Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 403 The Train Is Made

Chapter 403 The Train Is Made

Taichang has been back for a few days, but Bi Maokang and other officials from the Ministry of Industry did not take the initiative to come to him.

Because they all know that the emperor must be tired after fighting for so long and needs to rest.

Moreover, the emperor has been away from the capital for so long, and he must spend time with his family when he returns.

Therefore, they did not bother Taichang these days.

However, after hearing that the emperor went to Wubei City and summoned a group of generals to discuss in the Wenhua Hall for a long time, they understood that the emperor should have had enough rest.

So, early the next morning, after the morning court, Bi Maokang, Wang Zheng and Song Yingxing came to the imperial study together.

After paying respects to the emperor and ministers, Taichang couldn't help asking: "How about it, Liangfu, when will the twenty new Aegis ships be completed?"

Uh, this.

Hearing this, Wang Zheng couldn't help but said in embarrassment: "The emperor forgives the sin, the construction period of the twenty Aegis ships has been postponed again, but I promise that the construction will be completed by the end of this month."

Actually, he can't be blamed for this.

The reason why the construction period of the Aegis ship was delayed was because he went all out to build a large fishing boat.

Of course Taichang knew this.

He couldn't help smiling and said: "It's okay, it's okay, I don't blame you for this matter, I was in a hurry to use the fishing boat, so I wasted a little time for you. I just asked, there is no need to rush these twenty Aegis ships, as long as they can be used a few years ago. Just leave it to the sailor."

Well, it's good that the emperor can understand the reason.

Wang Zheng quickly cupped his hands to thank him.

Song Yingxing immediately said impatiently: "Your Majesty, the steam locomotive has been built."

Are the trains built?

Hearing this, Taichang couldn't help being pleasantly surprised and said: "Chang Geng, why didn't you say it earlier? Where is it, take me to see it."

After that, he got up and walked out.

Alas, there is a reason why I didn't say that earlier.

Song Yingxing said awkwardly: "Your Majesty, there is still something wrong with this steam locomotive."

has a problem?
After all, it is a new thing that has never appeared before, and it is normal to have some problems during development.

Taichang asked calmly, "Oh, what's the problem?"

Song Yingxing said rather helplessly: "The biggest problem with this steam locomotive is that it can't pull too much cargo. Your majesty said that the steam locomotive with ten cars and twenty cars can't pull it at all. At this moment, the steam locomotive can barely pull it." There are five carriages, but they always slip and cannot run at all."

Oh, this question.

Taichang thought about it for a while, and then estimated: "Well, it should be due to lack of power if it can't pull too much cargo. As for the slippage, it may be because the front of the car is not heavy enough and the friction is not enough."

What is friction?

Song Yingxing couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words.

He can understand why he can't pull too much goods because of insufficient power. He has never heard of the problem of friction!

He froze for a moment, then couldn't help asking: "Your Majesty, what is the friction force?"

Uh, how to explain this?
Taichang thought for a while, then simply took out a piece of white paper, pressed it lightly with his index finger, and then said to Song Yingxing: "Chang Geng, try pulling out this piece of paper."

Song Yingxing heard the words, stepped forward to pinch the edge of the paper with a face full of curiosity, and twitched lightly.

Taichang didn't use any force, so the white paper was easily taken away by him.

He took the blank paper and looked at it inexplicably, but he still didn't understand what the emperor meant.

Taichang took out another blank piece of paper, pressed it with his index finger, and then said to Song Yingxing: "Chang Geng, try drawing this paper again."

Upon hearing this, Song Yingxing stretched out his hand out of curiosity again, pinched the edge of the paper and twitched it lightly.

This time, the white paper did not move at all, because Taichang was pressing it hard.

Seeing this, Song Yingxing couldn't help showing a thoughtful look.

Of course he wouldn't pump it hard anymore, if he did, the white paper would be torn apart.

He also knew that the reason why he couldn't move anymore was because the emperor had exerted himself.

Question, what's the point?

At this moment, he really couldn't figure it out.

Seeing this, Taichang explained: "This is the friction force. Maybe the horizontal paper is not easy to understand. You can think about it. If it is a steam piston, if you gently hold the connecting rod on it, can you lift it?" stand up?"

This must not be picked up, because the surface of the connecting rod is quite smooth.

Song Yingxing subconsciously shook his head.

Taichang immediately asked again: "If you hold the connecting rod hard, can you lift the steam piston?"

Song Yingxing pondered: "It depends on how big the steam piston is. If it's the biggest one, I guess I can't lift it, because the biggest one is more than one hundred catties."

Uh, who told you to carry hundreds of catties!

Taichang couldn't help but shook his head and smiled wryly: "I'm talking about the small ones, the ones weighing more than ten catties."

Song Yingxing nodded quickly and said, "That must be fine."

That's right.

Taichang then explained: "This is also the friction force. If you hold the connecting rod lightly, but you can't lift it up, it is because of insufficient friction. If you hold the connecting rod hard, the friction between your palm and the connecting rod will It is enlarged, so you can lift it up. It is a reason why I press the paper hard. The reason why you can’t pull it out is because the friction between my fingers and the paper has increased. "

Song Yingxing finally understood after hearing the words.

He couldn't help but excitedly said: "Your Majesty, what do you mean, as long as the steam locomotive is heavier and the friction is increased, it won't slip?"

Probably this is the principle.

But you have to go see it.

Taichang nodded slightly, then got up and said, "Let's go, let's go and have a look together."

It is definitely impossible to develop this steam locomotive in the imperial city, even in the capital city.

Because the steam locomotive had to be placed on the rails, and there were no rails in the capital at the moment.

The place where Song Yingxing developed the steam locomotive was the coal station in the west of the capital.

As for why this place is called a coal station, it is because the coal transported from Fangshan to Huairou and Miyun was transported here, and coal is also used in the capital, so a coal station was built here.

Although there are no steam locomotives yet, there are a lot of horse-drawn freight cars, and the rails here are also very long. There must be no problem in testing steam locomotives.

However, Taichang frowned slightly when he got off the carriage.

It's too dirty here, it's dark everywhere.

He couldn't help asking: "Chang Geng, why don't you develop it in the east of the capital? That side is for pulling iron ingots, and it's much cleaner than this side."

Song Yingxing was rather helpless and said: "Your Majesty, not only are the iron ingots pulled towards Wubei City, those mine carts also have to pull a lot of supplies to Huairou Miyun on their way back, otherwise, the miners who dig there will die." No food, no daily necessities. That railway is too busy, it’s not easy for Wei Chen to stop in the traffic jam for a test run! It’s different here, anyway, it’s okay to just pull coal and get stuck in the traffic jam for a test run.”

Uh, okay, let it be dirty if it is dirty, and it is only right to develop this steam locomotive as soon as possible.

Taichang nodded slightly, and then followed Song Yingxing into a huge shed next to the coal station.

Here stood a steam locomotive and a string of freight cars.

Taichang saw the appearance of the steam locomotive and understood that it must be due to insufficient friction to slip.

Song Yingxing may have made the whole front of the car more than one foot long in order to save materials, with only a boiler, a steam engine and an operating platform on it, and he didn't even build a canopy!
He couldn't help shaking his head slightly, and then said lightly: "Open it and have a look."

When Song Yingxing heard this, he quickly ordered people to block the coal carriage coming from Fangshan, and then ordered people to burn the boiler on the steam locomotive.

It didn't take long for the steam to burn.

He climbed up without hesitation, sat on the console, and quickly opened the steam valve.

The imaginary scene of the train running quickly did not appear, the steam locomotive was like going crazy, it kept going and stopping, and the speed couldn't get up at all.

Taichang looked down at the wheels below, then raised his hand and said: "It's alright, alright, Chang Geng, turn off the steam."

Uh, it's not out yet.

When Song Yingxing heard this, he closed the valve in embarrassment, and jumped down with his face flushed.

Taichang pointed to the driveway of the steam engine without hesitation: "The front of this car is too small, it must be at least five feet long, and it needs to be covered with iron plates like a carriage, and glass is installed around it. In addition, the boiler should be as large as possible. Come on, put more water in it, it should be heavy enough."

Song Yingxing heard the words, thought about it carefully, and then asked: "Your Majesty, with such a heavy steam locomotive, a steam engine may not be able to carry it, let alone pull the goods."

Taichang couldn't help crying and laughing: "Who said that only one steam engine can be installed, you can install a few more, just like the Aegis ship, you can install as many as you need, and one can drive a wheel."


If the boiler is big, there will be no shortage of steam, and you can install as many steam engines as you want!

Song Yingxing nodded excitedly and said, "I understand."

Taichang looked again at the horse-drawn coal carriages that were blocked outside, and then instructed: "In the future, two railways will be built side by side, one for coming and one for going. If you don't come and go, they will all be on the same track. This is too inconvenient."


It will be much more convenient to build two railways, one coming and one going.

Song Yingxing nodded again and again, "I understand, I understand."

Alright, just understand, I hope you can develop a real train as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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