Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 540 Just Lack of Mining

Chapter 540 Just Lack of Mining
The British colonists really didn't expect that someone would ignore them and rush to catch them and beat them up.

The Spaniards are not so barbaric!

Who the hell is this, so unreasonable?
European colonists are all like this. When they can beat you, they are the weak and the strong. It is never unreasonable to catch you and beat you to death.

When they can't beat you, they will reason with you, or want you to reason with them.

Unfortunately, it was Taichang they met.

Taichang had no intention of reasoning with them at all.

After [-] Aegis ships fired nineteen rounds in turn, the British fortress was already riddled with holes, and even many rooms collapsed. There was not a single fort left, and they were all blasted into a pile. gravel.

Taichang scanned it slowly with the binoculars, and then said indifferently: "The order, the Aegis ship will come up, let the soldiers of the Shenwu Battalion and the soldiers of the Sioux tribe land, and clean up the battlefield."

Soon, an Aegis ship approached the pier, and more than a dozen ladders stretched out from more than ten cabin doors on the second floor, and groups of Sioux soldiers holding shields immediately swarmed down and discharged outside the pier. shield wall.

Immediately afterwards, the soldiers of the Shenwu Battalion holding muskets also rushed down quickly, forming a row of muskets behind the shield wall.

An Aegis ship has more than 5000 people. After disembarking, this Aegis ship immediately left the dock, and then another Aegis ship continued to dock at the dock and continued to disembark.

The soldiers of the Sioux tribe and the soldiers of the Shenwu Battalion did not rush around immediately after they landed. They just formed one shield formation after another near the pier, as if they were rehearsing something.

The remaining British colonists in the fort were dumbfounded.

In fact, after thousands of people poured down from the first Aegis ship, they raised the white flag.

The problem is, people simply ignore them!
What are these people doing?
You know, there are at most five or six hundred people in one of their fortresses, and many were killed and injured just now.

There are thousands of people on this huge ship, and they are still going down, and down, and there are more than ten thousand people down, and they still haven't stopped.

What are they trying to do?
In fact, this is a matter of passing orders.

At this time, the battle at sea can only rely on the command flag to transmit orders, and no matter how loud the voice is, the password cannot be transmitted at a distance of several miles.

The order received by the [-] Aegis ships here is to land the soldiers of the Shenwu Battalion and the Sioux tribe first, and then clean up the battlefield.

Therefore, after the 11 Shenwu Battalion soldiers and [-] Sioux soldiers were put down by the [-] Aegis ships, the [-] soldiers carried the ladders and poured into the fortress.

Seeing this scene, Taichang couldn't help but said in embarrassment: "Jiandou, next time you'll be in command."

Commanding the landing operations from such a long distance is indeed impossible. The orders passed down are too general, and the soldiers can only act according to this rigid order.

Fortunately, they have blown up all the forts in the British fortress, and the British in the fortress were also terrified, otherwise, something will happen if they do this.

The battle ended very quickly, with more than [-] people rushing forward, hundreds of British people dared not fight back no matter how brutal they were.

It didn't take long for the British colonists in the fortress to be firmly tied up and escorted out. Ma Xianglin, who was leading the army at the front, also sent a messenger to report in a fast boat that the battlefield had been cleaned up and asked the prisoners how to deal with it.

After Taichang heard the news, he ordered the flagship to go up to the pier, put down the hanging ladder, and then led Lu Xiangsheng and a group of guards down.

Ma Xianglin saw that the flagships were coming, and the emperor had also disembarked. He quickly walked over with a group of generals, bowed his hands and said, "See you, Your Majesty."

Taichang nodded slightly, and then asked, "Has the inside of the fort been cleaned up?"

Ma Xianglin hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, it's been cleaned up, all the prisoners have been released, and all the corpses have been carried out."

Taichang nodded slightly again, then waved and led the crowd to the British fortress.

What exactly does he want to see?

A group of people are a little baffled.

However, there is no danger at this moment, because there are more than [-] soldiers guarding inside and outside the fortress, and there are not many enemies here, only a few hundred in total, and they do not pose any threat to them at all.

Taichang watched carefully.

After he walked into the fortress, he came to the destroyed fort and squatted down to look carefully at the barrel that fell aside, then picked up another shell and stuffed it into the barrel, and tried it.

Immediately afterwards, he ordered the officers and men of the Shenwu Battalion to bring a seized musket and looked at it carefully for a while, before asking: "How many muskets of this kind have been seized in total?"

Ma Xianglin said without hesitation: "There are less than a hundred in total."

Taichang nodded slightly, and then asked again: "What weapons do they have besides muskets and artillery?"

Ma Xianglin thought for a while, and then introduced in detail: "Their weapons are very miscellaneous, including swords and spears, and even axes and iron forks."

Taichang said without hesitation: "Take them here and have a look."

Ma Xianglin quickly waved his hand to the back.

Soon, a group of Shenwu Battalion soldiers came over with a bunch of cold weapons.

Taichang directly ordered them to throw all the weapons on the ground, and squatted down to look carefully one by one.

Both Lu Xiangsheng and Ma Xianglin were confused.

What the hell is the emperor looking at?

Taichang is actually looking at the technical development level of the British.

He personally led the development of muskets and artillery, and also witnessed the development of Ming Dynasty from cold weapons to hot weapons.

How these weapons are processed, he can naturally see some clues.

Obviously, the British are still mainly handcrafted at the moment.

Although some weapons have traces of mechanical processing, they are not processed by large steam machine tools, but by the original small manual machine tools.

For example, the barrel and the inner wall of the gun barrel have traces of reaming.

However, the hinge is not very thorough, nor is it very smooth.

This proves that they are not hinged indefinitely by steam-powered machine tools, but laboriously hinged by hand-turned machine tools.

Otherwise, they could not have smoothed the barrel and the inner wall of the barrel.

This level is actually the level of weapons and equipment of the Ming army during the Wanli Dynasty, but they were equipped with more muskets and artillery.

In other words, the British are not good enough, and they are not even as good as the Dutch at this moment.

He was right.

At this moment, Spain has not completely declined, the Netherlands has just risen, the French have not yet dominated the European continent, and Britain has to wait for these countries to decline before they can dominate the world.

At this time, Britain is still a little weak, and there is nothing to fear at all.

Taichang threw the weapon in his hand to the ground, got up and clapped his hands, and then led a group of people back.

He didn't come to take prisoners, but the prisoners shouted desperately when they saw him hugging him.

Roughly, these British people want to fool him, a "senior official".

It's a pity that the influence of the British has not yet extended to the Far East, and Daming has never had contact with them. Therefore, the Ministry of Rites has no English staff at all. Chen Siming and other staff of the Ministry of Rites can't understand what they call there.

Taichang can actually understand a little bit.

Although his English is not very good, he can still understand the words "crooked", "Wow special sweat", "hey yo", etc.

And why?
No why!
Don't you talk about the law of the jungle?

Don't you talk about the law of the jungle?

You are much weaker than Da Ming now, so Da Ming doesn't need a reason to beat you.

He didn't even bother to talk to these prisoners, and walked directly to the flagship.

Ma Xianglin asked somewhat: "Your Majesty, what should we do with these captives?"

Taichang said without hesitation: "Isn't there just a lack of mining right now? They are all taken to dig coal mines. Remember, keep a close watch on them. If anyone of them wants to run away, they will be killed without mercy!"

(End of this chapter)

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