Chapter 856

In the camp of the Ming army outside the city of Lahore, the tall generals stood on the stage.

Lu Xiangsheng glanced carefully at the defenders on the city wall with his binoculars, and then said solemnly: "Zushou, I am determined to mobilize 30 Shenji Battalions to capture the city wall from the east, and you will lead the Shenwu Battalion to guard the southwestern sides. We must not let anyone in the city go, is there any problem?"

This time he brought a total of 30 soldiers from the Shenji Battalion and [-] soldiers from the Southeast Battalion. The Southeast Battalion was responsible for guarding the north, which was the easiest to defend, while the Shenji Battalion was in charge of the three sides.

Although the city of Lahore is not very big, the walls on each side are more than ten miles long. Attacking from three sides or four sides is a bit too scattered. Therefore, he decided to concentrate 30 soldiers from the Shenji Battalion to attack the east.

In this way, there will be no one stationed on the southwest sides.

Fortunately, the 20 cavalry from the Shenwu Battalion came, and the armored cavalry would crush Ah San, who was mainly infantry. Even if all [-] people rushed out of the city, they would not be the opponent of the [-] cavalry from the Shenwu Battalion.

Moreover, Sun Zushou is particularly good at fighting blocking battles. It should be no problem to lead 20 cavalry to block [-] horses and prevent them from running away.

Sure enough, Sun Zushou cupped his hands without hesitation and said, "Don't worry, my lord, the general will never let anyone from the Mughal Empire escape."

Lu Xiangsheng nodded slightly, and then said decisively: "That's okay, you first lead the cavalry from the Shenwu Battalion to camp in the southwest direction, rest for a night, and I will gather an army to attack the city early tomorrow morning."

In fact, Lu Xiangsheng wanted to attack the city a long time ago, but Taichang was worried that the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion would suffer too many casualties, so he never agreed.

Now it's all right, the Shenwu Camp has pulled tens of thousands of [-]-jin Thor cannons, lined up, covering the entire eastern city wall without any problem.

Early the next morning, Mao Shi arrived, and the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion stationed on the east, west, and south sides began to move.

The soldiers of the Shenji Battalion on both sides of the southwest rushed to the east with their weapons and equipment, while the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion on the east side pushed tens of thousands of [-]-jin Thor cannons out of the camp, and lined up about five miles in front of the city wall. open.

At about Chen, 30 troops had gathered.

Lu Xiangsheng ordered decisively: "Yi Ming, you lead 10 men and horses to control the [-]-jin Thor cannon."

Qin Yiming was originally in charge of guarding the west, and his [-] soldiers from the Shenji Battalion had all rushed here for more than [-] miles, and their physical strength was relatively exhausted at the moment.

Therefore, Lu Xiangsheng asked his [-] soldiers to take charge of the easiest job, which was firing cannons.

Qin Yiming cupped his hands without hesitation and said, "The general will obey."

After finishing speaking, he turned his horse's head and led his soldiers to take over tens of thousands of [-]-jin Thor cannons.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Xiangsheng ordered again: "Gong Ming, once the five hundred catties of Thor cannons fire and suppress the defenders on the city wall, you will lead 10 men under your command to take [-] two hundred catties of Thor cannons and five thousand A rocket launcher was lifted a mile in front of the city wall, fired ceramic incendiary bombs and rockets, and set the top of the city wall on fire."

Qin Gongming also cupped his hands without hesitation and said: "The general will understand."

After that, he also turned his horse's head, and prepared to go with his soldiers.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Xiangsheng ordered again: "Dabi, once the city wall is on fire, you will rush up with 10 men and horses carrying [-] ladders to take down the eastern city wall."

Their siege was not as flashy as Ah San's, it was a ladder of about two feet.

Zu Dabi cupped his hands excitedly and said, "I will understand in the end."

After that, he also turned his horse's head and directed his soldiers to prepare to go.

At this time, Darashuko on the city wall was already pale with fright.

He seemed to understand that the Anti-Habsburg Alliance was using them. Not only did they take away an unknown amount of gold, silver and resources, but they also made them foolishly fight against the Ming Empire.

Originally, he believed Captain White's nonsense, thinking that it would be no problem for 20 troops plus [-] artillery pieces and [-] muskets to defend Lahore.

Now, as soon as the Ming Empire put out the artillery, he understood that they couldn't hold it at all!

The dense row of people is as wide as the city wall, and there are at least tens of thousands of artillery pieces.

This is not all.

There are still several rows behind the tens of thousands of artillery pieces!

How could they hold it?
Ah San has mental problems, but she is not a fool.

In this case, if you don't surrender, you are really dead.

Darashuko hesitated for a while, and finally made the most correct decision in his life, which was to surrender!
Of course, this surrender is not an unconditional surrender. He must at least ensure that he will not be slaughtered after surrendering.

He thought for a while, and then said decisively: "Quickly, raise the white flag."

white flag?

The governor and generals behind him were dumbfounded.

It's not that they are unwilling to surrender, the problem is that they didn't prepare a white flag!
Would someone as confident as they be prepared to prepare a white flag?

Fortunately, the clothes of their soldiers are basically made of white cloth.

Soon, a general recruited a pawn, ordered him to strip off his clothes, then tied a spear to it, and swung it vigorously.

Seeing this, Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help being taken aback.

This group of Asan actually knew to surrender!
Question, what is the use of waving the white flag when you surrender?

You don't open the gates of the city, is this called surrender?

Soon, people played the semaphore again, which probably meant that they wanted to talk.

To talk or not to talk?

Lu Xiangsheng considered it for a while, and said loudly: "Broadcast to Ahala."

His goal is to take down Lahore, not to fight others desperately. It is naturally the best not to fight.

After all, they also have artillery, and there are many more. More importantly, the city wall of Lahore is not low, and it is still a bit difficult to attack.

The soldiers of the Shenji Battalion charged so hard, the casualties were estimated to be at least tens of thousands.

Why did he let these tens of thousands of soldiers die in vain?
Ahara didn't know that Darashuko was about to surrender.

With a puzzled expression on his face, he brought the translator on his horse and came to the general platform to give an order, then bowed his hands and said, "My lord, what are your orders?"

Lu Xiangsheng said without hesitation: "They raised the white flag, as if they were about to surrender, but they seem to have conditions, so go and ask them immediately what conditions they have."

Uh, this.

Ahara hesitated for a moment, but still bowed his hands and said, "Of course, my lord."

After finishing speaking, he turned his horse's head, gritted his teeth and galloped towards the city wall.

There's no way, although he doesn't know the saying that wealth and wealth are in danger, but he also knows that it is not so easy to obtain the status of a governor.

Dianjiangtai was less than ten miles away from the city wall. He rode his horse and galloped all the way, and soon came under the city wall where the white flag was erected.

He is also a high-caste officer anyway, and he has naturally seen Dara Shuke.

At this moment, he didn't need to care whether he was sweating profusely or not, he was about to surrender anyway.

He asked without hesitation: "What conditions do you have, tell me quickly."

Darashuko didn't know this kind of ordinary high-caste officer, but he could recognize it as soon as he heard it.

This kind of Persian with the characteristics of the Mughal Empire can only be spoken by their own high-caste military officers.

You traitor!
Darashuko really wanted to scold him, but he still endured it after thinking about it.

Forget it, I'm going to surrender anyway, so why bother.

He said helplessly: "Our condition is very simple. If we want us to surrender, we must ensure that we and our family members will not be executed. Moreover, we must leave some money so that we can live in the future."

This condition is indeed very simple.

However, what the emperor meant was to kill all the royal family of the Mughal Empire!

Can he agree?
If he agrees, Lahore can be taken without bloodshed.

If he disagreed, at least tens of thousands of soldiers of the Shenji Battalion would be killed or killed.

How to choose this?

If the emperor is here, he will definitely choose to save the lives of the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion!

As for these royal families of the Mughal Empire, the territory of Ming Dynasty is so large, if they are dragged tens of thousands of miles away to be guarded, they will never come back in this life.

After listening to Ahara's report, Lu Xiangsheng frowned and pondered for a while, then gritted his teeth and nodded: "Okay, I promise not to kill them. As for the money, it's a trivial matter. You can leave some for them."

After hearing the translation from the soldiers of the Southeast Camp, Ahara hurriedly rode his horse to the city wall again.

After listening to his report, Dara Shuko hesitated for a moment, but still gritted his teeth and ordered: "Open the city gate and surrender!"

The royal family of the Mughal Empire and the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty, including 20 troops, just surrendered!
In order to explain to Taichang, Lu Xiangsheng personally escorted the royal family of the Mughal Empire and all the high-level officials to Delhi City with tens of thousands of cavalry from the Shenwu Battalion, and then escorted them to the Flying Dragon Warship and headed straight for Xinwuwei City.

Taichang is also anxiously waiting for the news from Lahore City at this moment, because he has already received the telegram.

The King of Spain actually wrote a letter himself, asking him to help defeat the anti-Habsburg alliance!
This is a great opportunity to enter Europe.

He plans to personally lead the army to the European continent, defeat the anti-Habsburg alliance, and win a few pieces of land there, let Ming's forces enter the European continent, and directly suppress these colonial robbers so that they cannot develop !

In this way, he no longer has to worry that the European colonial bandits will be detrimental to Daming in the future.

The problem is that Lu Xiangsheng is besieging Lahore right now, and he can't leave immediately.

Because he had to wait until Lahore was taken, and the Lu Xiangsheng came back to discuss it before he could determine how many troops and ships he would take to Europe.

Unexpectedly, Lu Xiangsheng not only captured the city of Lahore without bloodshed, but even personally escorted the royal family and high-level members of the Mughal Empire to come here.

This saved him half a month of time!

When Taichang received the news, he immediately ordered Lu Xiang to be recruited to the meeting room on the Emperor where the detailed map of the Mughal Empire was placed.

To be honest, Lu Xiangsheng is still a little nervous right now.

Because he made his own claims and agreed to other people's conditions.

He really didn't know how to explain this matter to Taichang.

Unexpectedly, when Taichang saw him coming in, he immediately said with a smile on his face: "Jiandou, it's great that you can come here, and I plan to order someone to call you over after receiving the news that you have taken down Lahore City." Woolen cloth."

Uh, this.

Lu Xiangsheng was a little puzzled and said: "Your Majesty, do you have any urgent needs to find my minister?"

Taichang nodded slightly and said: "Yes, there has been a fight over Oulu, and I have to personally lead the army to support it. You haven't arranged it well, and I can't leave yet.

Fortunately, you came here by yourself, otherwise, the round-trip summons would have delayed at least half a month. "

Well, this is purely sideways.

Lu Xiangsheng thought for a while, and explained carefully: "Your Majesty, it's like this. When Darashuko surrendered, he put forward conditions, saying that after the surrender, we can't kill them, and we have to leave some money for them.

In order to avoid the casualties of the soldiers of Shenji Battalion, Weichen agreed to his condition.

Your Majesty, because the journey was too far, the army was ready to attack the city again.

Therefore, I made a claim without asking you for instructions, and I ask the emperor to forgive me. "

What is this.

Taichang shook his head slightly and said: "It's okay, it doesn't make much difference whether to kill them or not.

This time I took them directly to the Americas, and settled them on any island in the Western Yindu Islands, and then sent someone to watch them. They will definitely never come back in this life.

Let's discuss how to control the entire Mughal Empire next, and how many troops and ships are needed. "

(End of this chapter)

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