Chapter 519
Cordoba is really annoying these days.

Because the two little dukes of the Ming Empire always went to Mexico City to find him.

Those two shameless guys asked him to pick up the goods for a while, asked him for food for a while, asked him for a wine barrel for a while, and invited him to some New Year's festival for a while, endlessly.

He seriously suspected that the Ming Empire wanted to blackmail Central America.

Anyway, he won't be fooled, no matter what, he won't follow these two shameless liars to meet the emperor of the Ming Empire.

He even wanted to go back to Spain to hide for a while, so that these two shameless little dukes could not see his people.

It's a pity that he can't go back, at least he can't go back during his tenure.

Hey, why are these two guys here again?
Cordoba looked at the two smiling little dukes in front of him, and really wanted to order someone to tie them up and give them a good beating.

I whipped you to pieces, let's see if you still laugh.

The problem is that he still doesn't dare to do anything, even on his own territory.

There is no way, the Ming Empire is too powerful, so powerful that it is frightening, he really dare not provoke these two guys.

He could only helplessly ask: "You two, what's the matter?"

Zhang Zhiji suddenly put away his smiling face, and said solemnly: "We have already repaired the canal, so our Emperor would like to invite you to come over to discuss the handover of the island in the east and the protection of merchant ships in the future. "

You are trying to lie to me again!

Are you kidding me, you have finished the canal in just a few months?

If it is a small river channel with small fishing boats, I believe it.

That is a big river channel that requires large warships, can it be dug through in three or four months?

I believe you ghosts!
Cordoba said helplessly: "Really, don't lie to me. Although I don't know how to dig canals, I know that it is not so easy to dig a canal that can pass large warships."

What are we lying to you for?
Zhang Zhiji said without hesitation: "Of course it is true, what else are we doing here?"

Who knows what you are doing here?
Of course Cordoba didn't believe it was true, so he could only continue to ask helplessly: "Really? You didn't lie to me?"

Xu Yunzhen was quite shameless and said: "His Royal Highness, when did we lie to you? Didn't you say that you went to Xinyin Capital? That time we really invited you to discuss business. Isn't the grain business negotiated?" , Moreover, our emperor even paid you 1000 million taels in advance, do you still think we are lying to you?"

Are you talking about business?

How much territory did I lose to get those silver coins?
That is blackmail!
Forget it, there is no way to say this.

In any case, I will not go to Central America with you.

Cordoba thought for a while, and said simply: "You want to take over the island in the east, right? No problem, this is written in the covenant, and His Majesty the King also agreed. I will directly issue an order to let our people Just withdraw it. You just take the order I signed and accept it, there is absolutely no problem."

He said so on the surface, but he was muttering in his heart.

You still want to lie to me, right?

Okay, I will issue an order to you, you fly over to take over the island to the east!
Hearing this, Zhang Zhiji said in a serious manner: "Our emperor said that if you don't have time to talk, you can issue an order. We will go to take over the island to the east. You can also talk to us about the protection of merchant ships. , It’s the same when we talk about it and go back to report.”

Is it true or false?

Cordoba was quite puzzled and asked, "You really built the canal?"

Why do you guys distrust people so much?

I just lied to you once.

As for that?
Zhang Zhiji nodded without hesitation: "Really."

There is no way, some people are afraid of well ropes after being bitten by snakes for ten years.

Cordoba was so deceived that he almost lost his vice-king position. Can he not be afraid?

He was still a little puzzled: "Can you really send a fleet to protect our merchant ships?"

Zhang Zhiji didn't bother to talk anymore, so he just nodded and said, "Really."

It would be nice if it was true.

Cordoba said cautiously: "We have a group of merchant ships that will transport supplies back to Spain next month. Can you send a fleet to protect our merchant ships?"

Zhang Zhiji said solemnly again: "You have to tell us how many warships the Dutch, British, and French have. Otherwise, how do we know how many warships to send to protect your merchant ships?"

This, is it true?

Cordoba thought for a while, and then introduced in detail: "Now the Dutch have a little more warships, they probably have about 130 warships, and about [-] warships.

The British and the French had fewer warships. The British only had more than 40 gunboats, and the French only had more than 20 gunboats.

However, they like to use small warships and fireboats, especially the British, who have more than 150 small warships and fireboats of various types. "

These guys still have some strength.

If the Dutch, British and French were united, there would be more than 160 gunboats and more than 300 large and small warships.

Zhang Zhiji and Xu Yunzhen looked at each other, and then asked: "Will the Dutch, British and French join forces to rob your merchant ships?"

Cordoba shook his head without hesitation and said, "No, they are all very selfish, and they won't ask others for good things."

Zhang Zhiji confirmed again: "Really not?"

Cordoba said without hesitation: "Really not, even if they want to join forces to plunder our merchant ships, there is no time. The warships of the Dutch, British and French are not together. They found us It will be too late to go back to assemble the fleet, and by the time they run back and forth, we will have returned to the local port."

Well, this is true.

Because people are sailing ships, sailing on the sea depends on ocean currents and wind direction.

It is impossible for the currents on the sea to change direction all the time, and it is impossible for the wind on the sea to blow randomly.

Under normal circumstances, it takes several months for ocean currents to change direction, as do strong monsoons.

At this time, Daming has also done some research on ocean currents and monsoons at sea, and ocean currents and monsoons are basically affected by seasons.

That is to say, the ocean currents and monsoons on the sea will change direction when the weather obviously changes from cold to hot or from hot to cold.

The American continent is tens of thousands of miles away from the European continent. If there is no ocean current or monsoon, it is difficult for sailing ships to cross.

The Spanish merchant ships must have chosen to return to the mainland when there was a westward ocean current or a westward monsoon. In this case, even if the Dutch, British and French found them, they would definitely not have time to gather together to stop them .

Because ocean currents and monsoons are westward, they can at most send information back to the continent, and they have to wait for the ocean currents and monsoons to turn if they want to gather warships in Europe. At that time, the Spanish merchant ships have indeed returned to their native ports. .

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhiji couldn't help but nodded slightly and said: "Well, then there is no problem, just send someone to notify us before you leave."

Is that true?

Cordoba thought for a while, then asked again: "Where do we send someone to inform you, is it the place where you built the canal?"

This guy, is he still testing?
Zhang Zhiji said very simply: "How about this, you designate a port on the east coast, just as we are going to deliver food to the Indian tribes in the northeast, you ship all the food to the designated port, and we can send a ship to wait there , If you have any news, you can also pass it there, and we will know soon."

No way, Cordoba was really scared of being cheated.

By this time, he was still a little suspicious of whether these two guys were trying to lie to him!

(End of this chapter)

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