Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 443 Raid on Siam King City

Chapter 443 Raid on Siam King City

On the outskirts of Siam King City, Donghu's more than [-] troops are still firmly guarding their respective camps and garrisons, showing no sign of retreating at all.

Donghu Wang Mang Yingli did not intend to withdraw his troops, because he thought it was impossible for Ming to send reinforcements.

You know, whether by sea or land, Da Ming is tens of thousands of miles away from here, and it is already a miracle that Da Ming can send tens of thousands of reinforcements here.

He didn't believe that Daming would continue to send reinforcements.

As for the Ming army that has already entered the Siam King City, it doesn't matter much. As long as the siege lasts long enough and there is no food in the city, no matter how powerful the Ming army is, it will be useless.

He has already ordered his army to besiege the Siam King City, and all the rivers leading to the outside have been blocked with iron chains and pontoon bridges. Victory can be said to be within easy reach. How could he withdraw his troops!

He was even fantasizing about the countless wealth and beauties after taking down the Siam King City.

Last time, his father took over the Siamese royal city, taking away an unknown amount of wealth and beauties.

This time, he also wants to take down the Siam King City, enjoy those wealth and beauties, and become the overlord of the entire southeast.

Money, beauties, and power, all of which can make people addicted, not to mention the three seem to be within easy reach, how could he withdraw his troops!

In fact, he was tricked by the Dutch and the British.

The Dutch had known for a long time that the Daming Fleet had arrived in Southeast Asia and captured the Strait of Malacca, and the British also knew about it.

However, they just didn't tell Mang Yingli.

Not only did they not tell Mang Yingli, but they also blocked the news at sea, preventing Donghu from knowing everything about the Ming army in Nanyang!
Because they want Donghu Dynasty and Ming Dynasty to have a big fight!

These colonists had no good intentions in selling muskets and artillery to the Donghu dynasty.

They just want the Donghu Dynasty to expand and fight everywhere. After fighting Siam, they fight Annan, and after Annan fights Ming Dynasty, they keep fighting!
In this way, they can not only make huge profits through outrageously exaggerated guns and artillery, but also continue to consume the strength of the countries in the Far East through the Donghu Dynasty.

At that time, the Donghu Dynasty and the countries in the Far East are almost exhausted, and it is time for them to reap.

Anyway, they are just fighting everywhere, making a lot of war money first, and when you have no strength to fight, they will lay down and hold you down!
In history, the Donghu Dynasty was overthrown by the British colonists in this way.

At the beginning, the British made the Donghu Dynasty fight with people everywhere by providing muskets and artillery. When the Donghu Dynasty exhausted its resources and starved to death, the common people rebelled. Continue to consume the strength of the Donghu Dynasty!

I have to say that the set of colonial robbers is really powerful, making them seem to be good people all the time.

In the beginning, they sold muskets and cannons to the Donghu Dynasty, and they were good people to the rulers of the Donghu Dynasty.

When the people of the Donghu Dynasty could not bear the torment of the war and rebelled, they funded the rebellious people. For the people of the Donghu Dynasty, they also became good people!

Anyway, they are just pretending to be a good person, pretending to be a good person, and then pretending to be a good person, pretending to be a good person, feeling that you are not good enough, so they open their bloody mouths and swallow you in one gulp!
In history, the Donghu Dynasty became a British colony in this way, which is the so-called British Burma and Indochina!
Of course, at this moment, the wishful thinking of the British is irrelevant, because the Ming army has already touched the vicinity of the Siam King City, and the main force of the Donghu Dynasty is about to end.

In the south of Siam King City, on the south bank of a large tributary of the Chao Phraya River, the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion were pushing their cannon carts through the jungle. The general was looking at the other side of the river with his binoculars.

Taichang glanced carefully for a while, then smiled slightly and said: "These Donghu people really like to set up ambushes. They thought that we would not be able to see us if we hid in the woods behind the embankment."

Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help touching the part of his hair that had been burned off, and said awkwardly: "Your Majesty, last time I really didn't expect them to be so shady."

The letter king Zhu Youjian heard the words and couldn't help asking curiously: "Master Lu, what happened last time, you were raped by Donghu people?"

Uh, this.

Lu Xiangsheng blushed, and said weakly: "My lord, it's really nothing, it's just that when I passed the river in front of me in a boat, someone fired a rocket from the woods behind the embankment."

The letter king Zhu Youjian was still waiting to ask for details, but Taichang smiled and said: "Okay, let's get down to business, Jiandou, do Donghu people have a lot of binoculars?"

Lu Xiangsheng shook his head again and again and said: "It is estimated that the barbarians in Europe are extremely expensive to sell this thing. I have been guarding Siam King City for so many days, and I saw King Donghu used a telescope, and no one else has it."

That's good.

Taichang nodded slightly and said: "Well, it seems that the enemy army on the other side probably doesn't have binoculars. Set up the artillery array today, and we can launch a surprise attack tomorrow."

That afternoon, the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion set up thousands of cannons in the jungle on the south bank of the river, but the Donghu army on the other bank was still unaware.

Early the next morning, just after dawn, all the generals gathered on the flagship.

Taichang looked at the map carefully again, and then said to Lu Xiangsheng: "Jiandou, you go to the shore to command the soldiers of Shenji Battalion and Shenwu Battalion, and prepare to launch a surprise attack."

Lu Xiangsheng said "Zunzhi", then got up and left.

Taichang immediately ordered: "General Yu, you lead [-] Spike warships and [-] infantry to cut down the pontoon bridges erected by Donghu on various rivers."

When Yu Zigao heard the words, he also decisively said "obey the order", and then he got up and left.

Taichang then ordered: "Yuan Fang, you lead two hundred Spike warships to prepare for the pontoon bridge. General Yu's fleet will start as soon as it passes."

Hearing the words, Zhang Yuanfang also decisively said "obey the order", then got up and left.

Taichang immediately got up and said: "Okay, Panzong, command the remaining ships of the naval fleet and prepare for fire support."

Qi Panzong hurriedly cupped his hands and said "obey the order", and then walked out quickly, commanding the navy fleet to prepare to fire.

Taichang brought Xin Wang Zhu Youjian and several staff generals to the bow of the ship calmly, and slowly scanned the cannon barrel and binoculars.

After a wave of command flags, all the ships of the navy fleet started moving one after another.

First, [-] Spike Warships quickly entered various river channels, and then [-] Spike Warships formed a long queue and quickly entered the nearby tributaries.

"Boom boom boom", Zhang Yuanfang commanded his Spike warship to fire first.

Immediately afterwards, there was a more intense roar of artillery, and thousands of artillery hidden on the south bank of the river also fired.

The Aegis Ship and Dragon Tooth Battleship of the Navy Fleet also opened one side of the gun door one after another, and blasted wildly at the north bank of the Great River.

Thousands of cannons fired in turn, and the trees in the forest seemed to be swept away by a storm, sweeping down a large area, and the Donghu army on the north bank of the river was bombarded with heavy casualties, fleeing with their heads in their arms.

How could they have imagined that countless ships would suddenly appear in the river without warning.

They didn't even expect that there would be a rain of shells in the sky!
The cannonballs were really like rain, and they never stopped, hitting them so hard that they didn't know where to hide.

There is no way, the thick trunk of the thigh can't stop a few shells, and the shells that fell were not just a few, but a large black mass, and they kept falling down.

At this time, no one cared about the warships on the river, and everyone was running around, frantically looking for a giant tree that could hold the shells.

On the side of the Ming army, Zhang Yuanfang just ordered his warships to fire a salvo before starting to build the pontoon bridge. In less than a quarter of an hour, a pontoon bridge appeared on the river more than a hundred feet wide.

And at this time, almost all the artillery had fired ten rounds in salvo.

As soon as the artillery sound stopped, the soldiers of Shenji Battalion and Shenwu Battalion quickly stepped onto the pontoon bridge and rushed towards the opposite bank.

They didn't encounter much resistance, because the shells just now were too dense. There may be less than [-] Donghu people stationed on the other side, but they fired tens of thousands of shells, and the woods on the other side were almost flattened. It's not bad if people are not killed by shells.

The raid has finally begun.

Taichang looked at the soldiers of Shenji Battalion and Shenwu Battalion constantly flocking to the opposite bank, and couldn't help sighing slightly.

This time he has no way to command in person, because the terrain near the Siamese King City is too complicated, with more than [-] troops fighting together, it is dangerous everywhere, even if he wants to go, Lu Xiangsheng, Cao Wenzhao and other generals Nor will he be allowed to go.

Xin Wang Zhu Youjian was extremely excited at the moment. Thousands of artillery fired together, tens of thousands of shells poured down, and hundreds of thousands of troops charged. This scene is simply too spectacular!
(End of this chapter)

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