Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 599 What's the Use of Ambush

Chapter 599 What's the Use of Ambush

Huang Taiji was indeed playing tactics, and what he was playing was the simplest move, please enter the urn.

As for why he chose the westernmost route, it was because it was not easy to ambush in the east and in the middle.

There is a city built by the Liaodong Army in the east, and it is likely that all 20 Liaodong Army are inside. Even if there is no 20, he can't stand [-] rushing out to support him.

And you can't go in the middle.

At this moment, more than ten groups of cavalry from the Ming army are advancing at the same time. If he dares to play with others in the middle, he will probably be surrounded by more than ten groups of people.

The road to the west is different. The Ming army is at the very edge of this road, and there is no Ming army to the west, and the nearest road to the east is also more than a hundred miles away.

As long as he can lead this Ming army into an ambush and beat him up violently, the Ming army from the east will probably come all the way to rescue him.

At that time, he can adjust the speed of encirclement and annihilation according to the time of other people's support, so that people will be trapped all the way, and then eat all the way.

I have to say that his idea is good.

However, in fact, this kind of thing is unlikely to happen, unless the commander-in-chief of the Ming army is a big eater who doesn't know the so-called.

To be honest, Jian slaves are really not very good at fighting.

In history, if Yang Gao, Zhe Dang, Eun Dang, Yang Sichang, Gao Qiqian, Hong Chengchou, Wu Sangui and others tried their best to give them heads in various weird ways, they would never have been able to defeat the Ming army.

Even if the commander-in-chief of the Ming army was a little more normal, they would not be able to win.

It's like Yuan Chonghuan, that's a braggart, the kind who flaunts the hype.

However, with this kind of rookie who had never been on the battlefield, they couldn't beat them with normal methods. Both Huang Taiji and Nurhachi suffered from this rookie.

Of course, some people also said that Yuan Chonghuan's record was blown out, even if Yuan Chonghuan's record was blown out, Huang Taiji and Nurhachi were indeed repelled by him.

Ningyuan Great Victory and Ningjin Great Victory, Huang Taiji and Nurhachi did suffer a loss. They couldn't bear it anymore and retreated. No matter how much they suffered, they were all defeated.

That is to say, they rely solely on Daming to send them to fight. If the generals who lead the troops of Ming Dynasty are determined not to send them, they will not win.

that is the truth.

Now, no one gave them a gift, so they showed their true colors, and they were so good!
At least, they were a hit in front of the Ming army.

Huang Taiji still wanted to defeat the Ming army with such a simple move, but if the Ming army didn't send him off, he could only stare blankly.

Naturally, Luo Weilin couldn't deliver food to Jianu, even if he found Jianu's camp, he didn't move.

This is obviously a trap, and it is impossible for him to fall for it.

As for how to fight, this has to wait for the main general Cao Bianjiao to make a decision.

When Cao Bianjiao received the news, he rushed here with his personal guards without hesitation.

They also changed horses along the way, and the speed was quite fast. Before the time of You, the sun had not set, more than a hundred riders rushed to the periphery of the chariot formation.

When Luo Weilin saw the lord general Cao Bianjiao approaching, he quickly ordered people to push the two carriages away, opening a gap.

As soon as Cao Bianjiao led a group of personal guards into the chariot formation, he asked Luo Weilin who came up to meet him: "Weilin, what's the matter, what's the matter with Jiannu?"

Luo Weilin hastily introduced in detail: "Jiannu just came over to take a look at it from a distance, then rode his horse and ran north. The general felt that something was wrong, so he sent someone to follow him from a distance to take a look. Unexpectedly, he found Jianu Where the camp is."

When Cao Bianjiao heard the words, he couldn't help saying with great interest: "Oh, where is the camp where the slaves were built?"

Luo Weilin hurriedly invited Cao Bianjiao to the command vehicle, then pointed to the mark on the map and said: "The Jiannu camp is here, about a hundred miles away."

Cao Bianjiao looked at the map carefully, and asked again: "How many people does Jiannu have?"

Luo Weilin said without hesitation: "On the surface, they only have [-] to [-] cavalry, but the general suspects that they have an ambush behind the camp."

Jiannu still playing the trick of ambush?

very good!

Cao Bianjiao thought for a while, then recruited two personal guards, pointed to the map and said: "Order, order the two people next to you to rush to the northwest early tomorrow morning, and rush to here and here."

The two personal guards looked at the map carefully, and then bowed away.

Immediately afterwards, Cao Bianjiao gave another order: "Weilin, order all the cavalry to set off immediately and set up camp ten miles opposite the Jiannu camp. Kill all the riders."

It was getting late, and the cavalry ran over, and it was estimated that it would be dark.

Luo Weilin froze for a moment, but ran out and ordered all the cavalry to attack and intercept Jiannu's scout cavalry.

Soon, he ran back and asked cautiously, "General, what if Jiannu is so angry that he gathers his troops to wipe out our cavalry?"

Cao Bianjiao said calmly: "Don't worry, since Jiannu set up an ambush, they dare not act rashly. They will not leave the camp easily. After all, they are also afraid that we will set up an ambush and draw their cavalry out to wipe them out. That's right. It is also a kind of temptation, if Jiannu set up an ambush behind the camp, they would definitely not gather cavalry to attack at this time, they must want to lure us to attack their camp."

This little general Cao is really not ordinary, and ordinary people really dare not use this kind of move.

Luo Weilin couldn't help cupping his hands and said: "The general is wise, the general understands."

Hearing this, Cao Bianjiao couldn't help but waved his hand slightly and said: "Okay, let the chariot soldiers pack up the camp and get ready to go."

Are you moving camp at this time?
Although Luo Weilin didn't understand why, he ran out and ordered his men to put the tents into the chariots and carriages.

When Cao Bianjiao saw him coming back, he pointed to the map and explained: "It seems that Jiannu probably doesn't know that we have such terrifying weapons as infantry fighting vehicles. Otherwise, they would never dare to ambush us so blatantly. So , we need to catch everyone by surprise, gather enough chariots, and defeat the main force in one fell swoop. Today, we will drive the convoy to this place and find a valley to hide it. Tomorrow, when the other two armies arrive, we will attack again."

Hearing this, Luo Weilin hurriedly cupped his hands and bowed, "The general will understand."

Cao Bianjiao roughly calculated the time, and listened carefully to the sound of horseshoes, until the sound of horseshoes of thousands of cavalry disappeared along the way, and then he said decisively: "Okay, there should be no scout cavalry in front. lets go."

Soon, the convoy set off.

They didn't rush directly to the vicinity of the Jiannu camp. The place Cao Bianjiao pointed to was at least twenty or thirty miles away from the Jiannu camp.

The terrain here is inherently undulating, and low hills can be seen almost everywhere. It is easy for them to find a valley to hide.

Huang Taiji's ambush tactic did make something a little inappropriate.

He only analyzed his own strength, but did not analyze the strength of the Ming army.

That's right, at this moment he has more than [-] red barbarian cannons and thousands of tiger crouching cannons. If the Ming army is still the same as before, it is really possible for him to use an ambush to destroy at least a few Ming troops.

If the commander-in-chief of the Ming army had no brains and sent them all the way, he might have eaten up more than ten Ming troops with this one move.

The problem is that the current Ming army is not the former Ming army at all.

He also didn't think about it, if Daming could install so many large water trucks driven by steam engines in the disaster area in the northwest, could there be fewer steam engines in Daming?
Daming has so many steam engines, can the production of guns be slowed down?
Not to mention too much, even if Daming used half of the steam engine to drive the big water truck, and then used the remaining half of the steam engine to drive the machine tool to make guns, it would be terrible!
Daming installed thousands of large waterwheels in the disaster-stricken areas in the northwest. If calculated by this number, it would be thousands of steam-driven machine tools making guns.

Is that speed comparable to him?

He still wants to ambush the Ming army. What's the use of ambush in the face of absolute strength?
(End of this chapter)

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