Chapter 589

Cao Bianjiao knew that the infantry chariot was not as fast as ordinary infantry, so why did he order the infantry chariot to chase the cavalry?

There is a reason for this of course.

He was born as a cavalryman, so he naturally had a good understanding of the characteristics of war horses.

Just like humans, horses have limited physical strength.

After running for tens of miles, a person would be so tired that he would collapse on the ground, foaming at the mouth, and convulsing all over.

The same is true for horses. After running for two hundred miles or so, they can't stand it anymore. If they continue to run wildly, the horse will be so tired that it will collapse on the ground and even foam at the mouth.

The infantry fighting vehicle is different. Although the speed is slow, it can drive continuously. As long as there is enough coal, it is no problem to drive four to five hundred miles a day.

That's why he ordered the pursuit.

Jiannu and the cavalry of the Mengyuan tribe had already galloped for nearly a hundred miles when they rushed over, and if they turned around and fled back and forth, they would have to run another hundred miles at most.

And they drove the infantry chariot over without haste, basically without consuming any physical strength, even the horses of the armored cavalry did not consume much physical strength.

In this case, can the enemy still escape?

Can Dorgon run away this time?
Dorgon was so angry that he was about to spurt blood.

It's okay for Huang Taiji to pit him, he is sweating profusely, so he has to listen to him.

Nomenda came to this dog slave to trick him, and he lost thousands of fine horses for no reason!
Those who charged behind him were all the most elite armored cavalry of the three brothers!
After two rounds of shelling by the Ming army, at least two thousand armored cavalry were gone!
This time, the three brothers couldn't even straighten up in front of Huang Taiji.

He really wished he could kill this damned slave.

Problem, he can't do that yet.

He still has to think about what to do when he goes back, and how his brothers, wives, children, and his clansmen will survive.

He is not alone, the three brothers have more than [-] clansmen under their command, if he acts recklessly, not only their brothers will suffer, but also the clansmen who follow them will suffer.

Huang Taiji took advantage of this to pinch him to death.

This is also the reason why he had to carry out the task that he knew was a narrow escape.

There's no way, he's living in such a suffocating way.

However, this time he did not intend to carry out any tasks that would delay the Ming army for a month.

Because he can't delay at all.

Just kidding, the Ming army even brought Hongyi cannons, and the Ming army along the way has hundreds of Hongyi cannons.

What's even more frightening is that their Hongyi cannons can fire continuously.

How does he resist, how does he procrastinate?

Although Huang Taiji treated him badly, it was not unreasonable.

On the surface, Huang Taiji was quite fair.

The dangerous missions he performed many times were basically a close call, a big defeat was inevitable, and victory was basically impossible.

In this case, as long as he can go back alive, Huang Taiji will not punish him.

If he has made military exploits, the rewards will not be less at all.

This time, the Ming army brought so many red barbarian cannons that could fire continuously, but he didn't even have a tiger crouching cannon. Sending all the light is useless.

In this case, he should not be punished if he ran back with the rest of the troops.

Of course, the premise is that he didn't bring Nomenda here.

It would be troublesome if he cut Nomenda Lai regardless.

He is a confidant of Huang Taiji.

It's fine for him to return home in a big defeat, and even cut off all his cronies, so it's no wonder they didn't punish him.

Alas, there is no way, he can only bear it.

He ran wildly for nearly an hour with his cavalry, and finally caught up with Nomenda's fleeing team.

At this time, the war horse couldn't bear it anymore, so he immediately raised his hand and ordered: "Everyone get off the horse and fix it on the spot."

When Nomenda came to see this, he quickly ordered all his men to stop and rested with the cavalry.

What is going on here?
Calculating the time, Dorgon led his army to rush over to have a face-to-face with the Ming army, and then returned in embarrassment!
He couldn't help but came forward curiously: "Master Baylor, what's wrong with you, why are you running in such a hurry?"

This is already euphemistic enough, the meaning is actually to ask, why did you come back in such a mess.

Dorgon couldn't help snorting coldly: "Didn't you say that each Ming army has only a few thousand cavalry? They have more than a few thousand cavalry. They also have chariots and cannons!"

Oh, it turned out that he ran over and was bombarded back by the Hongyi cannon.

Aren't you fierce?

Aren't you very good?

If you insist on rushing over to be deflated, you still blame me?

Nomenda couldn't help correcting: "Master Belle, when you asked your subordinates, you didn't say that there were only a few thousand cavalry in each Ming army. What you said was that you didn't know the specific situation. What you said Where the Ming army passed by, all the tribes lost their news, and the Qingqi who escaped from these tribes all ran away when they saw thousands of cavalry surrounding them, and they didn't know how many men and horses the Ming army had."

You useless thing, people have advanced five or six hundred miles on your territory, and you still haven't figured out how many people they have, are you reasonable?
Dorgon grasped the handle of the knife vigorously, suppressing the urge to cut people, he endured it for a while, and then said coldly: "Notify all the tribes in the Chahar Grassland to migrate to the Horqin Grassland immediately, if you don't leave, I'm afraid it will be too late gone."

Nomenda couldn't help being surprised and said: "Master Belle, what do you mean, can't stop the Ming army?"

Is that why you came to support?

Dorgon still said coldly: "I told you, the Ming army has Hongyi cannons, and there are a lot of them, and we don't have Hongyi cannons, how can we resist?"

He really has no choice.

Although there are many tiger crouching cannons and red barbarian cannons in the Manchu Eight Banners at this moment, they are all held by Huang Taiji's Zhenghuang Banner and Xianghuang Banner soldiers, and none of the other banners.

He came here to support this time, and it was impossible for Huang Taiji to let the elite of the two yellow flags follow him with artillery.

Because the artillery needs to be pulled by a carriage, and the carriage can run more than a hundred miles a day, if Huang Taiji asked the elites of the two yellow flags to follow him with the artillery, it would take at least eight or nine days on the road.

The Ming army advances nearly a hundred miles a day. If they can come to support in eight or nine days, then there is no need to come. When they come, the Ming army probably has advanced to the edge of the Horqin grassland. Why are they still coming?
Therefore, this time he didn't have a tiger squat cannon in his hand, so he couldn't stop the Ming army at all.

Alas, how can I explain to Huang Taiji when I go back?
He was frowning and meditating there, when Bahana, the confidant in charge of scouting, suddenly galloped over on his horse, and said with panic on his face, "Master Baylor, it's not good, the Ming army has caught up."

Dorgon's face couldn't help changing when he heard this.

Why is this Ming army so courageous?
He really didn't expect that people would dare to catch up.

It is a taboo for military strategists to go deep alone!
He froze for a moment before asking: "How far is the Ming army from here?"

Bahana was quite ashamed and said: "Lord Baylor, I don't know, they sent a large number of scouts to surround and kill our scouts, and now my scouts are almost killed by them, and their scouts It's less than five miles away from here."

It's over, I'm afraid I won't be able to run away now.

When Dorgon heard this, he couldn't help but raised his hand to touch his mount.

No need to think about the result, my hands are sweaty.

Their war horses are exhausted!

Riding on it at this time, let alone galloping the horse, it is estimated that the horse will not stand still.

(End of this chapter)

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