Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 861 Louis 3 wants to surrender

Chapter 861 Louis XIII Wants to Surrender

The fleet of the Ming Empire began to scout on the east and north coasts of France.

Britain, Sweden, and Denmark sent people to inform them one after another that their army could not come.

Their excuse was that the mainland must strengthen its defenses, and they even demanded that the naval warships be transferred back.

At this moment, Duke Richelieu really panicked.

How could they beat the Ming Empire with just France, not to mention, they have Spain to the south and the Holy Roman Empire to the west!

If the Ming Empire, Spain, and the Holy Roman Empire attack on three sides or even four sides, France will be finished.

How to do?
He can only go to King Louis XIII to discuss.

King Louis XIII of France can be said to be a well-known faint king in the history of continental Europe.

How stupid can he be?

He doesn't care about state affairs at all, he just likes hunting.

He is introverted, gloomy, weak, and too lazy to communicate with others, so that his biological mother doesn't like him, and even wants to replace him with his younger brother, Prince Gaston.

And his queen, it is rumored that he married Felipe IV's sister for decades without saying a few words.

Instead, he preferred the queen's two beautiful maids.

As a result, Duke Richelieu secretly made these two maids!

He also fell in love with Mars, who sold his lust for power, and fell in love with him to death.

This Mars was not a beautiful woman, but a handsome man, and he was secretly sent by his brother, Prince Gaston, to deal with him.

As a result, Richelieu sent this Mars to the guillotine again.

He died so depressed!

Such a fatuous and incompetent king, not to mention his son Sun King Louis XIV, even his father Henry IV is many times stronger than him.

However, he has an advantage, that is, he trusts Duke Richelieu unconditionally.

Even though the Duke of Richelieu killed all the women and men he loved most, he still obeyed the Duke of Richelieu.

This point, all the kings of the world have been unable to do it for thousands of years!

In history, it is precisely because of this that he left a powerful France to his son, allowing the Sun King Louis XIV to shine on the entire European continent and even the entire world.

However, it seems to be impossible at the moment, because the Ming Empire is about to fight over.

After listening to Duke Richelieu's report, Louis XIII still had a lazy expression on his face.

He didn't even bother to think about it, and said without hesitation: "Why do you ask me about these things, you can handle them yourself."

Duke Richelieu is speechless, will I come to ask you after I can deal with it?

He said helplessly: "Your Majesty, I'm afraid we won't be able to defeat this time. Spain, the Holy Roman Empire, and the Ming Empire are all stronger than us. Once they besiege from three sides or even four sides, we will lose."

Can't beat it?
Louis XIII still lazily said: "If you can't beat it, then surrender, not this time, we will win it back next time."


Is this what a king should say?
Duke Richelieu frowned when he heard this.

However, he did not teach Louis XIII a lesson.

It is true that he is a powerful minister, but he is not a powerful minister who wants to usurp the throne.

A king like Louis XIII who doesn't want to care about anything is the most suitable king for him. He is still very good to Louis XIII, or he is still quite loyal to Louis XIII.

This has not officially started yet, as the king Louis XIII wanted to surrender, he was really a little speechless.

Surrender, possible?

What if you don't surrender?

He thought about it carefully, and suddenly a bright light flashed in his eyes.

That's right, surrender if you can't beat it, if you can't do it this time, try another time!

If they try their best to fight the Ming Empire and the Habsburg Dynasty, then there will probably be no next time!
Thinking of this, he nodded slightly and said: "Your Majesty is right. If we really can't win, we'll just surrender. As long as we keep our strength, we'll still have a chance next time."

Louis XIII waved his hand very simply and said: "Okay, you can figure it out, if you can't beat us, you will surrender."

What do you mean, are you telling me to leave?

Duke Richelieu said helplessly: "Your Majesty, even though we can't beat him, we still have to try.

We have to transfer 20 troops to Normandy to build fortresses, and we have to transfer [-] troops to guard Paris. "

Alas, the army has to be mobilized again.

Louis XIII raised his hand helplessly and said, "What about the official documents for mobilizing the army?"

Duke Richelieu hastily took out the official documents he had prepared from his arms.

Louis XIII signed his name without hesitation, and then stamped his seal.

Immediately afterwards, the Duke of Richelieu began to mobilize the army.

He wrote a secret letter to the leading generals from all walks of life. The general meaning was to teach them to judge the situation and withdraw quickly when they felt that they could not win. Withdrew in the direction of Paris to preserve their strength as much as possible.

This really confused the leading generals from all walks of life.

Because he only wrote a letter a few days ago to warn the leading generals from all walks of life not to influence the entire battle situation in order to preserve their strength.

It's good this time, the opposite came directly, and I have to save my strength again!

What the hell do you mean you old fox?
The Duke of Richelieu really wanted to preserve his strength in order to make a comeback.

He even ordered people to go to the Netherlands and tell the French craftsmen working in the shipyard there that once the Ming Empire Navy hits the Netherlands, they will immediately steal the blueprints and run back!
Spanish King Felipe IV didn't know that French King Louis XIII and Duke Richelieu were ready to surrender.

At this moment, he was frowning and thinking with Taichang's handwritten letter.

What does the emperor of the Ming Empire mean?
This guy actually came to Europe himself, and brought thousands of warships and millions of troops!
Could it be that this guy really wants to fight against the Habsburg League?

If people want to, they really have this strength.

The problem is that he is afraid that people are pretending to fool him into fighting the anti-Habsburg alliance.

At that time, both the Habsburg dynasty and the anti-Habsburg alliance will be exhausted, and thousands of warships and millions of troops will be enough to clean them up!
This kind of thing has to be guarded against, but such a good opportunity cannot be missed.

He frowned and pondered for a while, and then said solemnly: "Ocundo, you lead the army directly to the northern border, and next, I will mobilize all the troops to go there and prepare to invade France.

This time, you are the commander in chief.

You have to remember one thing, if the Ming Empire doesn't do it, you can't do it. "

That's his nature, since he has made all bets, he will bet to the end, as long as the Ming Empire really sends troops to attack northern France, they will follow suit!

So, will the Ming Empire send troops to attack northern France?
of course!
At the moment, Taichang is looking at the detailed map of the Normandy coastline and meditating.

He really didn't expect that all the warships of the anti-Habsburg alliance would hide in the three large ports in Normandy.

This is really a bit troublesome, but it's not too much trouble.

Because other people's wooden warships are not a big threat to them, dreadnoughts and aegis ships are not something that ordinary ship-based artillery can move.

Unless people can rely on their numerical advantage to bombard the dreadnoughts and Aegis ships, so that each dreadnought and Aegis ships will be hit with at least a few hundred shells, otherwise, they will not be able to break through the dreadnoughts and Aegis ships. defense.

Their biggest threat is the coastal defense gun. As long as the 24-pound coastal defense gun is loaded, that gun can flatten a basalt shield. If the two guns hit the same place, neither the dreadnought nor the Aegis ship can withstand it.

Perhaps, you can consider using infantry to cooperate with dreadnoughts and Aegis ships to launch an attack.

Because the artillery of the general coastal forts and forts are basically facing the direction of the sea, even if there are artillery behind them, there must not be many.

This time, the [-] soldiers of the Shenji Battalion had a major change of outfit. They were fully equipped with tens of thousands of [-]-jin Thor cannons, and they were all equipped with sports cars and war horses, so they could move relatively quickly.

Moreover, Normandy is really very suitable for landing, and there are more than a dozen landing areas marked by Zheng Zhikui.

The problem is that the one hundred thousand soldiers of the Shenji Battalion and the one hundred thousand soldiers of the Shenwu Battalion don't seem to be enough to scare people.

If people think that there are not many of them and want to counterattack and regain the coastline, it will be troublesome.

He was just there to scare people, not really to fight them desperately.

It seems that we need to bring some people over there.

He frowned and pondered for a while, and then said decisively: "Pass down Zuma and Asuzu."

At this moment, the two of them were directing the soldiers of the Shenwu Battalion to build the docks, warehouses, forts, and forts near the port docks. Naturally, they came at a very fast speed.

After a while, the two came to the study, bowed their hands together and said, "See Your Majesty."

Taichang nodded slightly, and then solemnly said: "I originally wanted you to build docks, warehouses, forts, and forts here.

However, the next battle is our first battle in Europe, which is quite important.

I want to bring more people over there to frighten these European colonial robbers.

How about, why don't you lead 40 Black God Army to run with me? "


They just want to experience actual combat.

As a result, every time it was the Shenji Camp, the Shenwu Camp, or even the Southeast Camp and the Nanyang Camp, they didn't even get a chance to do it.

This time I finally have a chance.

Both of them clasped their hands excitedly and said, "Your Majesty, we will go with you."

Taichang nodded slightly, and then confessed: "That line, the docks, warehouses, forts, and forts will be stopped first. You have a good rest these days, and when the 30 Indian tribes come by horses, you will lead the army to go out with me. .”

Both Zuma and Atlante bowed their hands without hesitation: "I will understand in the end."

The landing operation is almost planned, and the next step is to wait for the 30 Indian tribes to come.

Lisbon is less than [-] miles away from the New Yindu Islands. It took them seventeen or eight days last time because they were not familiar with the route.

This time Zhang Yuanfang should be familiar with the road, and it is estimated that it will take about a month to make a round trip.

It has taken nearly half a month for them to unload, expand the port, and investigate the enemy's situation. It is estimated that in about half a month, the fleet led by Zhang Yuanfang will also return.

Sure enough, within exactly one month, Zhang Yuanfang came back with a huge fleet.

This time he brought not only 30 horses from the Indian tribe, but also Peng Bin, Du Linzheng, Desilao and Hangoria, and hundreds of boats with various building materials. They also brought over a thousand Spike warships.

At the port dock where the dreadnought ship docked, Taichang greeted everyone and couldn't help asking: "How is it, Yanru, Bozheng, have the factories in Xinma City started?"

Peng Bin quickly introduced: "Your Majesty, the factories over there have started operation, and the output of cement and steel there now exceeds that of the cement and steel factories in Wubei City, and the output of pig iron is frighteningly high.

Also, the shipyard over there can produce [-] Spike warships a month, and the Spike warships brought over this time were built by Xinmacheng Shipyard. "

No wonder suddenly there were a thousand more Spike warships, but he didn't order Qi Panzong to bring the Spike warships over.

Taichang nodded slightly, and said gratifiedly: "Very well, it's good that the factories in Xinmacheng are fully open.

I am planning to build a large base for land and water troops in this harbor. In the future, all the goods sold to the European side will be transported here. You should take a walk along the harbor in the past few days and draw a plan for me. . "

Peng Bin and Du Linzheng hurriedly cupped their hands and said, "I understand."

Immediately afterwards, Taichang recruited Desilao and Hangoria to explain it in detail. The general meaning was to let them secretly recruit troops and place them in various cities in Portugal to prepare for the restoration of the country.

Once Felipe IV turns against Daming, Guan Bao taught him to lose Portugal and Spain!

(End of this chapter)

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