Chapter 418
Batavia City, the second floor of the bastion on the right.

Yan Kun, governor of the East India Company, held up his binoculars and looked at the Daming Navy fleet in the distance, with a look of regret on his face.

Perhaps he shouldn't have sent the fleet to attack the Ming Empire, at least, he shouldn't have sent the fleet for the second time.

In fact, he still has a certain understanding of the Ming Empire, because there are many merchants of the Ming Empire in the city of Batavia.

Yan Kun is what the merchants of the Ming Empire called him.

In fact, his name is not Yan Kun, his full name is Yan Peterson Kun.

It's just that he communicated more with merchants of the Ming Empire, and that's why he got the name Yankun with the characteristics of the Ming Empire.

Of course, he was also ambitious and wanted to monopolize the foreign trade of the Ming Empire, and even pretended to make friends with merchants in the Ming Empire because he wanted to open the door to colonize the Ming Empire.

In the past, he felt that the Ming Empire was nothing but a lot of people.

It now appears that the Ming Empire, with a population of at least 7000 to [-] million, is too terrifying for them, the Netherlands, to be provoked.

Alas, he really shouldn't have provoked this behemoth!

It's a pity that he was blinded by his interests, and he listened to the nonsense of the Dongying people, so he insisted on sending a fleet to beat this behemoth twice.

This is all right, the naval fleet of the Ming Empire really came to take revenge!
He naturally knew how many warships and warships the dense black dots represented.

Because the port of Amsterdam can see such a scene every day.

That is at least thousands of warships and warships!
At this moment, Batavia has only a few dozen high-rise gunboats, ordinary warships, and armed merchant ships, and there are only five poor high-rise gunboats.

There is no need to fight this naval battle, they must not be able to fight.

As for whether Batavia can hold it, he has no confidence at the moment.

If the Ming Empire rushed forward regardless of casualties, he really didn't know if he would be able to defend it.

Alas, if it really fails, just ask for peace. I hope that the Ming Empire will not attack desperately. If the casualties are too large, it will be difficult to talk about it.

He was sighing secretly, the ships of the Ming Empire had already moved.

Lu Xiangsheng had already disembarked from his flagship, boarded a Spike warship, and was about to lead the infantry of the Shenji Battalion to land.

With Sun Chuanting's order, the twenty Aegis warships immediately split into two and headed towards the two sides of the port. Behind the twenty Aegis ships, two hundred Spike warships followed quickly.

Ten Aegis warships and one hundred Spike warships on each side drove directly to a place more than ten miles away from the left and right sides of the port before each found a suitable location and built some temporary docks. The pawns let go.

Yan Kun really did not expect that the navy fleet of the Ming Empire would bring so many infantry.

When he received the news, the infantry of the Shenji Battalion had already disembarked.

Hearing that there were tens of thousands of people densely packed on both sides, his face turned green.

This is really a big trouble. The Ming Empire not only brought thousands of ships, but also brought at least tens of thousands of troops. Can Batavia still hold on?

In fact, the Dutch are most afraid of land battles, because naval battles are mainly based on ships, while land battles are mainly based on people!
And they have such a small population in the Netherlands.

In history, they were also so crazy that they didn’t know who they were, and they went to war with the British, French and German alliances at the same time. As a result, Britain fought with them at sea, while France and the German alliance attacked on land.

People are big countries with millions or even tens of millions of people, how can they spend it?
Because their army is only tens of thousands in total!
Moreover, most of the bastions they built were designed to resist attacks from the sea, and there were basically no bastions on the land, and they couldn't resist them at all when they played land battles with them.

Now, history seems to be repeating itself.

If the army of the Ming Empire rushed up from behind desperately, they really couldn’t handle it, because the army they defended in the back only had 3000 to [-] people in total, and most of them were mercenaries. There were at least tens of thousands of people, and there were hundreds of thousands possible!
Fortunately, people don't seem to know what's going on in the city. The army of the Ming Empire didn't attack rashly. At least, he held up his binoculars and scanned both sides for a long time, but he didn't see the shadow of the army of the Ming Empire.

He was secretly rejoicing that twenty Aegis ships had already come from the left and right sides, and they were still heading directly to the two sides of the port.

What is this for?
He looked at the black spots that were approaching on both sides, and couldn't help but be puzzled.

If the Ming Empire wanted to launch an attack, it would be impossible to send only such a few warships, right?

You know, there are thousands of ships parked densely on the front of the port. What does it mean that there are a dozen warships on each side of the two sides?
Even if the twenty or so warships are all building gunboats, it's useless!
Coastal defense artillery is no joke.

It is no problem for hundreds of coastal defense guns to block dozens of buildings and gunboats.

Because it's useless to hit the shells from others, at most the ground will be full of holes, as long as they don't hit the artillery or the gunner, it's fine.

When their shells hit it, there was a big hole when they hit it. The wooden battleship simply couldn't stop the shells weighing more than [-] pounds!

However, when twenty or so warships approached the range of five or six miles to the left and right, his face instantly became extremely ugly again.

Because the distance is close, he can see the general structure of other warships clearly, and when the distance is far, he can only see black spots.

The twenty battleships coming up here all have strange iron hulls!

What kind of battleship is this?
He was holding up his binoculars and staring at a battleship for careful observation, when dozens of gun ports suddenly opened on the side of the battleship.

It's over, this is also a gunboat, and it's still a gunboat with iron armor!
He looked at the position of the warship, and then at the positions of the forts on the left and right of the bastion, and he couldn't help showing a hint of anxiety on his face.

The location where the warships are parked is not frontal at all!

If he wants to bombard other people's warships, he must adjust the direction of the muzzle.

Wouldn't this be the tactics of the Ming Empire?
He looked at the dense black spots on the front, and at the twenty warships scattered on the left and right sides, and he didn't know what to do.

If he ordered to adjust the direction of the muzzle, it would be able to bombard the warships on both sides, but what if the densely packed ships in front of them rushed up?
At that time, they may not have time to adjust the direction of the muzzle!
He thought about it, but still didn't immediately order to adjust the direction of the muzzle.

"Boom boom boom", there was a violent roar of artillery, and the Aegis ship had already fired first.

Thousands of shells hit, and the left and right edges of the two bastions were suddenly splashed with stone chips.

When Yan Kun saw the result, he was stunned again.

Are the Ming Empire's building ships and gunboats not accurate or what?
Not a single shell of so many shells fell near the fort in the middle, and all of them hit the wall on the edge!

In other words, after such a round of terrifying shelling, they did not suffer any losses.

He was baffled, and there was another burst of violent artillery roar on both sides.

The dense shells still landed on the city walls on the left and right sides.

From the looks of it, it's not that they can't be accurate, they are aiming at the city walls on the left and right sides and bombarding them!
What is this for?

He suddenly realized that they were going to level the city walls on both sides, and then send infantry to attack the first floor of the platform!

The two bastions in Batavia are large enough, but not high enough, because they were not built on the mountain, they were built with soil on both sides of the original Gillion River estuary.

The first and second floors of this bastion are only five or six meters high!

Moreover, the two bastions are the same as the city behind, there are not many people stationed at all.

If they flattened the arrow stacks on the top, filled in the moat, and rushed upwards with the advantage of numbers, they would not be able to resist it at all!
No, I have to send someone to sue for peace immediately.

If you wait for the pawns to launch an attack and then seek a sum, it may be too late.

Thinking of this, he immediately ordered someone to go to the city to "hire" a few merchants from the Ming Empire to act as interpreters.

Immediately afterwards, he pulled his right-hand assistant to explain in detail.

(End of this chapter)

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