Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 569 The world is full of pits

Chapter 569 The world is full of pits

Prince Condé did not expect to fall into the pit, and Minuit and Black also did not expect that they fell into the huge pit with His Royal Highness.

The reason why they jump into the pit is not because they have a problem with their brains.

There is no way, the way to pass information these days is word of mouth, that is, hearing people say that they can't watch TV or connect to the Internet, and they can't even make a phone call to confirm.

Most of the basis for them to make these judgments or set up these strategies is what they have heard from others.

This includes listening to what others say, including listening to what their own people say, and also listening to what their enemies say, and of course it also includes news that the Ming Empire leaked to them intentionally or unintentionally.

And these news are true and false, and it is difficult to distinguish between true and false. It is difficult for them to distinguish which is true and which is false.

In this case, Taichang, Zhang Zhiji, and Xu Yunzhen will play seven points of truth and three points of falsehood, and fool them a few times. It is normal for them to fall into the pit.

However, this incident is not necessarily a bad thing for Prince Kong Dai, and he may not fall badly if he jumps into the pit like this.

Because in history, he was a disaster, and he was miserable.

For him, this incident may be in line with an allusion of Daming, how can he know that it is not a blessing if he loses his horse?
Maybe, if he fell into the pit dug for him by the Ming Empire, he would be able to get rid of the oppression of Duke Richelieu, Queen Mother Anne, Louis XIV and others.

Because in history, he only led the army to fight in Europe, that is, he always led the army to fight under the noses of others. Strongmen like the Duke of Richelieu, Queen Anne, Louis XIV, etc. naturally had a way to suppress him.

It was different now, his eyes had already turned overseas, to the Spanish colonies, and it was impossible for the Duke of Richelieu, Queen Mother Anne, Louis XIV and other strongmen to leave Europe to stare at him.

In this case, it is really possible for him to get rid of the suppression of these people.

Of course, it's too early to say this at this point.

At this moment, he had to dig a hole and push Champlain, the Duke of Richelieu's confidant, into it.

Champlain, the deputy governor of the New French colony, really didn't expect that Prince Condé would suddenly dig a huge hole, push him down, and play him to death.

In Quebec City, in the Governor's Palace, officials from all the New French colonies gathered.

However, the entire conference room was unusually quiet, and no one spoke.

Because the governor, Prince Condé, did not speak.

At this moment, Prince Condé returned to his arrogant and ignorant expression.

He hesitated for a long time, and there seemed to be a hint of ferocity on his face, as if he was very unwilling.

In the end, he still said helplessly: "The monsoon is coming, I should go back to France, Champlain, from now on, you are the governor of New France, now, are you satisfied?"

After finishing speaking, he stood up with a lonely face, waved to several cronies, and then turned around and walked out.

At this time, he really can't fight the Duke of Richelieu. Even if he is the governor of New France thousands of miles away, he still can't make the decision. The officials in the room are only a few of his cronies, and the others are all Champlain. confidants or officials under Richelieu.

It seemed normal for him to leave in such a lonely way.

Because Richelieu didn't want him to control any power, even the overseas governor Richelieu didn't want him to be.

He seemed to have struggled for a long time, but there was still nothing he could do.

The officials in the colony, except for a few of his cronies, were treating him in a positive way, so what could he do?

He can only leave lonely.

Question, you can go, you have to talk about what's going on in New Amsterdam, right?

Right now, the allied forces of the Ming Empire and the Indian tribes are besieging New Amsterdam. You ran over to negotiate with them, but you didn't say anything about the result!
Champlain raised his hand, wanting to stop Prince Condé for questioning.

However, after thinking about it, he still didn't speak.

This Prince Kong Dai didn't have a good face towards him. Even if he asked, he would not answer in all likelihood.

Why would he bother himself?
Prince Condé just left, directly taking away all his cronies, the only gunboat in Quebec Port, and several warships.

There are not many warships in the whole of France, and there are even fewer large-scale gunboats. The New French colony originally had one high-rise gunboat and a dozen ordinary warships. The battleship is gone.

Champlain can't help it either. Although he doesn't have much power, he is a prince anyway, and his status is quite honorable.

They want to go back to the mainland of France thousands of miles across the sea, what's wrong with bringing a large ship, gunboat and a few warships to escort them?
Champlain led a group of colonial officials to the port pier to send them off. It was not until the fleet escorting Prince Condé left the port, went down the river, and ran far away that he ordered loudly: "Dott Meng, you take two warships to New Amsterdam to investigate."

He didn't see Minuit and Black, so it was unnecessary and sent someone to investigate.

Because Prince Condé deliberately let Minuit and Black take their cronies to hide in the bottom of the battleship without showing their faces in order to cheat him.

If he had seen Minuit and Black, he might have guessed that New Amsterdam had already fallen into the hands of the combined forces of the Ming Empire and the Indian tribes.

The problem is, he didn't see these two people at all, and he had no way of judging what was going on in New Amsterdam.

Therefore, he could only send someone to investigate.

This Dortmund and the two battleships are naturally meat buns beating dogs, and they will never return.

I have to say that there are pits everywhere in this world, if you are not careful, you will fall into the pit!
This time, he was really cheated by Prince Condé.

Because it is thousands of miles from Quebec to New Amsterdam by sea, and the wind direction is not right at the moment, it took more than ten days for Prince Condé to come back by boat. They sent a boat to investigate the situation, and it would take at least a month to collect. to the message.

And for more than a month, he didn't order people to take too many precautions.

Prince Condé came back as if nothing had happened. He felt that New Amsterdam should still be in the hands of the Dutch and the British.

The combined forces of the Ming Empire and the Indian tribes failed to deal with the Dutch and the British, so it was naturally impossible to attack New France.

At least, he thought so.

Unexpectedly, only ten days later, news came from the south that the combined forces of the Ming Empire and the Indian tribes had launched an attack on New France!
This time, Taichang organized more than 50 soldiers from the Shenji Battalion and Shenwu Battalion, and also summoned a total of [-] troops from the Algonquin, Iroquois, Cherokee, Sioux, and Apache tribes. Three way, go straight to New France.

He wanted to end the fighting years ago and help the Indian tribes regain all their territories.

At the same time, he also let Prince Condé, Minuit and Black see how powerful the coalition forces of Ming and Indian tribes are.

He wanted to use his strength to tell Prince Condé, Minuit, and Black that the colonies of the North American continent should not have any illusions. There are really millions of infantry here, and you don't have to fight land battles at all!

Those who are sensible run away quickly, take advantage of the monsoon, escape to the continent, and then try to attack the Spanish colony.

Otherwise, if I catch you again, you will be finished.

There are not many defenders in New France, let alone [-], not even [-]. Moreover, Prince Condé also drove away the most powerful buildings, gunboats, and half of the battleships were also driven away. , and two more were sent to deliver food.

Under such circumstances, facing the more than [-] troops of the Ming Empire and Indian tribes, they were naturally powerless to resist. In less than ten days, the three-way army had already reached the vicinity of Quebec City, forming a faint siege.

This means, whether you go or not, you will be finished.

I've said it before, I won't be polite if I catch you again.

Taichang originally wanted to scare Prince Condé, Minuit and Black, who knew that Prince Condé, Minuit and Black had already run away.

This time, Champlain was frightened.

He only has a few ordinary warships left in total, how could he possibly resist the hundreds of thousands of troops from the Ming Empire and Indian tribes?
In this case, he had to run if he didn't run!
He is not a nobleman. To put it bluntly, he is an explorer and a commoner. He was supported by Duke Richelieu to deal with Prince Condé.

There is no such thing as a ransom for a commoner. If he is captured, he must be a slave if he does not die.

Naturally, he couldn't stay foolishly waiting to die or to be a slave.

Therefore, when the allied forces of the Ming Empire and the Indian tribes were dozens of miles away from Quebec, he took a group of colonial officials and ran away on the remaining warships!
This time, the colony of New France became even more chaotic without a leader.

Lu Xiangsheng, Cao Wenzhao, and Huang Degong were all like entering the land of no one, and they could advance hundreds of miles in a day. In less than a month, the New French colony with a length of more than [-] miles and a width of more than [-] miles was taken by them. All taken.

So far, all the colonies of the Indian tribes in North America have been recovered.

(End of this chapter)

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