Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 509 The Most Beautiful Flower

Chapter 509 The Most Beautiful Flower

The sky is blue, the weeds are slightly yellow, and thousands of bison are grazing leisurely on the vast grassland. The scenery is extremely beautiful.

Suddenly, there was a thunderous sound of horseshoes, and thousands of cavalry from the Shenwu Battalion formed a huge geese formation and rushed towards the bison.

The buffalo herd had already been alarmed, but they did not flee in a hurry.

After all, there are not many natural enemies for them on this grassland. Even if they encounter wild wolves, they will rush forward with their horns on their backs, and they can trample the wild wolves to death even if they don't push them to death.

So, none of them are very afraid of other things, including people and horses.

Some brave Niu Niu even turned their heads and showed their horns in the direction of the Shenwu Battalion cavalry, as if they were about to charge back.

In this case, if you rush forward recklessly to collide with the herd of bison, you may inevitably suffer casualties.

These bison can weigh more than a thousand catties at every turn, and some can weigh more than 2000 catties. If they collide randomly, the horses will be knocked over by them.

The Shenwu Camp is hunting, not fighting people, so naturally they will not bump into them for no reason and seek death.

When they were still a few miles away from the herd of cattle, they raised their muskets and pointed them in the direction of the herd of bison.

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of intensive gunshots.

No bison fell after this shot.

Because the muskets these days are not very powerful, they can't even penetrate the thick cowhide at a distance of more than two hundred steps, and it is even more impossible to kill the bison.

However, it still hurts to hit the cow with a bullet.

Many bison were shaken all over by the beating, and then ran wildly.

Those bison who turned their heads and prepared to charge back were the worst. Each of them took at least dozens of bullets, and they were really beaten all over their heads.

Under such circumstances, there were still a few angry bison throwing off their hooves and rushing towards the cavalry group.

However, the other bison had already fled in the opposite direction.

In this case, there is no need to be afraid of the collision of the buffalo herd. Only a few buffaloes rushing towards them can still be dealt with by the Shenwu Battalion cavalry.

Soon, dozens of riders pulled out their spears from their holsters, and rushed up to meet the crazy bison.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the two sides passed by each other.

At this time, those bison were no longer covered with bales, but with spears full of necks.

What would happen if more than ten spears were stuck in the neck of a cow?
Don't think about it, it must be difficult to breathe, and he collapsed soon.

The hunting was still going on, and the Shenwu Battalion cavalry was still chasing hundreds of the slowest bison, but cheers came from the hills not far away.

The hundreds of tribal chiefs and several elders and chiefs of the Wacht tribe were already dancing with excitement.

This hunting scene is simply amazing!
They also often hunted bison, which was a major source of food for many tribes.

However, they didn't dare to rush directly to fight with the buffalo herd.

Because they didn't have enough war horses, nor such sharp spears, and they didn't have muskets that could beat the buffalo frantically away from a long distance.

Their most common method is to sneak up on the single bison.

As long as the buffalo is left alone, they will touch it quietly, and then rush up with stone axes, slamming on the head of the buffalo, knocking the buffalo to the ground.

This method has a certain degree of danger, and the harvest is not much. It is considered good luck for a tribe to kill a few bison in a day.

This is the first time they have seen such a hunting method in Shenwuying.

This scene was really exciting and exciting. They charged directly at the herd of bison and hunted more than 100 bison at one time. This was something they would never have imagined before.

Taichang looked through the binoculars for a while, and couldn't help but nodded slightly: "Well, the effect of hunting like this is good, and it should be almost the same after two or three more visits."

Hearing this, Cao Wenzhao quickly put down the binoculars and said respectfully, "Your Majesty, in fact, we can still order the soldiers to continue chasing. After all, some bison will get tired and fall behind if they can't run too far. We keep chasing like this. Thousands of heads are not a problem."

Taichang thought for a while, then shook his head slightly and said: "Forget it, one time is enough to eat for two or three days. If you hunt too much, you have to dry it and store it. It's too troublesome."

In fact, they are not free to hunt and play.

The reason why they come to hunt is because the rations are not enough.

Taichang originally thought that he would come here in about ten days, wait a few days, and wait until all the tribal chiefs had arrived, and the matter was almost handled, and then he could go back.

Therefore, he did not order the Shenwu Battalion to bring a grain truck and bring a large amount of food over. Tens of thousands of Shenwu Battalion soldiers also brought more than [-] days' worth of rations.

It's been 20 days now, and there are still many tribal chiefs who haven't arrived yet, and the food delivered from Xinyin Capital will take at least ten days to arrive, so Taichang ordered the Shenwuying soldiers to hunt the bison.

This bison is at least over a thousand catties, and there are quite a few over 2000 catties. If there are more than 100 heads, that is more than 20 catties. If the belly is removed, it is enough for the soldiers of the Shenwu Camp to eat for two or three days.

Anyway, it was very easy for them to find the herd of bison, and it was also easy to hunt around, so there was no need to be so troublesome, hunting thousands of bison at a time.

After all, the buffalo had been hunted so much that it was a hassle to bring them back to camp.

In the afternoon of the same day, there was an all-ox banquet in the camp. The soldiers of the Shenwu Camp showed their housekeeping skills. It was beef bone soup, beef offal soup, roast beef, stir-fried beef, and various spices. Once it was added, the whole camp was full of fragrance, and the hundreds of chiefs and warriors from the Wacht tribe who came to the party were full of praise.

Not long after they started eating, there was another sound of horseshoes coming from the direction of the Wacht tribe settlement.

This is a bit strange, he ordered people to send more than a dozen bison, the men, women and children of the Wacht Department must not be able to finish a meal, why did they come here?

Could it be that the chief of another tribe rushed over?
Taichang stood up and took a look. It was really the Shenwu Battalion soldiers and Tong Shi who stayed behind in Wacht's department and several people with bright feathers on their heads rushed over.

After thinking for a while, he ordered someone to fetch a clean towel to wipe his mouth, and then raised his hand to greet the tribal chiefs.

If he didn't see it, so be it.

After seeing all of this, if he is still sitting here and eating, he looks too arrogant. Although others will not say anything, they will definitely feel unhappy in their hearts.

Sometimes these details still need to be paid attention to.

More than a dozen war horses galloped over, and soon, the general officer who stayed behind in the Wacht tribe came quickly with a few people with bright feathers on their heads.

This time only five or six came, and they should be the chiefs of a large tribe.

Because there are not many war horses in the Sioux tribes, and generally small tribes only have a few war horses. It is not bad for the chief to bring a warrior here. If he can bring five or six people, the tribe should not be small.

Taichang took a look, and couldn't help being stunned.

The first pair of men and women are really a bit different, because they both look relatively young, roughly in their 30s, they don't look like other chiefs at all, they look like old men and old ladies.

Moreover, their complexion is not as dark as that of other tribes, and these two people gave him a feeling of fairness.

To be honest, he was a little surprised.

After a while, the Tongshi came to him with a few people, took the lead and said respectfully on the ground: "Kowtow to the emperor."

Taichang slightly raised his hand and said, "Get up, which tribe is this from?"

The officer quickly got up with someone and introduced: "This is Chief Qiangniu from Scott's department."

This strong bull is really strong like a cow.

Although the Algonquin tribe is still a matriarchal tribe at this moment, many tribes of the Sioux have begun to change to a patrilineal tribe, probably because fighting the invaders is basically a man's business, so men have gradually become the leaders of the tribe. .

Taichang smiled and nodded, and then greeted: "It's just in time, we happened to hunt a batch of bison today, come, sit down and eat together."

He still remembers the Scott Department, because the Scott Department is one of the largest tribes in the Lakota Tribal Union. There are more than [-] people.

Such a large tribe ranks among the entire Sioux tribe, so he naturally remembers it.

He was about to take everyone to sit around the bonfire in the middle of the camp, when a little girl suddenly popped up behind the strong bull, and looked at him curiously and said something.

Hey, this little girl is so beautiful!

When Taichang saw such a beautiful little girl, he couldn't bear to be taken aback.

He doesn't have the hobby of the Spanish vice king, looking for beautiful slave girls everywhere.

Usually, he interviewed tribal chiefs or elders in their 40s and [-]s. These chiefs and elders basically looked like old men and old ladies, and they had nothing to do with beauties.

Therefore, he has basically never seen beauties from Indian tribes.

Seeing one all of a sudden, he was really taken aback.

However, he was only stunned for a moment, and quickly reacted.

What did the little girl say? Why didn't Tongshi translate it?
He couldn't help but looked at Tong Shi curiously.

The Tong said with a little embarrassment: "Your Majesty, she said, I never thought you would be whiter than her!"

Uh, well, this little girl is really as white as other Sioux people.

Question, how can you compare me to me?
Taichang smiled awkwardly, and then asked: "Is this little girl the daughter of Qiang Niu?"

The passer nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, she is the daughter of Qiang Niu, her name is the most beautiful flower."

Uh, the name.

The full name of the strong bull is actually the strong bison.

His daughter's name is even more bizarre, it is called the most beautiful flower.

No way, Indian tribes used to take names like this.

However, this time is different.

Perhaps, this little girl should be given a name.

The name of the most beautiful flower sounds too strange.

What's good about calling Su?
(End of this chapter)

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