Chapter 435

Zheng Song, the Duke of Annan Liang, dared to coerce the emperor to order the princes!
This proves that the forces in Annan have completely ignored Daming, at least for the past few decades.

Because Daming would not tolerate such things as committing crimes against the superiors.

This is true for the mainland of the Ming Dynasty, and it is also the same for the vassal states of the Ming Dynasty.

This act of coercing the emperor to make the princes have blatantly committed rebellion, if they still take the suzerain state of Ming Dynasty seriously, they will not dare to do such a disobedient thing.

It seems that they must be taught a lesson.

Otherwise, the Great Tomorrow Dynasty will become a joke.

Just kidding, the subjects of the country don't care about such things as coercing the emperor to make the princes, what is the majesty of the suzerain state of Ming Dynasty?
The question is, how to teach Annan's various forces a lesson?
Could it be that he directly dispatched troops to destroy Duke Liang Zheng Song, and then helped King Annan regain power?

There's really no use doing this.

Because there is also Ruan Huang, the Duke of Duan, and Mo Dengyong, the Duke of Ren, or his descendants, which must be quite a force.

If Daming directly sent troops to wipe out Liang Guo Gong Zheng Jian, the descendants of Duan Guo Gong Ruan Huang and Ren Guo Gong Mo Dengyong would probably laugh their teeth out.

This is simply helping them eliminate their opponents!

At that time, King Annan still won't be able to control the real power, but these two forces have taken a big advantage for nothing.

Boy, do you want to use me as a gunman?

I will let you Annan Kingdom be torn apart!

A powerful Annan is actually of no benefit to Daming.

Because Annan and his gang are a bit like Japanese pirates in Japan. Once they are strong enough, they will be extremely arrogant, expand everywhere, and even want to destroy Daming!

Only by letting them fall apart and restrain each other will it be beneficial to Daming.

In this way, not only will Annan not pose a threat to Daming, but all forces in Annan will try their best to curry favor with Daming!
Thinking of this, Taichang pretended to be slightly annoyed and said, "What's going on with Duke Zheng Song, please explain it to me carefully!"

Hey, this is going to be a big disaster for Mrs. Zheng.

When Ruan Huang heard the words, he quickly added fuel and jealousy: "This Zheng Song was originally a general under our king's seat. Because of his meritorious service in the crusade against the Mo family, he was named the Duke of Liang. Zheng Song, a rebellious minister and traitor, was not only ungrateful, but instead relied on his military power. Shangfu, King Ping'an, controlled the appointment and removal of officials, taxation, levying, and governing the people in Annan. Our Majesty the King has become his puppet. Now, we Annan people all know that Annan is the king of the Li family and the Zheng family. Take power!"

Oh, this Zheng Song is a bit like Cao Cao in the Three Kingdoms period, holding the military power in his hand, and coercing the emperor to command the princes!

Is it going to abolish King Annan's self-reliance next?
Sorry, I won't let you succeed!

And this Ruan Huang, what about you, what is your role?
Taichang pretended to snort coldly and said: "You know that Zheng Song is coercing the emperor to command the princes, don't you know how to launch an army?"

Alas, if I can beat it, why should I sue!
Can't I fight by myself?

Ruan Huang said helplessly: "Your Majesty, I also want to send troops to fight against this rebel, but the thirteen ministers in Annan have three provinces of Guangnan, Hue and Guangzhi, and the Zheng family has seven provinces." , I haven’t sent troops to attack him yet, and he has fought here many times.”

Taichang pretended to be curious and said: "What about the other three, won't you join forces with the other three to attack him?"

The Emperor of Ming Dynasty really didn't know anything about An Nan!
Ruan Huang pretended to be filled with righteous indignation: "Your Majesty, the other three are owned by the traitor Mo Shi who plotted to usurp the throne. They are just like Zheng Shi and are traitors!"

Sure enough, the Mo family still has three realms.

It seems that part of Zheng's strength has to be cut to balance their strength.

Taichang pretended to be angry and said: "How come Annan has made all these rebellious officials and thieves, apart from you, is there no important official who is loyal to King Annan?"

Uh, that's what I said.

Our Annan is full of rebellious officials and thieves!

This is too ugly, right?
Ruan Huang thought for a while, and then said carefully: "Your Majesty, in fact, there are still people who are loyal to our king, like Wu Wenyuan, Marquis of Qingyang, who is loyal to our majesty, but he only has Xuanguang Town in his hands, and his military strength is only ten thousand. , is not the opponent of Zheng's rebellious officials and thieves at all!"

Wu Wenyuan, Marquis of Qingyang, right?

Very good, I remembered.

Taichang pretended to calm down, and then asked: "What about Champa, what's the situation now?"

Ruan Huang said without hesitation: "Your Majesty, King Panluo Chaquan of Champa and his younger brother Panluo Chayue were killed by the Zheng family. The current Champa Wangpo is a puppet set up by the Zheng family."

Taichang asked again: "Then how much land is there in the current Champa Kingdom?"

Ruan Huang reckoned: "They also have roughly two lands in the south of Guangnan."

All right, Zheng, Mo, Ruan, and Zhancheng, I will divide Annan into four spheres of influence, and then let the Annan king supported by Wu Wenyuan rule in name, and let Annan be torn apart!
Taichang pretended to frown and ponder for a while, and then said majesticly: "I still have something to do, I need to go back to Beijing, you send someone to spread my will, order Annan King, Zheng Shi, Mo Shi, King Zhancheng, and Wu Wenyuan all Come here and wait for your benevolence, I will come here in a month to deal with the matter of An Nanguo, if anyone dares not to come, I will raise troops to fight for it!"

deliver an imperial order?

These guys better not come.

Hey, when the time comes, the emperor will be annoyed, and you will all be crushed, and Annan will be my world!
Perhaps, we can do something when passing the decree so that these guys don't dare to come!

Ruan Huang's eyeballs rolled around a few times before he cupped his hands and said, "My minister obeys the order."

This guy wants to play tricks!

Do you think I'm a fool?

Naturally, Taichang could tell at a glance that this guy was playing tricks.

Hmph, what a bunch of chaotic courtiers and thieves!
Taichang thought for a while, then waved his hand and said: "Ziru, draw up an order to summon King Annan, Duke Liang Zheng, Duke Ren Mo, King Zhancheng, and Wu Wenyuan, Marquis of Qingyang, to come to Guiren and wait for you."

Ruan Huang was taken aback when he heard this.

This means that if the imperial decree is not passed on to others by then, he will be in trouble.

From the looks of it, the emperor is not easy to fool!

Taichang looked at this guy in a daze, and didn't bother to expose it face to face.

He thought for a while, and then ordered: "Dig more wells near this port, store enough drinking water, and keep a hundred thousand shi of grain. In the future, the Ming Navy will often replenish here when they go to Nanyang. Food and fresh water are ready."

One hundred thousand stone grains!

Still come here often?

Ruan Huang hesitated for a moment, but he mustered up his courage and gritted his teeth and said: "Forgive me, the emperor, I really can't afford to pay this one hundred thousand stones and grains, I can't afford to pay even once, I'm only a land of three ways. There is not enough food and pay!"

I see you are stingy.

Taichang heard the words, and said lightly: "I didn't tell you to give it for free. You can pay as much food as you want, and you won't be missing. The naval fleet will not replenish food here every time. You collect it well. Just keep the food here. The navy fleet is mainly here to replenish fresh water, so you have to dig more wells, you know?"

It turned out to be money!
Ruan Huang hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "I understand."

There can be no problems with this supply point. If there is a problem with the first supply point, it is a sign of a bad start!

Taichang thought for a while, then waved his hand and said, "Ruoyu, go, move him 10 taels of silver."

When Liu Shiyou heard the words, he hurriedly bowed and left.

At least they collected millions of taels of silver from several strongholds of the East India Company, which is naturally nothing.

Taichang then said to Ruan Huang: "I'll give you the money first, and you have to prepare the food. If anything goes wrong, I'm the only one to ask!"

Ruan Huang heard the words, and quickly cupped his hands and said: "I understand, the emperor can rest assured that the food and fresh water will be ready."

(End of this chapter)

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