Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 558 Daming's Anti-Routine

Chapter 558 Daming's Anti-Routine
Zhang Zhiji and Xu Yunzhen are actually quite busy at the moment.

Because they are responsible for negotiating with others, such as buying grain, buying iron ore, paying and picking up goods, etc., they are all in charge.

It was only a few days after they delivered the first batch of iron ore, and they all thought that the emperor was looking for them because of the iron ore.

They have also seen the big guy developed by Song Yingxing. That guy is a monster that swallows iron ore. If it is mass-produced, it will take a lot of iron ore.

Unexpectedly, after the emperor and ministers greeted each other, Taichang said directly: "You guys prepare to escort 50 shi of grain to Jiluo City in Xiqi Kingdom tomorrow, and then find a way to send it to the coalition forces of the Cherokee tribe by land." Camp."

Zhang Zhiji and Xu Yunzhen were stunned when they heard the words.

It's not that they don't want to escort the food. The question is, do they need to go to escort the food?
Zhang Zhiji was stunned for a moment, and then asked cautiously: "Your Majesty, is there someone who wants to cut off the food?"

Who said someone wants to cut off food?

Taichang shook his head slightly and said: "No, I asked you to escort the food over there. The Dutch, British and French are looking for us to negotiate. Go and have a good talk with them."

It turned out to be a past negotiation.

When Xu Yunzhen heard this, he couldn't help saying with great interest: "Your Majesty, what do they want to talk about?"

Taichang said indifferently: "They just feel that they can't win, and they want to fool us through negotiations."

Why do these European barbarians always want to play this game?

Zhang Zhiji thought for a while, and then asked again: "Your Majesty, do you mean that we want us to pretend to negotiate with them in the past to make them paralyzed, and then directly deal with them?"

Taichang shook his head slightly and said: "It's not that simple this time, they probably will seek support from the mainland of Europe, you have to fool them well, so that they don't go crazy and fight with us like crazy."

Zhang Zhiji thought for a while, and then asked: "Your Majesty, why are they fighting us so hard?"

Taichang explained in detail: "This has a lot to do with the colonies in North America, because Europe is such a big place, and the resources are not very rich, and it is divided into dozens of countries.

If they want to dominate the world, they must expand outward, rob colonies, rob resources, and even rob population.

And at this moment, the colonies that are easier to snatch in the whole world are almost divided by them, and basically only the fat of North America is left.

Now, we want to drive them out of North America, so that they don't have to grab them. It's normal for them to rush over and fight us desperately. "

Uh, here's the trouble.

The emperor said that he wanted to help the Indian tribe drive the colonists out of the North American continent. This meant that people would not have to grab them. It would be strange if they were not in a hurry.

Hearing this, Zhang Zhiji couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

It is too difficult to hit people anxiously without making them desperate.

At this time, Xu Yunzhen said sinisterly: "Your Majesty, how about we push this matter to Spain? Let's say that Spain has given us benefits and let us do it with them. They will probably be suspicious and run to the Spaniards." Settle the bill."

Oh, this kid, not bad, unexpectedly came up with this move.

This move is really good.

The anti-Habsburg alliance was besieging Spain, and Spain did ask them to help them deal with them.

These people all know that it is true and not a lie.

However, if you want people to go desperately with Spain, you need to add some ingredients.

What to add?
People can add whatever they want!

Aren't they trying to steal money?

Don't they want to plunder resources?

There is everything in the Spanish colony!

Thinking of this, Taichang also nodded grimly and said: "Well, this is a good idea, let's push it to Spain, but if you want others to rob Spain of the colony, you need to add some material, you have to let others know I feel that the Spanish colonies have everything, but the North American side basically has nothing.”

This means, don't fight us hard, it's useless, even if you fight hard, you won't be able to grab anything.

Hurry up and fight with the Spaniards, the Spanish colonies have everything!
Hearing this, Zhang Zhiji also said in a dark voice: "Your Majesty, we didn't actually lie to them. Our grain, iron ore, pure copper and rubber were originally bought from the Spaniards. This is [-]% true." real.

We can take another three-point leave and say that these were given to us by the Spaniards, and we didn't spend any money.

We can even say that the Spaniards not only gave us so many resources, but also gave us a lot of silver and gold. The Spaniards used these to bribe us to fight with them! "

Very good, very good, promising!
This deceitful person has to be seven percent true and three percent false to deceive others. If it is all lies, it is basically impossible to deceive others, unless they are fools.

Taichang thought about it carefully, and then said: "There is still some loopholes in this statement. The Spaniards have so many resources and so much gold. Why should they give it to us? Let us work hard?"

Zhang Zhiji heard this, and said with a sinister smile: "Isn't the Spanish Armada gone? They can't transport these things back to the mainland, but we have ships and can go to them to pick up the goods, so they sent them to us directly. Please let us help them to fight hard, these are also true."

Hehe, well said!

Taichang nodded appreciatively and said: "Very good, that's it. By the way, don't be in a hurry. It takes about three or four days to transfer the food from here to Jiluo City. Including the land route, it takes about two days." It will take about ten days, you have to wait until a month later to talk with others, and talk slowly, don't rush."

Uh, still waiting?
Zhang Zhiji and Xu Yunzhen were already a little impatient to fool others.

Xu Yunzhen couldn't help asking: "Your Majesty, why do we have to wait so long to talk to others?"

Hearing this, Taichang couldn't help but solemnly said: "You have to remember that negotiation is just a means, it can only fool people, no matter how good you are at fooling people, it is impossible for them to completely follow our ideas.

If we want to achieve our goals, we still have to rely on our own strength.

You go to hint to them that we are thugs invited by Spain.

Then, the naval fleet will make another move to let them see how powerful we are, and then they will withdraw from the North American continent and go to Europe or South America to fight the Spaniards. "

Hearing this, Zhang Zhiji couldn't help asking: "Your Majesty, what do you mean, we delay for a while, and then mobilize the navy fleet to destroy them?"

Young people are still a little impulsive.

Taichang shook his head slightly, and then taught carefully: "We still can't fully expose our strength. If they are fully exposed, they will not fight the Spaniards desperately, but unite with the Spaniards to fight us desperately. Therefore, there is a limit to everything." This degree, this degree must be grasped well, too much is too late, do you understand?"

Hearing the words, Zhang Zhiji thought about it carefully, then nodded solemnly and said: "I understand."

Just understand.

Taichang waved his hand slightly and said, "Okay, you guys go get ready and leave early tomorrow morning."

Hearing this, Zhang Zhiji and Xu Yunzhen hurriedly bowed and resigned.

Looking at their backs, Taichang couldn't help showing a sinister smile on his face.

Hey, play negotiation with me.

I can turn you into it, believe it or not?

He smiled darkly for a while, and then said to Wang Cheng'en who was at the side: "Decree, order Boya to come quickly with twenty Aegis ships and twenty building gunboats."

(End of this chapter)

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