Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 591 Dorgon enters the city

Chapter 591 Dorgon enters the city

"It's time to get up, everyone!"

There was a sound of shouting, and two soldiers of the Liaodong Army quickly opened the door and jumped out of the carriage, quickly untying the ropes on everyone's feet.

Dorgon opened his eyes in a daze, and then narrowed them into a line.

It's not that he wants to continue pretending to be asleep, the main reason is that the sunlight outside is too glaring, and he's a little uncomfortable.

They basically lay down all the way, except when they couldn’t hold it anymore and yelled a few times, they would stop the carriage to take them down, untie the ropes, and make it easier for them. At other times, they were basically tied up Hands and feet, lying in the car, even when camping at night.

He didn't feel very uncomfortable, except that he was a little cold, his hands and feet were a little numb, and he was just a little hungry.

Because every time it was time for meals, people would randomly stuff a piece of cake into their mouths, and when they had finished chewing, they poured down another mouthful of broth, and then it was gone.

This little thing is just enough to make a base, and they are naturally getting more and more hungry.

Soon, he was carried out of the carriage, and his hands that were bound behind his back were loosened.

opportunity finally arises!

He didn't know where this place was, because they had been tied into the carriage all the time, and it was convenient to get out of the carriage once or twice a day, and they couldn't figure out the direction at all, and he didn't know where the carriage was going.

However, they only lay in the carriage for three or four days at most, and this place should still be the Chahar Grassland.

So, what exactly is this place?

Dorgon moved his hands and feet a little, then opened his eyes wide and looked around, stunned.

This place turned out to be a huge city!

To be precise, this is a large city under construction, and the city walls are only about ten feet high.

He could also see one corner of the city, and the other two sides were blocked by densely packed giant chariots and carriages.

However, this corner alone is big enough, at least two or three miles in radius.

At this moment, there are rows of simple sheds in this corner, and there are no other buildings.

However, there are quite a few people here, and there are also many carriages.

There were several carriages parked in front of the shed where he was.

What the hell is this place?
There are no cities on the Chahar grassland at all!

Before he could react, he was pushed into the shed by a Ming soldier.

This shed is to erect two rows of wooden stakes on the ground, and then tie thick cloth on them, so that there is no cover around it, and it can be seen through at a glance.

There were quite a lot of people in the shed, apart from two rows of soldiers from the Ming army, there were dozens of men, women and children sitting on the ground.

These people are sitting around a big pot of boiling broth, drinking soup and eating meat!
The aroma of the broth made people greedy, and their saliva almost flowed out.

However, it seems that he can't eat meat and drink soup yet.

Because there were more than a dozen other men, women and children in the shed who were queuing up and walking forward, so he was pushed to the end of the line.

This line seems to be registering names or something, because right in front of the line, a scribe-like person is asking the people in line, and taking notes there with a pen.

Seeing this, Dorgon narrowed his eyes again.

He had to think of a fake name. If he reported his real name, it would be over.

However, his idea was quickly shaken.

Because when there were only a few people left in front of him, he saw a sign on the table next to the clerk with a notice in both languages.

The notice reads.

Attention all captured Mengman soldiers, if you want to reunite with your family, please report your real name.

You can rest assured that no matter who you are, we will not do anything to you. Daming treats prisoners preferentially. As long as you are honest, nothing will happen to you.

He was really shaken a little bit.

Because he had already faintly felt that this time, it would be difficult for them to defeat the Ming army, and the Horqin Grassland was likely to be wiped out by the Ming army.

At that time, his brother, his wife and children will most likely become captives as well.

If he gave a false name, nothing would happen right now.

However, it is very likely that he will not see his family in the future.

How to do it?

He couldn't help turning his head to look at those terrifying giant chariots again.

This time, do they still have hope of winning?

He was thinking wildly, when the person in front reported his name and age and hurriedly turned around and left, there was no one in front of him at this moment, it was his turn!

The scribe raised his head and gave him a slight look, then opened his mouth and asked in Mongolian, "Name."

Can I tell you who I am?
The scribe then asked in Manchu: "Name."

Dorgon is still hesitating.

Seeing this, the scribe asked cordially in Ming Dynasty official dialect: "Are you a Han citizen who was taken captive by them?"

Dorgon still didn't say a word.

Seeing this, the scribe could only put down his brush and gesture: "Are you deaf?"

You are deaf.

Dorgon asked helplessly: "You really won't do anything to me?"

Whoops, it still looks like a big shot.

The clerk said without hesitation: "Don't worry, even if you are Huang Taiji, we won't do anything to you, you can look around, who have we done to?"

There was indeed nothing going on around, no captives resisted and no Ming army soldiers did anything to any captives, everything was orderly without a trace of chaos.

Just kidding, there are well-equipped Ming troops everywhere, and there are muskets and artillery in the chariots facing them, who dares to mess around.

No one dares to mess around, so naturally nothing will happen.

Dorgon hesitated for a moment, but still gritted his teeth and said, "My name is Aixinjueluo Dorgon."

Oops, what a big shot.

The clerk nodded, wrote down his name, and then confirmed, "Nurhachi No. 14, right?"

I have given my name, and there is nothing I dare not admit.

Dorgon nodded without hesitation: "That's right."

The clerk asked about his age, place of origin, how many people there are in the family, and other information, then he waved his hand and said, "Okay, go over there and wait. If you're hungry, eat with bowls and chopsticks."

Is this the end?
Dorgon came to the side of the big pot in disbelief, took the pair of bowls and chopsticks, and picked up the big spoon in the pot to flip over.

This pot is full of fresh beef, and it is still cut into pieces, but some are overcooked, and some are a little raw.

He froze for a moment, then scooped up a few pieces of well-cooked beef and some broth, and then sat on the ground beside him and started eating.

Anyway, let's fill up his stomach first, he is really a little hungry.

These people seemed to have no intention of doing anything to him, and even after the four white-flanked soldiers who were in the same car with him were registered, they all stood beside him with broth and no one cared.

However, the Ming army does not seem to be defenseless at all.

At least, besides these four soldiers with white flags, he could no longer see other subordinates.

This shed seems to be full of ordinary herdsmen of the Mengyuan tribe, men, women, young and old, but few are strong.

The Ming army must have deliberately dispersed them so that they could not get together to resist.

To be honest, he really didn't dare to do anything at the moment.

Because there are twenty Ming army soldiers in this shed alone, and there are teams of Ming army soldiers patrolling back and forth between the sheds, and there are rows of Ming army soldiers on those terrifying giant chariots Holding a musket and staring.

Even if he is Batulu, the number one in the Eight Banners, it is useless to jump out in this situation, let alone he is not.

(End of this chapter)

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