Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 145 Descending Huashan Mountain

Chapter 145 Descending Huashan Mountain

As the sun sets, the sky is full of red clouds, and the scenery inside and outside Tongguan is picturesque.

The rolling Yellow River outside Guancheng, the continuous clear stream inside Guancheng, the vast Qinling Mountains around Guancheng, small bridges and flowing water, criss-cross streets, towering towers, and majestic passes.

Such a Guancheng is even more dangerous than Shanhaiguan, and there is a river in the Guancheng, and there are dense fertile fields on both sides of the river. As long as there are more than [-] elites, I am afraid that Jiannu will not be able to take it down with all their strength.

Daming had such magnificent rivers and mountains, so many formidable passes, and a population of hundreds of millions. In the end, it died in the hands of Jiannu. I have to say, these dog things in the court can really be given away!

Taichang was standing on the top of the city gate sighing, but Zhang Guodong was almost stupid.

Who is this?

He had already asked the prince, but the prince shook his head and said nothing, just followed this man up the tower, and then stood there respectfully and motionless.

What the hell is this for?

The sun is already setting, I'm going to close the city gate, okay?
He could also roughly guess that this person was waiting for someone, because Shizi just lent his horse to others.

The problem here is the critical pass of the three provinces. When the sun goes down, the city gate must be closed!

Could it be that he wanted to break the rules for this unknown big shot?
He was about to ask his son for instructions, when suddenly there was a muffled sound of horseshoes outside the Guancheng.

There are a large number of cavalry in the direction of Luoyang rushing here!

He set up the awning with his hands, and looked into the distance. Sure enough, a large black ant-like black spot in the east was coming here.

Of course he knew that these were not ants, but cavalry!

what's the problem?

He couldn't help looking nervously at his son Zhang Zhiji, but Zhang Zhiji still looked at the emperor cautiously.

Finally, Taichang nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Zhang Zhiji smiled slightly and said, "Uncle Guodong, don't be nervous, the emperor's Shenwu Battalion is here."

The emperor's army!
Then this must be the emperor, otherwise the prince would not be so respectful.

Zhang Guodong hurriedly knelt down on one knee, cupped his hands and bowed: "The general will see the emperor, the general will not know that the emperor is here in person, what a disrespect, please forgive me."

Taichang nodded slightly and said: "Okay, get up, I'm here for a private visit this time, so don't make a fuss about it."

Private visit?

Zhang Guodong stood up carefully, his face full of puzzlement.

He was still puzzled, but Taichang immediately asked: "I heard that Shaanxi was severely affected by the disaster, and there are hungry people and refugees everywhere. Is it true? Why are there no hungry people and refugees in your closed city?"

Well, how dare I let the hungry and refugees enter the city!
Zhang Guodong quickly explained: "Your Majesty, this is an important pass of the three provinces, and there is no room for loss. Therefore, the last general dare not let the refugees enter the Guancheng. .”

Uh, this.

how to say?

Although they are a bit impersonal, they are also responsible for it. There is no way, if there are hungry people and refugees everywhere inside and outside the Guancheng, I am afraid that Tongguan will really be impossible to defend.

Taichang thought for a while, then asked again: "Do you mean that there are no hungry people or refugees near this Guancheng?"

Zhang Guodong nodded without hesitation and said: "Yes, Your Majesty, the road to the west of Guancheng is actually not easy to walk. It winds for more than [-] miles and is a mountain road. Not to mention that it takes time and energy to walk. There is not much to eat nearby. Over time, the starving people and the refugees basically don't go here, they usually go south, to Hanzhong Prefecture, Shangzhou, or Nanyang Prefecture and Yunyang Prefecture."

Well, it seems that there is no way to understand the situation of the victims here.

Taichang thought for a while, then asked again: "Who is the commander of Huashan Guard, do you know him well?"


Hearing this, Zhang Guodong couldn't help secretly looking at Zhang Zhiji who was at the side.

Seeing this, Zhang Zhiji couldn't help saying angrily: "Uncle Guodong, why are you looking at me? The emperor is asking you something. Just say what you want, don't worry about anything."

Hearing this, Zhang Guodong immediately gritted his teeth and said, "Your Majesty, the general dare not lie. The commander of the Huashan Guard, Wang Dingkun, is a bit greedy for money. He has done a lot of things like eating empty salary, seizing farmland, and bullying the guard."

Greed for money?

This Wang Dingkun is likely to be bought!
Hearing this, Taichang couldn't help but turn cold. He had suffered a lot in Suzhou back then.

The commander of the Huashan Guard must be taken down. In any case, even if he is empty-handed, seized the farmland, and bullied the guard, it is enough to dismiss him and investigate him.

Thinking of this, he asked again: "Do you have any reliable people here, preferably someone who is familiar with this place, I must replace this Wang Dingkun."

Zhang Guodong was a little dumbfounded, did the emperor ask him to propose a commander?
The problem is, he is also a commander!

Who should I mention?

Seeing this, Zhang Zhiji simply reminded him, "Is Zhiyong there?"

Zhang Guodong subconsciously said: "Zhiyong? Zhiyong is in charge of guarding the west gate. He is probably ordering someone to close the city gate at the moment. He should come over after the evening guard is arranged."

you're so dumb!
Zhang Zhiji said helplessly: "I mean let Zhiyong temporarily act as the commander of Huashan Guard."

That's not good?
Zhang Guodong hesitated and said: "Uh, son, you also know that Zhiyong is just a thousand households. Moreover, he is young and has little qualifications, so I'm afraid he won't be able to convince everyone!"

Alas, you elm lump.

Zhang Zhiji simply turned around and cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, I have the courage to recommend Zhang Zhiyong, the son of commander Zhang Guodong. This son is familiar with military books, has high martial arts skills, is loyal and brave, and can be reused."

This is enough!

Taichang nodded without hesitation and said: "Okay, let him order all his cronies, and follow me to Huashanwei tomorrow."

Early the next morning, Taichang, Cao Wenzhao and others led the Shenji Camp to set off with Zhang Zhiyong.

However, they did not take the official road west of Tongguan, because the official road west of Tongguan directly leads to Huayin County, and Huashanwei is more than [-] miles southwest of Huayin County.

He was going to take down Huashanwei first, and then go to Huayin County, so that he didn't have to worry about what would happen.

A group of more than [-] riders ran southward for more than ten miles along the Tonghe Valley Road, and then rushed westward along the mountain trail below the northern slope of the Qinling Mountains. In less than two hours, they arrived at the Huashanwei station. .

Fortunately, this Huashan Guard is an ordinary guard, and it didn't build a guard city like a border guard.

Without saying a word, Taichang directly ordered more than ten thousand riders from the Shenwu Camp to surround the village where the Huashanwei Commander Yamen was located, and then rushed in with his army, and took all the commanders, commanders, and commanders inside. up.

The commander of Huashan Guard, Wang Dingkun, was stunned. For no reason, he suddenly rushed over from the east and crushed a large group of armored cavalry. Before he understood what was going on, he was tied up.

In the lobby of the Huashan Guard Commander's Yamen, Taichang looked at the bewildered commander in front of him, picked up the gavel and slapped it hard, and said sharply: "Wang Dingkun, are you guilty?"

Who are you?

Wang Dingkun plucked up his courage and said, "Who are you? I'm the official of the imperial court, the commander of the third rank. How dare you be so lawless and want to rebel?"

Who are we?

Taichang glanced directly at Zhang Zhiyong, who was as strong as a calf.

Zhang Zhiyong immediately yelled: "Presumptuous, why did you talk to the emperor, do you want to die?"


It was only at this moment that Wang Dingkun discovered that Zhang Zhiyong, the son of Zhang Guodong, the commander of the Tongguan Guard, was among the "little men" standing on both sides.

He knew where Zhang Zhiyong was standing, nine out of ten people sitting in the hall must be the emperor, otherwise how could a full-time Tunwei Qianhu be ranked at the bottom of the train.

He was so frightened that he quickly kowtowed and said: "The emperor forgives the sin, the emperor forgives the sin, I will never know that the emperor is here in person!"


There is no forgiveness for your sin.

Taichang said coldly: "Tell me, how many guards are still being edited in Huashanwei, I want to actually edit the number."

Bullying the king will be beheaded.

Besides, this matter can't be bullied for long, the emperor only needs to order people to go to various households to check and find out.

Wang Dingkun could only honestly say: "Forgive me, Your Majesty, the Huashan Guard has less than [-] guards, and the last time the Ministry of War dispatched troops to support Liaodong, it directly transferred [-]."

Fortunately, there are only less than [-] guards left in Huashan Guard.

Taichang immediately asked again: "Where are the one thousand guards you sent to Shangzhou to suppress the bandits, where are they now?"

Wang Dingkun quickly replied: "They were ordered by Master Fuzhi to stay in Shangzhou and did not come back."

This means that there are less than five hundred guards in Huashan now. No wonder they didn't encounter any resistance when they came to surround them.

From the looks of it, there shouldn't be any problem going to Huayin.

Taichang stared at Wang Dingkun for a while, and suddenly said coldly: "Drag it, cut it off."

Wang Dingkun immediately cried out in fright: "Your Majesty, I am wronged, the last general did nothing, Your Majesty, please spare me!"

Hmph, you're still being wronged, and you haven't done anything yet?

Is it not enough to seize the farmland, eat empty wages, bully the guards, and collude with local corrupt officials?

Besides, if I don't kill you, how can I go to Huayin without worry!

(End of this chapter)

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