Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 497 This is my people

Chapter 497 This is my people
The trip of the deputy king was indeed grand, and Cordoba actually brought two thousand cavalry guards on this trip.

That's all, because he was in a hurry and couldn't bring infantry or female slaves with him.

Otherwise, he would have to bring tens of thousands of guards and hundreds of female slaves to be carried across the city.

It can be said that the real Spanish king does not have such a big show when he goes out.

Because there is not so much free space to raise horses in Europe, it is not bad for the king of Spain to bring two hundred cavalry guards when he travels.

Of course, this small ostentation is nothing compared to the ostentation put on by Taichang.

The fleet that Taichang sent to pick him up alone included ten dragon-tooth gunboats and 120 wolf-tooth warships.

Anyway, Spain also has large ships and gunboats, and the ocean-going fleet that often hits here has twelve giant ships. Cordoba was not too surprised when he saw this fleet. Even if he saw the novelty of combining ships, he You can also pretend nothing happened.

However, when the fleet entered the bay where the capital of Xinyin was located, he couldn't hold back anymore.

For those who bought cakes, the densely packed ships lined up dozens of miles long!

He has long heard that the Daming Navy fleet has a lot of ships, but he didn't expect it to be so many.

Especially when their "small fleet" entered the channel formed by the ships, the sudden loud noise almost didn't scare him to fall to the deck.

How does it feel to be full of guns?
He must have never experienced it. All the artillery in Spain at the moment doesn't know if there are [-] guns. Even if there are, they can't be fired together.

Although the ships of the Daming Navy are firing empty cannons at this moment, the sound is still earth-shattering!
After firing tens of thousands of cannons and ten rounds of empty cannons, he only felt that his ears were going deaf.

Fortunately, all the horses he brought were tied up, otherwise, these frightened and panicked horses would all have to jump into the sea.

As soon as he boarded the pier, he was shocked again.

Buy cakes, how many pawns are there so densely packed that you can't see the end at a glance?
He felt that the entire Spanish Army didn't seem to have so many combined!
What on earth is His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Empire here for? It doesn't take such a big show to discuss business, does it?
Immediately afterwards, they even brought him more than ten fine horses.

Apparently it was for him and the officers he brought to ride.

Because the quantity is just right.

Question, all the pawns are here to line up the guard of honor, which proves that the meeting place is not far away.

Moreover, even if the Ming Empire built a city here, it should have been built next to the pier, otherwise, it would be inconvenient to move goods.

What kind of horse would you ride at such a short distance?
As soon as he saw the guard of honor, he didn't order anyone to pull the horses off the boat.

At this time, people even brought over ten horses to him, what is going on?
He got on his horse in a daze, looked up behind the densely packed pawns, and was stunned again.

When did there become such a big city next to the port?
There is no such a big city in the whole of Europe!
How did the Ming Empire build the city walls that could not be seen on both sides in such a short period of time?

It turned out that because the city was too big, they had to ride horses to get there.

He originally thought that no matter how powerful the Ming Empire was, the outer city walls could be built in such a short period of time. The city must still be empty, with no buildings.

However, he rode his horse into the city and saw that the city was densely packed with buildings.

Obviously, the city has been completely built, but there are only garrisons and no civilians inside.

What speed is this?

When he followed Zhang Zhiji and Xu Yunzhen into the meeting hall of the side palace, he was completely stunned.

This time it was not a spectacular scene in the meeting hall.

The reason why he was stunned was because almost all of the conference tables in the meeting hall were people from Indian tribes.

These guys can't go wrong with their outfits.

Look at the feathers on their heads, these people are still big names in Indian tribes.

He has commanded his troops to fight against these people before, so he can roughly see their identities.

What exactly does His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Empire want to do?

Obviously, he was not called to discuss business.

Just kidding, why call so many big names from Indian tribes to talk about business?
At this time, Zhang Zhiji walked up to Taichang quickly, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, this guy seems to be a vice king. He is also greedy for money. He seems to want to get a few million taels. The officials told him to buy about 500 million taels of grain, but he even asked us to prepay 200 million taels for the purchase of rubber."

Uh, you kid turned out to be fooling people into negotiating business.

No wonder this guy acted like he was possessed when he came in.

However, it's okay to talk about business, and it's okay to give money to others in advance. The key is that this guy has to stop invading Indian tribes.

If possible, it is best to withdraw part of the land and return it to the Apache and Sioux.

Well, this guy is also greedy for money, which is a good thing.

Zhang Zhiji and Xu Yunzhen did a good job in this matter.

Taichang nodded slightly, motioned Zhang Zhiji and Xu Yunzhen to stand behind him first, then raised his hands and said with a slight smile: "Sit down when you come, what are you doing standing?"

After hearing Tongshi's translation, Cordoba came back to his senses, led his officials into the meeting hall with a serious face, gave Taichang a boob salute in a pretense, and then carefully placed a hand on Taichang's right Sit down first.

Taichang turned his head and said to Chen Siming beside him, "Don't translate for these tribal envoys what I said to this deputy king."

After that, he turned his head and smiled slightly at Cordoba: "Is there any food in your jurisdiction, and what is the price?"

Hey, are you really talking about business?
Cordoba thought for a while before carefully quoting a price.

The measurement method in Spain is still different from that of Daming. The official of the Ministry of Rites standing behind him carefully calculated, and then explained in detail: "Your Majesty, according to our calculation, the price he quoted is about one or two taels." Two stones of silver."

One tael of silver and two stones?
This guy is so dark!

There is one tael of silver and four stones at the British government. You, the governorship of New Spain, is also in the tropics. Even if you don’t know how to plant three seasons, you will always plant two seasons, right?

Also, you are using Indian serfs, so there is no purchase price at all.

You even gave me one tael of silver and two stones?
All right, it's okay to let you earn some money, anyway, the grain shipped from Wen Guogong's mansion is about the same price, and buying from you saves the trouble of transportation.

Taichang nodded slightly and said: "Okay, how about buying 1000 million stones from you a year, no problem?"

Cordoba couldn't help but nodded after hearing the converted amount from the translator: "No problem, no problem."

The grain from his place can only be sold at this price when it is exported to Europe, and moreover, most of the profit has to be handed over, so he can't make much money.

This is good, and I can earn another one million taels a year.

Don't be complacent, you guy.

Taichang immediately asked again: "I heard that you still want an advance payment of 200 million taels, right?"

Cordoba nodded again and again: "I need to purchase wood to make barrels for the 200 barrels of rubber, and I also need to hire someone to tap the rubber. The investment is too large. Can you prepay [-] million taels first?"

Taichang still nodded slightly and said: "These are all fine, but you have to promise me one condition."

There are conditions.

Cordoba looked at the people from the Indian tribe on the opposite side, and he couldn't help showing a thoughtful look on his face.

It seems that this condition has something to do with these Indians.

He thought for a while, and then said cautiously: "Your Majesty, what are the conditions, please tell me."

Taichang pointed to the envoy of the Indian tribe on the opposite side and said: "These are my people. In the past, I didn't know that there were people living in this continent. Now, since I know, I can't ignore them.

My condition is very simple, you abide by the covenant and stop invading Indian tribes.

Plus, you give the Apache tribe and the Sioux their land back. "

Your condition is still very simple?
Cordoba couldn't help being dumbfounded when he heard this.

(End of this chapter)

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