Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 851 Unbearable Ah 3

Chapter 851
The Ming army was in full swing all the way, advancing more than [-] miles in less than a month, and the large and small cities along the way were not scared to surrender after being conquered by it.

Captain White was distraught when he received the news.

It can't go on like this!
If the Mughal Empire can't last for more than two months, it will be useless for their next batch of muskets and artillery to be sent over.

Delhi is not near the mouth of the Ganges River, and the lower reaches of the Ganges River have been occupied by the Ming army at this moment, and their warships cannot reach here at all.

If they wanted to transport muskets and artillery, they could only land from the west coast of the Mughal Empire, and then transport them by land over 2000 miles.

In this way, the combined sea and land routes will take at least three months. If the Mughal Empire cannot persist for more than two months, what is the use of sending muskets and artillery?

He had no choice but to consult with the great Khan Darashuko who succeeded him.

Unexpectedly, when he entered the palace, he saw that these guys were packing up their things!
What is this for?
Do these guys want to escape!

After seeing Darashuko, he couldn't help asking: "Khan, what are you doing packing up?"

Dara Shuke said with a little helplessness: "The offensive of the Ming Empire is too fierce, we can't resist it at all, so we want to retreat to the northwest."

It is not impossible to retreat, as long as they can avoid the sharp edge of the Ming army, the Mughal Empire can still continue to summon large troops to consume the Ming army.

Question, why are you retreating to the northwest?
The farther you evacuate to the northwest, the farther you will be from the coastline. How can we send muskets and artillery to your hands.

Hearing this, Captain White hurriedly persuaded him, "Khan, don't retreat to the northwest. After you retreat to the northwest, you will be at least three or four thousand miles away from the coastline. How can we deliver the guns and cannons to you?

Why don't you retreat to the southwest, if you can retreat to the coastline, we can directly deliver the muskets and artillery to your hands. "

Darashuko shook his head without hesitation and said, "No, we can't retreat near the coastline.

The navy of the Ming Empire is too powerful, they have five or six thousand warships just entering the Ganges River!

Can your navy beat theirs? "

Uh, this.

Captain White couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this.

The Dutch navy can't beat the navy of the Ming Empire, how can they beat the navy of the Ming Empire?

Now even if the anti-Habsburg alliance rushes all the warships together, they may not be able to beat the navy of the Ming Empire!

Captain White was stunned for a while, and then asked: "Then where are you going to retreat?"

Dara Shuke said without hesitation: "We are going to retreat to the old place of Samarkand, which is far away from the coastline, and the mountains along the way are criss-crossed and the terrain is complicated. The Ming Empire is not familiar with the terrain, so it is impossible to pass.

As long as we can retreat back to Samarkand, we will be safe. "

Are you still safe?

We don't care if you are safe or not, what we need is for you to go all out to hold down the Ming Empire and consume the strength of the Ming Empire!

Of course, this cannot be said in the same way.

Captain White thought for a while and couldn't help saying: "Samarkand seems to be still northwest of Kabul. Now Kabul is still in the hands of the Persian Empire. How do you withdraw to Samarkand?"

Unexpectedly, Darashuko was still full of self-confidence: "We still have 20 troops near Kabul. As long as you can sell us enough guns and artillery, it will not be a problem to take Kabul and recover Samarkand. It is not a problem for the Persian Empire to dominate the whole of Central Asia.”

This is not a problem, I am afraid there is a serious problem in your mind!
Captain White is so angry.

These guys, going around, still want to run to fight the Persian Empire.

Why are you running to fight the Persian Empire?
We want you to fight against the Ming Empire!

Captain White thought for a while, and then pretended to be embarrassed: "I'm afraid we can't do anything about it.

Our enemy is the Ming Empire, not the Persian Empire.

If you don't fight the Ming Empire, it is impossible for us to sell you muskets and artillery. "

Hearing this, Dara Shuke couldn't help frowning and said: "The problem, the Ming Empire is too powerful, we can't beat it at all!"

I don't care if you can fight or not, you have to fight if you can't, even if you wipe out everyone, you have to hold back the Ming Empire!

Captain White thought for a while, and then said foolishly: "Khan, you may have overestimated the strength of the Ming Empire a little bit.

The reason why you failed to defeat the Ming Empire in the last war was because they defended and you attacked.

Think about it, they are protected by the city wall, and the artillery can't hit them at all, but you don't have the protection of the city wall, and they can kill a lot of people with a single shot. Isn't it a disadvantage to fight like this?

The reverse is actually the same.

As long as our muskets and artillery arrive, it will be no problem for you to concentrate your forces to defend some large cities. "

real or fake?

When Dara Shuke heard the words, he doubted: "Then what should we do now, the Ming army's offensive is so fierce, we must not be able to hold on until your next batch of weapons arrives, we have to retreat."

It's okay to retreat, you retreat to the southwest!

Captain White thought for a while, and then suggested: "Why don't you retreat to Hyderabad near the mouth of the Indus River, so that our warships can directly deliver the guns and artillery to your hands."

Dara Shuke shook his head without hesitation and said, "No way, it's too close to the sea. Once the Ming Empire's navy comes over, we won't be able to run away."

Just know how to escape.

Can you be any more useless?

He didn't know the common saying that mud can't support the wall, but if he knew it, he would definitely scold these gangsters as mud that couldn't support the wall in his heart!
Captain White said helplessly: "Then do you think it would be better to evacuate there?"

I think it's best to evacuate to Samarkand!

You are not willing to sell us muskets and artillery to attack Kabul and Samarkand.

Dara Shuke had no choice but to order someone to fetch the map and spread it between the two of them.

He stared at the map for a long time before hesitatingly said: "How about we retreat to Lahore first, you can see here.

Here a tributary of the Indus flows, and here is our old capital, which is more fortified than Delhi. If you can sell us enough muskets and artillery, we should be able to hold it. "

Captain White craned his neck to look, and couldn't help frowning.

There are still more than 1000 miles from the coastline, and all go to the tip of the tributary of the Indus River.

He thought for a while, then pointed to the two cities on the main trunk of the Indus River and said, "Why don't you retreat to Sukkur or Multan, these two cities are still on the main trunk of the Indus River. Might still be able to drive through.

If you withdraw to Lahore, our warships will not be able to sail through at all! "

Dara Shuke shook his head again and again and said, "No way, if your warships can go there, the warships of the Ming Empire can go there, isn't that the same as Hyderabad?

The river in Lahore is relatively narrow, and the warships of the Ming Empire must not be able to sail through it.

We have plenty of light boats over there, and I'll just send the boats to fetch muskets and cannons. "

You scaredy-cat!
Captain White said helplessly: "Then it's settled. You withdraw to Lahore. I will send someone to ride a fast horse to our supply point on the west coast to leave a message. At that time, our warship will send the guns and artillery to India. The main trunk of the river, you just need to send a boat to pick it up.”

Darashuko nodded hesitantly and said, "Okay, let's retreat to Lahore tomorrow morning."

Hearing this, Captain White couldn't help sighing inwardly: "Oh, the Mughal Empire is too bad.

There are more than 200 million troops, and we have supported so many muskets and artillery, and they were completely defeated in less than a year! "

He really didn't know how long the Mughal Empire could last.

More than a month passed in the blink of an eye, and Lu Xiangsheng finally led his army to Delhi, the capital of the Mughal Empire.

He boarded the podium on the top of the flagship, raised his binoculars and scanned the city, he couldn't help being dumbfounded.

There is no one defending their capital!
Obviously, these Ah Sans ran away!

He quickly ordered Qin Yiming and Qin Gongming to lead the army to escort Ahara and his party into the city to investigate the situation.

Not long after, Ahara hurried back to the port with his interpreter, boarded the handsome ship, came to the top podium, bowed his hands and said: "Lord Lu, all the royal families of the Mughal Empire They ran away, and there was no one in the palace."


Lu Xiangsheng asked helplessly, "Do you know where they went?"

Hearing this, Ahara couldn't help but said in embarrassment: "This, we haven't found out yet, because none of the high-caste ministers and military officers in the city have disappeared. Civilians!"

Hmph, do you think I don't know where you guys are going?

Lu Xiangsheng snorted secretly, and then ordered decisively: "Order, order Qin Yiming and Qin Gongming to send all the scouts to go around the city to check and see where the high-level officials of the Mughal Empire have gone."

Fortunately, although the person ran away, there were still many traces left behind.

Although these traces were a bit blurry after being exposed to the sun and rain, they still couldn't escape the eyes of the scouts from the Shenji Camp.

Not long after, Qin Yiming galloped to the pier, boarded the flagship in a hurry, bowed his hands and said: "My lord, our scouts found that there were many wheel marks left intermittently in the northwest direction. Judging from these marks, there are at least hundreds of A carriage with a heavy load went that way a month ago."

Northwest direction?

Lu Xiangsheng immediately ordered someone to take out the map and take a closer look, and he couldn't help but understand it.

The map shows that more than [-] miles to the northwest is Lahore, the old capital of the Mughal Empire. They probably fled to Lahore!
To chase or not?

This is a problem.

If the Shenwu Battalion was there, he would definitely try to catch up without hesitation.

Because the cavalry can run at least two or three hundred miles a day, and it takes three or four days to run more than eight hundred miles.

The problem is that he has all infantry under his hands at the moment, and Lahore belongs to the Indus River Basin, and there is no waterway connected to it at all.

If he ordered his infantry to chase after him with food, supplies, artillery and ammunition, it would take at least half a month to reach Lahore.

Moreover, the pace of the pawns is too slow, and people will definitely know the news in advance.

At that time, if people continue to run away, it will be troublesome.

He frowned and pondered for a while, and still said to a personal guard beside him: "You quickly take a flying dragon battleship to Xinwuwei City, and report to the emperor.

The royal family and civil and military officials of the Mughal Empire have fled to the old capital Lahore. Please show us what we should do next. "

(End of this chapter)

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