Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 582 Guerrilla General

Chapter 582 Guerrilla General
Outside Jizhou City, 20 troops from the Shenwu Battalion gathered.

At this moment, their equipment is not very complete, so most of them are bringing the labor gathered from nearby counties to prepare the gravel and sleepers needed for the construction of the railway, and only a small number of people are taking turns to practice.

So, how can it be considered well-equipped?

This Taichang and Sun Chengzong are also pondering.

In terms of the original frontier army equipment, the equipment of the 20 Shenwu Battalion could not be more neat, and even being neat is a bit exaggerated.

Because each of them is equipped with black iron armor, black iron knives, long spears and iron shields, they also have [-] horses wearing black iron armor, and the remaining [-] infantry are also equipped with tens of thousands of muskets.

Even the most elite frontier soldiers would not dare to think about changing this equipment to before.

However, at this moment, Taichang felt that this little equipment was far from enough.

Because infantry fighting vehicles will surely dominate the civil war in the next few decades or even more than a hundred years, they must equip the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion and Shenwu Battalion around the infantry fighting vehicles.

If all these 20 soldiers are to be loaded into infantry fighting vehicles, four thousand infantry fighting vehicles are needed.

This is naturally impossible. In later generations, no country's army is all pure armor or pure tank troops.

He had to equip the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion and Shenwu Battalion according to the needs on the battlefield.

So, what exactly is needed on the battlefield?

The upcoming battle this time gave him a great inspiration. In land operations, the most important thing is the transportation capacity, whether it is transporting personnel or materials.

Because sea operations are all ships, and ships themselves have strong transportation capabilities, no one has ever considered this issue.

So, how to enhance the army's delivery capability?

In fact, the chariots used by the Shenji Battalion turned out to be quite good.

It turned out that the chariot used by the Shenji Battalion was equivalent to a large carriage with a shed. As long as the wheels were covered with rubber, it would be no problem for horses to run on the grassland.

And this kind of chariot or carriage not only has good transportation capacity, but also has a certain protection ability, which is most suitable as a means of transportation for the army.

Moreover, this kind of carriage is very easy to build, almost pure wooden structure, with the current processing capacity of Armament City, it can't be built too fast.

Therefore, Taichang decided to equip the soldiers of the Shenwu Battalion with a certain number of wooden chariots or carriages first, and then see the effect.

In fact, the Shenji Battalion originally equipped tens of thousands of these wooden chariots, but because they have basically been fighting across the sea in the past few years, it is inconvenient to transport the chariots, so these chariots are basically left in the Shenji Battalion for military preparations. city ​​camp.

To use it now, you just need to coat the wheel with a layer of rubber and modify it a little.

At this moment, [-] well-equipped soldiers of the Shenji Battalion gathered on the school field outside the north gate of Jizhou City.

Their equipment is incredible. There are [-] infantry chariots alone, [-] muskets alone, and [-] armored horses plus [-] wooden chariots or carriages. .

Such a huge team lined up neatly together seemed to be comparable to the original 10 horses.

Their combat power can even exceed the original 10 horses!

Taichang took a closer look with the binoculars, and then asked: "Zhisheng, do you think that the [-] well-equipped soldiers of the Shenwu Battalion can defeat the [-] cavalry from Jiannu and the Mongolian and Yuan tribes?"

This is a rough judgment based on investigations over the past year.

After Jiannu unified the Mongolian and Yuan tribes, he had quietly built more than [-] cavalry.

Of course, the [-] cavalry built by Jiannu were nothing compared to the soldiers of the Shenwu Battalion.

The [-] soldiers of the Shenwu Battalion had [-] artillery pieces alone. If tens of thousands of muskets were added, Jiannu's [-] cavalry would probably have suffered more than half of the casualties before they even rushed forward.

Even if Jiannu rushed to the front, he would not be afraid, and there were infantry chariots and wooden chariots blocking him. If you count the neat armor and swords and guns of the [-] soldiers of the Shenwu Battalion, the remaining half of Jiannu cavalry would not be able to account for it. to what cheap.

Sun Chengzong estimated for a while, and then solemnly said: "If Jianu works hard, he will probably be able to fight to a tie with the [-] soldiers of the Shenwu Battalion. "

This is no problem, it is impossible for Jiannu to work hard.

Taichang nodded slightly, then said decisively: "Then let's start practicing."

After a wave of command flags, the following drills began soon.

The guerrilla general Luo Weilin looked at the mighty and majestic team under him, and couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion in his heart.

If it was before, it would be pretty good for a guerrilla general to lead two thousand cavalry to fight.

And right now, he, a guerrilla general, has 2 troops under his command!

This is the standard configuration of the Shenwu Camp and the Shenji Camp.

In the Shenji Camp and the Shenwu Camp, a general has 10 troops under his command, a general can lead 5 to 2 troops in battle, and a guerrilla general has [-] troops under his command.

At this moment, the equipment of the 2 men under his command was even more terrifying.

One hundred infantry chariots, one thousand ordinary chariots, ten thousand muskets, ten thousand armored horses!

Such a luxurious configuration is like a dream.

He was feeling there when the flag bearer on the city wall suddenly raised the command flag.

This is to order him to start practicing.

What do they need to practice?

There's a lot more to this exercise.

He just thought about it for a while, and then ordered decisively: "Infantry chariots, get out and line up in a long snake formation, with a distance of fifteen feet."

At this time, it is necessary to use semaphore to command 2 horses, because after their 2 horses are equipped with [-] infantry fighting vehicles and [-] carriages, they are arranged for several miles.

"Ka Ka Ka", there was a sound of track rotation, and a hundred infantry fighting vehicles behind him passed him one after another, galloped forward, spread out, and after a while, they lined up neatly in a row.

Uh, this array time is a bit long.

No way, they are also the first time to operate infantry fighting vehicles to discharge the array.

How long is the distance between 100 and two infantry fighting vehicles lined up in a row?
That is a full fifteen hundred feet or ten miles long!

He needed binoculars to see the outermost infantry fighting vehicles on both sides.

This is already the limit of what he can command, because the telescope in his hand can see a distance of five miles, five miles to the left and five miles to the right, which add up to ten miles.

He raised his binoculars and glanced left and right, and then ordered in a loud voice: "Infantry fighting vehicle, pass the left pass and shoot horizontally, prepare to fire."

"Ka Ka Ka", there was another sound of track rotation, and a hundred infantry fighting vehicles began to circle in place.

This time it didn't take much time.

What does it look like after a hundred infantry fighting vehicles are lined up in a row?

That's like a ten-mile-long city wall!

This city wall is not an ordinary city wall, but an iron wall, a real iron wall!

The next thing to do is to fire.

Luo Weilin looked back at the real city wall, then turned his head and ordered loudly: "Infantry combat vehicles, the target is the forest in front, fire."

"Boom boom boom", there was a roar of artillery, and two hundred shells roared and smashed into the forest in the north of the city.

This distance is already a bit far, and coupled with the barrier of the infantry fighting vehicles, Luo Weilin couldn't even see the effect of the shelling.

He thought for a while, and then ordered loudly: "The carriage moves forward and blocks the gap between the infantry chariots."

"Booming", there was a sound of horseshoes, and a thousand wooden chariots rushed forward, and soon the gaps between the infantry chariots were filled with wooden chariots.

This is a simulated formation when encountering a cavalry charge.

If tens of thousands of cavalry rushed over and encountered this ten-mile long iron wall, and it was still an iron wall with muskets and artillery, they would probably wail in despair.

Sun Chengzong turned the barrel-like binoculars to scan carefully, and then he couldn't help sighing: "This formation is really spectacular. If they can drill like their arms, these 2 horses can really defeat Jiannu Ten. Thousand cavalry."

In fact, this is still a bit of a problem.

Because the sight of the general commanding the battle was obstructed, he couldn't see the situation in front of the car formation at all.

Taichang thought for a while, and then seriously said: "Chang Geng, this infantry fighting vehicle still needs to be improved. Two iron ladders leading to the roof of the tank should be added at the back of the tank, and a fence half-high as a person should be added on the roof. In this way, the general commanding the battle can stand on the top of the chariot to take over the entire battle situation. Moreover, when the cavalry charge is really encountered, the infantry can also climb on the top of the chariot, just like guarding the city, guarding the chariot formation .”

Uh, this formation is indeed almost like a city wall, because the infantry chariots and wooden chariots are about ten feet high, and people can stand on them.

The question is, maybe the fence alone is not enough?
Song Yingxing asked cautiously: "Your Majesty, is it enough to just install the fence above? If there is a cavalry charge, won't the soldiers standing above be injured by the arrow rain?"

Taichang shook his head without hesitation and said: "No, they are all equipped with iron shields. As long as the shield formation is displayed, let alone a rain of arrows, muskets will not be able to hurt them. Don't mess with it on the roof of your chariot." It’s too complicated, not to mention troublesome to assemble, and it’s useless.”

Yes, they are also equipped with iron shields.

Song Yingxing heard the words, quickly cupped his hands and said: "I understand."

(End of this chapter)

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