Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 825 The British Are Confused

Chapter 825 The British Are Confused
In this battle, the Mughal Empire's million-strong army lost less than half. Will they be unable to withstand the withdrawal?

It is not only Taichang who is worried about this problem, but also Captain White of the United Kingdom.

He was originally sent to supervise the battle.

As a result, people didn't need him to urge them at all. It was a brain sickness to start a war, and he was a little terrified when he saw it.

The last battle across the river was fine, after all, there were only [-] Ming cavalry on the opposite side, and the infantry casualties of the Mughal Empire were only about [-].

This is not a big loss for the Mughal Empire, which has millions of troops.

This time the siege battle will be terrible.

He saw with his own eyes that 50 troops rushed up, and less than 30 came back, and more than half of the 30 were injured.

In other words, in this battle alone, the casualties exceeded 30.

If this is the case, the United Kingdom will definitely not be able to handle it, because after their crazy military expansion, they only have a total of 30 troops!

If Britain is as mentally ill as the Mughal Empire, they will perish after such a battle!

He really didn't know if the Mughal Empire could bear it or not.

Alas, what if the Mughal Empire couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to withdraw its troops?

How can he persuade others or fool them to continue fighting?

This is really a headache, the loss is too heavy, he doesn't know how to fool him.

He was standing there on his horse, when a translator from the Mughal Empire suddenly stepped up and saluted: "Dear Captain White, our Great Khan invites you and your instructors to go to the big tent of the Chinese army to celebrate the great victory. "


What big win?
Could it be that another sneak attacking army won a big victory?
Now it's all right, since people want to celebrate the big victory, they will naturally not withdraw their troops.

Upon hearing this, Captain White couldn't help but greeted several of his instructors with excitement, followed the interpreter, and galloped towards the Chinese army camp.

At this moment, the big tent of the Chinese army is already full of high-level officials, and it is very lively.

According to historical records, Shah Jahan liked to put on ostentation and engage in celebrations.

Whatever he does is extravagant, as if he can't run out of money.

For example, the Taj Mahal is famous for its luxury in the world, and his palace is even more luxurious than the Taj Mahal.

Even if he was going to fight abroad at the moment, he had someone build an extremely luxurious tent for thousands of people, which was specially used to celebrate the big victory.

However, this was the first time that this big tent was used, because they were all beaten badly by the cavalry of the Shenwu Battalion in the battle of crossing the river, and there was no reason to celebrate the victory at all.

Now it's all right, finally won a rare big victory, and finally can celebrate with great fanfare.

Shah Jahan ordered people to spread expensive Persian carpets in the luxurious tent early on, such as beef, mutton, chicken, fish, various fruits, etc., which are delicious, and the middle of each carpet is almost It's all full.

A group of high-ranking governors and generals sat around on the carpet early on, enjoying the delicious food and celebrating with excitement on their faces.

There were even many people who came to Shah Jahan from time to time and flattered him so hard that Shah Jahan couldn't even close his mouth.

Captain White walked in to see the grand occasion, and he was also very happy.

It seems that the Mughal Empire really won a rare victory, otherwise there would not be such a big celebration scene.

Soon, his subordinates were led to enjoy delicious food on a carpet, while he and the translator were led to the carpet where Shah Jahan sat cross-legged.

There are not many people sitting around on this carpet.

At this moment, there are only three people sitting cross-legged above, that is, Shah Jahan, Shahshuja, and Aurangzeb and his son.

Shah Jahan seemed to be very satisfied with the muskets and artillery provided by the anti-Habsburg alliance, so he asked Captain White to be brought here and sat cross-legged on a carpet with him.

This treatment is actually quite good.

Captain White carefully sat down cross-legged, secretly looked at the three father and son, and the whole person was momentarily stunned.

How is this going?

Shah Jahan and Shahshuja had smiles on their faces, as if they were really celebrating the victory, while Aurangzeb was completely blank, as if the victory had nothing to do with him.

It seems that Aurangzeb is the prince responsible for the sneak attack, right?
Shah Jahan understood Captain White's expression.

This precious son likes to keep a straight face all day long, and he can't help it.

He could only say hello: "Captain White, you're welcome, take whatever you want."

Upon hearing this, Captain White quickly picked up a roasted chicken leg and stuffed it into his mouth to chew.

There is no way, people grab it with their hands, and there is no knife and fork at all.

Moreover, most of the things they make are yellow paste, which looks really disgusting.
He could only grab the grilled chicken leg and bite.

Seeing that Captain White had eaten, Shah Jahan couldn't help but sighed slightly: "Aurangzeb, eat something too, don't just sit around all the time."

Aurangzeb still didn't do anything, but he did speak.

He pretended to be worried, and said heavily: "It seems that the defense point of the Ming army is not on the city wall. They probably think that we can't conquer the city wall, and the only hope is to go around and sneak attack, so all the main forces Concentrate behind the line of defense to prevent us from sneak attacking.

If this is the case, the team I sent to sneak attack will be in danger. "

He is actually taking the opportunity to shirk responsibility.

Because he already felt something was wrong.

In any case, it is impossible for the Ming Empire not to be able to dispatch any reinforcements in more than four months.

The problem, judging from the situation described by Shahshuja, the Ming army on the city wall has not increased, and it is still about 10.

Where did the reinforcements sent by the Ming Empire go?

Don't think about it, it must be the team sent to besiege their sneak attack.

It is very likely that the 20 people sent to sneak attack this time will be defeated or even wiped out.

He had to clarify the situation in advance.

Don't let Shahshuja become a great hero, but he will become a big sinner.

Shah Jahan nodded slightly when he heard the words, and then comforted him: "It doesn't matter, even if there are only 20 casualties in the sneak attack, we can just order people to recruit.

If the Ming army really put the focus on the back to prevent us from sneaking, then we should not go to sneaking at all.

We concentrated all our forces and directly attacked the front wall.

Anyway, there are only so many people guarding the front wall of the house, and this time Shahshuja killed most of them.

At that time, we will build more siege equipment, and then concentrate all our troops to press it up. It is estimated that we will be able to conquer the frontal city wall. "

What are the two father and son talking about?

Captain White couldn't help turning his head to look at the interpreter behind him.

The translator quickly bent down and explained to him carefully.

When Captain White heard this, he was stunned again.

Are you kidding me?
Shahshuja has won big!
How did this victory come about?

He saw with his own eyes that the army that rushed forward was bombarded by the Ming army and suffered heavy casualties, as well as the raging fire. It is estimated that no less than [-] people were burned to death.

An army of 50 rushed forward, and less than 30 escaped. The Ming army only had 10 horses in total. In the end, they gave you two rounds of accurate shelling.

This proves that they didn't have much loss at all.

You lost more than 20 horses, and others may lose less than [-]. What do you call a big victory?
He really couldn't understand what kind of victory this was.

Seeing this, Shah Jahan said with a smile on his face: "Captain White, your artillery is really powerful, can you give us some more?

If we want to break through the city walls of the Ming army, more than a thousand cannons alone are not enough, and at least two thousand cannons are needed to suppress their firepower.

Moreover, after we break through the defense line of the Ming army, they will definitely hide in the city to defend, and artillery will still be needed to suppress it. "

Uh, are you still suppressing the firepower of the Ming army?

Neither the range of the artillery nor the speed of loading ammunition of the Ming army is comparable to the junk artillery we provide.

Moreover, the walls of the city are densely packed with artillery, at least tens of thousands of them.

If you want to suppress the firepower of the Ming army, you need at least tens of thousands of artillery pieces.

With two thousand cannons, you just want to break through other people's defenses. You are probably dreaming!
Of course, he wouldn't say that.

Also, he will not expose Shahshuja's lies.

At this moment, he was afraid that people would not go up, as long as people were willing to go up, it didn't matter even if they boasted to the sky.

Captain White was stunned for a moment, then nodded repeatedly: "There is no problem with the artillery, you can tell me how many guns you want, and I will try my best to pass the news back to Europe.

However, the next trip may be too late.

You will have to wait several months for more artillery to arrive. "

Upon hearing this, Shah Jahan asked again: "How many artillery pieces do you estimate will be sent on the next trip?"

There is no need to estimate this. When the battle situation is unknown, it is impossible for us to send you too many artillery pieces. If we send you to inflate your strength, how will we deal with you in the future?

Captain White pretended to estimate: "The next trip should be a thousand cannons, because you didn't make any special requests when the Earl of Strafford went back last time, and he probably won't bring more cannons."

Almost a thousand doors.

Hearing this, Shah Jahan couldn't help but excitedly said: "Including the artillery sent over next time, we have more than [-] artillery pieces, and it shouldn't be a problem to conquer the defense line of the Ming army.

As for the latter, you can take your time, it doesn't matter. "

Buy cakes, don't do this!
Listen to Shah Shuja talking nonsense!
Two thousand cannons don't even think about breaking through the defense line of the Ming army. Don't you lose too much and withdraw your troops in fright!
Besides, we are not asking you to deliver food to the Ming army, you have to really consume the strength of the Ming army.

You withdrew without hurting the Ming army like this, how can I explain when I go back?

Captain White hurriedly persuaded: "Khan, I think you still need to consider reinforcements from the Ming army.

If you attack the front wall with all your strength, the Ming army will send reinforcements up to defend. At that time, their combat power will at least double.

It is estimated that [-] artillery pieces will not be able to suppress them, at least [-] pieces will be needed. "

This is quite reasonable.

Shah Jahan nodded repeatedly and said: "You are right, we have to consider the situation that the Ming army sent reinforcements.

How about this, you try to find a way to notify Europe as soon as possible, and send us another two thousand artillery pieces.

We can also use this period of time to supplement the battle damage, and gather millions of troops before launching an attack. "

Are you still recruiting like crazy?
Very good!
We like you sick-brained ones.

Captain White nodded repeatedly: "Okay, I'll send someone to send the news back to Europe later, and try to get them to send the other [-] cannons as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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