Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 818 War Mobilization Order

Chapter 818 War Mobilization Order

In the study room of the Emperor, Taichang stared at the latest world map, frowning and pondering for a long time.

It now appears that the anti-Habsburg coalition is bound to set off a world war.

The national power of the Mughal Empire was more than ten times weaker than that of Ming Dynasty, and they were able to conscript more than one million soldiers. If Ming Dynasty didn't expand its army, it would really be beaten everywhere.

This military expansion is definitely imperative, the question is how much to expand.

According to Ah San's crazy posture, it would not be an exaggeration for Daming to expand his army to tens of millions.

However, Daming does not have so many guards at the moment.

At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, there were nearly 300 million troops. After more than 200 years of guarding, the number of soldiers that the Ming Dynasty could recruit did not increase but decreased. I have to say, it is quite strange.

It is estimated that there are at most one million Tunwei that can be recruited at this moment. That is to say, after adding the 300 million soldiers of the Tunwei River Navy that were originally recruited, there will be about two hundred and forty-five million soldiers left after more than 200 years. Ten thousand.

Is this manpower enough?

If it is a peaceful age, this number of troops is naturally enough.

The problem is that a world war is about to break out at this moment, and this number of troops is definitely not enough.

So, besides Tunwei, who else can be recruited?
Is it a farmer?
This is definitely not possible. There is still a lot of uncultivated land in the territory that the Ming Dynasty has opened up. The number of farmers is not enough. If young and strong farmers are recruited to fight, there will be more uncultivated land.

Not to mention craftsmen and merchants, the number of these people is not enough, and young and strong are recruited to fight, it is simply a disease of the brain, just like Ah San.

Maybe you can consider recruiting a group of young men from Dongnan Chengxuan and Nanyang Chengxuan Political Envoys.

The population here is actually about the same as that of the Ming Dynasty. Moreover, many of them migrated from the Central Plains in the past dynasties. They are inextricably linked with the Ming Dynasty. It should be no problem to recruit a group of young men to fight.

More importantly, he has already decided to destroy the Mughal Empire, and he will definitely need a large number of troops to guard it by then.

It would be too troublesome to dispatch troops from other places, so it would be better to recruit troops from Dongnancheng and Nanyangcheng.

Thinking of this, Taichang said loudly to the door: "Ziru, order someone to ask Jiandou to come over."

To be honest, he doesn't know much about the people here.

He didn't know how many young men could be recruited here, he didn't know the quality of the soldiers here, and he didn't know how loyal the people here were to Daming.

It would be a bit too hasty to recruit soldiers blindly without knowing anything.

You have to ask Lu Xiangsheng, the Duke of Baoguo who is here to guard these things.

Lu Xiangsheng is busy at the moment, but the emperor dare not neglect him when he is summoned.

After he received the news, he rushed here in a hurry, and it was delayed for almost an hour.

After the ceremony, Taichang said bluntly: "Jiandou, I am going to announce the envoy from Dongnancheng and the envoy from Nanyangcheng to recruit soldiers. What do you think about the quality of the soldiers here? Is there any problem with their loyalty?"

Uh, this.

Lu Xiangsheng thought about it carefully, and then said cautiously: "The quality of the soldiers here is still good. As for the loyalty, if we can carefully screen and select descendants who are blood related to the common people of Ming Dynasty, it should not be a problem. "

Taichang then asked again: "Then how many recruits do you think we can recruit here, is there 100 million?"

My God, 100 million!

Of course there are, but it's scary to recruit so many at once, isn't it?
Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help asking cautiously: "Your Majesty, I dare to ask, why are you recruiting so many troops suddenly?
If it is just to deal with the Mughal Empire, it would be enough to recruit up to 50 people, right? "

The problem is that the Mughal Empire is just a pawn in the anti-Habsburg alliance, and the real master hasn't done anything yet.

Taichang explained in detail: "The Mughal Empire is nothing, they were fooled by the anti-Habsburg alliance to start war with us.

Our real enemy is the anti-Habsburg alliance or the colonial bandits in Europe, they are much stronger than the Mughal Empire.

You may not know that the Ottoman Empire and the Raksha Kingdom against the Habsburg alliance have already stationed troops on the northwestern border of Ming Dynasty.

They obviously want to start a world war, put the whole world under their control, and let them take it by force.

We can't take it lightly.

If you are not careful, it will be beyond redemption.

Therefore, we not only have to recruit millions of troops in the Southeast and Nanyang Chengxuan Political Envoys, but also gather all the troops that can be recruited, and expand the army by 100 million.

In this way, we can remain invincible. "

Well, it turns out that the anti-Habsburg coalition wants to start a war all over the world.

If this is the case, Da Ming really has to go all out to prepare for the battle.

Lu Xiangsheng quickly introduced: "Dongnan Cheng announced that the Political Envoy and Nanyang Cheng announced that it is not a problem for the Political Envoy to recruit millions of troops. Like the 30 young men who are building the city wall now, it is the Weichen who asked the chief political envoy Li Qing to pick them out. of.

These people are basically related to the people in Yunnan, Guizhou, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places, and there is basically no problem with their loyalty.

We only need to issue equipment to them, and after a good drill, they can go to the battlefield. "

So simple?
Taichang was stunned for a moment, then asked: "Are they willing to fight for Ming Dynasty?"

Lu Xiangsheng said without hesitation: "Your Majesty, as long as they are given enough food and salaries to support their families, they will definitely be willing to fight for Ming Dynasty.

Originally, they couldn't even get enough to eat here, and their clothes were basically a few rags. If Daming didn't fight over and take these places, they wouldn't be able to live a life of adequate food and clothing like they are now.

They still cherish their current life very much, as long as they can have no worries and protect their home and country, they are willing to define it. "

That's good.

Taichang asked again: "Then how much food and salary do you think is appropriate for them?"

Lu Xiangsheng thought about it for a while, and then said solemnly: "I feel that two stones per month should be enough.

This time, the Weichen recruited them to build the city walls and fortresses, and they paid one stone of grain and one tael of silver for a month's wages, and they could work day and night.

If you can double their food and wages, it will be no problem to let them work hard. "

Very good, this bit of food and salary is nothing at all.

Hearing this, Taichang immediately said without hesitation: "You will issue the governor's order later, to announce the political envoy department in Dongnancheng and the political envoy department in Nanyangcheng to recruit millions of troops.

Those who pass the screening will be pulled here by warships immediately to assemble. "

Uh, is this too hasty?
Hearing this, Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help reminding carefully: "Your Majesty, this is a battlefield. They don't have any weapons and equipment. How can they fight against the enemy?"

This problem is not big.

Without hesitation, Taichang said: "I will order people to pass the decree, ordering the arsenal over the Wubei City to make all-out weapons and equipment.

It is estimated that the black iron knife and gun head will be delivered within a month. As for the musket, artillery and black iron armor, it will not take a few months.

Anyway, we are going to spend a lot of time with the Mughal Empire here. In a few months, their potential should be almost exhausted.

At that time, the army will be almost ready to drill, and we will send troops to push all the way. "


Lu Xiangsheng thought for a while and asked cautiously: "Your Majesty, can the city wall in the forest to the north be stopped?"

Taichang said without hesitation: "It's almost enough, anyway, it's just a lookout function, so there are a few watchtowers.

People don’t have such high-precision telescopes as ours, and they can’t see so far at all, and they definitely won’t hide from the observation deck.

You select a group of generals from the Shenji Camp, reorganize the 30 young men and start training. "

Lu Xiangsheng hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "I understand."

After saying that, he bowed to leave and walked away quickly.

Taichang looked at his back, thought carefully for a while, and then said loudly: "Zi Ru, make a decree."

Hearing this, Cao Huachun quickly bowed and walked in, picked up a blank scroll and spread it out on the small table beside it.

Taichang immediately said solemnly: "The war mobilization order
A world war is about to start, and Ming needs to prepare for it with all his might.

I ordered that the West Camp announce the Political Envoy Division in Southeast Cheng and the Nanyang Cheng Announce the Political Envoy Division each to recruit 50 troops to form the Southeast Camp and Nanyang Camp.

I order that the Ministry of War will recruit all the guards of the right age into the army and expand the army by one million.

Among them, the four major battalions in the southeast, northwest and north each expanded their troops by 20, and were incorporated into the Shenji Battalion and the Shenwu Battalion to conduct garrison exercises on the spot.

The Ming Dynasty and Dongyang Cheng announced that the political and envoy divisions would each expand their troops by [-], and they would be assembled and transferred to the front line of the Western Daying Camp as soon as possible.

I ordered that all arsenals and shipyards under the Ministry of Industry start working at full capacity to build weapons and ships.

I ordered that the Ministry of Households immediately start hoarding grain and grass, buy all the surplus grain that can be purchased by the people, and send ships to transfer to the front line of Xidaying.

I ordered all the subordinate countries to prepare for war with all their strength and step up their military training to prevent foreign enemies from invading. "

The edict was a bit long, and Cao Huachun worked hard for a long time before finishing the edict.

Taichang read it carefully, and rubbed the big seal with his own hands, then picked it up and handed it to Cao Huachun, and confessed: "Immediately send someone to Xinjinling City to send a report, and send an edict to the two capitals of the Ming Dynasty, eighteen provinces and all overseas territories and territories. All subject states."

Cao Huachun hurriedly said "obey the order", then bowed and left, and walked away quickly.

The emperor of the Ming Empire issued a decree and issued a war mobilization order, which can be said to have caused a sensation in nearly half of the world.

At this moment, the area controlled by Da Ming is so large, from the grassland beyond the Great Wall to the extreme south, from the west of the southeast peninsula to the east coast of America, all Da Ming's territories and dependent countries have exploded.

What is the concept of world war?
No one has experienced it yet.

However, just hearing this name is scary enough, if the whole world fights, how tragic it will be!
Just after Taichang issued the war mobilization order, he suddenly thought of another question.

That is the problem of sea transportation.

At this moment, if the navy ships want to reach the front line of Dongnancheng Announcement, they have to detour to the new Jinling City and make a big circle, which is too troublesome.

If a canal can be opened in the south of Siam, at least four to five thousand miles can be saved.

These four or five thousand miles are four or five days, which is too important for war.

Thinking of this, he said loudly to the door: "Come here."

Fortunately, at this moment Cao Huachun has arranged for the messenger to come back.

He quickly walked in, bowed his hands and said, "Your Majesty, what are your orders?"

Taichang also ordered: "Immediately send a report and order the Ministry of Industry to send officials to southern Siam for surveys, and prepare to dig a canal to connect the southern waters of Siam and the front line of the southeast announcing the political envoy."

Uh, I have to send someone to send a report again!

Cao Huachun was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but suggested: "Your Majesty, you are here, why don't you let the Ministry of Industry send someone to pull the telegraph line?"

Whoops, that's a good suggestion.

In fact, the telegraph line is not far from the southeast front line at this moment, because the telegraph line leading to the new Jinling City is in Siam, and it should be very fast if we divide it into a line.

Hearing this, Taichang couldn't help approving: "Okay, Ziru, what you mentioned is very good, let's pass it on to the Ministry of Industry."

(End of this chapter)

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