Chapter 553
Jiluo City, this is the name of another city in Xiqi Kingdom.

This name is also based on the name of the original seven major tribal alliances. The Xiqi Kingdom was formed by merging the original Rial and Kikarol tribal alliances as the main body.

Taichang named the city where the original Riyal Tribal Alliance gathered as Liyang City, and for the city where the Kikarol Tribal Alliance gathered, he simply chose the two words that have the same pronunciation as those in Baijia’s surname after transliteration. Name it Jiluo City.

This is where the second major tributary to the southeast of the Xinliao River meets the coal vein.

At this moment, the width of this astonishing mineral vein is finally detected. In the north of Xiqi country, the width of the mineral vein is about [-] to [-] kilometers, and the further south the mineral vein becomes narrower, the further north The veins get wider.

Taichang held up the binoculars and scanned the vast mountains to the east. After a while, he put down the binoculars and asked, "Is there a valley leading to the east in this mountain range?"

Qin Yiming hurriedly cupped his hands and said: "Yes, your majesty, the last general has ordered people to investigate. This mountain range is not very wide in this section, it is about three or four hundred miles wide, and the mountains here are not very high. , there are several horizontal valleys in the middle, and going east is not a problem at all.”

Hearing this, Taichang nodded slightly and said, "Well, find a place in the middle of the mountains to build a post station, and then extend the post station all the way east to the port on the coastline, and build one every [-] to [-] miles. There are more than a hundred war horses in this post station, we have to get through the communication from the east and west sides of this mountain range, otherwise, it will take at least half a month for what happened on the front line to be reported to New Liaoyang City, which may cause delays.”

No way, this mountain range is like a watershed, separating the Xinliao River from the east coast of North America.

At this moment, the messenger from the Cherokee tribe to Xinliaoyang City had to go overland, going south along the east side of this mountain range, and it took about five or six thousand miles to reach Xinliaoyang City.

If there is no station in the middle, it will take about [-] days at the fastest.

At this time, there are not many war horses in the North American continent, so it is naturally impossible for them to build a post station communication system five or six thousand miles long.

Therefore, at the moment, sending messages from the Cherokee tribe to Xinliaoyang City usually takes the sea route. However, to detour from the north of the east coast of North America to Xinliaoyang City, it takes more than 1 miles to travel by sea. The boat has to run for almost half a month.

Naturally, such a communication will not work, it is too late.

That's why Taichang came here to see if he could pass through the mountains.

If you can pass through the mountains, then the communication will be convenient.

The width of this mountain range is only three to four hundred miles, and the distance from the mountain range to the coastline is only four to five hundred miles.

That is to say, the total length of the land route is only more than [-] miles, and as long as five or six post stations are built along the way, the urgent summons can be made [-] miles away.

If calculated based on the speed of [-] miles of urgent communication, it would take one day to spread the news from the east coast to Ji Luo City, and it would not take two days for the Spike warship to travel down the river from Ji Luo City to New Liaoyang City. time.

In this way, news from the front line can basically reach New Liaoyang City within three or four days.

The reason why he came here in person was mainly for this matter.

As for the construction of Jiluo City, there is no need to rush, because Liyang City can already dig coal mines, and Song Yingxing is still developing mining machinery at the moment, so there is no need for too many coal mines.

Moreover, after the mining machine is developed, the mining speed will naturally be faster, and the mining area of ​​a city is enough to meet the coal demand at the moment.

Therefore, there is no need to rush to build this Ji Luo City. If you want to increase the speed of mining, the key is to look at the mining machinery.

So, what happened to Song Yingxing's development?
Taichang hastily returned to New Liaoyang City after just inspecting Xiqi Country.

At this time, Song Yingxing had already ordered someone to cast the base of the mining machine. The steam engine, boiler, and pipes on it were all ready-made, and they could be installed directly.

He is busy developing crawlers.

When Taichang walked into the assembly workshop, he was dumbfounded.

The base this guy uses is directly the base of a steam locomotive!
How long is the base of a steam locomotive?

That is a full ten feet, more than 30 meters long!
My God, this guy really wants to sail on land, and just make a car as big as a thousand-material warship!

He was stunned for a while, and then he murmured and asked: "Chang Geng, how can this thing be so big?"

Is this big?

To be honest, Song Yingxing didn't think it was big at all.

Because at the moment, the things developed by Daming are all developed in Dali, whether it is artillery or warships, whether it is trains or ships, they are all getting bigger and bigger.

The five-thousand-material dreadnought is more than 20 feet long. Is a thing that is more than ten feet long considered big?
Song Yingxing thought for a while, and then explained: "Your Majesty, I thought it would be easier to do this. We just use the base of the steam locomotive, and basically there is no need to change the layout of the steam engine and pipelines on it. A smaller boiler will do. And the lower axles don’t need to be changed, just replace the train wheels with sprockets.”

Well, this is really easy to do, basically just make the sprockets and tracks and the thing can move.

Question, you are such a big one, how do you transport it to the mining area?
Taichang couldn't help but asked: "Chang Geng, have you ever thought about how you can carry this thing to Liyang City because it can't fit in a Spike warship?"

Isn't this simple?

Song Yingxing said without hesitation: "Your Majesty, let's just drive there. Anyway, this thing doesn't need a road. It's fine to drive wherever it is easy to drive. It seems that the road to Liyang City is all plains, and there are no big rivers. It shouldn’t be a problem to block the road and drive directly there.”

Uh, drive straight there?

Taichang really didn't think about it.

You must know that this thing can drive on land, and it seems that it can be driven directly, probably, it can be done.

As for the speed, no matter how slow the speed of this thing is, it shouldn't be a big problem to drive fifty miles in one hour. One hour is two hours. Converted by the speed per hour, it is more than ten kilometers per hour, which is not much faster than people walking.

And Liyang City is only more than 1000 miles away from here, and it took two or three days to drive there.

Taichang looked at the steam engine and boiler above, then at the axle below, and suddenly realized a problem.

He was quite helpless and said: "Chang Geng, I'm afraid you won't be able to get out of the city gate when such a big thing is completely assembled. At that time, don't you have to make a big hole in the city wall?"

Song Yingxing shook his head repeatedly and said: "No, no, Your Majesty, I have ordered someone to measure it. The city gate is wider than this. As for the height, just remove the iron shed above it when you pass through the gate. Just put the city gate back on, it’s fine.”

Well, what does it feel like to drive a giant vehicle more than 30 meters long and four or five meters wide?
Then don't be too cool!
Taichang really did not expect that Song Yingxing would make such a big thing.

(End of this chapter)

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