Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 475 Don't Ask For Trouble With Some Things

Chapter 475 Don't Ask For Trouble With Some Things

Taichang was staring at the oil in the metal bucket in a daze, but Shen Yunpei had already climbed onto the stove.

He couldn't wait to hold a wet cloth and hold the hot handle to open the lid of the steamer, and he was a little dazed.

There seems to be no change in the oil in it.

What to do next?

He thought for a while, then turned around and asked: "Your Majesty, why don't we pour this oil into the pan and fry it again, and have a try?"

Don't worry!

Taichang thought about it carefully, then shook his head and said: "Don't rush to fry, first scoop out the oil and put it in an iron bucket to cool down."

Well, you are the emperor, you have the final say.

When Shen Yunpei heard this, he immediately ordered someone to bring an iron bucket and an iron spoon, and started scooping.

Taichang thought about it again, and then said to Wang Chengen who was beside him: "Go, get the oil lamp."

Hearing this, Wang Chengen hurried to the storeroom to fetch a delicate copper oil lamp.

Taichang prepared a lot of things for testing oil.

The copper oil lamp was specially prepared by him for testing kerosene.

However, the kerosene that has just been refined in this barrel does not seem to be kerosene, at least not pure kerosene, and there is obviously water in it.

Can this oil-water mixture be burned?
It doesn't seem to work.

There is water in the oil and it will crackle when it burns.

He took the oil lamp, thought it over carefully, put down the oil lamp, and then said loudly: "Go get another glass."

Hearing this, Wang Chengen quickly ran into the warehouse and brought back a glass no bigger than a palm.

Of course, this is not a special glass for experiments.

Taichang has not had time to order someone to make the special glass for the experiment. This is the wine glass for drinking, the largest wine glass.

The oil and water should not melt together, and the oil and water should separate after a while.

He directly scooped up a cup of the oil-water mixture in the bucket with a glass, and then looked carefully at the sun.

Sure enough, the oil and water in the cup slowly began to stratify. Although the cup was full of cloudy liquid, after a while, it was obvious that the liquid in the cup had divided into two layers.

Oil seems to be lighter than water, the top layer should be oil!
Taichang thought for a while, then opened the lid of the oil lamp, poured the oil from the upper layer of the glass into it, then put the lid back on, and then stared at the cotton wick on it.

After a while, the cotton wick was soaked.

He put his nose in front of him to sniff again, then handed it over to Wang Chengen, and explained in detail: "Take it under the eaves and light it. Be careful, this thing may explode, and you will be covered in flames."

When Wang Chengen heard the words, his face changed slightly with fright.

Is it so dangerous?

He carefully took the oil lamp to the eaves, put it down gently, and then took out the torch, like lighting a firecracker, and carefully lit the wick.

Fortunately, the oil lamp did not explode.

Taichang stared at the flames of the oil lamp for a while, and then confessed: "Draw out the sword, and flick the oil lamp."

Uh, turn on the oil lamp?
When Wang Chengen heard this, he couldn't help being stunned.

Isn't it common to flick the wick when lighting a lamp?

Seeing this, Taichang explained helplessly: "I want you to turn on the oil lamp, let the oil inside shake for a while, and see if the oil lamp will explode."

Oh, that's what it means.

Hearing this, Wang Chengen quickly pulled out the sword from his waist, and carefully turned the oil lamp.

Fortunately, it still didn't explode.

Taichang thought about it again, then raised his hand and said, "Go get a bowl."

Hearing this, Wang Chengen quickly took back his sword and went to the warehouse to fetch a beautiful porcelain bowl.

Taichang took the porcelain bowl, poured some oil into it, found some broken firewood beside the stove next to it, then walked to the oil lamp, and put the bowl on the ground aside.

Afterwards, he dipped some oil in the broken firewood and prepared to light the fire.

Seeing this, Wang Chengen quickly dissuaded him: "Your Majesty, why don't you let the slaves come?"

You come?

I'm afraid you set yourself on fire!
He shook his head slightly, then put the firewood in his hand on the oil lamp to light it, took another step back, and then threw the lighted firewood into the oil bowl.

The oil in the oil bowl will burn immediately.

However, the flames did not run wild as he had imagined.

What kind of oil is this?
Taichang looked at the oil drum and the pipes on the oil drum again, a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

The oil barrel is open, and the pipeline is also open, and it is not sealed at all. It is very likely that the distilled gasoline will evaporate directly, and the rest is kerosene and diesel.

After all, gasoline will volatilize at room temperature, and if it is heated to one or two hundred degrees with steam, it will probably become gas and volatilize directly.

In other words, there is no such volatile oil in the remaining oil.

And there should be no explosion or flames in the non-volatile oil.

Thinking of this, Taichang clapped his hands and said, "This oil can be used as lamp oil!"

Kerosene or not, as long as it lights a lamp.

Some things don't need to be so complicated, and you don't need to make trouble for yourself.

Anyway, there are neither cars nor diesels these days.

In other words, even if he racked his brains to separate gasoline, kerosene, and diesel, it would be of no use.

Then why bother?
He just needs oil for the lamp right now.

This oil can light a lamp, if you don’t use it directly, you’re done!
As for gasoline, kerosene, diesel and so on, he can ask Shen Yunpei to study the separation method slowly, there is no need to rush at all.

In fact, there is no kerosene or diesel in this kind of oil separated by one or two hundred degrees. After the gasoline evaporates, what is left is kerosene and naphtha that can be used to light lamps.

There's nothing wrong with his thinking.

However, the oil that is steamed in this way is very little. If more than ten barrels of oil are poured into it for steaming, less than half of the barrel is steamed, and most of it is water.

I am afraid that refining oil in this way will lose money!
Taichang also felt that the lamp oil refined in this way was too little, and Shen Yunpei had to continue refining it.

By the way, where is Shen Yunpei?
What is this kid doing?
Taichang turned his head to look, and couldn't help laughing.

This kid actually squatted in front of a barrel of distilled oil, stirring it with a firewood stick like a child.

He walked over and smiled slightly: "How, did you find anything?"

Shen Yunpei stared at the firewood stick in his hand and murmured: "Your Majesty, the steamed oil seems to be a little thicker, there is not much change at all."

Well, it should be that the temperature is not enough.

At this moment, gasoline and other volatile things should have evaporated, and there should be no explosion or fire.

Taichang thought for a while, and then said decisively: "Pour a bucket into the pan and fry it first."


Shen Yunpei wanted to cook for a long time.

He directly ordered someone to pour a bucket of steamed oil into the one-inch-thick cauldron, and then ordered someone to light the fire and start frying.

What will be the result of such frying?

In fact, it is wrong to fry like this.

Because the melting point of many substances in petroleum is below [-] degrees, and the temperature of an open flame can exceed [-] degrees.

In other words, many things fried in this way will gasify, turn into smoke, and float everywhere.

Soon, the oil in the pot began to boil, and the stove was filled with smoke, and the oil in the pot became less and less thicker.

After frying, there will be useless slag left!
Seeing this, Taichang quickly ordered people to put out the fire.

Obviously, direct frying is not acceptable.

He looked at the oil that was burning like a paste in the pot, and fell into deep thought again.

What's next?

(End of this chapter)

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