Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 867 Amsterdam Peace Talks

Chapter 867 Amsterdam Peace Talks

France actually asked for peace talks!

This sudden victory not only confused Taichang, but also King Felipe IV of Spain.

What does it mean to request peace talks?
That's a euphemism for surrender.

Colonial robbers are like this. If they can't beat them, they ask for peace talks.

This means, I admit defeat, I surrender, it doesn't matter if I pay compensation or cede land, it doesn't matter.

In short, I won't play this time, and I will play next time.

Of course, this is only the case among European colonial robbers, because they are all related by blood.

For example, the first queen of Philip IV was the sister of Louis XIII, and the first queen of Louis XIII was the sister of Philip IV.

Their descendants are aunts and cousins, so they should not be too close.

This kind of thing is a common phenomenon between the European royal family and the royal family, and almost all the orthodox European nobles are related by blood.

Naturally, those who don't know how to fight among themselves will die or live. Generally, the fight is almost done. If you feel that you can't win, admit defeat, pay some money, and cut some land.

Anyway, it was only civilian soldiers who died. The nobles should still enjoy themselves, and they should go to relatives and relatives. There is no need to beat you to death.

However, they are not the same for countries outside continental Europe.

That is to kill if you can kill it, if you can't kill it, you will have to cede the land and pay compensation, and then continue beating until you are killed!

This kind of thing has happened in China in history, and the Eight-Nation Allied Forces don't know how much flesh and blood they cut off in China.

Although this has not happened now, Taichang still remembers this grudge in his heart, so he is also going to catch these colonial bandits and cut them off.

He just didn't expect that he would surrender and stop playing!

Will these guys really lie down and be slaughtered?
Taichang really expressed doubts, so the answer he gave was that peace talks are possible, but they have to come to Amsterdam to talk.

At this moment, there are two dreadnoughts and a hundred Aegis ships parked in the port of Amsterdam, and there are as many as a thousand armed merchant ships and Spike warships.

Moreover, the city and the fort are under their control, and he is not afraid of these colonial robbers playing tricks at all.

Naturally, King Felipe IV of Spain had no objection. He really didn't want to handle the peace talks by himself. It would be too troublesome to receive those envoys.

Anyway, he can share half of the meat cut by the Ming Empire, and the emperor of the Ming Empire must cut more meat than he does.

After all, the entire Continental royal family and the royal family are related by blood, so it's really hard for him to do it himself and catch them to death.

The Emperor of the Ming Empire was different. He had no blood relationship with them, so he could cut them off as he wanted, without any scruples at all.

He didn't even send an orthodox aristocrat as a negotiator, the negotiator he sent was Admiral Oquendo.

As for France and the Netherlands, they can't help it either.

This battle cannot be fought any longer, and they will be in danger of subjugating the country if they continue to fight.

Duke Richelieu and Moritz could only send representatives to Amsterdam to contact the Ming Empire to discuss peace talks.

The representatives they sent took small ships similar to Spike warships, and the Dutch were very familiar with their native waterways, so it took less than a day for the representatives of the two countries to arrive in Amsterdam.

This time, Taichang was a little confused again.

Didn't the anti-Habsburg coalition ask for peace talks? Why did they send representatives from France and the Netherlands?

Moreover, they are not here to negotiate peace, but to discuss peace talks.

What's going on here?

He originally wanted Zhang Zhiji and Xu Yunzhen to talk to them.

This time, he personally met the representatives of the two countries.

Of course, he still wouldn't meet these guys on the Monarch.

At this moment, the follow-up large fishing boats also came. He found one at random, asked Jin Yiwei to arrange it a little bit, and then ordered people to bring the representatives of the two countries over.

The representatives of the two countries were also in a daze at the moment.

Of course, it wasn't that they didn't know what to do and they were in a daze. They were intimidated by the Ming Empire's fleet.

The fleet of the Ming Empire is not so scary from a distance, and they have never had the opportunity to see the warships of the Ming Empire up close before.

Because their telescopes have a limited viewing distance, basically the fleet of the Ming Empire has fired, and they still can't see what their warships look like.

This time they entered the pier where the Ming Empire fleet docked and boarded their ship.

Although they were not boarding warships, they were surrounded by warships of the Ming Empire.

The huge Emperor, the ferocious iron-clad battleship, and the densely packed artillery are simply too terrifying!

Why are these two guys in a daze?
Taichang glanced at Zhang Zhiji, and Zhang Zhiji immediately reprimanded him in Spanish: "Bold, why don't you kneel down immediately after seeing our Emperor of the Ming Empire!"

kneel down?

They came to discuss with others, so they naturally understand Spanish.

Question, what kind of etiquette is this kneeling?
When the two heard the words, they glanced at each other and really knelt down.

However, they all knelt on one knee, stroked their chests and saluted, "See His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Empire."

Okay, no matter one knee or both knees, as long as you can kneel down.

Taichang raised his hand slightly, signaling for both of them to get up and answer, and then couldn't help asking: "Why are you the representatives of the two countries, and the representatives of other countries?"

The French representative quickly explained: "Your Majesty, now we, France and the Netherlands, want peace talks. We don't know whether other countries want peace talks."

Are you playing with me?
The anti-Habsburg alliance, including the Bohemian rebels, seems to have a total of eight countries, right?

Now, as long as your two countries want peace talks, is this called surrender?
Taichang couldn't help but said with a cold face: "This means that other countries have to clean up before they agree to surrender, right?"

The representative of France said cautiously: "We really don't know about this. Our Highness the Duke wants to ask you, Daming, to temporarily open the waterway so that our clippers can take people to other countries to discuss and see if they are willing to participate. peace talk."

This means, it is very likely to fight again?
These colonial robbers really deserve a beating!
The problem is, he didn't plan to fight any land battles with them this time, and he didn't bring many soldiers from the Shenji Battalion and Shenwu Battalion.

After the Netherlands is occupied, even the Black God Army dedicated to defense is not enough.

It seems that we can only threaten them first. If they are unwilling to surrender, then send the navy fleet to bombard them until they surrender!

Thinking of this, Taichang coldly threatened: "We can open the waterway for you, you go and tell other countries that Daming also wants to continue to fight against them and wipe them all out!
My plan is to destroy Britain first, then Bohemia, then Denmark and Sweden, and finally send the army to attack from the north and the south to destroy Tsarist Russia and the Oslo Empire.

If they want to fight, then go ahead, just in time, our Ming Dynasty still wants to expand its territory. "

This guy is too crazy, do you want to dominate the whole world?
Of course, the French representative dared not ask such a question.

He could only say cautiously: "Okay, Your Majesty the Emperor, we will definitely convey your words."

These two guys seem to come to discuss this.

Now that the discussion is over, there is nothing more to say.

Taichang waved his hand slightly and said: "Okay, you should quickly send the clippers to inform other countries.

Tell them, I only give them two months, if they don't agree to surrender, then go to war. "

In fact, he didn't want to start the peace talks right away, because there were too many prisoners and supplies in the Netherlands, and they hadn't finished transshipment yet.

If he didn't send the Aegis ship to transfer the prisoners, even if he used thousands of armed merchant ships, he could transfer [-] prisoners, and this place is about [-] miles away from Portugal, and it would take ten days to transfer them.

In other words, it will take at least fifty days for him to scrape off all the land in the Netherlands.

He's not in a rush right now, just take his time.

If the other countries of the Anti-Habsburg Alliance did not surrender, he would really send a fleet to bombard them wildly. Anyway, they have a lot of ammunition, and they can't use up any bombing!
So, will the other countries of the anti-Habsburg alliance be willing to surrender?

Other countries don't know that the UK is so scared that it's about to pee its pants.

Because Calais is less than thirty miles away from the British mainland!
They didn't even need binoculars to see the huge fleet of the Ming Empire turning around in the Strait of Dover.

Although the Ming Empire went to fight the Netherlands first, who knows how long the Netherlands can last.

If the Ming Empire destroyed the Netherlands, their next target would most likely be them.

The first people sent by the Duke of Richelieu arrived in England.

No way, Britain is too close to them, as long as the Ming Empire does not block their fast boat, they can reach London in half a day.

When Charles I heard that France had sent someone, he recruited them to the palace in a hurry.

He was really in a hurry.

Because after the Ming Empire occupied Calais, he didn't even know how the battle was going.

As soon as the envoy sent by the Duke of Richelieu finished his salute, he couldn't wait to ask: "How are you doing? Where did Spain go, and where did the Ming Empire go?"

The French envoy said without concealment: "Spain has already reached Pana, which is less than a hundred kilometers away from Paris, and the Ming Empire has occupied the entire territory of the Netherlands."

Charles I couldn't help being shocked: "Has the Netherlands been occupied by the Ming Empire so soon?"

The French envoy introduced in detail: "In fact, the Netherlands was occupied by the Ming Empire within ten days, and the Ming Empire captured most of the Dutch civilians as slaves.

If Count Moritz of Nassau hadn't seen the opportunity quickly and fled to our France with the rest of the civilians, it is estimated that all the Dutch civilians would be taken as slaves at this moment. "

The Ming Empire is so ruthless!
Charles I was frightened and quickly asked: "What did the Duke of Richelieu say, what should we do next?"

The French envoy said bluntly: "Our Royal Highness and Earl Moritz of Nassau both feel that if we continue to fight, we may be destroyed by Spain and the Ming Empire, so our Royal Highness and Earl Moritz decided to ask for peace talks.

We have already contacted Spain and the Ming Empire, and they have agreed to negotiate with us, and the venue for the peace talks is Amsterdam. "

Surrender so soon?

When Charles I heard the words, he couldn't help hesitating: "There will be a price to pay for the peace talks. The Duke of Richelieu really decided to negotiate peace with the Ming Empire and Spain?"

The French envoy nodded without hesitation: "Yes, His Royal Highness has said that whether you like it or not, France and the Netherlands will negotiate peace with the Ming Empire and Spain.

His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty also said that you will be given two months to continue fighting if you do not surrender, and you will be the first to destroy Britain! "

When Charles I heard this, he couldn't help but tremble with fright.

The Netherlands is now the overlord of the sea. They were wiped out by the Ming Empire without holding on for ten days. How long can they hold on to the UK?

If you can't beat it, you have to surrender!

Although he didn't want to, he could only nod dejectedly and said, "Okay, tell the Ming Empire that our UK will send representatives to participate in the peace talks in two months' time."

The United Kingdom, France, and the Netherlands have all been persuaded. The anti-Habsburg alliance is equivalent to surrendering in half, and the rest is a little stronger than Sweden.

The question is, the strongest Britain, France and the Netherlands can't handle it anymore, so what can they do?
Are you really going all out with the Ming Empire?
That is courting death!
In the end, the eight countries of the Anti-Habsburg Alliance were persuaded, and they all agreed to send representatives to participate in the Amsterdam peace talks.

(End of this chapter)

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