Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 587 The Unlucky Child

Chapter 587 The Unlucky Child

Dorgon was indeed an unlucky boy. If his parents hadn't died early, the position of sweat should have belonged to him.

No way, Huang Taiji is too powerful. After Nurhachi passed away, his mother Abahai was forced to be buried with him. From then on, he began his tragic life.

He started to go to the battlefield at the age of 16, and he fought many extremely dangerous battles.

In history, his most beloved women were snatched away by Huang Taiji, and in the end, that woman played him to death for her and Huang Taiji's son.

This unlucky child has countless unlucky things.

This time, his bad luck is probably coming to an end, because Huang Taiji ordered him to lead an army to support the Chahar Department.

Daming launched an army of more than 2 troops to attack the Chahar Grassland, while Mengyuan's Chahar tribe had less than 2 horses in total, and the three brothers had less than [-] horses in total. He still can't bring them all over to support the Chahar Department.

In other words, the total number of troops he brought to support plus those from the Chahar Department was about [-] at most.

Thirty thousand against more than three hundred thousand, and their weapons and equipment are simply not comparable to the Ming army, even if he is a god of war, he can't do it!

This time, even if he didn't die, he might not be able to go back.

Of course, he didn't know how many troops the Ming army had, nor did he know how terrifying the Ming army's equipment was.

Anyway, he had performed too many missions of narrow escapes, so he wasn't too scared. After returning, he ordered more than 1 fine riders from the Zhengbai and Xiangbai flags and headed straight to the Chahar Grassland.

It only took him four days to travel more than a thousand miles from the Horqin Grassland to the Chahar Grassland, which is fast enough.

However, when he led his army to the place where Dutong Nomendalai's tent was located in the middle of the Chahar Grassland, they were already panicking and ordered people to tear down the tent.

Obviously, this guy is about to run away.

What is going on here?
When Nuomenda came to see Dorgon, he only brought more than [-] riders to support him, and the panic on his face did not fade at all.

He hastily rode up to meet him, and said anxiously: "Master Baylor, why don't we retreat first, the forward of the Ming army is less than a hundred miles away from here."

Dorgon just wanted to whip his whip over.

The Ming army is less than a hundred miles away from here, and this is the middle of the Chahar Grassland!
This useless thing, in just a few days, nearly half of the Chahar Grassland was lost.

His task was delayed for a month. At this moment, almost half of the Chahar Grassland was lost. How could he delay for a month?

Alas, he still has to hold on to this useless thing, otherwise, the Chahar Department is probably going to be messed up.

He gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and then pretended to be calm and said: "What's the matter, isn't he just a forward, how many troops does the Ming army have in the forward?"

Nomenda said in panic: "I don't know, all the tribes where the Ming army passed by have lost news, and the Qingqi who escaped from these tribes all ran away when they saw thousands of cavalry surrounding them. They don't even know how many troops the Ming army has."

Can you be any more useless?

They are almost coming to your lair, and you don't even know how many people they have!
Dorgon couldn't help snorting coldly: "Several thousand cavalry scare you like this? What are you afraid of? Don't you have nearly [-] cavalry under your command?"

They are armored cavalry!

Besides, there are not only a few thousand cavalry.

The less than [-] iron cavalry under my hand rush up, isn't it courting death?
Nomenda was stunned for a moment, and then explained helplessly: "Master Belle, it's not thousands of cavalry, but each Ming army has thousands of cavalry, and the Ming army is scattered into more than ten groups lined up Pushing them over, they have at least tens of thousands of cavalry!"

Tens of thousands of cavalry?

That really won't work.

However, the Ming army advanced in more than ten routes, and there was still hope, because he also had thousands of armored cavalry under his command, so it shouldn't be a problem to defeat the Ming army all the way.

Dorgon thought about it carefully, and then ordered decisively: "You immediately gather everyone and come with me to meet the forwards of the Ming army."

Nuo Menda came a little flustered and said: "Master Belle, the Ming army is less than a hundred miles away from here, why don't we first send the wives and children of the soldiers to a safe place and then discuss the long-term plan?"

What the hell, if you are afraid of death, you are afraid of death. Why send the wives and children of the soldiers to a safe place?

Dorgon really wanted to chop this guy who disobeyed the military order.

However, he couldn't do anything, because this guy was a confidant of Huang Taiji and the commander of the capital who was born in Zhenghuangqi. If he cut him down, Huang Taiji would definitely take the opportunity to deal with him.

No way, this guy dared to disobey the military order so brazenly because he knew the filth between their brothers.

He could only helplessly wave his hand and said: "Call me all the Qingqi gathered here, and you lead the people to withdraw first."

That's more or less.

Nomenda Laidang even recruited the nearly [-] Qingqi gathered here to Dorgon's command, and then fled north with his wife, children, and children who had packed their luggage.

Dorgon looked at this guy's embarrassed figure, snorted coldly, and then ordered loudly: "Bahana, speed up to [-] detectives to spy ahead. Everyone else gathers their men and horses and prepares to go."

His confidant Jiala Bahana quickly waved his sleeves and said "scum", and then led his scouts to scatter south.

Dorgon assembled the whole team again, ordered his cronies to control the Mongolian Eight Banners cavalry of the Chahar Department, and then waved and led all the horses to set off.

"Boom!" There was a thunderous sound of horseshoes, and nearly [-] horsemen rushed south like a torrent.

In fact, it was not some Ming army forward who called.

This road of the Ming army is one of the 20 Shenwu Battalion army, and it is also the most middle road. Cao Bianjiao happens to be sitting on this road.

Dorgon led more than [-] cavalry to swarm over, and the scout cavalry scattered everywhere naturally did not dare to confront him head-on.

Soon, Cao Bianjiao received the news that the enemy had gathered about [-] to [-] cavalry and swarmed in.

Very good!
Instead of panicking, Cao Bianjiao was overjoyed.

They haven't encountered any decent resistance these days.

Of course he knew that they were gathering troops, and he also knew that they might have asked Huang Taiji for help.

In short, the Jiannu and the Mongol and Yuan tribes are not good people who can be bullied. It is impossible for them to let them go on like this. If they want to snatch all the people on the grassland outside the Great Wall, there will definitely be several big battles.

This is a good opportunity to make contributions!

Of course he didn't want to miss it.

Now it's all right, they just gathered people and rushed towards the road where he was sitting.

He immediately climbed onto the command tank and ordered in a loud voice: "Infantry chariots, line up in a line facing the north, with an interval of two feet. Behind the chariots, line up in square formation."

This is not a defensive formation, he is preparing to attack others!

Immediately afterwards, he said in a loud voice: "Decree, order the adjacent left and right roads to move [-] li away from the middle, and the [-] li in the middle will be handed over to the two roads to clean up."

He is going to chase after him after defeating him, and bite him and won't let him go!
To be honest, this is a bit risky.

Although only 4 or [-] horses rushed up this time, other horses may already be on the way.

And he has a total of 2 horses on this road. Although the weapons and equipment are far better than those of the enemy, it is very likely that people will swarm up and besiege them all the way!

Of course, this little danger was nothing to him.

In history, he was the one who dared to lead [-] troops to attack Huang Taiji's tent. Tens of thousands of Eight Banners elites had nothing to do with him, he was afraid of a fart!

(End of this chapter)

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