Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 807 Ah 3 really jumped out

Chapter 807 Ah San really jumped out

At the military port dock facing the sea in the east of Xinma City, the Emperor is in the center, with two dreadnoughts guarding the left and right, and rows of Aegis ships and Spike warships are neatly arranged.

This scene is truly spectacular.

However, the shore is even more spectacular.

Taichang turned the binoculars, scanned the city wall covered with artillery, then looked at the neatly arranged military barracks behind the city wall and the ten huge hot air balloon take-off and landing platforms, and nodded slightly.

It seems that Xinma City has not been idle for more than three months. The military port and barracks in the east have been built, and the entire Xinma City should be almost built.

Thinking of this, he raised his head and asked, "Bozheng, how are you doing? Have all the planned buildings in Xinma City been completed?"

Du Linzheng who was accompanying him hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, everything has been built, but the iron ore and limestone have not yet arrived, and the iron factory, steel factory and cement factory have not yet started."

Iron ore is no longer a problem. He has taken people to Minas Gerais to see it, and there are indeed a lot of iron ore there.

Moreover, the river over there is not bad, and there is no problem for armed merchant ships to drive in.

They just need to transport the mining machines and mine in large quantities.

Taichang nodded slightly, and then asked, "Have you found the limestone mine?"

Du Linzheng was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then said cautiously: "Your Majesty, we have found a lot of limestone mines near the two westernmost tributaries of the Amazon River, and there seem to be many saltpeter mines over there." .

However, it seems to be the Viceroyalty of Peru in Spain, and we can see the city built by the Spanish colonists from a distance with a telescope. "

The reason why they investigated so quickly was because Daming mainland sent four hot air balloons and a large amount of kerosene and kerosene lamps by fast boat.

There are more hot air balloons, and the exploration will naturally be faster.

At this moment, they have all repaired the landing pad of the hot air balloon to the territory of the Spanish Viceroyalty of Peru.

Hearing this, Taichang thought for a while, then waved decisively: "Come on, let's go to the meeting room to discuss it."

Soon, he walked into the largest conference room with a large group of civil servants and generals behind him.

At this moment, a huge map with a length of eight feet and a width of two feet has been placed on the table in the middle of the conference room.

He had just returned to Xinma City not long ago, and this map was just brought by Wang Chong, and he hadn't had time to read it yet.

Such a big map couldn't be read sitting down, so he simply led everyone to stand in front of the map and look carefully.

The Amazon River Basin is really big, so big that the map has not been drawn yet, because many tributaries obviously extend to the edge of the map, especially in the south, there are several such tributaries.

This proves that the detection of these tributaries has not been completed, and the detection must be continued.

The length of eight feet represents eight thousand miles, and the width of two feet represents two thousand miles. If calculated in kilometers, it is four thousand kilometers long and one thousand kilometers wide, and the area is about 400 million square kilometers.

In other words, the area of ​​the Amazon River Basin is more than 400 million square kilometers!
Taichang stared at the map carefully for a while, then pointed to the westernmost mountain range and asked: "Are the limestone mines and saltpeter mines located on this mountain range?"

Du Linzheng nodded without hesitation and said, "Yes, Your Majesty, there are many limestone mines and saltpeter mines over there."

That's all for limestone mines, there must be many places, but they haven't found them yet.

The saltpeter mine is different, this kind of mine is very rare.

Moreover, saltpeter is an important strategic resource and an indispensable raw material for making black gunpowder.

They have enough charcoal as the raw material for black gunpowder, and they have found a lot of sulfur ore, but they lack the saltpeter ore.

No matter what, this saltpeter mine must be taken down, and when De Sierra and Carinho are ready, let them rush over!
Thinking of this, Taichang said decisively: "We will take this place down sooner or later, don't worry, I will let Deixeira and Carlinio go there when they are ready, and then we will directly send troops to occupy it !"

Well, Spain is an ally, even robbing their mines, the emperor is really fierce!

Speaking of this strategic resource, Taichang suddenly remembered.

Immediately afterwards, he asked again: "Zhongyong, did you find the rubber tree?"

Wang Chong quickly pointed to the map and introduced: "Your Majesty, I found it. There is a large rubber forest here, here, and here, and the height of many rubber trees over there is almost ten feet.

Master Chen said that this is a sign of full growth, and a tree can be cut at least four to five hundred catties of glue a year. "

Taichang then asked again: "How many rubber trees are there?"

Uh, how do you say this?

Wang Chong was stunned for a moment, then looked at Chen Zilong.

This, he really doesn't understand very well, because there are not only big trees but also small trees over there.

Moreover, after he discovered the rubber forest, he didn't take a closer look at it, but Chen Zilong went to see it several times in a hot air balloon, and even went ashore in a Spike warship to take a closer look.

Seeing this, Chen Zilong could only continue to introduce: "Your Majesty, if there are only fully grown rubber trees over there, there are only about [-] of them.

However, there are not only so many that can tap rubber.

Weichen roughly counted, and there should be about [-] rubber trees that can be tapped.

If we can clean up the jungle next to the rubber forest and transplant all the rubber saplings in it that are less than five years old, then in a few years, it will not be a problem to have 50 rubber trees that can be tapped.

If we use the current rubber forest as a breeding ground, use the seeds of the rubber forest to cultivate saplings, and continue to propagate around, then it will not be a problem to cultivate a million rubber trees in ten years. "

Well, in this way, the output of rubber has doubled by an unknown amount.

Taichang said without hesitation: "You will be in charge of this. No matter what trees are around, you can just cut them down. The space you cut will be used to plant rubber trees. Try to cultivate them. The more rubber trees, the better!"

Well, planting rubber trees is still Chen Zilong's forte. He has been studying in Qiongzhou Mansion for several years.

Maybe he is not alone in the world in planting other tree species, but he is well-deserved No. 1 in the world in planting this rubber tree.

He cupped his hands without hesitation and said, "We will try our best to cultivate more than one million rubber trees within ten years."

Now, there are coal mines, iron ores, and timber is inexhaustible.

There will soon be no shortage of copper ore and rubber, and saltpeter mines will soon be included in the bag. Daming has enough strategic materials.

Next, as long as he uses these materials to build weapons and equipment with all his strength, Daming will be truly invincible.

Taichang was secretly proud of himself, but Ni Yuanlu, the servant of the Ministry of War, suddenly cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, there is a saying that I don't know if I should say it or not."

This means that if there is something important to say, it must be said.

Taichang said without hesitation: "If you have anything to say, just say it."

Ni Yuanlu immediately said solemnly: "Your Majesty, I feel that the Amazon River Basin is such an important place that our defense is too weak.

Just like this new horse city, it is an important place to guard the entrance of the Amazon River, and there is absolutely no room for loss.

However, we don't have any garrison forces at the moment. Once the soldiers of the Shenwu Battalion and the young and strong North American Indian tribes withdraw, this place will be undefended. "

Uh, this one was indeed overlooked.

There are no permanent troops in such an important place. Once the enemy rushes over and snatches it, the loss is unimaginable.

What if it gets lost here?
It is no exaggeration to say that no matter who snatches this place, it will soon have the strength to rival Daming!
He was only thinking about development, and he didn't even think about the problem of guarding here.

These days, creating such a cornucopia without arranging enough guards is simply a gift to the colonial robbers!

Once people find out, they will definitely rush over to seize this place without hesitation.

Hearing this, Taichang couldn't help but solemnly said: "I have indeed overlooked this, how many troops do you think it will take to defend this place?"

Ni Yuanlu said without hesitation: "I believe that just to defend the key point of Xinma City, it will take at least 40 million horses. Adding in the guards of the entire Amazon River Basin, it will require at least 50 horses."

50 horses!
Where did I come from so many people?

Taichang looked at his beloved apprentice A Suzu, and suddenly said: "What do you mean, we recruit 50 soldiers from the primitive tribes here to guard the entire Amazon River Basin?"

Ni Yuanlu cupped his hands again and again and said, "The emperor is wise, and this humble minister means exactly that."

Well, for such an important place, it is not an exaggeration to recruit millions of troops to defend it.

Taichang immediately said to his beloved disciple: "Asuzu, you will give an order to recruit 50 Amazon allied forces to protect your homeland."

A Suzu hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Disciple understands."

Taichang then said to Ni Yuanlu: "You are in charge of the weapons and equipment for the 50 horsemen and the training of recruits. You can ask Boya to build the weapons and equipment, and you can call generals from the nearby Shenji Battalion and Shenwu Battalion for the training of recruits.

Also, how many Aegis ships and Spike warships you need, you should think about it carefully, and I will arrange it for you.

In short, we must guard this place. "

Ni Yuanlu hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "I understand."

They are discussing the defense of the Amazon River Basin here, and Lu Xiangsheng of the new Changzhou City of the Baoguo Government is also calling a group of generals to discuss the defense of the Dongnancheng Announcement Department.

Because he found that the Mughal Empire was mobilizing an army to attack the southeast by land and announced the political envoy!

The reason why he noticed the movement of the Mughal Empire in advance is thanks to Shah Jahan.

Shah Jahan didn't know whose suggestion he had listened to, so he even ordered people to smash the semicolon of the Ming Dynasty Western Company in Bengal, Mughal Empire, and robbed all the goods inside!

Fortunately, the Daming Western Company bribed the local high-ranking officials and got the news in advance, so they took the money and ran away on the merchant ship. Otherwise, the shopkeeper, shop assistant and all the guards of the Mughal Empire branch would probably be beaten alive die.

When Lu Xiangsheng received the news, he immediately noticed something was wrong.

The Mughal Empire had no enmity with Daming, and the location of the branch of the Daming Western Company was also taken from the Dutch. Logically speaking, even if they did not allow the Daming Western Company to do business there, they should have informed in advance.

It's definitely not normal for people to be so disregarded and directly send people to smash up the shop.

After he received the news, he immediately sent a large number of scouts to sneak into Bengal, the border between the Mughal Empire and Dongnan Chengxuan Zhengshisi to investigate. They were indeed gathering troops and preparing to attack Dongnan Chengxuan Zhengshisi.

Moreover, the people assembled are not just a little, but five to six million!

If there are only tens of thousands of horses, they may not launch an attack yet.

People have gathered 60 to [-] horses, so they must want to attack Dongnancheng to announce the political envoy.

Just kidding, if it wasn't for the purpose of attacking Dongnancheng and announcing the Political Commissioner, sending so many people to the Malay border to wander around would be crazy.

The food and wages of 60 million horses are at least one million taels a month, and to mobilize such a large army to gather at the border thousands of miles away from the hinterland of the country, at least several million stones of food must be prepared.

It is unknown how much manpower and material resources will be consumed for the grain transfer of these millions of stones.

It is impossible for people to be full of food. They have nothing to do with an army of 60 million and millions of shi of grain and ran to the border thousands of miles away from the hinterland of the country to hang out.

The problem is that this time, there are only [-] Shenwu Battalion soldiers and [-] Shenji Battalion soldiers in total in the Erxi Camp, and they have to guard the huge territory of Dongnan Chengxuan Zhengshisi and Nanyang Chengxuan Zhengshisi.

How can he resist this 60 million army?
(End of this chapter)

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