Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 877 Bringing Economic Colonization to Continental Europe

Chapter 877 Bringing Economic Colonization to Continental Europe

In the study room in the front hall of the Emperor, Taichang stared at the map of Europe in front of him, and his mind was full of thoughts.

If he brings more troops this time, will he be able to wipe out all the countries of the anti-Habsburg alliance?
This is really bad.

It might be possible if continental Europe had the same cuisine as France and Holland.

However, he also learned from Oquendo later that France is not as good as it appears on the surface.

The Duke of Richelieu or Louis XIII should have wanted to surrender a long time ago, so he took the initiative to shrink his troops near Paris and did not make any desperate resistance.

Obviously, they are not really vulnerable, they just want to preserve their strength.

As for the Netherlands, it is not good compared to other countries in continental Europe.

They were just unlucky, they happened to run into the Daming Marine Division who defeated them.

Almost all of the combat power of the Netherlands is on the water. Whether it is in the open sea or in the inland waterway, they can be said to be invincible in Europe.

It's a pity that they met the invincible Daming navy. In front of the invulnerable dreadnoughts and Aegis ships, the Dutch navy is nothing. Rubbish.

Therefore, the reason why Daming was able to win this time also had a lot of luck.

They just met France, which wanted to preserve their strength, and the Netherlands, which was naturally restrained by Ming, and they achieved such an astonishing record, frightening the anti-Habsburg alliance.

If people really fight with Daming desperately, maybe the coastal port city of Daming can be taken down, but it is not so easy to really push inland.

France's random fights cost Spain hundreds of thousands of casualties. If they were really desperate, Daming would probably have to pay at least hundreds of thousands of casualties.

This is just France, and other countries may be a little worse than France, and it is estimated that the difference is not too much.

In other words, if the anti-Habsburg alliance really wanted to fight to the death with Ming, Ming would have to pay at least 50 casualties.

Calculated in this way, he would have to mobilize at least a million people from the Shenji Battalion and Shenwu Battalion.

It's a pity that he doesn't have so many people at his disposal right now.

It's a real pity this time, he wasn't ready to destroy the anti-Habsburg alliance at all.

Next time, they have to face Spain and the Holy Roman Empire.

The two great powers of the Habsburg dynasty should be about the same strength as the entire anti-Habsburg alliance, otherwise, they would not have been able to fight against the anti-Habsburg alliance for so long.

In other words, next time he would have to bring at least 200 million troops to defeat these European bandits!

Moreover, they have already developed steam ships, and next time they may even have iron-clad warships, and it will be even more difficult to fight.

This is really a bit of a headache.

He was sighing to himself, when Cao Huachun walked in suddenly, bowed his hands and said, "Your Majesty, the fleet of Daming Western Company is here."

These guys are finally here.

Hearing this, Taichang couldn't help standing up suddenly, and walked out quickly.

At this time, thousands of armed merchant ships of the Daming Western Company were waiting near a row of piers.

No way, there are too many ships rented and assembled in Lisbon at this moment. Although they have expanded the port terminal, it is still not enough. The port terminal enough to dock more than [-] ships is basically full. .

If the armed merchant ships of Daming Western Company wanted to go to the pier to unload their cargo, they had to wait for the merchant ships that were originally docked at the pier to unload all the goods they had delivered.

Fortunately, the pier where the Monarch docked was relatively empty.

This dock, which is enough to dock ten large ships, only docked one Emperor and three dreadnoughts in total.

A Flying Dragon battleship has already come over and slowly approached the pier.

When the hanging ladder was lowered, Zheng Chenggong, Sheng Huaixuan, De Xieira, Carlinio and others stepped down immediately, all bowed their hands together and said, "See the emperor."

These two guys are here too!

Taichang raised his hand slightly, and then asked, "How is it? How is the situation in South America?"

Carinho couldn't help but excitedly said: "Your Majesty, we have already won the Governor's District of Peru. There are many gold, silver and copper mines there. This time we made a fortune."

He already knew that there were many copper mines in the Viceroyalty of Peru. He just didn't expect that there were also many gold and silver mines there.

Now it's all right, I don't think there is any need to bring 500 million jin of silver a year from Daming mainland.

Hearing this, Taichang couldn't help smiling and said, "Yes, yes, Ziru, send someone to call Zhongyong and Desilao over."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand and said, "Let's go, let's get on the boat first."

Soon, he brought everyone to a conference room in the front hall and sat down.

He waved his hand again and ordered someone to offer tea, and then continued to ask: "De Xie La, how are your troops injured?"

De Xie La hurriedly explained: "Your Majesty, there are basically no casualties among the subordinates.

Because we engaged in sneak attacks from the very beginning, and removed those relatively remote colonial strongholds one by one.

Later, we disguised ourselves as Spanish colonists and entered the city directly in the large strongholds. Before they could react, we took them down. "

Oh, this guy, he has learned the trick of sneak attack so well!

Hearing this, Taichang couldn't help but nodded slightly and said: "Well, it's good that there are no casualties. We may have to speed up the progress next, because Philip IV may turn against us at any time."

When Carlinio heard this, not only was he not afraid, but he was pleasantly surprised: "Your Majesty, what do you mean, we are going to do it?"

You think beautifully!

Taichang shook his head slightly and said: "It's still early to start, we have to make complete preparations before we can do it, otherwise, the current good situation will be wasted.

By the way, is your family business still running? How much profit can you make in a year? "

Hearing this, Carinho couldn't help sighing slightly: "Weichen's family business is still going on, but the goods are too difficult to transport, and they can earn a million taels a year, barely enough to support the entire family's expenses. .”

How big is your family?

A million taels can barely maintain the expenses of your entire family!

Taichang couldn't help but asked curiously: "How many people are there in your family?"

Uh, this.

Carinho said embarrassingly: "Our family only has a few dozen people, but we employ more people. After all, this business is not just waiting to collect money. It's about shipping, delivering, storing, and selling goods. Wait, there are too many people needed."

You need a lot of people, right?

At this time, Wang Chong and Desilao also came over.

Taichang directly raised his hand to let them sit down, and then solemnly said: "Carinho, don't do your family's business, and directly hand it over to Desilao to take over.

After the people in your family hand over the business, they will go to South America to help you control the colony there.

As for the profit, don’t worry about this small amount of money. In the past few years, we have divided the mineral output of the American colonies in half. When the settlement is almost done, we will help the Indian tribes there to establish a tribal alliance-style country. .

At that time, they will share half of the profit, and we will divide it in half, and each will get [-]% and half. "

What a bargain, if all the mineral deposits in the colonies in the Americas are fully developed, the income will be at least tens of millions of taels a year, even if it is divided in half, it will be at least 3000 to [-] million taels!

A million taels are exchanged for 3000 million taels. If you don’t exchange them, you’d be a fool.

Carinho nodded repeatedly and said, "Okay, Your Majesty, I will write a letter later, and Desilau just needs to take my letter to take over the business over there."

He can't go back to Spain at this moment, because Felipe IV thought he was fighting secretly with the Duke of Braganza in the Viceroyalty of Brazil.

As for their attack on the Viceroyalty of Peru, Felipe IV didn't know yet.

Because the Viceroyalty of Peru is on the west coast of South America, if they want to spread the news, they have to go by water.

Question, the sea area north of the Peruvian Viceroyalty has been blocked by the Daming Navy.

On the surface, the members of the Daming Navy were fishing, but in fact, they blocked the waters north of the Peruvian Viceroyalty to prevent the Spanish colonial ships from passing by.

As for the south, the news could not come out.

Because it takes a detour of tens of thousands of miles to the south, and the east coast of South America is basically the area controlled by Daming.

Once they landed to resupply, they would be taken.

This Taichang has already been properly arranged. He doesn't want Felipe IV to receive the news, and it is impossible for Felipe IV to receive the news.

However, the Viceroyalty of Peru and the Governorate of La Plata in the south cannot always have no news at all. If it takes a long time, Felipe IV will definitely become suspicious.

Taichang thought for a while, and then confessed: "Well, after you go back this time, let the Duke of Braganza write a letter to Felipe IV, saying that many Portuguese rebelled and are going to the Viceroyalty of Peru. run.

You also wrote a letter to Felipe IV, saying that you are asking our Ming Dynasty to send troops to hunt down those Portuguese rebels.

Remember, take the Viceroy of La Plata as soon as possible, and then advance to the Governor of Granada. "

Carinho hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "I understand."

Taichang then said to De Silao: "After you take over Carinho's family business, try to buy as much land in Spain as possible, and make those spies identities Spanish."

Desilao hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "I understand."

Taichang then asked Zheng Zhilong, "Feihong, how many shopkeepers did you bring?"

Oh, the emperor finally remembered me.

Zheng Zhilong quickly introduced: "Your Majesty, according to your instructions, this time I have brought a total of six shopkeepers and fifty counter shopkeepers."

Taichang nodded slightly and said: "Well, the shopkeeper has enough manpower. As for the waiter, you can directly choose from Jinyiwei."

Uh, Jin Yiwei!
Hearing this, Zheng Zhilong couldn't help asking cautiously: "Your Majesty, are we here for business or for other things?"

Taichang said mysteriously: "You do your business, Jin Yiwei has other things, you don't have to worry about it.

This time we are going to give the colonial bandits of Europe an economic colonization and occupy all their markets! "

Uh, economic colonization?

Zheng Zhilong heard the words, and asked cautiously: "Your Majesty, please forgive me for being stupid, what is the meaning of this economic colonization?"

Taichang explained in detail: "The meaning of economic colonization is to use our strong production capacity to produce a large number of cheap goods, occupy the markets of European countries, and make their workshops or even factories no longer profitable.

In this way, their workshops or even factories will gradually close down, and the young and old without work will become cheap labor.

At that time, we can hire these laborers to mine or farm.

In short, the purpose of economic colonization is to make them unable to create anything, and Ming Dynasty cannot live without us. "

My God, this trick is really poisonous!

(End of this chapter)

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