the southwestern chieftain to rebel. You have the face to be the Minister of the Ministry of War?
Cui Jingrong is indeed ashamed to be the Minister of the Ministry of War.

To talk about the fall of Liaodong, he must be responsible for the Minister of the Ministry of War.

He couldn't shirk his responsibility when it came to the southwestern chieftain's rebellion.

Wei Zhongxian's children and grandchildren went up together, and caught him biting wildly, how could he bear it!
Can't take it anymore, can you?

If you can't bear it anymore, go down, you, and change to my son, the king's minister.

Next, Li Ruhua, Minister of the Household Department.

You are also in charge of the treasury's money and food. There are more than 20 troops in Liaodong and more than 200 million civilians.

In order to feed the army and people in Liaodong, the emperor was forced to sell all the fertile land in Huangzhuang. Do you have the face to sit on the seat of Minister of the Ministry of household affairs for a vegetarian meal?

Li Ruhua, Shangshu of the Ministry of Accounts, really has no face to say.

Don't you have the face to say it?
The more shameless you are, the more crazy we will impeach!

Just go down, you, my son Wu Chunfu will come on instead!

To be honest, there are more or less problems with these few, and Wei Zhongxian insisted on biting them, but they couldn't do anything about it.

They all knew that if they didn't get out quickly, dismissal from office would be trivial. If Wei Zhongxian got angry, they might be imprisoned or even killed.

Once the position of Minister of the Ministry of Punishment is lost, the disaster of prison may befall them at any time!

Therefore, when they saw that the situation was not right, they resigned themselves.

This time Wei Zhongxian became even more insane, because no matter whether it was the cabinet or the six ministries, he had an absolute advantage.

Next, he began to make false accusations. Anyway, the emperor had already said that both Sun Chengzong and Yuan Keli, who held heavy soldiers, were not from Donglin, and they would not come to help Donglin. He was afraid of a fart!

Gao Panlong, Zuodu Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, you are still in charge of supervising officials, Xiong Tingbi is about to resign, why don't you care?

Also, She Chongming, the Xuanfu envoy of Yongning, rebelled. Is this how you supervise all officials?
Gao Panlong is so confused, who can stop Xiong Tingbi's violent temper, he can't control it even if he wants to!

Also, the extravagant Chongming is the chieftain, so can the Metropolitan Procuratorate manage the chieftain?

How can the chieftain deal with everything? The procuratorate!
He fought hard with reason, and his face was red when he argued with the eunuchs.

It's a pity that Donglin's power in the court is not what it used to be. In the court, Wei Zhongxian's descendants alone are more than Donglin's. How could he possibly win!
Wei Zhongxian is so proud, can't compete, right?
If you can't compete, you can go down, and my son Li Kuilong will go up instead!

Next, Han Yu, a cabinet scholar.

You are an old man, you are over 60, your eyes are blurred, can you still read the memorial?
Occupy the latrine and don't shit, go down and give me back my precious Feng Quan!
The reason he was looking for was that it was getting more and more outrageous, more and more outrageous, and even used it later to frame and frame. corrupt officials.

Anyone who dares not to get out, then arrest them and chase after the stolen goods. After you chase your wife and children, your family will be destroyed!

Forget about the others, Yang Lian is the number one honest official in the world and a model of cleanliness, but in the end he was also planted as a corrupt official and dismissed from office!

This is the result of Taichang warning him, otherwise, he would arrest those who refused to leave and torture them in every possible way, directly to death, as an example to others.

What he did, naturally caused complaints from the government and the public. Those Donglin and Qingliu played desperately to impeach the eunuchs and Wei Zhongxian.

It's fine for them to go down, but what are these things in exchange for?

Forget about Gu Bingqian, chief assistant of the cabinet, and Cui Chengxiu, a scholar of the cabinet, they have scolded them both.

Xu Dahua, Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice, what is it?

This guy is a typical example of incompetence, weak talent, and slack in politics. After he was admitted as a Jinshi, he became the magistrate of Liancheng County in Fujian. Poor, after serving as a county magistrate, he will be dismissed and investigated, and will never be hired.

He can't even be a county magistrate, Wei Zhongxian actually promoted him to be Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, is it because he is Wei Zhongxian's godson?
Wouldn't this be a big joke in the world!
Wu Chunfu, Minister of the Ministry of household affairs, what is it?

This guy is a well-known corrupt official, and he was dismissed for corruption a long time ago.

Such a person as the Minister of the Household Department?

Then don't make a hole in the sky!
What the hell is Feng Quan, a bachelor?

His father Feng Shengming left his post when Jiannu attacked Liaoshen, and was about to be punished, so he worshiped Wei Zhongxian at his knees, not only saved his father, but also entered the cabinet!
What the hell is Li Kuilong, the censor of the left capital of the Metropolitan Procuratorate?

This guy is a typical example of using power for personal gain, buying and selling officials, and he was investigated and dealt with when he was the head of the Ministry of Officials.

Wouldn't it be ridiculous for such a person to supervise the officials!

Well, these are mostly true.

The people Wei Zhongxian uses are just so absurd.

He can't help it, but how can any honest or capable person recognize him as a eunuch as a godfather or even a godfather!

Fortunately, this group of people also scolded Wei Zhongxian and his children and grandchildren, and it was over.

Because Wei Zhongxian's washing speed is too fast this time, one or even several a day, washing lah la la, and washing faster and faster.

Before they waited for Emperor Taichang to approve the impeachment memorial, Wei Zhongxian ruled over the court.

As for why Taichang did not approve their impeachment memorial, the reason was that they were too busy to read the memorial.

He is indeed busy, because this period of time is the critical period of ship development.

At the beginning, Wang Zheng made the first ship very quickly, but there were many problems.

For example, the axles that drive the two paddle wheels rotate too fast. Once they are driven, the place where they are connected to the hull will soon emit smoke.

This is easy to solve.

Taichang directly explained the structure of the bearing to Wang Zheng and the others, and soon, a simple ball bearing was made, and the problem of smoking was also solved.

Another example is that the speed of the ship is too fast, and it cannot stop at all when it is close to the pier.

It doesn't matter much in the huge Taiye pool. Turn off the steam valve, and it will stop naturally after wandering around for a while.

If you are in a narrow river, you can't wander around.

How to do it?

Taichang thought for a few days and came up with a way to add a valve!
There is a small hole in the middle of this newly added valve, which will not block the steam completely if it is closed.

In this way, in addition to the normal fast sailing, the ship also has a moving speed of turtle speed.

If you want to slow down, just close the valve with small holes, so that the wheel can still move slowly, as long as you close the other solid valve when it is close to the pier, the ship will stop.

In short, he was indeed very busy during this time. When he finished his work, the ship was successfully developed, and Donglin was finished!
Maybe he just ignored Wei Zhongxian deliberately, found an excuse not to approve the memorial, and let him clean up Donglin.

Who knows.

(End of this chapter)

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