Chapter 575 A Dream of Hundreds of Years
The huge fleet has finally set off for its return voyage, and at this moment, Taichang is ready to return home.

In fact, winter is not a good time to go to sea, and few people will go to sea in winter these days.

Moreover, it was the Little Ice Age, and it was already very cold in December, and the sea was not calm. With the cold wind howling, the waves rolled at least a few feet high.

However, the dreadnought carrying twelve Spike warships was stable in this kind of wind and waves, without shaking at all. Moreover, the cabin was not cold at all. It's still a little hot.

On the top floor, Concubine Su was standing at the bow of the ship, turning the binoculars to scan the magnificent sea and the snow-capped coastline.

Originally, she should have cheered when she saw this rare sight.

At this moment, she was full of tension and said nothing.

Because she heard from Wang Cheng'en that the emperor still had several concubines in Daming capital, and the empress was considered as the main concubine, and the imperial concubine had a higher status than these concubines.

What if the empress and imperial concubine hate her?

Originally, leaving her hometown to go to the mainland of Ming Dynasty made her feel a little panicked.

After listening to Wang Chengen's words, she became even more nervous.

Seeing her absent-minded look, Taichang couldn't help but patted the seat beside him and smiled, "Come on, sit down and drink some hot tea, don't keep standing there blowing the wind, it's not good if the cold wind blows too much."

Concubine Su heard the words, and quickly sat down beside Taichang, picked up the teacup, and drank honestly.

Her behavior was like a young daughter-in-law who had just been trained.

Seeing this, Taichang couldn't help asking curiously: "What's wrong with you, I haven't seen you smile all day, is there anything you are unhappy about?"

He didn't know that Wang Chengen had told them everything.

Concubine Su shook her head quickly and said, "No, I'm not unhappy."

Taichang was even more curious: "Then what's wrong with you, you're depressed, what's wrong with you?"

Concubine Su shook her head, then gritted her teeth and asked, "Your Majesty, is the Empress fierce?"

Who is this?
Why are you gossiping in front of other little girls?
Hearing this, Taichang couldn't help but glared at Wang Chengen who was beside him.

Wang Chengen shrank his neck in fright, and then quietly stepped back.

This guy, isn't this self-inflicted?

Taichang shook his head helplessly and smiled, and then comforted him: "Don't worry, the queen is similar to you, she usually likes to be alive and kicking, she doesn't have any airs."

Concubine Su asked carefully again: "What about the imperial concubine?"

Uh, imperial concubine.

This imperial concubine is really serious.

Taichang thought for a while, and said vaguely: "The imperial concubine is also gentle and virtuous, but she doesn't talk much at ordinary times."

This means that if people talk to you, nine out of ten they want to educate you!
Of course Concubine Su didn't understand, she just thought that this imperial concubine really doesn't like to talk.

One is gentle and virtuous, and the other likes to be lively like her, and it seems that it is not difficult to get along with her.

She thought for a while, then let out a breath, then jumped up again to look at the sea view.

Taichang basically didn’t stop much during this journey, because it often snowed, and they even saved time to replenish fresh water. The Spike warships on both sides were like moving pools, and they couldn’t use up the water from the melted snow in a day.

The fleet sailed on the vast sea for more than ten days, and finally arrived at Dongyang Chengxuan Political Commissioner.

This time, he couldn't do without stopping at Duke Wen's mansion, because he threw the son of Duke Wen into the gold mines in Sula and didn't bring him back.

He went ashore to explain to Wen Guogong Yuan Keli, ordered the fleet to replenish some fresh water and food, and then set off again, heading straight for Wubei City.

It was a journey day and night, without stopping, and after another ten days, the fleet finally arrived at the port of Wubei City.

Fortunately, there wasn't a crowd of people gathered at the pier to welcome them.

Because the journey back from North America was too long, he couldn't determine the specific return date, and it was very possible that it would be a few days later or a few days earlier.

Therefore, he had ordered someone to send back the news a long time ago, telling everyone not to come to greet him.

Taichang habitually scanned the pier with the binoculars, then turned the camera to scan directly to the docks on both sides.

With this sweep, he was immediately stunned.

Because there is a giant ship parked in the dock, a giant ship that is several times larger than the Aegis ship!

This Wang Zheng will not make all the giant ships, right?
He roughly calculated the length of the Aegis ship. This giant ship is really more than 40 feet long, which is more than 100 meters long.

This guy is really making a giant ship!

When the flagship docked at the pier, Wang Zheng had already heard the news and rushed over.

We haven't seen each other for more than a year, so it's inevitable to have some pleasantries when we get together.

Taichang took Concubine Su and several civil servants and generals to the pier to greet Wang Zheng and others for a while, and then he couldn't help asking: "Liangfu, have you made all the giant ships?"

Wang Zheng nodded excitedly and said: "Yes, Your Majesty, we have finally made the giant ship of thousands of materials. It was unsuccessful in the Yongle Dynasty, but we have done it!"

This has been a dream for more than 200 years.

It's a pity that at that time, only sails were used to drive, and a huge ship with [-] materials was already the limit of sails, and even a huge ship with [-] materials could not be driven.

Therefore, this dream did not come true at the time.

After more than 200 years, Daming finally made the giant ship of Wanliao, and it was still a giant ship covered with iron armor.

Taichang couldn't help but turned his head to look again, and then asked: "Is this giant ship of ten thousand materials finished? Have you tried it?"

Wang Zheng nodded repeatedly and said, "Weichen has already driven it out and tested it, and there is no problem. However, the decoration inside has not been completed, and the top floor is basically empty. I just want to wait for the emperor to come back to make a decision."

Well, there is no rush, anyway, it is unlikely that he will lead the fleet to the expedition in the next few months.

Taichang nodded slightly and said: "Okay, I will think about it after I go back."

Immediately afterwards, he took Concubine Su into the carriage and went straight to Wubei City Station.

At the moment the Haihe River is frozen, it is impossible to go back by boat, only by train.

This time he was about to see his wife and children, Taichang was too excited, but Concubine Su became nervous again.

What will the empress do when she sees her?

After Wu Wan'er saw Concubine Su, it was as if she hadn't seen her.

They just got off the carriage at Donghuamen, and were about to go in, when suddenly there was a burst of exclamation from eunuchs and maids in the palace: "Empress, please slow down!"

Immediately afterwards, a figure rushed out from the Donghua Gate.

It turned out that when Wu Wan'er heard that Taichang had returned to the palace, she left everyone behind and ran all the way to Donghua Gate.

Because Taichang has been away for more than a year, and she misses him so much.

At this moment, she only has Taichang in her eyes, and there is no room for others.

She threw herself into Taichang's arms and cried for quite a while, until she had cried enough, then she raised her head and asked curiously, "Is this Concubine Su?"

Concubine Su is indeed easy to recognize, because her temperament is different from everyone else.

Most of the young women in Ming Dynasty look gentle and gentle, but she looks like a kind of wild beauty.

However, she didn't dare to be wild at all at the moment, she quickly moved out the etiquette that she had practiced for a long time, and saluted carefully: "The concubine sees the empress."


Wu Wan'er couldn't help but exclaimed.

Isn't this little girl from the Indian tribe? Why did she speak the official language of Ming Dynasty?

She was really stunned.

Uh, I'm still surprised at such a grown-up person.

Seeing this, Taichang couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, then patted her on the back and said: "Let's go, let's go back to Qianqing Palace first."

(End of this chapter)

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