Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 424 The Robber Still Has the Face to Speak Etiquette

Chapter 424 The Robber Still Has the Face to Speak Etiquette
Batavia was taken just like that, and the seemingly easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack bastions and cities didn't seem to have any effect.

To be honest, this is a bit of a coincidence.

If Yan Kun, the governor of the East India Company, hadn't pretended to be smart and wanted to seek peace as soon as he found out that he couldn't do it, Batavia might not have been taken so quickly.

He resisted for a while or showed the power of the 24-pounder and 36-pounder guns, turned the muzzle, and blasted at the Aegis ship for a while. Taichang might hesitate for a while considering the casualties.

The problem is that he wanted to seek peace before starting the fight.

Isn't this clearly telling people that they don't have enough troops?
Sun Chuanting could tell at a glance.

If it weren't for the lack of troops, why did they ask for peace before the fight started?

Taichang was also quite bold. When he realized that the opponent's strength was insufficient, he immediately mobilized the elite of the Shenji Battalion to launch a surprise attack!

It can be said that Yan Kun cheated himself.

Taichang didn't expect that the entire Batavia would be captured so quickly.

He just saw that Shenjiying had taken down two bastions, so he sat down with Sun Chuanting and drank tea with confidence.

The weather here is really hot, although it is not yet summer, he is so hot that he is sweating in a long robe.

Naturally, he was prone to thirst after sweating a lot. He wanted to sit down and have a sip of tea a long time ago, but in the end there was a big oolong on the other side, and he sent someone to sue for peace before the fight started.

Naturally, he would not miss such a good opportunity. Once the command was dispatched, the Shenji Battalion took down the two front bastions in one fell swoop, and he did it so hard that his throat was almost smoking.

Originally, he thought that it would take at least an hour or two for the Shenji Battalion to take down the next two cities.

Unexpectedly, before he finished his tea, Yuan Shu ran back in a fast boat, clapped his hands excitedly and said, "Your Majesty, Batavia has been captured by us!"


Taichang almost spit out a mouthful of herbal tea.

So fast!

He couldn't help asking curiously: "Have you even taken down the two cities behind?"

Yuan Shu nodded repeatedly and said: "Yes, Your Majesty, we also took the next two cities."

This speed is simply incredible!

He had just seen the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion take down the two front fortresses, so he sat down to drink some tea, and the two cities behind him were actually taken down!

Could it be that the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion flew over directly?
He couldn't help asking curiously: "How long has it been? How did you capture the two cities behind?"

Yuan Shu couldn't help but proudly said: "When we captured the bastion, we happened to catch their governor. Therefore, I offered advice to General Huang, and escorted the governor to call the defenders of the two cities behind to surrender. As a result, the two behind The defenders of the city actually surrendered."

Well, this luck actually caught the governor of the East India Company directly.

Taichang couldn't help but said in a dumb voice: "Is the governor of the East India Company so afraid of death? If you tell him to call the defenders of the two cities behind to surrender?"

Yuan Shu couldn't help but rolled up his sleeves and said, "We don't know if this guy is afraid of death, but he is afraid of being beaten. We caught him and beat him up, and he will be honest."

Uh, well, this one is really a bit speechless.

Now that Batavia's bastion and city have been captured, it's time to clean up the Dutch warships docked at the port.

When Taichang gave an order, thousands of ships from the navy immediately swarmed up, encircling the port of Batavia for three layers.

The Dutch now only have five building gunboats and a dozen ordinary warships left.

This strength may be enough to destroy a medium-sized indigenous country.

However, what they were facing was the Daming Navy Fleet.

The number of people's terrifying ironclad warships is more than their buildings and ordinary warships combined, not to mention, they have more than 60 buildings and gunboats.

Once they fire and fight, they are estimated to be bombarded into pieces by overwhelming shells in an instant.

Therefore, the remaining Dutch warships did not dare to fire at all, and directly waved the white flag and surrendered!

As for the armed merchant ships that fled into the middle channel, they were quickly forced out by the densely packed Spike warships.

Taichang saw that the sailors controlled all the Dutch ships, and the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion also cleaned up the bastion, and then ordered the flagship to dock at the pier, ready to receive the fruits of victory.

So, after laying down the headquarters of the East India Company, how much will be gained?

To be honest, the harvest is not as much as he imagined.

The soldiers of the Shenji Battalion searched the two bastions and the two cities, but they only found one silver vault, which contained less than 100 million taels of silver.

The rest is the goods, and there are many kinds of goods in the warehouses of the East India Company and on the armed merchant ships.

What kind of wood, spices, pepper, rice, sugar, sackcloth, cotton, ore, metal, buckskin, antler, pottery, amber, etc., are too numerous to count.

However, the amount of goods is not very large, and the most rice is only hundreds of thousands of shi.

What is going on here?
Taichang expressed his dissatisfaction, so he ordered someone to bring Yan Kun, the governor of the East India Company, to interrogate himself.

In the luxurious office of the Governor's Mansion, Yan Kun, who was beaten bruised and swollen, saw someone sitting on his beloved mahogany big armchair, and couldn't help but angrily said, "Who are you, why are you sitting in my seat?"

Could it be that this guy's skull was broken?
After hearing Tongshi's translation, Taichang just wanted to roll his eyes.

Who am I?
Say it out for fear of scaring you to death!

Taichang said lightly: "Kneel down."

"Ah!" With a scream, Yan Kun hadn't realized what was going on, but was kicked by Jin Yiwei behind him, and then he was firmly pinned down to his knees.

He roared angrily, "Who the hell are you to be so rude to me? I am the governor of the Dutch East India Company!"

Oh, how dare you be so arrogant?
Do you really think you are invincible?
The little barbarians simply don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth.

In front of Yang Yang Ming, you are nothing but farts!

Do you think that people with a rough voice will be afraid of your failure?

You are afraid that you haven't been beaten enough, yet you dare to yell in front of me.

Taichang waved his hand directly and said, "Slap your mouth."

When Jin Yiwei next to him heard the words, he immediately went to get a big slap in the face.

Taichang saw that this guy was so beaten that he didn't dare to shout, so he raised his hand and said, "Okay, tell him who I am."

Jin Yiwei immediately withdrew his hands and dodged them aside, while the officer accompanying the army introduced him respectfully: "This is our Emperor Ming."

Emperor of the Ming Empire!

Yan Kun rolled his eyes, and said a little timidly: "Isn't it rumored that your Ming Empire is a state of etiquette? Why didn't you declare war and came to attack Batavia, and even launched a surprise attack during the negotiation? Is this your etiquette?"

Whoops, I took a bite back.

You robbers still have the face to talk about etiquette?

Taichang couldn't help but disdain and said: "Are you talking about etiquette?"

Yan Kun said shamelessly, "Of course we talk about etiquette."

You only pretend to be polite when you can't beat others, but when you can beat others, you will become savage robbers!
You still talk about etiquette, it's a joke in the world!
Taichang couldn't help mocking: "You still talk about etiquette? Daming didn't provoke you, did you? Why didn't you declare war, and why did you send ships to attack Daming again and again? You can't fight now, so you just follow me Speaking of etiquette?"

Yan Kun was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then quibbled: "You didn't provoke us, but you are at war with our ally Dongpu, and we attacked you at the request of our ally."

Still an ally?
You pretend I don't know, in your eyes, allies are for sale!

It's no wonder you stand up for your allies.

Still quibbling, right?

Anyway, there is no rush right now.

I will slap you in the face.

Taichang continued to taunt: "You said that you attacked Daming at the request of your allies, so who did you attack Java at the request of?
Java has no muskets, artillery, or warships, so you can't provoke any allies of yours, right?

You just rushed over and wiped out people, is this your etiquette?

Don't think that I don't know what you robbers are doing.

You are a country that beats people to death if you can beat them, or even directly destroys them.

Only when you can't beat it, you will pretend to talk about etiquette.

Do you have the nerve to show off this little trick in front of me?
Let me tell you, Daming only talks about etiquette to people who talk about etiquette. To you bandits, Daming only says one word, hit! "

Hearing this, Yan Kun was stunned and stopped talking.

Not only did they destroy the country of Java, but also the country of Boni, Srivijaya and Mantrika were all destroyed by them!
That's how they are. If they can beat them, they will kill them and start robbing them. If they can't beat them, they will talk about etiquette and reason with them.

He really didn't expect that the native emperor of the Far East knew everything about them!
From the looks of it, the emperor of the Ming Empire couldn't be fooled!
(End of this chapter)

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