Chapter 142

The disaster victims in the Northwest turned against it at this time!
What exactly is going on?

In the imperial study room, Taichang slowly flipped through the ledger in front of him, his face was so gloomy and terrifying.

At this moment, he has already regretted a little, the hidden danger of using eunuchs to clean up Donglin is too great.

Although Donglin and Qingliu are smelly and hard like the stones in the latrine, they still know how to take care of face, pretend to be noble, and embezzle disaster relief money and food. Donglin and Qingliu are determined not to do it.

Therefore, Donglin has been in power for so long, and nothing has happened in the northwest.

The eunuchs are different. Most of these guys are corrupt officials, and they are the kind who were found out and dismissed from office!

According to the law, such dismissed officials will never be hired.

However, Wei Zhongxian chose to fish out these godsons and grandsons to use them again, and they all stole high positions in the court.

This kind of people, with Wei Zhongxian's protection, they dare not be greedy for any money!
Alas, it seems that there is nothing wrong with this account book, because it is the same before and after. When Dong Lin took power, it was almost exactly the same as when Wu Chunfu came to power, almost like a copy.

Taichang raised his head, stared at Wu Chunfu for a while, and then asked coldly: "Have you really allocated the relief money and food on time?"

Wu Chunfu was frightened and said tremblingly: "Your Majesty, this humble minister has never been touched. How did the former Li Ruhua transfer it, so the humble minister transferred it."

On the books, it does.

Question, are you a big corrupt official, and it is a big corrupt official that has been found out, can you not be corrupt?

Taichang asked coldly: "Are you really not greedy?"

Wu Chunfu quickly explained: "Your Majesty, I'm really not greedy. The money and food were transferred from the local government and didn't go into the treasury of the Ministry of Household Affairs. Even if I want to be greedy, I have to collude with the local officials." Greedy, in such a short period of time, how could this humble official collude with so many local officials?"

This guy is indeed a big corrupt official, and he is too familiar with the routine of corruption.

What he said is indeed correct. The disaster relief funds and food in Shaanxi were allocated directly from dozens of prefectures in nearby Shanxi, Henan, Huguang, and Sichuan. He didn't get a penny at all.

This guy has only been in office for less than two months, and it is indeed impossible to collude with officials from dozens of local and state capitals to corrupt relief money and food, and it is estimated that Wei Zhongxian will not be able to do this.

Question, why did the disaster victims in the northwest turn against it?
If the money and food for the disaster relief were really allocated, would they have enough to eat?

Taichang thought for a while, and then said coldly: "Then why did the disaster victims in Shangzhou not rebel lately, or sooner? They rebelled less than two months after you came to power, doesn't it have anything to do with you?"

Wu Chunfu quickly argued: "Your Majesty, this matter really has nothing to do with my ministers. Shangzhou is located in the southernmost part of Shaanxi Chengxuan Political Envoy Division. The disaster is not too serious. Pingliang Mansion, Qingyang Mansion and Yansui Mansion in the north of Shaanxi The disasters in Fufu and other places are serious, and the victims in these places did not rebel, but the victims in Shangzhou rebelled, and this has nothing to do with the relief money and food allocated by the Ministry of Households!"

This also makes sense!
Pingliang Prefecture, Qingyang Prefecture and Yansui Prefecture in the north of Shaanxi are already barren, and the disaster situation is much more serious than that of Xi’an Prefecture, Hanzhong Prefecture and Shangzhou in the south. Why did the victims of Shangzhou in the southernmost part of Xi’an Prefecture rebel? Woolen cloth?
Historically, it seems that the disaster victims in Xi'an Prefecture rebelled first. What is going on?

If there is really no money and food for disaster relief, then those who cannot survive must be the victims of Pingliang, Qingyang and Yan'an in the north of Shaanxi!
Did I really blame Wu Chunfu by mistake?
Could it be that this corrupt official changed his nature after he became the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs?

Taichang stared at Wu Chunfu for a while, until the guy's forehead was sweating, then he waved and said: "Okay, you go down first."

Upon hearing this, Wu Chunfu hurriedly bowed and resigned.

To be honest, he was so scared that he almost peed his pants.

The emperor's eyes are too scary!

If the emperor suddenly lost his mind and ordered someone to drag him out and chop him up, who would he turn to for reasoning?

Of course, Taichang's mind would not suddenly cramp. He sat there frowning and pondering for a while, and then said loudly to the door: "Tell Luo Sigong."

Not long after, Luo Sigong hurried over.

After paying respects to the princes and ministers, Taichang said in a low voice: "I have a secret order to order Cao Wenzhao to lead the Shenwu Battalion cavalry to Shangzhou to encircle and suppress the rebels. No matter what, we must clean up the rebels!"

The issue of corruption will definitely not be investigated for a while, so let's deal with the rebels in Shangzhou first.

No matter what, this rebel must be wiped out!

Because this is a spark, if the rebels in Shangzhou rise, then other places will definitely follow suit.

If a single spark is not extinguished, it will be a wildfire and start a prairie fire!

How did the Ming Dynasty fall in history?
Natural disasters are of course the main reason, but these disaster victims continue to rebel, one after another, and they can't be wiped out no matter what, it is also a big reason.

You must know that the Ming Dynasty at that time was devastated by the rebellion of Jiannu and the Southwest Tusi. No matter how crazy the victims of the Northwest rebelled, the gods would not be able to bear it!

Therefore, the flames in Shangzhou must be extinguished, otherwise there will be chaos in the northwest, and then Jiannu will take the opportunity to mess around, and the Ming Dynasty will fall into crisis again.

Taichang believes that it should be the fastest to dispatch the cavalry from the Shenwu Battalion to encircle and suppress the rebels. After all, the speed of the cavalry cannot be kept up by two legs.

What he didn't expect was that there hadn't been any news from Shenwu Camp yet, but the news of Yunyang Fuzhi Xuezhen came eight hundred miles away.

The [-] guards of Huashan Guard have already rushed to Luonan, relieved the siege of Luonan County, and drove the rebels to the south, and Fuzhi Xue Zhenzheng personally led the [-] guards of Yunyang Prefecture to the north, preparing to encircle both sides. Exterminate this rebel.

Is it that fast?
He still knows about Luonan. This Luonan was originally called Luonan, and it got its name because it was located in the southwest of Luoyang. At the moment, Luoyang is not called Luoyang, but Luoyang.

All this is because his name is Zhu Changluo, and the word Luo has to be avoided, so all place names with the word Luo have to be changed to the word Luo.

This Luo Nan is related to his name, so he naturally paid attention to it.

Luonan is just south of Mount Hua, only tens of miles away from Huashan Guard. It is not surprising that the Huashan Guard's elite rushed there in a day, but the strange thing is that Xue Zhen's reaction to Fuzhi in Yunyang was too fast.

You know, the place where Yunyang Fuzhi is located is more than 500 miles away from Luonanzu, and it is impossible to make a round trip in a day with an urgent [-] miles.

It was a bit unexpected that this guy reacted so quickly.

What was even more unexpected was yet to come. Another day later, Xue Zhen, Fuzhi of Yunyang, ordered people from [-] Li to rush the news of success.

The rebels in Shangzhou were wiped out by him!

Nearly a thousand rebels, he beheaded more than [-], captured more than [-], and bestowed heads on all the big and small leaders of the rebels!
Is this Xue Zhen so powerful?

There seems to be no such capable minister in history!
Taichang was staring in a daze at the good news from Yunyang Fuzhi Xue Zhen, when the little eunuch outside suddenly said softly: "Your Majesty, the supervisor of ceremonies is holding the pen, and Eunuch Wei, the admiral of the East Factory, is asking to see him."

Why is Wei Zhongxian here again?
Taichang frowned slightly, then said helplessly, "Xuan."

Alas, there is no way, this guy has to be stable for a few months.

Soon, Wei Zhongxian walked in with a happy face.

After paying respects to the monarch and his ministers, the guy bowed his hands solemnly and said, "Your Majesty, I heard that the rebels in Shangzhou have been wiped out."

Are you more informed than I am? I just received the eight hundred li urgent report, and you have already come over to "hear"!

Who did you listen to?
Taichang was rather helpless and said: "Well, judging from the report, it has been calmed down."

Wei Zhongxian immediately cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, Yunyang has made great achievements in governing Xue Zhen. Shall we reward him?"

Are you teaching me how to do things?

Xue Zhen belongs to this guy too!
Taichang looked at the good news, then at Wei Zhongxian who was beaming with joy, and he understood it instantly.

This guy is too impatient, the good news of the [-]-mile rush has only reached my hands, and you have come to ask for credit, if Xue Zhen is not your person, then ghosts will come!
Thinking of this, he calmly said: "Well, tell me, how to reward."

Wei Zhongxian said without hesitation: "Your Majesty, what do you think about promoting Xue Zhen as the right deputy capital envoy of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the right servant of the Ministry of War, the Fuzhi of Yunyang and the governor of the three sides, and fully responsible for military and civilian affairs in the Northwest?"

What a big appetite!

If there is a problem with Xue Zhen, wouldn't there be problems in the entire Northwest?

I feel bad!
Taichang pretended to think about it and said: "Well, this proposal is very good, but the area involved is too wide, I have to think about it."

(End of this chapter)

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