Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 156 Several joys and sorrows

Chapter 156 Several joys and sorrows

Time flies, the sun and the moon fly by, and it seems that the Chinese New Year is about to come.

At this time, the Daming capital, which had been dull for several years, finally had a rare joy.

In the past few years, no matter whether it was the court officials or the people in the capital, few people were really happy.

The battle of Sarhu, the battle of Shenyang, the battle of Liaoyang, bad news came one by one. Jiannu's journey was like breaking a bamboo, and it seemed that it would soon come to the capital. Who can be happy?
The Ming court and the public were immersed in an atmosphere of fear and depression.

There were nearly 40 frontier troops. In less than three years, they were beaten by Jiannu to less than [-]. What else did Ming use to fight against Jiannu?

At that time, no one could really see any hope. Many people felt pessimistic or even hopeless, so naturally they couldn't be happy.

This year is different.

Grand scholar Sun Chengzong supervised Ji Liao, and the situation in Liaodong miraculously stabilized.

Immediately afterwards, the Ming army launched a massive counterattack, and the emperor personally led the conquest, repelling Jiannu for more than [-] miles in the first battle!

When the news spread back to the capital, both the court officials and the common people rejoiced.

Because everyone finally sees hope.

Although the southwestern chieftain rebellion broke out later, the good news soon came as soon as the emperor's personal army arrived, and it seemed that it was only a matter of time before the rebellion was put down.

The Ming army has won many battles and victories, and the Ming Dynasty has continued to become stronger and stronger, so everyone is naturally happy.

Therefore, this new year's festival, the capital seems to have returned to the time of peace and prosperity many years ago, full of joy.

In the Chengguang Hall, Bi Maokang, Wang Zheng, Song Yingxing, and Sun Yuanhua were even more happy these days, because they created a new thing.

This thing is actually the reamer used to ream holes, but they have connected the steam engine to it.

That is to say, in the future, there is no need to ream the holes manually, and the speed of reaming the holes is really fast when the steam engine is turned on, and the power is also very strong, and it can even be said that it can be as big as you want.

Wang Zheng looked at the reamer that was spinning rapidly, and couldn't help but proudly said: "How about it, Chuyang, have you cast your five-hundred-jin and one-thousand-jin cannons, but I have made all the steam reamers. "

Right now, he was really a little proud because he had successfully been a matchmaker for the emperor, and the emperor married Liu Yingkui's granddaughter, who was his classmate, so his relationship with the emperor was even closer.

Of course, he didn't have any other ideas. At that time, the reason why he thought of being a matchmaker for the emperor was mainly because he was frightened by that guy Li Yingjian.

He was really afraid that Wei Zhongxian would retaliate against him, because Wei Zhongxian's viciousness was well known in the government and the public!

Therefore, he subconsciously wanted to get closer to the emperor in order to protect himself.

Unexpectedly, things went as smoothly as he had imagined.

At this moment, Liu Zongxiang, the father-in-law of Xinke, is living in his mansion to study and prepare for the exam. He and the emperor have become like a family.

With this amulet, he naturally no longer needs to be afraid of Wei Zhongxian.

Everything went well for him these days, no, not long after he came back, he made the steam reamer again.

Although Sun Yuanhua was not as proud as Wang Zheng, he was in a good mood.

He didn't cast the five-hundred-jin and one-thousand-jin cannons, because he had been helping with the ship some time ago.

Moreover, the ten ships consumed too much copper, and with the consumption of muskets and cannons, there was not enough copper in Tongling. Therefore, his progress in casting large cannons had to be delayed a bit.

Of course, he hasn't done nothing these days, at least he has made clay molds for casting large cannons.

Seeing Wang Zheng's smug expression, he couldn't help joking: "Liangfu, can your little steam reamer hinge such a big gun barrel?"

This mountain man has his own tricks.

Hehe, the emperor has already said that to make a big steam engine, this problem will naturally not be a problem.

Wang Zheng continued proudly: "Don't worry, I'll buy you a big one after the Chinese New Year, and it's all made of iron, no matter how big your gun barrel is, it can be hinged."


Sun Yuanhua suddenly excitedly said: "Then you have to hurry up and make the big guy. I guess I can make the big artillery after the new year."

Bi Maokang saw that the two of them were chatting enthusiastically, and couldn't help interjecting: "Liangfu, the emperor said that this steam reaming machine can be changed into a steam lathe and a steam milling machine. I will wait for your lathe and steam milling machine." Milling machines for finer flintlocks."

Wang Zheng nodded again and again: "No problem, no problem, I will pick a few disciples after the test and work overtime for you."

Some are happy and some are sad.

They, the so-called imperialists, were having a heated chat, while Wei Zhongxian was sitting in the east factory office with a sad face, in a daze.

Although the Eunuch Party has gained power, he is not happy at all right now.

Because he didn't get the benefits he expected, or in other words, he didn't receive the benefits he expected during this period of time.

It's almost the Chinese New Year, not only did Yunyang Fuzhi not give any money and food, even the news disappeared!
Now he was beginning to be paranoid.

Could it be that the emperor hurried to Yunyang?
If we start counting from the time when the emperor fell into the water, at the speed of a galloping horse, the news from that side will be cut off almost as soon as the emperor arrives there!

This kind of thing is not impossible.

Because the last time the emperor was in Jinling, he took advantage of his illness to escape and went to visit privately in Weifu, which caused him to lose all the income from mining tax, salt tax, Huangzhuang and Huangdian.

This time, those filial sons and grandsons of his went to embezzle the money and food for disaster relief. What will happen if the emperor finds out about their deeds?
Thinking of this, Wei Zhongxian's eyes showed deep fear for the first time.

If possible, he really wanted to run into the Qianqing Palace to have a look.

The question is, Wang Chengen's stunned young man is like a door god, he won't let him in no matter what!

How to do it?

At this moment, the joyous atmosphere outside had nothing to do with his true feelings, he only felt fear and depression.

If the emperor really took advantage of his illness to escape and went to Yunyang, what would happen!
Unexpectedly, the day before the annual holiday, the emperor ordered someone to deliver an edict that all officials in Beijing would not be absent without reason.

The emperor is actually in the capital?
Naturally, Taichang is back, and he has been back for a few days.

The reason why he didn't show up was because he was worried that the eunuch party had received news from Yunyang. After all, he was not afraid of ten thousand, but just in case. If the news leaked, it would be troublesome.

Fortunately, he observed secretly for a few days, and none of the eunuchs did anything special.

This proves that he blocked the news in a timely manner, and the eunuch party didn't even know what happened in Yunyang.

The next morning, he finally showed up.

On the surface, he was smiling, as if nothing happened and he didn't know anything.

In his heart, he was raging with anger, and he just wanted to clean up these dogs.

Fortunately, after the Chinese New Year, it is almost time to start.

After the performance was over, he also specially expressed his emotions.

What are the big victories in Liaodong and Southwest? The officials present did not have any credit but hard work. Everyone has done a good job this year. If you continue to work hard in the coming year, Ming Dynasty will flourish and regain its former glory.

He said a lot of ramblings, but in fact there was only one sentence in his mind.

You wait for me, after the new year is over, you are ready to go on the road!

After hearing the detailed description of the early court by the eldest son Cui Chengxiu, Wei Zhongxian couldn't help being confused.

What is going on here?
Obviously, the emperor didn't go to Yunyang at all, and he didn't know what happened there. Otherwise, it would be good if the emperor didn't get furious, so how could he praise them for doing a good job.

Question, why is there no news from Yunyang all of a sudden?
Could it be that Xue Zhen and others swallowed all the proceeds of corruption?

The sky is turned upside down, you unworthy descendants!
Wei Zhongxian thought for a while with a gloomy face, and then he said to Li Kuilong, "Longer, you can give the court minister a patrol censor and ask him to go to Yunyang to see what the bastard Xue Zhen is doing." What the hell."

He Tingxiang is also Wei Zhongxian's god-grandson, and he is quite well-behaved, but he is a little young, and the time to worship him is relatively late, so he hasn't had time to promote this good-looking grandson yet.

This time, he promoted He Tingxiang as the censor and sent him to Yunyang to investigate the news. He also intended to train this good grandson so that he could entrust him with important responsibilities when he came back.

It's a pity that his good grandson was given away for nothing.

Because Taichang has already confessed to Cao Yubian, Zhang Guodong and others, but anyone sent by the eunuch party to Yunyang to investigate will be caught and killed immediately!

(End of this chapter)

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