Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 532 The problem of people

Chapter 532 The problem of people
Ships gathered in West Yindu Port again, and the densely packed ships almost submerged the pier on one side.

However, it was not the Spanish merchant ships that gathered this time, but the armed merchant ships of the Daming Western Company.

The decks of two hundred armed merchant ships are densely packed with people!
Most of these were Tunwei and their families brought over from the mainland of the Ming Dynasty, and there were also farm laborers brought over from Dongying.

In short, there are men, women, old and young, crowded together chaotically, and I don't know how many people there are.

This guy, how many people did he pull over in one boat?

On the flagship, Taichang glanced through the binoculars on the side for a while, and could not help frowning slightly.

At this time, Zheng Zhilong had already walked up quickly, cupped his hands and bowed: "My minister sees the emperor."

Taichang turned his head and said displeasedly: "How many people did you pull in this boat? How can normal people bear it? Also, if there is a storm, will there be no accidents? Honestly, on the way Did anyone die of illness or fall into the sea and drown?"

Uh, this.

What's the matter, the emperor?
Zheng Zhilong was so frightened that he quickly explained: "Your Majesty, I took thousands of people with me in one boat. Some people fell ill on the way, but I prepared a complete set of medicines, and no one died of illness. As for falling into the sea, that's even worse. Impossible, Your Majesty, no one fell into the sea."

Pulling so many people in one boat?

Taichang doubted: "Really, how can I see that there are thousands of people on the deck of each ship, and almost all of them have tired faces."

How dare I bully you!

Zheng Zhilong quickly continued to explain: "These people were resting in the cabin. They heard that they had arrived, so they all rushed to the deck. As for why their faces are tired, it is probably because the journey time is too long. , and it was very hot when we passed the section of the Grand Canal leading to the sea, and everyone was overheated."

Taichang still had some doubts: "Can so many people be squeezed into the cabin? What about your people, where do you live? You won't stuff all these people into the cabin below the deck, will you?"

What the hell is going on, Your Majesty?
Zheng Zhilong continued to explain: "There are many old people, women and children among these people, and they don't take up much space. The cabin can accommodate four to five hundred people, and their family can still live if they squeeze together. As for the deck The cabin below, except for fresh water and food, is full of weapons, equipment and goods, how dare I let them live below, the cabin below the deck is our own people who live in it and keep things.”

Hearing this, Taichang turned his head and carefully scanned the cabin on the upper deck with the binoculars.

Sure enough, it was basically empty inside, and there was no one at all.

The men, women and children on the deck just looked tired and showed no signs of dissatisfaction. Many people still had hope in their eyes.

Well, it seems that this kid is not lying.

The main reason why he was so unhappy was that there were some pictures about the slave trade in his mind.

When European countries traded slaves, they treated people like livestock, and they didn't care whether they lived or died.

He thought that the Daming Western Company was doing the same thing, so he got angry.

Now it seems that he wronged others.

He turned his head and said solemnly: "Remember, you can't lose your humanity for the sake of making money. Especially for this kind of long-distance transfer of guards or labor, you can't ignore other people's feelings for the sake of attracting more people, or even treat people as Livestock treatment."

Oh, it turns out that the emperor misunderstood.

Zheng Zhilong hastily cupped his hands and said: "Remember, my majesty, don't worry, our Western companies don't rely on this to make money. We also have enough fresh water and food along the way. We won't treat people like animals."

That's good.

Taichang nodded slightly and said, "How many sets of black iron knives, black iron armor, iron shields, long spears and military uniforms have you brought this time, and how many sets of tents have you brought?"

Zheng Zhilong said without hesitation: "Your Majesty, I brought 20 sets of weapons and equipment, and I also brought [-] sets of five-person tents."

Taichang then asked again: "These weapons and equipment were packed together with tents, how many ships were loaded in total?"

Zheng Zhilong still said without hesitation: "Yes, Your Majesty, these are all loaded together, a total of five ships."

Well, that's about it.

Taichang immediately ordered: "Empty those five ships, I will take these weapons and equipment to Xinliaoyang City later."

Zheng Zhilong quickly asked: "Your Majesty, how do we arrange for these more than [-] people? Are they all allowed to disembark here?"

Taichang originally wanted Sun Chuanting and Ni Yuanlu to arrange these, because he was going to organize the Indian coalition to recover the territory of the Apache tribe, so he had no time to take care of these things.

However, when Zheng Zhilong asked this question, he realized that these people were related to the construction and development of the defense facilities of the Western Yindu Islands, and the New Yindu Islands were related to the control of the entire Atlantic Ocean.

For such an important matter, it is better to invite everyone to discuss it.

Thinking of this, he said directly to Wang Cheng'en, "Let Boya and Ruyu come to discuss the matter."

Not long after, a group of civil servants and military generals gathered in the meeting hall.

Taichang directly said to Zheng Zhilong: "Feihong, how many people were brought here this time, please tell me in detail first."

Zheng Zhilong quickly introduced: "This time, a total of more than 15 guards and their family members from five guards were recruited, and more than [-] Dongyang farmers were recruited, totaling more than [-]."

There are only [-] garrison guards in the five guards. At this moment, almost all the garrison guards have been transferred, and it is not known how many soldiers are left in each household.

Taichang thought for a while, then asked: "Bo Ya, how many large cities and ports do you think can be built this year with the current labor force, and how many forts and small ports can be built?"

After hearing the words, Sun Chuanting reckoned: "Your Majesty, I feel that if you can't mobilize a large number of soldiers from the Shenji Battalion and Shenwu Battalion, it will be almost enough to complete the construction of the four large cities and ports on this island this year."

Alas, there are still a large number of infantry from the Shenji Battalion and Shenwu Battalion transferred over.

At this moment, Nanyang and the newly opened Nanfang Cheng announced that the Political Commissioner left 30 soldiers from the Shenji Battalion and Shenwu Battalion, and he brought another 40 here. In other words, there are only 30 soldiers left in Da Ming. The soldiers of Shenji Battalion and Shenwu Battalion are gone.

The 30 were all returned after the battle in the southeast peninsula and Southeast Asia, and they couldn't always pull people out to work or even desperately. Besides, the Ming Dynasty had to leave some troops just in case.

Thinking of this, Taichang couldn't help but sighed helplessly: "It's impossible to send soldiers from the Shenji Battalion and Shenwu Battalion here. Let's talk about building the four large cities and ports on this island this year. In this way, [-] people will be left here. Soldiers from the Shenji Battalion and two garrison guards will be stationed, and [-] soldiers and a garrison guard from the other three cities and ports will be sent to build first, and then the other garrison guards will be brought over later."

When Sun Chuanting heard the words, he quickly cupped his hands and said, "I understand."

Taichang then asked again: "Maozhong, where do you think the land on this island is the most fertile and suitable for planting waterways?"

Chen Zilong quickly replied: "Your Majesty, I took a closer look. The soil quality on this island seems to be the same. There is not much difference. They are all suitable for growing rice."

Taichang heard the words, thought for a while, and then said decisively: "Well, let's develop the land near the capital city of Xiyin first. After all, a large number of residential houses have been built in this city, and these farmers will have a place when they disembark." To live in. Give each household a thousand mu of land, and let them hire labor to plant it first. As for the manor farm, you can discuss with Boya and Ruyu to build it.”

Chen Zilong hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "I understand."

(End of this chapter)

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