Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 547 North American Development

Chapter 547 North American Development

In the big tent, Taichang looked at the map carefully, and already had a general idea in his mind.

He pondered for a while, and then pointed to the southern end of the vein and asked, "Yan Ru, do you think it is possible for this vein to extend to a tributary of the Daliao River?"

Hearing the words, Peng Bin lowered his head to take a closer look, and immediately understood.

It would be great if the ore veins could extend to the vicinity of the tributaries of the Daliao River, then the coal mined there could be transported directly to New Liaoyang City by water.

However, more than [-] work sheds have been built in New Liaoyang City, and those work sheds can be used as ironmaking workshops and foundry workshops with a little modification.

As for the iron ore, they can transport it directly from the Spanish colony. Anyway, New Liaoyang City is not very far from the New Spain Governor's District.

So, will the veins here extend to the vicinity of the tributaries of the Xinliao River?

He looked at the map and thought for a while, and then he said with a little excitement: "Your Majesty, I think it is very likely. Because not only the mine vein is not only extending to the south, but also the west and north have not yet reached the edge." , and there are also tributaries of the Xinliao River to the west and north, no matter which direction they extend, it’s almost the same?”

When Taichang heard the words, he couldn't help but take a closer look, it was true.

There are exactly three major tributaries of the Xinliao River extending to the east, and these three tributaries do not seem to be very far from the ore veins detected so far, and the nearest western tributary is not even two hundred miles away from the ore veins.

Of course, there are vast mountains to the west. If the ore lode does not pass through this mountain range, there is no way to organize people to mine in the west, at least with the current level of technology, it is impossible to pass through the mountains that are hundreds of miles wide.

Still, there is hope for both North and South.

Especially in the south, the tributary stretches into the low and lofty mountains at the southernmost end of the mountain range. If the ore veins continue to extend past, it is possible to extend directly to the river bank!

In that way, the mined coal can be directly loaded onto the ship.

Thinking of this, Taichang nodded again and again: "Well, this ore vein will extend to the vicinity of the tributary of the Xinliao River in all likelihood, no matter which direction it is, it is the same. Let's wait until the ore vein is almost detected before considering mining. Anyway, the south The distance to the tributaries of the Xinliao River is more than 300 miles away."

This "just" is used, as if this open-pit coal mine will definitely extend past.

That's more than 300 miles!

If this vein really extends, even if the north is cut off and only the south is left, it will be a vein of more than 1000 miles.

Is there really such a long mineral vein in this world?

Not to mention, this vein is really ridiculously long.

This is the Appalachian coalfield of later generations, the largest coalfield in the world, with a length of more than 2000 miles and a width of six hundred miles at its widest point!

Taichang also lived next to the coal mountain with Peng Bin and the others. He was mainly thinking about how to develop mining equipment, and by the way, he was also waiting for the detection results of the ore veins here.

This ore vein is really not that big. The good news from the south, north, and west is constantly coming in. The ore veins on the three sides have not been broken, and they continue to extend in three directions.

It seems that it is possible for this vein to extend to the tributaries of the Xinliao River in all three directions!
Taichang, like Peng Bin, was so excited that he couldn't sleep at night.

Every morning when he got up, he couldn't help staring at the map for a while to see how far the ore veins had extended, and then he and Peng Bin discussed the development of mining equipment.

This morning, the two had just marked it on the map according to the express report from the south, but unexpectedly there was another rush of horseshoes outside.

Is this the latest news from that direction?

Soon, a messenger hurried in, bowed his hands and said: "Report, Your Majesty, the Eastern Army has pulled out the last British stronghold on the Apache tribal territory. Lord Lu asked for instructions to continue to attack north." Or stop for a few days to recuperate."

Uh, it turned out to be good news from the front!

Taichang was stunned for a moment, then pointed to a mark on the map and asked, "Is this the stronghold?"

The messenger carefully stretched his head to look, then nodded and said: "Yes, Your Majesty."

Both the east and west armies have pulled out all the castles built by the British on the Apache tribal territory, and they have all hit the edge of the Cherokee tribal territory, and further north is the Dutch colony.

This means that the combat mission of the first phase has been completed ahead of schedule, and all the territory of the Apache tribe has been recovered!

Taichang thought for a while, and then said decisively: "Order Jiandou and Wenzhao, and the east and west armies will be repaired on the spot. In addition, order Hushan to gather the young and strong of the Cherokee tribe to prepare for the battle. You go back and tell Jiandou about recovering the territory of the Cherokee tribe. As long as he has full power to decide, the three-way army can launch an attack as long as it is ready, and there is no need to come to the court to ask for instructions."

The messenger hurriedly cupped his hands and said "Zunzhi", and then pushed it out quickly.

Taichang thought for a while, and then said to Peng Bin: "Yan Ru, why don't we go back to New Liaoyang City first, the territory of the Apache tribe has been completely recovered, and the civilians in New Liaoyang City can also migrate out, let's go back, Discuss with the chiefs of the tribes and let them build a city at the junction of the mine veins and tributaries in the south and west."

At this time, it seems that there is no need to wait, because the ore lode to the south is less than a hundred miles away from the tributary of the Xinliao River, and the ore lode to the west is less than fifty miles away from the tributary of the Xinliao River.

The ore veins in these two directions will intersect with the tributaries of the Xinliao River in all likelihood. Even if the ore veins do not intersect with the tributaries of the Xinliao River in the end, it doesn't matter much. Just lay dozens of miles of railroad tracks.

Anyway, it's only such a long distance. In any case, mining near the tributaries of the Xinliao River is better than mining here.

Because it is too far away from New Liaoyang City, even if it is by water, it will take a detour of nearly ten thousand miles.

Moreover, there is no city built here yet, and there is no ready-made factory building. If you want to build a factory here to smelt pig iron or cast things, you will have to work hard for at least a few months.

This is completely unnecessary, because the water and land transportation in New Liaoyang City is more convenient than here.

Moreover, through the tributaries of the Xinliao River, you can also go directly to Suda City, the capital of Suda Kingdom, and the capital of Suda Kingdom is only more than two thousand miles away from the capital of Eastern Yin.

At that time, it will be much more convenient to connect Suda City with the capital of Eastern Yin by railway. The pig iron smelted in New Liaoyang City can be transported to the capital of New Yin through rivers, waterways and railways.

Perhaps, a factory can also be built directly in New Liaoyang City to produce trains, rails, and machinery for mining coal mines, which will be more convenient.

Taichang thought about it again, and then said to Qin Yiming: "You lead the army and wait here until the three-way messengers come over, and you tell them that there is no need to send messages here from now on. Liaoyang City will send people to look for him from a tributary of the New Liao River."

When Qin Yiming heard this, he hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "The general will understand."

Taichang thought for a while, then got up and waved: "Yanru, pack up your things quickly, we are ready to go."

With enough coal, the entire North American continent can be developed, and the focus of development is the Xinliao River Basin, so he rushed back to arrange everything.

(End of this chapter)

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