Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 517 Creating a Brand New Civilization

Chapter 517 Creating a Brand New Civilization
The Grand Canal to the Sea is about to be completed, and the North American continent will also open a new chapter.

In the flagship meeting hall, Taichang pointed to the map and introduced: "Chang Geng, the most important issue right now is the transportation between the east and west coasts of North America.

Although we have built this canal, it is only to allow warships to enter the water system in central and eastern America, so that it is easier for Indian tribes to support each other.

However, it is still very troublesome to transport the materials from the west bank to the east bank, and then to the Indian tribes through the water system in central and eastern America.

Because it is tens of thousands of miles of sea from Xinyin Capital City to the east coast of America by bypassing the canal, and the ship will sail for at least a month.

Therefore, we must build a railway to connect the west coast and east coast of America. "

Uh, the amount of this project is a bit large.

Song Yingxing thought for a while, and then asked: "Your Majesty, where are we building this steam locomotive? Is it in Wubei City or here?"

Taichang said seriously: "It's too inconvenient to transport something as big as a steam locomotive. It would be best if it could be built here. Can you build a factory here to manufacture steam locomotives?"

Song Yingxing thought about it again, then nodded and said: "This should not be a big problem, after all, there is no inconvenience in transporting the steam engine and some precision parts, we only need to process those bulky parts here and then assemble them. Yes. But it will take a lot of space to build the steam locomotive and the rails."

no problem.

Taichang said without hesitation: "You can choose any place near Xinyin Capital."

Song Yingxing thought about it again, then frowned and said, "By the way, your majesty, this steel is also a big problem. You know, a lot of steel is needed to manufacture steam locomotives and build railways. If they are transported from the mainland of Ming Dynasty, I'm afraid special arrangements will be made. The non-stop delivery of dozens of armed merchant ships is enough."

Hearing this, Taichang said without hesitation: "Steel can be smelted directly here, the mineral resources here should be very rich, you can take people to explore iron ore and coal mines.

If it is discovered, it is enough to directly organize the people of the nearby Indian tribes to mine, and we will give them wages.

Now they don't have any source of income, and this can be regarded as their main source of income. "

Song Yingxing nodded slightly when he heard the words, and asked again: "Your Majesty, North America seems to be in a bit of a mess right now. Where is it better for me to send people to explore?"

Taichang stared at the map for a while, then pointed to the west coast and said: "This side can be explored, anyway, the territories along the way are basically Sioux and Algonquin tribes, and the territories of these two tribes are still very safe.

Moreover, there are ports built by the Spaniards all the way to the new Yin capital, which is very convenient for sailing.

How about this, I will provide you with a dragon-tooth warship and twelve wolf-tooth warships, and you can order people to explore along the coast. "

Song Yingxing nodded slightly, and asked again: "Your Majesty, what if you can't find iron ore or coal for a while, or it's not very convenient to find mining? After all, we will use it soon, and the amount is very large. Big."

Taichang thought for a while, and said simply: "If it's too late, buy it from the Spaniards. They are short of money and resources, and they can buy all the resources in the Americas."

Well, no problem then.

Song Yingxing hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "I understand."

This is almost a confession.

Taichang then said to Chen Zilong: "Maozhong, after the canal is open to navigation, you will go to the vicinity of the nine cities built by the Sioux and the Three Kingdoms with the naval warship to see what kind of crops are suitable for cultivation.

At this time, the Indian tribes still mainly hunted, and the food they cultivated was very little.

This will definitely not work, because it will be inconvenient to hunt after they are gathered in the city.

We can't always provide them with food for free, and now let them form the habit of eating and being lazy.

So, you have to hurry up and let them start farming after spring. "

Upon hearing this, Chen Zilong cupped his hands without hesitation and said, "I understand."

Taichang thought for a while, and then said to Song Yingxing: "By the way, Chang Geng, didn't you say you wanted to build a steam-driven plowing machine at the beginning, didn't you build one and give it a try?"

Song Yingxing couldn't help but said in embarrassment when he heard the words: "Your Majesty, that thing is too big, it must cost a lot of money to make it, or else you will lose money if you make one.

The problem is that ordinary people in Ming Dynasty only have a hundred or so mu of land at most, so they can't use this big guy at all, and they can't afford such a big price.

Weichen felt that it was useless to make it, so he didn't do it. "

You don't know about this, the machines like North America and New Jingzhou are of great use.

Taichang solemnly said: "You should try to make this thing when you have time, the central and eastern part of North America is a large area of ​​plains, very suitable for farming.

Moreover, the population of the Indian tribe is not very large, so it is certainly not possible to plant so much land.

At that time, as long as you can make this thing, it will be of great use. "

Well, then try it.

Song Yingxing nodded quickly and said: "Weichen knows, I will make one and try it out when I have time."

Taichang then said to Wen Zhenmeng: "Wenqi, how many of the "Hundred Surnames", "Three Character Classics", "Thousand Character Classics" you were asked to bring?"

Wen Zhenmeng quickly explained: "Your Majesty, the time is a bit rushed, and I only bought about [-] copies of each item."

Taichang nodded slightly and said: "Well, that's enough for the time being. After the nine cities of the Three Kingdoms of the Su Clan are built, you have to establish a school in them as soon as possible to teach "Hundred Surnames", "Three Character Classics", and "Thousand Character Classics". It's very important, you take your officials and Siming's generals to do it together."

Wen Zhenmeng hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "I understand."

Taichang then set his sights on Huang Daozhou, the right servant of the Ministry of officials.

This guy has the most dry mouth and is best suited to deal with affairs between Indian tribes.

He thought for a while, and then solemnly said: "Youping, this Indian tribe needs a governor to guide it. In the past, Boya and Jiandou supervised this matter. Since you are here, come and serve as the governor of North America.

You remember, the most important thing is to guide the tribal alliance of Indian tribes to follow in the footsteps of Ming Dynasty and make them the most loyal vassals of Ming Dynasty. "

Uh, this is a bit general.

Hearing this, Huang Daozhou was stunned for a moment, and then asked cautiously: "Your Majesty, what are we mainly guiding them to do? After all, this battle cannot be fought forever. With the support of our Ming Dynasty, they should be able to take Oulu soon." The countries have been kicked out of this continent, what will they do then?"

This is indeed a problem.

When you guide others, you must have a direction, right?
Taichang thought about it carefully, and then explained: "We want to guide them to become a vassal state specializing in the production of various resources, such as food, such as minerals.

There is a large area of ​​plains here, as long as they are properly guided, they will definitely produce a lot of food in the future, even more than the local Ming Dynasty.

And their population is equivalent to that of a larger province of Ming Dynasty, so they will definitely not be able to eat up all the food they produce.

Also, the minerals here should also be very rich, we can teach them to mine and even smelt them.

In this way, they can earn a lot of money by producing these resources and live a good life, and we can also reserve a lot of resources. "

Uh, specializing in the production of various resources?

Is there such a country in this world?
In other words, this is a civilization that has never existed before.

This is a bit difficult.

Huang Daozhou heard the words, frowned and pondered for a while, then nodded slowly and said: "I understand."

(End of this chapter)

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