Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 341 Battle against the Satsuma Domain

Chapter 341 Battle against the Satsuma Domain

Shimadzu of the Satsuma domain has always been known for his wit.

In other words, they are quite chicken thieves.

At the end of the Eastern Warring States period, they were already the most powerful force in Kyushu Island. Not only did they monopolize the three kingdoms of Satsuma, Osumi, and Hyuga, but they also almost completed the great cause of unifying Kyushu Island.

It stands to reason that with their such formidable strength, they should shine in the next big battle.

However, they are quite chicken thieves, and they have always focused on preserving their strength.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi led a large army of more than [-] people to conquer Kyushu during the battle of dominating Japan. Seeing that the situation was not right, they immediately surrendered, thus preserving the territories of Satsuma, Osumi, and Hyuga.

Afterwards, Toyotomi Hideyoshi launched the Battle of Bunroku Keishaga and invaded North Korea. The Shimadzu clan, as the powerful power in the southwest after the Mori clan, sent a total of less than [-] troops twice, while the Mori clan sent [-] troops at a time and sent troops at one time. [-], a total of [-] troops were dispatched.

As a result, the strength of the Mori family was greatly damaged, and the main force of the Shimadzu family finally escaped back!

After Toyotomi Hideyoshi's death, Tokugawa Ieyasu launched the Sekigahara Battle that decided the world's struggle. The Mori clan, also a powerful Western Army, sent another [-] troops, while the Shimadzu clan only sent [-] troops.

As a result, the Mori family was laid down by Tokugawa Ieyasu, and the Changzhou Domain had more than ten countries, and only two countries were left.

However, because the Shimadzu family preserved their strength, Tokugawa Ieyasu was quite afraid, and the Satsuma clan finally preserved the three kingdoms of Satsuma, Osumi, and Hyuga.

Later, they took the initiative to show their favor to the Tokugawa family, thus gaining the right to send troops to occupy Ryukyu, and based on this, they built the most powerful navy in Japan.

This is the Shimadzu family of chicken thieves. Others are getting weaker and weaker, but they are getting stronger and stronger. Even, they were the main force to overthrow the Tokugawa shogunate in the end, and the Japanese navy was basically controlled by the Satsuma clan.

Of course, these will all be history.

Because at this moment, Taichang led the Daming army to come across the sea, vowing to destroy the scourge of Dongying.

The Satsuma domain Shimadzu was his first target.

Hundreds of thousands of land and water troops of the Ming Dynasty assembled in Taicang Port, and the momentum was unparalleled. The Satsuma clan naturally received the news.

However, because Taichang ordered to blockade Taicang Port, they could only send boats to secretly investigate around the periphery, and they could not find out the specific number of Ming troops at all.

It is not difficult to guess why the Ming army assembled in Taicang Port.

Because Taicang Port is the closest place to Dongying along the coast of Daming, or the closest place to Satsuma.

The Shimadzu family had already guessed that the Ming Dynasty was likely to send troops to conquer Japan. However, they were foreign daimyos, that is, the forces that surrendered to the Tokugawa family after the Sekigahara War, and they were not the Tokugawa family's cronies at all. .

The Tokugawa's attitude towards them is jealous and suspicious.

Therefore, Shimadzu's warning did not receive a timely response from the Tokugawa shogunate.

You must know that the Tokugawa family of the shogunate is in Edo Castle, which is four to five thousand miles away from Taicang Port. This is still a straight-line distance, and it is even farther by sea.

What Ming Dynasty is dispatching troops to prepare to invade Japan, they haven't received any news yet.

The Tokugawa shogunate generally thought that you were trying to find an excuse to expand the army and deliberately exaggerate Ming's actions!
This kind of thing, the Tokugawa family will naturally not respond until they fully understand it.

The Shimadzu family has no choice, they can only gather their own land and water troops to be on guard day and night.

As a result, Daming's land and water army really came over, and they came quite fast.

The clippers they ventured to send out to guard the outer seas had just returned the news that the Daming navy had arrived, and immediately after that, the three island passes in the south were occupied by the Daming navy.

This speed is so fast, they have no time to react at all!
The so-called three islands are the three small islands less than a hundred miles south of the Satsuma Peninsula.

Although these three small islands are small in size, they are very important because they happen to be stuck on the waterway leading to the Ryukyu Kingdom!

That is to say, once the Daming Navy occupied the three islands, the connection between the Satsuma Domain and the Ryukyu Kingdom was cut off.

These three small islands are too important to the Satsuma clan. If they don't take them back, the Ryukyu they have worked so hard to build will be taken back by Daming.

What's more, the Daming navy is squatting at the door of their house, so they can't turn a blind eye!

After hearing the news for a long time, the lord of the Satsuma domain, the Shimadzu family, couldn't help pulling out the map and frowning in thought.

At this time, Taichang was also looking at the map.

He looked at the map in front of him, and then looked at the infantry who were landing on Iwo Jima through the gun barrel telescope, and he couldn't help but secretly let out a sigh.

These three small islands should be Black Island, Iwo Jima and Bamboo Island.

Of course, the Iwo Jima here is not the same Iwo Jima where the Battle of Iwo Jima took place.

The Bamboo Island here is not the well-known Bamboo Island between Dongying and North Korea.

They are just the same name.

Iwo Jima and Takeshima here are two of the three small islands south of the Satsuma Domain, and there is nothing unusual about them.

Fortunately, there were no accidents, and they finally arrived in the waters south of Satsuma.

These three small islands are the most obvious landmarks.

To be honest, he has been worried all the way.

Because this is the first time that the Daming Navy has left the coast of Daming for more than two hundred years and traveled thousands of miles away.

They sailed at sea for nearly two days and one night.

With such a long distance, he was really worried that the course was a little bit off, and the navy fleet sailed to the Pacific Ocean!

Fortunately, the course was not deviated at all, and they drove straight to the area where the three small islands were located.

The next step is to attack the Satsuma domain.

However, at this moment, he was not in a hurry to move northward.

Because they have been sailing at sea for two days and one night, and it is approaching dusk now, if they continue to move northward, and arrive at the entrance of the harbor at the southern end of Satsuma, it will probably be dark.

Naturally, he would not order the soldiers of the three armies to drag their tired bodies to fight the night battle with the Satsuma Navy navy.

After all, they are not familiar with the waters of the Satsuma domain at all. If the navy fleet accidentally drives near a beach and all the warships run aground, it will be a big trouble!
Therefore, he decided to rest here for the night, and then head north early in the morning to take down Tsurumaru Castle, the main city of the Satsuma Clan.

So, what did Shimadzu Iehisa, the lord of the Satsuma domain, think?
With the fleet of the Daming Navy rushing so overwhelmingly, will they choose to surrender?
of course not!

At this moment, Iehisa Shimadzu, the feudal lord of the Satsuma clan, was dispatching troops to prepare for a battle with the Daming Navy. At the same time, he also sent a fast boat to Edo to ask for help from the Tokugawa shogunate.

He doesn't think that the Satsuma Navy's navy must be inferior to the Daming Navy, because the Daming Navy has not shown any terrible strength in the past 200 years.

Even in the Luliang naval battle, they were facing the coalition forces of the Korean Navy and the Daming Navy, and it was not surprising that they lost.

He felt that there was nothing to be afraid of a single Great Ming Navy.

Besides, the battle has not yet started, so why surrender!

He thinks this way because he doesn't have specific information about the Daming Navy.

The clippers he sent could see the chariots and wolf-tooth warships on the periphery of the Daming Navy fleet from a distance. As for the gunboats and aegis ships in the middle, they were dozens of miles away from the periphery. Naturally, the sentinel ships were can not be seen.

This made him mistakenly think that the Daming Navy is nothing more than that, and the warship is not much bigger than the warship under his hands.

As for the quantity, don't even think about it, he must have the upper hand, because the Satsuma Navy Navy has thousands of warships at the moment!

He believes that by virtue of its numerical advantage, it is still possible to compete with the Daming Navy, and even if it fails, it can return to the waters of Kagoshima and stick to it for help.

The Tokugawa clan didn't quite see eye to eye with them, but this was a battle between Japan and Daming, not a civil war in Japan. He believed that the Tokugawa clan would still send troops to help.

As for surrender, he really didn't think about it.

At least, at this moment, he has not considered the issue of surrender.

This is the case with Japanese people. If you don't drive them to despair, they won't surrender!

Nothing to say, just one word, just do it!

In the early morning of the next day, Taichang raised all his land and water troops, lined up on the sea, and went straight to the city of the Lord of Satsuma.

There are more than [-] large and small ships spread out on the sea surface for a radius of tens of miles, and their power is truly terrifying.

However, Shimadzu Iehisa was not shocked at all.

Because the sentinel ship he sent still only saw the chariots and the Spike warships on the outskirts of the Daming Navy, what dragon-tooth warships and Aegis ships, they didn't even see the shadows at all.

After he received the news, he even sent his general Huashan Jiugao to lead thousands of warships to meet him.

This Huashan Jiugao is not easy, he led the Satsuma Navy navy to take the Ryukyu Kingdom.

Moreover, the Huashan family is a well-known master of water warfare in Japan, and his descendants have always held important positions in the Japanese navy. The commander-in-chief of the Japanese navy in the Sino-Japanese War, Huashan Suiji, the head of the naval command department, is his descendant.

Of course, it's uncertain whether he will have descendants after this battle.

In less than an hour, the naval fleets of both sides encountered each other less than [-] miles south of Kagoshima Bay.

The Daming Navy has more than [-] ships of various sizes and over [-] land and water troops.

There are thousands of warships and tens of thousands of sailors on the side of Satsuma's navy.

The fleets of both sides seemed to be overwhelming, and they couldn't see the end at a glance.

World War I is about to start, what will be the final outcome?

(End of this chapter)

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