Chapter 479
It is not very clear how big Taichang is in the south of Nanyang.

However, he can be sure that the combined size of the islands there will definitely not be smaller than the original two capitals and thirteen provinces of Daming.

Such a large site would require at least a few million people to develop it.

Originally, he was worried about the food problem of these millions of people.

After all, it is impossible for people to let food grow automatically as soon as they arrive at a place, and it takes time to open up wasteland and cultivate land.

In other words, a lot of food must be consumed in the first year or two.

The food consumed by millions of people in a year is tens of millions of stones!
He was afraid that the British government would not be able to produce so much grain, and he would have to go to Dongfan or even Nanzhili to transport it, which would be troublesome.

Now it seems that he doesn't have to worry about this problem at all.

Didn't the British Lord Zhang Weixian say that more than [-] million mu of land can be opened if more than [-] people come over?

very good!

Taichang said to Zheng Zhilong without hesitation: "Feihong, mobilize [-] armed merchant ships, make a few more trips, and bring the more than [-] people here as soon as possible for the British."

Uh, this.

Zheng Zhilong felt a little embarrassed: "The emperor forgives the sin, I am afraid that I can't transfer so many merchant ships, because at the moment the semicolons of Nanyang, Southeast and other countries have just started, and there are too many things that need to be pulled, so I will If we can bring these twenty armed merchant ships to attract people, I am afraid that other ship officials will not be able to transfer them."

You can't make it, but I can make it!
Without hesitation, Taichang said: "Go and tell the abbot and Yaoguang that the semicolons of Nanyang, Southeast and other countries can be delayed. The British government is related to the development of the south of Nanyang. It cannot be delayed. First, all armed merchant ships Mobilize people here. We don’t need to rush to make money, the most important thing is to occupy the land we can occupy first.”

Well, it's certainly fine for you to speak.

Zheng Zhilong hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "I understand."

Taichang nodded slightly, and then said to Zhang Weixian: "Weixian is all right now, can we develop more than [-] million mu of land this year?"

Zhang Weixian thought about it carefully, then nodded slowly and said: "Your Majesty, as long as the people arrive, I will help them figure out a way for these 2000 million mu of land, and it should be able to be developed this year. The problem is farming. They have to hire at least one million laborers to plant three seasons, and it is unlikely that all of these million laborers will be hired as tenant farmers, and they still need to go back and forth, so they will need more boats."

This is also no problem.

Taichang said indifferently: "Don't worry, Dongfan Shipyard will be able to manufacture [-] armed merchant ships this year. Even if more than [-] ships are transferred to America by then, there will still be enough ships here."

Then it will be fine.

British Duke Zhang Weixian hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty, I will open up the 600 million mu of land this year, and next year we will increase the amount of food. It is estimated that it will not be a problem to provide food for [-] million people."

very good!

Taichang nodded slightly, looked at Xu Erjue again, and couldn't help asking: "Erjue, you don't seem to be in charge of pulling people, right? Why did you come here?"

Xu Erjue hurriedly cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, isn't the land here fertile, and there is plenty of sunshine and water, so I want to try planting corn and peanuts here. These two things are actually very marketable, that's it." At present, the yields grown in the southeastern provinces are not very high, so the price is a bit high. Wei Chen reckons that if planted here, the yield should not be low."

It turned out to be something to try.

Not bad.

Taichang nodded slightly, and then asked again: "Are you busy these days, why don't you go to the south with me?"


Xu Erjue hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "I'm not busy, I really want to go to the south with the emperor to have a look."

That's all right, before it's too late.

Originally, Taichang was here to find out about the food production of the British government, and at the same time replenish some fresh water.

At this moment, the food production must be no problem, and the fresh water should be almost replenished.

Thinking of this, he decisively waved his hand and said: "Okay, Wei Xian, go get busy, I'll go to the east first to see if there is any water source, if there is no place, maybe I have to come to you in ten or so days Let’s add some fresh water, so prepare more.”

Hearing this, Zhang Weixian quickly cupped his hands and said, "I understand."

After that, he got up and said goodbye.

Why did Taichang say to go to the east first?
Isn't he going to explore the places south of Nanyang?
In fact, the east of Java Island is even south of Nanyang, and the Dutch and Portuguese have only explored a small archipelago to the east of Java Island at this moment, and further east, there is what is called Momao Garcia on the map.

He remembered that it wasn't Australia yet, but New Guinea.

I don't know how the Dutch and Portuguese did it, but they even drew it as a peninsula extending from Antarctica.

The reality is definitely not like this, and there are rumors that there is a shortage of water in the north of Australia, so he is going to go to Momao Garcia on the map to see if there is any water source there.

Soon, the fleet continued to set off and headed straight to the east.

The speed of the ship was not so fast. On the third day, they crossed the sea north of the British government.

Then there is a series of large and small islands.

This is still the range of the Spice Islands marked by the Dutch, so there is nothing to explore. It will be fine for the British government to send people over to develop these islands after the development is completed.

They just sailed along the islands for another two days or so, and there seemed to be no islands in the sea ahead. There was a blank sea area on the map, and a peninsula protruding from Antarctica was next.

This is of course impossible. The east must still be an island, not the peninsula drawn by the European countries.

The reason why they think that the east is a peninsula protruding from the Antarctic continent is because they are sailing.

If there were no strong winds and currents, the sailboat would be able to travel dozens of miles a day at most, and they might not be able to go around the big island that is thousands of miles or even tens of thousands of miles wide for several months.

It is almost impossible to float at sea for a few months now, even if there is no need to replenish food, fresh water must be replenished.

That is to say, it is basically impossible for the sailboats of the European barbarians to go around the big island for thousands of miles and see the whole picture of the whole big island, so in their eyes, this kind of big island has become a large piece of land. .

The Daming Fleet is different.

At this moment, they are coming by ship. If they travel day and night, it is not a problem to drive more than a thousand miles a day. No matter how big the island is, they can go around it in ten days at most.

Moreover, they have many ships, and it is much more convenient to explore the island than others.

The expeditions sent by the European countries are not naval fleets, but so-called explorers.

It would be great if this kind of explorer can organize a few sailboat expeditions with more than a thousand materials. Therefore, once these explorers encounter islands separated by hundreds of miles, they will stop working. They dare not drive a boat in unknown seas. wander around.

Taichang is different, at the moment he has over a hundred of the [-] large ships under his command, exploring the unknown sea is not too easy for him.

He directly ordered forty Aegis ships and more than fifty dragon-tooth warships to line up at intervals of about five miles, forming a row of four to five hundred miles wide, and then led the fleet to explore eastward all the way.

After sailing east for a day, the fleet discovered several scattered islands.

They continued to sail eastward for a day or so, and there was an endless coastline in front of them.

This coastline is to the north of the fleet and extends all the way to the southeast.

In other words, the south of this big island is the sea, and its location is roughly in the north of Java Island.

This shows that this is definitely not Australia.

Because Australia is in the south of Java Island.

If they had reached the northern coast of Australia, then the coastline seen should be south of the fleet.

Looking at the coastline stretching all the way to the sky, Taichang couldn't help sighing: "This island is really big!"

Hearing this, Li Zhizao couldn't help asking: "Your Majesty, is this Momao Garcia on the map?"

Taichang thought for a while, and then said lightly: "Maybe it is, maybe it's not. In short, this is not the Antarctic land drawn on the map. Let's go around this coastline and you will know. Just right, we still have to Find a source of water, there should be a source of water on such a large island."

After that, he directly waved his hand and ordered: "Order, all warships gather in a corps and sail southeast along the coastline for about ten miles."

(End of this chapter)

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