Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 477 South of Nanyang

Chapter 477 South of Nanyang
This time, we will try to bring Taichang a pleasant surprise.

He didn't expect that someone would try to refine oil these days.

What's more, he tried out the refining methods of gasoline, kerosene and diesel only after more than ten days of trial with others.

This is already a huge improvement for Daming. With relatively cheap kerosene, ordinary people can light lamps to work at night.

If paraffin wax is refined again, it will be even more serious.

It is a pity that he has no time to experiment with Shen Yunpei, because it will be almost April after the palace examination, and the King of Spain will probably reply to the letter around June.

At that time, after signing the alliance treaty, he will organize people to go to America to do things.

It's been more than two months at most, and he hasn't explored the south of Nanyang yet.

In the south of Nanyang, there are several large islands rich in resources, and the area of ​​one of the large islands is almost as large as that of the Ming Dynasty before its expansion.

Such a large piece of unclaimed land, he naturally had to rush to occupy it.

If it is preempted by the European countries, it will be a lot of trouble.

Therefore, after the palace examination, he hastily recruited Zhang Zhiji, Xu Yunzhen, Yuan Shu, and Sun Quan, and then called on Chen Zilong, Li Zhizao, Song Yingsheng, and others, and then brought them and a group of newly promoted science scholars. Arrived at Wubei City, ready to go.

At this moment, forty Aegis ships, more than 50 dragon-tooth warships, ten large fishing boats, and more than a thousand wolf-tooth warships were parked in the port of Wubei City.

With such a powerful camp, the blood of those newly-promoted science Jinshi was boiling and their faces were flushed.

The Daming Navy is simply unmatched!

In fact, this is nothing, the big ship in the Wubei City Shipyard is the horror.

The huge ship with five thousand materials, the hull below the deck has been completed at this moment, and densely packed cabins are being built on it.

This kind of giant aegis ship is truly invincible. Even the 36-pound cannon with the largest caliber in the Netherlands can directly carry it!

Taichang eagerly glanced at the huge ship that was rushing to work, then raised his head, and said loudly: "The target is the British government, let's go."

This British government naturally does not refer to the British government in the capital, but the Nanyang British government, which is the original Java Island.

Soon, the flagship left the port wharf first, followed by a series of aegis ships, followed by large fishing boats, dragon-tooth warships, and wolf-tooth warships swarming in.

Soon, the fleet gathered into a giant dragon more than twenty miles long.

Taichang stood at the bow of the boat and thought for a while, then waved his hand and said, "Let's go, let's go to the meeting hall."

After finishing speaking, he led a group of accompanying officials to the meeting hall.

At this time, a "Complete Map of Kunyu and the World" had already been placed on the long table in the meeting hall, and it was the latest version.

However, the above description of the south of Nanyang is still wrong.

In "Kun Yu Wan Guo Quan Tu", the southern part of Nanyang is a huge ice and snow continent except for the Momao Garcia Peninsula, and its area is even larger than that of Eurasia!

This is obviously impossible.

Taichang pointed to the huge white continent and said, "Zhenzhi, this southern continent is drawn according to the map of European barbarians, right?"

Of course, I have never been to the southern continent, so I can only draw according to other people's maps!

Upon hearing this, Li Zhizao nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, Your Majesty, that's how it is drawn on the maps of European barbarians. Your Majesty, is there really such a large ice and snow continent in the south of Nanyang?"

This is really an international joke.

There are at most two Australian sizes in Antarctica, but this map seems to have more than ten Australian sizes!

Moreover, Australia and Antarctica are still connected together on the map.

This is of course impossible.

Although Taichang couldn't remember the exact map over there, he could be sure that it wasn't like this.

He shook his head slightly and said, "How could there be such a large continent of ice and snow in this world? The barbarians in Europe just painted it up."

Uh, it's a nonsense painting?
Li Zhizao couldn't help but awkwardly said: "Your Majesty, what does the South of Nanyang look like?"

How can I remember this clearly.

Taichang said indifferently: "We are going to explore, aren't we? When the time comes, you can draw according to the results of our exploration."

The reason why he brought Li Zhizao was to let others draw a map based on the actual terrain.

He really couldn't remember the specific map there, he only vaguely remembered that there was no water in the north of Australia, and there seemed to be no rivers.

This Oceanian island is actually short of water. I have to say that this is really incomprehensible.

This time, he brought 20 infantry and [-] to [-] sailors. The water consumption for a day is quite terrifying. If there is no water source there, it will be troublesome.

How to solve this problem?
He couldn't help looking at the map and lost in thought.

The fleet headed south all the way, and arrived at Dongfan Mansion within a few days.

What happened to the shipyard here?
Taichang purposely turned into Dongfan Zuowei's harbor and took a closer look.

It has to be said that the efficiency of the Ministry of Industry is quite amazing.

At this moment, not only the fifty docks and waterways of Dongfan Shipyard have been built, but also the parts below the deck of fifty large fishing boats and two hundred armed merchant ships have been completed. It is neatly arranged on the waterway to build the upper cabin part.

Once this wave of [-] large ships is built, the number of large ships of Ming Dynasty will quadruple in an instant!

The booming development of Ming Dynasty means that it is just around the corner to become the new world hegemon.

However, Spain, the original world hegemon, formed a sharp contrast with Ming Dynasty.

At this moment, the total number of large ships in Spain is estimated to be less than two hundred!
It is embarrassing that people are even jealous of the Dutch sailing warship they captured.

When will the reply from the King of Spain arrive?

After Taichang led the fleet to leave Dongfan Zuowei, he made a special trip to Manila.

The battle of the Daming Navy Fleet really envied the Spaniards. When Carlinio stepped on the flagship, he couldn't help admiring: "Your Majesty, you are the real Armada. If the fleet sails to the east coast of America, the Dutch and English navies will probably be too scared to go out!"

You guys know how to suck up.

Taichang couldn't help shaking his head and smiled wryly: "I want to hurry up and send the naval fleet to beat the Dutch and the English. When will your reply from His Majesty the King arrive? Do you have a confirmation letter?"

Alas, we still use sailboats, and we simply cannot sail freely on the sea like your ships.

Carinho said in embarrassment when he heard the words: "Your Majesty, this place is tens of thousands of miles away from our Spanish mainland. I really can't tell the exact date for such a long voyage. In short, the reply from our Majesty the King will be at the beginning of June at the earliest. It will not arrive until the end of June or even the beginning of July, which mainly depends on the ocean currents and monsoon conditions along the way."

Okay, time should be enough.

Taichang nodded slightly, then waved his hand and said, "Then see you in June. Even if I can't come by then, I will send a boat to wait for your news."

Uh, just say a few words and drive me away!
Carinho was a little puzzled when he heard this.

He really couldn't figure out why His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Empire was in such a hurry with so many warships.

Is there anything more important than the alliance between the two countries at this moment?
The entire Far East is now under the control of the Ming Empire. Even if the Dutch fleet comes over, there is not much threat!
You know, the defense of the New Jinling City is quite terrifying, and the terrain there is also quite easy to defend and difficult to attack. The Dutch may not even be able to cross the Strait of Malacca.

What is His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Empire doing in such a hurry?

How did he know that Taichang was in a hurry to take over the large unclaimed land in the south of Nanyang.

Taichang will not publicize this kind of thing everywhere.

Anyway, let's take it down first.

(End of this chapter)

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